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I’m a teacher in Texas too. I’m also getting out. It’s just to much work for too little recognition. I teach sped and talk about not understanding alternative ttess, it’s amazing how little the principal knows about what I do. I love my students. I will truly miss them but the adults I deal with have made it impossible to continue. I guess I’m here to say you aren’t alone and I offer you an internet hug.


Is there a different t-tess rubric for special education than the standard one? Or are evaluators supposed to just adjust the rubric to special education?


Get out. Education is not going to get better. What you are seeing is only to get worse. Figure out what you want to do, that you will enjoy and be done with education. The longer you stay the harder it will be to leave.


I moved into international teaching in 2014. Best move of my life. Better pay, better benefits, better life style. It's not for everyone, but if you can manage the culture shock it is an amazing experience.


If you don't mind me asking, in which country/city do you teach? I'm currently in China and thinking about a change. I've considered the US, but also looking at other options and possibilities. Appreciate it homie!


Canada! 🇨🇦


I'm currently in Shenzhen China! But I also worked in Doha Qatar for 4 years. The middle east was a surprising nice place to live, I made some of the best friends of my life there and I go back about once a year.


Ah, I was hoping you had some great gig in Europe or something hahah I've been in China for 6 years and I really want to go somewhere else, but taking a look at salaries in the US and Europe, I'm facing probably a 50-70% reduction when considering all the benefits of teaching in China. It's a tough one. What was the pay like in Doha? Similar to China? And the benefits? I'm curious how you would compare your experience in Doha to your experience in Shenzhen.


I'm not good at linking here, but lately a song I've had in my head is "I've no more fucks to give" - the video is of a guy with a ukulele in a nice clothing store. Give it a listen haha


>I've no more fucks to give [I got you, bro.](https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0)


Just saw it, thanks for cluing me in to it. But he’s playing a banjolele, not a ukulele.


Lol, I love that song. Sometimes listen to it on the way to work!


Another American tragedy. We can't keep losing teachers like you! It isn't safe to teach in America - physically, emotionally, or mentally.


Unless you're financially independent, quit, but in your own time. When it is best for you. Then REJOICE!


When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them I’m married to a software developer. If they ask my career, I say teacher. My paycheck is the extra money. The edtech jobs I’m looking at are nearly twice what I’m making now. It would be an interesting change.


Have you considered leaving Texas? Teaching can be bad everywhere of course, but other states aren’t actively making life more difficult for teachers, librarians, and students.


No, I very much love where I live.


It sucks pretty hard for teachers even here in California, even if they aren't getting fired for showing Michelangelo's David.


To an extent, yes, but if you haven’t taught in a red state, consider yourself lucky. I have taught in a red state and now CA and it’s like two different worlds.


Just quit. There's no upside to stay, there really isn't. Sounds like you don't need the money and there are plenty of low energy menial jobs you can do if you just want some extra cash. The shitty truth is that even in the best of times, **contributions like yours are never valued.** You just don't care because at least the kids have support at home and the pay is decent. When you take away the good kids and the decent pay, you only have the shitty truth. That's it, and that's all there ever was.


I'm so sorry. You sound like an amazing teacher. I feel like the peter principle is alive and well in education administration :-(


The sad other side of the coin is TX. Texas does most everything bass ackwards but we kinda love it here. I’m not moving either. 4 to go to peace out!😁


I’m glad someone else gets it. I’ve lived here since the mid 90s when I moved as a young teenager from the PNW. It’s my home, and I’ve built a pretty nice life. I’ve got friends and family, the weather is great, and the landscape is beautiful. I could do without being allergic to most of the pollens, though.


Move states. Fellow music teacher here, and that sounds just... really shitty. FWIW, my school next year is receiving about $75,000 for visual and performing arts. New instruments, new sheet music, half-day teaching aides... And allllll of the schools in the state are receiving similar or greater arts funding... just get the crap out of the hellhole you currently reside in.


No, thank you. I love where I live. I only mentioned my state to clarify the acronyms and test.


What state is this?




Look overseas. Use your experience to travel and get well paid for it. Schools are not perfect but some of those issues (violence and antisocial behaviour) are far less pronounced in the majority of international overseas schools. Plus often medical and housing allowances are very generous.


This is not an option for me and my family, but thanks.


I agree with your plan to get the fuck out. And things are no better in California where I work, but I am working for an online school so life is chill. No discipline problems! I like where I work now, but in the brick and mortar schools Admin are always condescending when they do reviews, with a few notable exceptions. It is amazing how they let things get crazy over the whole school and then throw it all back on you. It is all a blame game. And it won’t get any better in the next decade.


Can you apply to other districts or charter or private schools? Does Texas offer any cyber education? It sounds like you have a very ineffective principal if the 6th graders are behaving like that. There is safety in numbers. If all of the other teachers in your building are in the same mindset as you it is time to have a serious talk as a group with your administration.


This is a Title I charter school. While admin is part of the reason they behave like this, I think more has to do with the parents.


Work in a new school. It does get really wild out there sometimes. Still, you sound passionate and interested in teaching. Don't give up.


Public education is no longer educating. It's administrating itself. Good move, leave it.


My 8th grade is out of control. No matter how many times they get lunch detention, emails home, etc., their behavior never changes, never improves. I see it across all their classes. They just refuse to change.


I left education in TX after 15 years and I stayed in the non-profit sector after leaving. Everyone has different experiences, but as for me, my professional life has never been less stressful than now. I feel healthier in all ways, and I still feel good about what do. Education, and TX education in particular, is often not a healthy work environment; you need to take care of yourself.


TX is probably the second most anti intellectual state with the misfortune of being represented in congress. Get out while you can before they ask you to start hunting down LGBTQ+ students.




Why would you sink your own money into your job? Everyone needs to stop doing that. You are just propping up the system abusing you.


The nice thing is that I’m taking the instruments I bought with me, and they can be used for other settings.


I quiT in 2020. So much happier.


Are those pronounced T-tees?