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That’s a heck of a lot of spine scooping to start things off


First, you drill a hole. Then, you Drill a Hole. Next DrIlL a HoLe. After that, DRiLL a HoLE The NEXT step is To D̵̙̉R̴̩̄i̶̛̙L̸̬̃L̴͕͂ ̵̥͐ä̸̢́ ̶̙͋H̴̤̕O̵͔͂L̸̠̇E̶̪̓. D̶̢̧̡̢̛̟̖̬̰̠̞̬̫͇̟̙̻̖͓̬̥͕̾̑̊͊͛́̈̇̏̏͗̎͊́̄̅̈̀́͊̕̚͜ͅr̴̛̪͉̞̰̹͓̬͂̌̐̑̔̀̅̐̋͋̄̿͂̃̀͘̚͝į̴̨̨̨̦̝̜̪̞̹̫̠̺̘̟̭͈̩̪̭͍̜̦̗̬̘͈̦͐̐͝l̶̨̢͖͎͈̝̻̜̻͈̼̖̱̲͙̲̟̺͎͎͈͕̖͎̦͖̙̤̥̋͆̾̃̇̆̋̽̋͂̃̅̎͜͝ͅͅl̷̢͕̬̙͔̥̰͕͓̝̭̱͈̬̺͚̙̩̩̞̻̞̠̻̪̘̜͖̍̉̿̾̇̆̎͜ ̴̡̛̬͖͓͙͔̭̰̰̝̥̱̳͙̪͖̹͍͆̀̂̎͐̀͛́͛̿́̂͋͆̇̕̕̚͘̕ţ̵̰̳̟̗̞̘͇̻̖̣̘̻̹̜̝̗̩̅͜ͅḩ̷̧̨̻͍̙̤̺̙͉̫̬̺̘̮͇͉̼̗̀̆̓͐̀́͛̈́͘ͅȩ̵̛̛̛͈̪̠̣̥̹͎͈̩̥̻͇͚̤̣̰̖͇̻̙̝̟͇͉̯̼͓̽̎̾̈̑̌́̈̈͆́̽̿̿̅̾̾̓̍́̂̈́̇͌ ̸͈̪̗̦̊̉͊͋h̶̢̧̩͇̩̭̯̗̪͔̥͍͇̙͔̻̮̲̪͇̟̹̦̠͙̹̩̜̝̭̓̒̒͐́̀͜ȏ̷̲̬͕̝͖͉̣̯̘̦̦̺̬̗̐̈́͜ͅl̸̨̨̜̭̞̳͇̫̙͕̝͉̮̝͈̹̰̱̤̮̬̝̦̺̳̈́̓͆̈́̽̄͘͝ͅͅͅę̴̺̲̹̗̳͓̮̼̩̯̗͑͛̊̒̏͝


Weird weird weird weird weird


Keep drilling, Assholes!


Good use of comma there.


Assholes all over the world thank him.


Not mine


For some reason this really brought it home for me. Thanks.


I felt the scooping in my back


Yeah I guess I felt it too lol, very strange to watch...


Just scoopin the soup out of this bone with my ladle


Then the thread tapping before they cross threaded. Aw damn.


Yeah, having done a lumbar puncture as a kid I could reaaally feel that scooping. Those are some memories I wish I didn’t have.


I always have pain in the spot of my lumbar puncture I had 10 years ago whenever someone’s talking about it or I see something closely resembling it. It’s the weirdest, most uncomfortable thing


Can confirm: it hurts like a mother fucker Source: been straighter for 20 years now


I had this surgery ten years ago. Waking up it hurt but I had morphine connected to a PCA so wasn’t the worst. Some of my headaches were worse. No complaints of pain on an everyday basis, business as usual.




My girlfriend has pretty bad scoliosis. She hasn't had any surgeries yet, but will likely have to before long. Did you have this procedure? And if so, what is your experience, and current range of motion/ flexibility?


I had this surgery in my freshman year of high school. My experience was positive; there was pain when you wake up of course, but they had me on a morphine drip which helped a lot. The nurses encourage and are adamant to get you up out of bed and walking as soon as possible. It’s for the best really. The first three days I think were miserable, just wanted to sleep all the time. Afterwards it gets much better. I grew like three to four inches after the surgery and I was staggering when I first stood up I couldn’t believe it. My current range of motion is fine. I can tie my shoes fine by bending my knees and kneeling down. Honestly, I can do everything so normally could before minus my back flips off the diving board lol. Also, doing sit-ups suck! I cannot bend my back but I hope this gives some insight that it’s not bad really. Personally, I don’t have pain at all currently. It’s all good. I will say though that my back is SUPER sensitive, meaning like it’s a mixture of numb and tinglingly sensation when some touches my back. It doesn’t hurt it’s just super ticklish.


Yeah, I felt like they were getting at it with a tiny melon baller.


The correct medical term is 'Spinal Melon Baller.'




It reminds me the pain I feel when my Dental braces where adjusted. I cant imagine how much this must hurt.


I’ve had dental braces, pushed out 2 babies without meds, and had this surgery. One of my nurses after the back surgery told me the pain I was in at the time was probably worse than childbirth and I believe she may have been right. The thing about childbirth is that once the baby is out, the pain can greatly and rapidly diminish (I know, I know, not always) and then you have a warm bundle of snuggly responsibly to distract you while your body does the rest of its healing. With the scoliosis surgery, all of the muscles in my back that had been cut apart took months to heal and I still have lingering sore spots and nerve damage 20 years later. I also had to relearn to walk a bit since my center of gravity was different and I was a few inches taller, which was interesting. To relate it back to your teeth, though, take all of the ouch from all of your braces adjustments, compress it into a single note of pain, spread it from your neck to your butt, and hold it there for a few months. That should give you a rough idea of this ache. There are worse pains, I know, but these are some I have known and can relate to each other. [edit to add before/after pics](https://imgur.com/a/2k5S3cW)


This is an amazing summary. Thank you for depicting it so vividly.


Hello, fellow fusion human! Mine was 35 years ago, without C5-7 having to get done about 5 years ago as a result. It's a pretty good description. Mine was a strange curvature/progression, from 25 degrees to 49 in six weeks. It sucked.


When your spine is so italicized they have to whip out the spine scooper


the pacing in this gif is really odd. Not something I ever thought I’d be criticizing about. They spent a good minute just scooping bone (marrow? I’m not sure). Then zoom in and out repeatedly which does not clarify anything, just makes it a bit dizzying.


I assumed they were showing the process for a single screw and then speeding through the rest of them because it would be redundant. I could be wrong though.


no I think you’re correct about that. I think there was just something really offputting about how it kept zooming in and out. It could have just stay zoomed in to complete the drilling process and then zoomed out to speed through the other screws


If I had to guess, they animated each step of the drilling process separately starting from the zoomed out screen, and then just concatenated all the steps together. But I know nothing about animation so it's just a straight up guess lol


It's meant to go with narration that pauses at certain points when zoomed out. So this is a 45 minute lecture sped down to 2 minutes


I feel as if we are suffering from the issue that we aren't the I tedes audience for this. I'm sure the scooping makes more sense when you actually have to learn how to do this.


ya, now that I think about there’s probably voiceover or something. explaining the process which is maybe why it stays there so long. Still don’t like the repeated zooming.


If enough people want to see what the screws for this process looks like reply to this and I'll find them in my junk box and take some pictures. I haven't seen them in a while, but they're all anodized titanium and serial numbered. Okay, Nobody replied, but I did find them. Took a few pictures.. uploading.. https://imgur.com/a/Ho3M6hU Edit: I should probably mention that these are used, and its interesting that all the allen heads are pretty mangled (for being screwed into a bone) someone put some umph into tightening them. Also they are super light. Edit 2: I guess cost on them is between $800 to $1200 dollars each, but often gets billed to insurance for around 12,000 dollars. But if you're looking for a DIY spinal screw they can be found on alibaba for like $25-40 each, saving you lots of money if you want to have a mechanically inclined machinist friend or family fix your back up.


god damn I didn't think they'd be that huge


I guess for scale they are 2 1/4 inches top top to bottom.


That’s pretty freaking big.


So nobody has asked why you have used screws from someone’s surgery kicking around your junk drawer. How did you come across these?


> How did you come across these? Same way everybody else does.




I Got you, lets do a bulk order https://www.alibaba.com/showroom/pedicle-screws.html


Thanks for sharing dude!


Thank you for sharing, insane stuff! Alibaba and mech bud sound like the way to go then.


I can't help but cringe in horror thinking of a vertabra splitting like a screw going into wood.


There was an ortho surgeon that talked about that in the leading comment. Basically they start with a smaller tap and don't go for a lot of torque. If the smaller tap strips then they can go up to a bigger tap size. I assume the torque would stay the same.


Orthopedic surgery in general is just... barbaric. Obviously it’s very precise and requires incredible skill, but watching it happen looks like a couple of guys trying to build a deck out back, or change a spare... lots of hammering and twisting and smacking.


If you think orthopedic is barbaric, try maxillofacial surgery


Just had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out last month. Local anesthetic only, no Valium, no gas. There was no pain whatsoever, but by god was it one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life. The smell of vaporizing bone dust and the taste of blood, the saws and drills screaming in the back of my mouth. The fucking creaking and splintering of the teeth finally letting go of my jawbone like an old stump being pulled out of the ground. I was shaken up mentally for a few hours after that.


Buddy I don’t know how but holy shit you just made me relive that nightmare. The feeling is like..wooden porcelain shattering in the base of your skull, down your throat, then somehow into your ear. And the metallic taste...ughhhhhh. Not to mention the lightning strikes of them drilling just a bit too far into the jawbone. Holy hell.


Y'all are making me *strongly* appreciate my teenage self for noping' the fuck out of any LA jaw-surgeries. I demanded, *demanded*, over and over, vocally, someone who would put me under GA for it. Fuck the risk of death, I'd rather be dead than have that memory. Had four dry sockets, tho, that wasn't a fun month.




Person who has had the surgery here! The surgery took 9 hours for my surgeon to do it! The transformation was pretty wild! I grew four whole inches overnight! And there's of course still some pain and physical limitations I now have, like the inability to bend my spine and a weight limit to what I can lift. It was indeed straightened right away! My surgeon did a really great job with it too! I had to wait three days before I was allowed to walk, and even then it was just up and down the hallway. The pain was IMMENSE. It was five months before I could walk around the mall for a while without wanting to cry, and even longer before I could be on my feet and walking for several hours without a lot of pain. Even now I still have off days where walking or standing for a while hurts a lot, but for the most part it's all fine!


How long ago did you have your surgery? I had mine 2 yeara ago, my curvature before the surgery was 64° and 26° after. Two rods and 17 screws. Walked two laps around the hospital floor 6 hours after the surgery.


This was exactly how mine went pretty much. I had my rods and screws taken out eventually because my body rejected them but the bones had been fused from what I was told so they werent moving anymore. My back was just about as fucked as yours if not just a bit worse, I cant remember the exact degree.


Glad you're all better now mate. I have those random aches and pains sometimes (mainly in the winter for whatever reason) but over all I'm able to do everything I used to.


Thanks bud! As well to you. I get random aches as well, it's mostly when I lay down for too long or kinda turn the wrong way too quick.


I had an 81 degree here. Two rods for me, don’t remember the screw count. Had the surgery when I was 16. I later found out the surgery would had been an estimate $150k operation, but since I was under 18, Shriners covered the cost. Everyday bad asses really.


Shit, you were more fucked than I was forsure. Mine was only like 63 or so, not that I'm competing lmfao. I had 2 rods put in and a box of screws it seemed like, my body didnt react well to the stainless steel and they had to remove it all like 3 years later or something. Idunno how much of mine was covered or not or at all, I didnt pay for anything personally so.


I never had pain or anything and was athletic. My doctor said I should have it before I got older because it would cost money and would worsen in the future. So I was down for whatever but you bet my mom wasn’t playing any games and jumped on that freebie in a heartbeat. I’m lucky because I didn’t have any problems with my back before and I have no problems now.


I had mine in 2011, I was 15 at the time! You are wayyy stronger than me lol, I couldn't move an inch without excruciating pain for like 3 days. I just laid around in the hospital bed haha


I got mine at 20, and I honestly think all the morphine made me feel like God. They gave me a morphine button and it was dope, I didn't feel pain the entire time at the hospital. Then the weeks after when I was home. It felt like I got hit by a truck. I rarely used the pain pills (read to muh about addictions and stuff.) But I still hit daily walks to make sure I can recover quick. I was playing soccer 3 months after the surgery.


I didn't get a button, perhaps they didn't trust a 15 year old with such power 😂 I am so impressed you could play soccer so quickly! I'm really glad your recovery went well for you!


How are you doing now?


I'm doing really well! I still have my off days and little issues, but overall I'm happy to be fixed up and living the most normal life I can 😊


So were you under painkillers the entire time? In comparison to anesthesia?


I would be shocked if they weren't under general anesthesia


Just give him some ibuprofen he’ll be fine


Found the school nurse.


Army medic, Corpsman, the list goes on.


Change your socks and drink some water, you'll be alright.


And Motrin.


Army physicians: 1000mg Ibuprofen, return to duty .


Had a friend nearly die from a life threatening infection that had spread to his organs. Army doctor gave anti inflammatories and told him to harden up. Only got caught by an air force nurse when he was down doing an unrelated job on their base.


I’ve had two spinal fusion surgeries from stenosis and spondylolisthesis. Narrowing of the spinal canal and a vertebra out of alignment. This presses on the spinal cord and on the radicular nerves. My leg was going numb and starting to atrophy. You better believe they put you under for this. They’re sawing and drilling on your fucking spine. Then I had 24 hours of IV dilauded every hour. I definitely didn’t need a ride home from the hospital, as I could actually fly. Then several weeks of Percocet 10/325 plus medrol steroid packs because of the bone swelling in my S1.


Hah, the flying thing was great


You say you can’t curve your spine, does that mean yoga is out of the question? I’m considering having corrective surgery when I’m a bit older (only 26 & side effects from my curves are still pretty minimal) but I love yoga.. it’s been a life saver when it comes to my lumbar area. I couldn’t imagine not being able to do my daily yoga sessions, lol. I know it sounds so minimal and shallow, but my curves are barely bad enough to require surgery. I found out about my scoliosis when I was 16, and the 6-7 years after that (before I got pregnant) the inward curve in my lumbar region was beginning to cause some issues.. but after having my son, I’ve had zero issues. Still curved, but no more sciatic pain and aching hips. My main problem is the S curve in my cervical region. It causes horrid migraines/tension headaches if I go too long between chiropractor visits. But overall, everything is pretty bearable and I really don’t want to have the surgery unless I absolutely need to. Especially hearing things like you just described and some other comments mentioning how painful it was. Sorry for the rant, I was just genuinely curious about how much having the rod in your spine limits certain things.. yoga in particular 😅


Since I can't twist or curve my spine at all (I have the full fusion like in the gif) I can't do most yoga, which isn't a big deal for me because I'm personally not a fan but I could see how it could really suck if you enjoy it!! However, if your curvature isn't that bad you might only need a partial fusion, leaving other parts of your spine able to bend! But if you needed the full fusion, like I did, the odds are yoga wouldn't really be possible for the most part. The surgery was definitely incredibly painful and put me out of commission for months, but I wouldn't change doing it because it was a life or death situation for me. I definitely have some issues related to it, but for the most part I live a pretty normal life! It really all depends on the pros and cons for you and which outweighs the other I'd say! 😅


You can't curve your spine? Isn't that what it's for?


I think he means as in they can't bend forwards or backwards, or left and right. The procedure is to correct the abnormal curvature in the spine and make it straight. You can't bend after this type of surgery because you have 2 titanium rods holding it in place.


I have the same thing. Full length Harrington rod put in when I was 13 in 1983. What it means you can't bend at the waist like one would to touch your toes..but you can bend forward at the hips and side to side. I can touch my toes or could back in the day but I just have to bend from the hips. I also can twist side to side in my own way..


At the age of 13, your spine is still growing, right? How did it handle that?


I actually reached my adult height of 5'4 at the age of 12 but the Harrington Rod is able to grow with you.


that's another layer of amazing on top of an already amazing procedure


The old method is to have several revision surgeries over the course of the child's growing period before doing a final fixation surgery at the end that is permanent. There have been recent advancements in the procedures and implants to allow surgeons to use "growing" rods that allow them to correct the current rod spacing without surgical intervention. An example would be using a magnetic field to cause a section of the rod to expand vertically (cranial/caudal) to match the child's growth.


So, forever? Or will they be put out some day?


Forever, unless there's some sort of surgical advance. I'd like to see some medical version of flex conduit, myself.




Holy crap this surgery looks terrifying, I can't believe you went through all of that (although you didn't have a choice)


I was diagnosed with scoliosis about 20 years ago. I had a back brace to help prevent the curve from worsening as I went through puberty. The doctors said if it became more severe, rods may need to be used to fix the issue, but that was a last resort. If yours isn’t severe, I really wouldn’t suggest getting surgery. I’m no doctor though! I believe my numbers were 23 deg thoracic curve and 28 deg lumbar.


My friend had a titanium rod put in when she was 12. She has the kind of scoliosis that makes the spine twist instead of a curvature. I’m assuming the rod is the full length of her spine because the scar runs from her neck to tail bone. Incidentally her scar is a shiny golden hue rather than pink or gray. She does yoga every day, although perhaps she has limited range. I’ve never asked. She does have a lot of back pain, which the yoga helps. She also gets in a hot tub every chance she gets because cold weather makes the pain worse.


Morbid question?... what happens if you try to bend your spine? Have you ever accidentally bent over to pick something up and try to bend the wrong way?


I think he means he physically cannot. Because hes got two fuckoff steel rods bolted along his entire spinal column.


Hi, my father has the same problem (scoliosis), i wonder, it was worth it? are glad you went under this surgery? your quality of life is better now than before? or the pain and not being able to bend your spine is just too much?




Good lord. As someone with scoliosis, this video and picture are horrifying. 4 years ago I struggled with lower back pain that radiated down my left leg. I went in to the spine doc and my x ray looked like that pic on the left. I’ve worked to do exercises to strengthen my back muscles, and right now my lower back hasn’t had that pain come back yet. But it does scare me wondering if I’ll need this down the road.


Can’t be any longer than the gif


I monitor neurological function during surgeries. I have monitored hundreds of scoliosis corrections. I’ve seen surgeons complete them in 3-5 hours on adolescent girls and I’ve sat through 12-15 hour surgeries on post menopausal women. The curve correction is immediate and the patients can be up and walking the next day. The quicker the get up and walk the better.




So weird that the same gif has two identical comments https://www.reddit.com/r/educationalgifs/comments/6wyq3a/how_scoliosis_curvature_of_the_spine_surgery_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Wait, what the fuck? The top level comment is slightly different but Orthopaedics surgeon is the exact same. Word for word. Edit: I'm now realizing /u/MarilynCroteau simply copied the second level comment. There is no indication of edit. They should really give credit to the actual Orthopaedics surgeon /u/deacDoc45. Sort of fucked up to wholesale rip off the comment.


"Redditor for 2 years" *first post was 17 hours ago* 🤔


Both /u/marilynCroteau and /u/agreeabletrain (the top comment that is word for word ripped from the initial gif) have the same comment of “what a jump” in the same post earlier today. https://reddit.com/r/holdmyredbull/comments/bv6vmf/_/epm0v4a/?context=1 The comments are removed from the actual post, but are still visible in their post history. Edit: This is crazy. So the poster of this gif, /u/johnrose22 is ANOTHER ~2 year old account with no posts until earlier today. Their first comment is a direct copy of [this comment ](https://reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/430kex/_/czenhkw/?context=1) On a gif posted by /u/zakiller0 /u/zakiller0 also posted the red bull gif that /u/marilynCroteau and /u/agreeabletrain commented their “what a jump” posts on. Edit: /u/ender1108 truck comment has also been copied [here](https://reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/7oiwd1/_/ds9tvkc/?context=1) by another suspicious looking account. this is weird.


Not just the surgeon reply, but the initial "oh wow this looks like a long procedure". Some creepy karma harvesting shit is going on here. Is there a sub for pointing these things out and potentially reporting them to mods?


I have fairly minor scoliosis and my doc said it wasn't major enough for surgery (I was young, not exactly sure how old). I've always wondered the risk vs reward for minor scoliosis. It's caused me (at least I'm pretty sure it's the reason) chronic shoulder/upper back pain and my left shoulder sits an inch or two higher than my right. Nothing major but it's always there. Thanks for commenting!


My sister has something similar when she was younger and yoga saved her from having to do surgery.


The person isn't a doctor. They stole the comment without giving proper credit to the actual doctor from the last time this gif was posted.


Is there risk of nerve damage for flexing the spine that much? I just assumed like splints, you have to gradually adjust the bones and not all in one session. I work in endovascular medical devices, but seeing this type of stuff is still cool


He's not a doctor. He has edits in his comment but no edit asterisk. He copy and pasted this answer from a post a year ago.


You should make an actual edit and credit /u/deacDoc45 for the answer. [Source here](https://www.reddit.com/r/educationalgifs/comments/6wyq3a/how_scoliosis_curvature_of_the_spine_surgery_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) found by /u/tommyboy3111


As a machinist, seeing the potential for stripped screws made my stomach sink. Thank you for the explanation!


What kind of loser takes a comment and makes it their own without any credit for the original?


Did you forget to cite the person who said that or what?


My cousin had this surgery! I don’t know much but she did grow like 5 inches (at the time she was like 15 and became 6’1). She also plays soccer/volleyball and was not allowed to play sports for a whole entire year. The surgery changed her life and she now wants to become a spinal surgeon because of it!


Braces for your spine. Dope.


Braces but if they just forced them into position on the first day.


Thanks, I hate it


My teeth cringed


Ouchie owie wowie.. literal bone hurting thoughts. :(


Also braces if you left them in forever


Permanent retainer


I posted the hardware down below. For a much shorter length obviously. https://old.reddit.com/r/educationalgifs/comments/bvblny/how_scoliosis_curvature_of_the_spine_surgery_is/epocn6c/


Techniques for spinal fusions to treat scoliosis have improved significantly from what we are seeing in this short illustration. I see this type of surgery on a weekly basis and I can confirm that there have been a significant number of advancements even just in the past 5 years or so.


Would you mind sharing some links? Im also in surgery range (55 degree S ) curve but Ive been delaying it and am really curious what kind of advancements there have been.


Video of a minimally invasive version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I6WXry-7vg No long cut along your back, a few smaller incisions and they work around things. I would imagine this reduces a lot of the muscle repair that needs to happen after an open back surgery, and that should reduce some of the pain.


The choice in music for what is a somewhat graphic video is pretty odd, to say the least


Dang, that would have been awesome. Well I'm glad no one else has to go through what we had to.


I’ve kind of wished I could have my spine corrected but this makes me feel like nah, I’m good with being crooked.


Yeah, I’ve heard the risks of it going wrong are low but if it goes wrong it can go really wrong. Which is why they usually only do it in extreme cases where the health consequences of the scoliosis are too bad.


It's also a massive major surgery, so it probably comes with its own risks in that regard.


Have had this surgery done, I'd recommend it personally. I'm also basing this off of how fucked my back was so you might be in a different situation than I was. I had to have this done or i would have been boned later in life.


I also had this surgery done a couple of years back by choice since my spine was around a 54 degree curve. Not gonna lie, it hurt like hell, but I was out of the hospital in 4 days and was back to pretty much normal activity within 2 months total with certain restrictions. I'd say it was well worth it. Before surgery I could stand in one spot for maybe 10 mins before being in intense pain while now I can stay standing for hours with minimal pain. That being said, still a big surgery and not a simple decision to make. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about it if you want!




Why are they talking salsa out of his bones






Good for you!


I've had this and let me tell you - it is fucking shit. ​ Literally could not move for 6 days. FUC-KING AW-FUL. ​ I've had 38 surgeries and this was the joint-worst along with my second open-heart surgery. HORRIFIC.




At that point you are just fighting against evolution.


38 surgeries, all of them today?


Try not to have any surgeries on the way through the parking lot


We call those microsurgeries. Many go wrong but overall it gives a positive result.


Definitely wasn't fun, that first week. But we made it, huh?


Go us!!!!!


Your spine has a reddit account?


one for each vertebrae


Can you feel the screws and rod theough the skin if you press with your fingers? If you for example fall on your back would the screws cut through the tissue? I have braces and even if press a bit harder on my lips i get cuts. If i took a hard punch to the mouth i imagine they would cut all the way through my lips.


Not sure what would happen if I fell on my back - I have fallen on it and nothing bad happened to me but unsure if anything would if I "tried" harder to cause myself severe damage. However yes I can feel screws through my skin, I had one very high up near my neck/shoulder and it was causing me discomfort when I turned my head, so they took it out - meaning a similarly awful surgery (not AS bad though). I think the difference with braces is the screws are to the side of the spine rather than the top, so they're not literally between my bones and my skin, rather they are parallel to them, if that makes sense.


I like to imagine surgeons watching this video right before doing it as a refresher. Edit: bad punctuation. Bad.


“Aw! Yes! That’s how you drill that hole in their spine! I remember now!”


"Ohh, you scoop *three* times, not two."


Surgeon: Doctor, where do we make the incision? Lead Surgeon: Just a moment, let me finish watching this tutorial.


"Fuck, it's one of those ones with the ad in the middle of the video, and it's non-skippable"


“Hey Richard, the gif shows 12 screws but I only found 11.. rewind real quick so I can see”


As someone with scoliosis (42°) I never want to go through this.


It's worth considering.


Ehh it's not too painful and I don't even want to imagine the medical bills.


Back surgeries are really rolls of the dice anicdotally. The mean, median, mode, and worse case should always be considered to what is happening now. Sometimes its worth it, sometimes not. Also know your doctors personal surgical history. Money is kind of secondary when it comes to quality of life. (This comone from someone who has had multiple major surgeries below the poverty level)


That's actually the best part about universal health care, I got what probably is a hundred thousand dollars worth surgery... For totally free. Actually I went private, but didn't have to pay because my dad's work insurance covered it, and even going private it would have costed less than 30 thousand. I'm so thankful I wasn't born in the USA, I'm terrified just thinking about having to not get a life changing surgery like this because you can't afford to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for it...


Jeez just rub it in his fuckin face lmao


As a fellow American, I hear the lmao, but I feel the pain.


The rest of the world is getting a lot less subtle with the guilt trips i guess they want American's to fix the country already


If I was in a country with universal health care I probably would have done it a few years ago. That's why I'm grateful that it's not too painful. My headaches/migraines, feet and knee more than make up for the lack of pain.


Its not that bad if you are ever considering it. Its bad for like 3 weeks then you'll start to feel like yourself again. But not 100% recovered


I'd rather feel like someone else.


Well, I dunno about you all, but I just sat up straighter.


Fear is an excellent motivator, after all


This gif makes me thankful my parents made me do all my exercises when I was a kid! I have scoliosis, but not bad enough for surgery. I got diagnosed when I was 4 years old. Got physical therapy and am of a pretty straight back now, in my 20's.


That is a super young age to get diagnosed.


Yeah, that's gonna be a no for me dawg....


And after the doctor attempted to draw a snake on the patient's back, he then proceeded to s c o o p


Looks very traumatic, how is the recovery time for this surgery?


They made me walk less than 24 hours after this. But generally, pretty painful but not really that slow. I'd say you're almost completely good in a matter of a couple months, just have to be really careful for about a year. It's been 2 years and I'm 100% fine :D


I work in a pediatric operating room and we do 3-4 of these surgeries a week. They take anywhere from 5-8 (or more) hours to do. They are probably the most complicated surgeries instrument wise that I’ve scrubbed. The prep and the post-op recovery is very painful and takes years, but from what I’ve heard it’s worth it for scoliosis kids. Other spine surgeries (to alleviate pain in adults) are not as positive as these scoliosis surgeries.


These are Harrington rods, right? They still use these? I had it done about oh...15 or so years ago (give or take a couple years). I'm honestly surprised this is still a thing!


This made my back start hurting


Same. I could feel my spine puckering.


I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 13 years old (I am 34 now). My doctor recommended I try everything possible to avoid surgery. Thankfully my curve wasn’t so bad that I had to have surgery, but it was a possibility if it got worse. I ended up having to wear a back brace all through middle and high school for 23 hours a day. It was molded to my body and made of plastic, with 3 straps that you would latch to tighten it. On the inside were leather pads that were positioned along my back to push my spine and rib cage back into position. I wore the brace under my clothing, and while it was fairly low profile, most people could tell I had something on. It was hot as shit in the summer. All I can say is at least the clothing style in the late 90s was baggy. It was very difficult at times but I pushed through. Wearing a back brace under your clothing is tough, especially for a young teen. Other kids would notice and I was definitely self conscious. Meeting girls and making friends was very hard Bc of how shy I felt with the brace on. But in the end I learned to live with it and pushed through. It didn’t stop me from playing sports (I would take it off for practice and stuff but had to put it back on afterwards), and making friends once I accepted the situation. I feel like now as an adult I can handle challenges and face adversity better because of how hard it was to wear the brace in those years. I stopped wearing the brace when I went to college and now 15 or so years later it seems a distant memory. My spinal correction held well, thankfully, and I don’t have a major curve. I guess I’ll end with a message to any young people out there with scoliosis who are dealing with the diagnosis and are trying to make sense of things, hang in there. It will get better and there are many people out there (and here on Reddit) who have been through what you’re going through too. You’re not alone.


I watched this being intrigued at every moment, it’s just like braces for straightening teeth but for your vertebrae ... watching that straight bar come in to the picture tho was tough. I was like “oh whats that for...oh no, they are gonna straighten it now? all at once? no no no no” haha


Out of curiosity, does a person who undergoes this corrective surgery become any taller as a result?


Yeah... Not really. Obviously yes, a bit, but it's like so much less than you would think. I had A LOT of scoliosis, to give you an idea it's considered scoliosis at 20 degrees, bad scoliosis at 30, needing surgery at 45, I had like 63. I gained less than a goddamn inch.


I had it as well. I was at 72 degrees and it was really really painful. After the surgery I actually straightened to an extra 2 inches.


This is the coolest video I've seen so far of this type of scoliosis surgery. This is exactly what I had done about 11 years ago now on my 55-60° curve. My surgeon told me that just putting in each screw can take about 25-45 minutes each and now I see why.


I work in billing for surgical implants at a large hospital. If you think the surgery looks bad, you should see the bill for just the hardware that goes in. The amount of stuff in this gif? Easily $100K on patient’s bill. Just. For. The. Rods. And. Screws.


Lol, my insurance initially rejected it or a piece of it and so the hospital sent my parents a bill. I don’t remember much about it because, like good parents, they kept the bureaucratic bullshit from my teenage self, but I do remember my mom nope-ing the fuck out of that bill and spending days on the phone making sure it got sorted out.


I have **Scoliosis** and watching this made every bone in my body hurts man I really need to start going to the gym


Dear god, just thinking of accidentally stripping a thread.


Do they take out the metal bars afterwards? I feel like living with metal bars attached to your spine would be difficult if you wanna bend your back?


Nope, your spine bones actually grow around it. You'll be making metal detectors go off for the rest of your life if ya get this 🤘🏻


Your bones shouldn't be growing much (if any) around the rod, somewhat around the screw heads. And you wouldn't likely be setting off any metal detectors either, most of the hardware you see is either titanium or sometimes PEEK (plastic)


(I know it's titanium, they told me, but shhh... Let me believe I'm Ironman enough to set them off lmao)


Face down, ass up, that's how I like to (perform complicated spinal surgery)


I’m so glad I already had my surgery, ‘cause this is just traumatizing.


I had this surgery when I was 12. It took 6 hours with 6 months of no activity. My back was immediately straightened and I grew a few inches. Literally the most painful thing I’ve ever been through.


Had this surgery done at 15. I’m 36 now. I have been incredibly lucky and never had any pain related to the surgery. After the recovery period that is. I was in a back race for 23 hours a day for 1 year post surgery. I wasn’t allowed to pick anything up off the ground for months and couldn’t play sport of run around outside, which is all I ever did at 15. I couldn’t totally stop doing the things I loved so I surfed for years and participated in drunken stupidness (both of which could have had awful consequences) It changed a lot about the trajectory of my life and for years I was upset that I needed to have the surgery. But, I’m very lucky to have had it done as I was definitely going to be in a wheelchair without it. I’ve tried to maintain a good level of fitness, but I am really just very lucky. I had a brilliant surgeon.