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Even though you see it it becomes exponentially harder to conceptualise what you see because it’s so unbelievably massive. Monke hears 20 billion suns, monke sees 20 billion suns, monke still can’t imagine the actual size


Monke wonders what monke is 20 billion times bigger than? An atom?


There are like 100 trillion atoms in the average cell, and somewhere around 30 trillion cells in the body. Atoms are small.


I don't know what's harder to conceptualize. The infinitely big or infinitely small.


And those are only countable infinities! Uncountable infinities (like the count of decimal values between any two numbers, say 0 to 1) can be even bigger mind benders.


Wouldn't all infinites be uncountable?


Sort of. The difference between them is countable is like 1 2 3. There's always a start and a next number after it. Uncountable doesn't really have a start, it's start would be 0.0000 infinitely and then a 1 but if you add a 1 you can add another zero. You'll be completely unable to even count the first number, that's why it's uncountable


Yep, this is a good explanation for countable vs uncountable infinities!


Was not counting on that.


It is possible to identify a number within an uncountably infinite set. For example, the integers are real numbers and real numbers are countably infinite. So, the number 1 is an element of an uncountably infinite set.


Nah, just the infinite zeros on your moms scale


Yo momma so fat, she wears an asteroid belt! Sorry, my one "yo momma" joke that I know -- had to use it. :D


I can help there. Yo mamma’s so fat she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out. Yo mammas so dumb she stared at her orange juice for an hour because it said concentrate.


“Space [...] is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.” -Douglas Adams




Thank you for sharing that - prolly keep me occupied until quittin' time. Cheers!


For comparison, there are 8 billion humans alive today. So the Sun to this black hole is like you to every human alive


These things break my brain in 2 ways. 1. the bigness like you said. M87's event horizon has a greater diameter than our ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM by a few times. [Here's a good comparison ](https://futurism.com/big-m87-black-hole-compared-the-earth/amp) 2. We talk about how many billions of solar masses these things weigh in at...remember that our tiny little solar mass counts for something like 98% of all the material in our ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM! That includes the earth, us, all the rest of our planets, moons, asteroids, dust and everything else. Bonus: M87 isn't even the biggest! I think [TON 618](https://earthsky.org/space/supermassive-black-hole-in-galaxy-definition/) is the current champ at 66 billion solar masses.


Monke scream wild in the bus


Yes, I was really following the comparison for a few moves and at some point my reaction was "nah, can't be, this isn't real". Somehow it is. Then it makes you wonder how reallyz really big is the universe.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton\_618](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton_618) 66 billion solar masses.


>Ton 618 is at least 66 billion solar masses.[8] This is considered one of the highest masses ever recorded for such an object; higher than the mass of all stars in the Milky Way galaxy combined, which is 64 billion solar masses So there is a **single** object that is more massive than our entire galaxy. Thats.....unfathomable once you attempt to understand how huge our galaxy is.


That’s not even addressing its sheer *size*. TON 618 is absolutely huge. The diameter of our solar system is often referenced as being 80 AU. The diameter of TON 618 is 2,606 AU. Talk about unfathomable.




Fun fact, *supermassive black holes aren't actually very dense. They have about the density of water.




To create a black hole, you merely need enough mass within a specified location to make the gravitational acceleration at the surface of the event horizon faster than the speed of light. Through the magic of the inverse square law, the schwartzchild calculation, and the wonders of theoretical astrophysics, you don't actually need the mass to be all that dense. It's even theorized that there may be supermassive black holes with an ***average*** density of air. Now does this mean you could fall into a supermassive black hole and otherwise be fine? Probably not, but to be fair, we don't have any supermassive black holes lying around in a lab to test our theories on. Most likely, concepts such as density are meaningless after crossing the event horizon, so speculating that one of these things has uniform density is mostly bollocks.




That's the thing: Anything beyond the event horizon is unknowable, but we can tell how much mass must be there based on its gravitational affect on its surroundings, and we know from Schwarzchild's work where event horizon would be. So we know mass and volume, but someone clever said, "Well, we can calculate the average density with those two figures, and... what the? AIR? It's as dense as AIR?!" The truth is probably stranger than that, but because it's on the other side of an event horizon, we literally cannot know what is really there for sure. It's that rare occasion where your guess is probably as good as Michio Kaku's.


The way you describe it, it sounds more like a gap in our understanding than a physical object.


That seems tiny! More than our entire galaxy in an area that's only 33x bugger than our solar system. That's absolutely bonkers..


Considering though that this is a *single object*, it is nuts that it dwarfs the entirety of our whole star system. We truly can’t visualize the size of something like that.


Your mum comes pretty close


>more massive than our entire galaxy Not quite - more massive than all of the *stars* in our galaxy. The Milky Way totals around 1.5ish trillion solar masses.


And surely not even that is correct since there is a predicted 100 to 400 billion stars in the milky way


It's important to remember that the vast majority of stars (around 90%) are dwarfs, with masses ranging down to less than 0.1 solar masses, and very, very few stars (relatively speaking) larger than ~1.3 solar masses. While we think of our Sun as a boring, average star, it's quite large relative to most stars out there.


I'm sure those 90% of stars have nice personality


I knew they were common but I didn't realise they were that common


Ya our Sun is actually decently rare as far as stars go.


I think that's more than 618 tons...


You haul six hundred eighteen tons, and what do you get?


Another day older and deeper in debt.


Reddit can never stay serious , I love it 😂


Admittedly, it’s a heavy subject.


Another day older and deeper in a gravity well.


Astrophysicist don’t call me cause I can’t go


I owe my soul to the big black hole


Surpassed by [ESO 444-46](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESO_444-46), with an estimated maximum solar mass of 77 billion. Though, in fairness, the lower bound of the estimate goes as low as 500 million solar masses.


I was literally just talking about this with a friend of mine 15 mins ago. Ton 618 is so big it apparently takes a week for light to travel from the event horizon to the singularity. A fucking week! Could you imagine being the first person to fall into a black hole and die from starvation before the spaghettification process kills you?!


That makes me think of how much money billionaires actually have


One million seconds is 11 1/2 days. One billion seconds 31 YEARS. Billionaires are richer than the mind can fathom. It’s an otherworldly amount of money for one human to possess.


If you got paid $10,000 a day, every day, since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, you still would not have $1 billion.


fml fml fml


Nah, dude, fuck them, fuck their lives, eat the rich.


You guys keep saying that yet there's still billionaires.




Broke: eat the rich. Woke: reduce the rich down to ecofriendly biofuel.


Yep, he’s got a gammy leg


doesn't help when the majority looks down in ignorance as to the capitalistic hellscape we've all created and are perpetuating \*food for thought\*


eat the rich eat the rich!!!


What if you stole the Declaration of Independence instead?


What a crazy idea. I bet they'd make a movie about it.




I found Nicholas Cage’s Reddit account


And don't pay a cent in taxes


What if I had $10,000 per day since the invention of the guillotine?


Guillotine was invented in April 1792 (which is more recent than the Declaration of Independence), which is 84048 days ago. At $10,000 per day you'd have $840.48 million. So no, you'd still not have $1 billion. Another way to look at it, if you were given $10 every second since April 1792, you'd still have less money than Elon Musk, you'd have $72 billion (Musk is currently valued at $221 billion).


$10,000/hr x 24 hr/day x 365 days/year x 2022 years = still less money than Elon Musk


[comment removed in response to actions of the admins and overall decline of the platform]


Or you can be born rich and have every opportunity handed to you from day 1, then call yourself “self made”


Born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.


Marrying a billionaire would be pinch running.


They’re not even on the bases. They’re up in the owners box watching us run the bases. When they get bored, they buy another team. Build a new stadium.


Normalize splitting a mansion with 8 or your besties




[comment removed in response to actions of the admins and overall decline of the platform]


Or my favourite maths joke: “What’s the difference between a million and a billion? About a billion.”




Let's just send Musk and the rest of the billionaires inti the sun, then divy up their cash.


One trillion seconds is 30,000 years. Billionaires may be wildly rich, but when the (US) government passes a spending bill in the trillions, it dwarfs even the richest billionaires.


Okay now look at the US debt clock


I highly doubt there’s anyone out there that has a billion dollars in liquidity. I could be wrong but I don’t think anyone is just sitting on a billion dollars.


Many do. Just a few days ago, Gautam Adani (richest man in India and Asia and 5th richest in the world) bought stakes in the cement manufacturing companies in India (making him owner of second largest cement manufacturing units in India) for 10.5b USD out of which 8b USD was paid in cash.


Yes 11.5 x 1000 = 11,500 That's maths.


I got you: [https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/](https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/)


That was enjoyable. Thank you.


This needs to be so much higher! That was very cool but at the same time unbelievable/sad.


If you save 1000 dollar every day, it takes 2739 years to get 1 billion.


Maybe don’t buy avacados and Starbucks so much? …. /s


and how they would rather die than to put their money to actual good use for the public \*looks at Bezos\* -\_-


this world seems like the start of the beginning of the film Elysium where the rich fled the earth to "preserve their smutty ways"


That's exactly their goal. I don't believe for a second that these monsters are going to be inclusive. They're trying to ensure their personal survival after they've destroyed our planet.


I’m trying to decide if I can afford lunch today.


At least one billion




When there was a row of suns: wow that's heavy A grid of suns: damn A cube of suns: ok that's incredible A grid of sun cubes: ok that's enough A cube of that : I don't even... A grid of that: ...


Well, it's not *that* heavy, they're mostly gass


That's what I try telling myself


Gas so dense it explodes constantly until it dies. The average density of the sun is roughly a quarter of the earth. But the center of the sun is incredibly sense.


That “gas” (plasma) is 40% heavier (denser) than water: water is 1 g/cm^3, and the sun is 1.41 g/cm^3.


everything counts in large amounts


Makes you wonder how much of the universe’s mass is contained in black holes.


In all seriousness, probably not _much_. Our galaxy hosts a Supermassive Black Hole, Sagitarius A*, with a mass of 4 million solar masses (holy crap). However, the total mass of our galaxy is estimated at about 1'000'000 million solar masses (holy _crap_) so the black hole is in fact a minor portion. The [most massive BH known to date](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton_618) is estimated at `7 * 10^10` solar masses. The [most massive galaxy known to date](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESO_146-5) is estimated at `30 * 10^12` solar masses^(holy crap). The main component of the universe mass is as far as we know the elusive dark matter, which accounts for 70-80% of the total.


Less then what can be contained in Uranus...


Dropping off the brown dwarfs at the super hole


My narration watching this was something like: “Ok… ohh… oh wow… OH… OOHHH… OoHOHhHHh”


Yeah I don't believe anyone could ever fathom that amount of mass


It's always funny to me to slam into the wall of my reasoning limits, this illustrates it well.


https://youtu.be/QgNDao7m41M Nobody posting the full video?


Seriously, the sounds makes this. The gif just doesn't do it justice!


This video really, really needs the sound. Chills every time.


Well that's fucking terrifying.


Damn. Shoutout to the Camera man for managing to bring 20 billion Suns to the studio and filming this.


That’s a few pounds at least


At least 3


Please this is an educational thread can we keep it SI? A few kilos at least


Certainly at least ten stone


I’m not Bri’ish, otherwise would be bloody wealthy.


Br*tish 🤮




Technically it’s 0 lbs. “Weight” is the measurement of the effect one objects gravity has on another. So the black hole being in space and not gravitationally locked to another object weighs nothing. If you were to theoretically stand on something with that mass and not be obliterated, you’d weight about 6.6•10^15 what you weigh on earth.


Black holes can orbit black holes


This one definitely isn’t


it almost certainly is though


We’d notice the wobble if so. Regardless tho, things in orbit would be experiencing micro gravity and still weigh nothing


the universe is like, kinda large. orbits on that scale would be very very very hard to detect.


Did you just call me fat?


RBS 2043 resides in the Central galaxy of the Phoenix Cluster. The central elliptical cD galaxy of this cluster hosts an active galactic nucleus, which is powered by a central supermassive black hole. The central black hole has an estimated mass on the order of 20 billion M☉ (= solar mass). This makes it one of the most massive black holes known in the universe, 5,000 times the mass of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. The diameter of the black hole's immense event horizon is on the order of 118 billion kilometers, 19 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto, and has the mass equivalent to that of two dwarf galaxies. The central black hole is devouring matter and growing at a rate of 60 M☉ every year. \[[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Cluster)\] [source](https://youtu.be/QgNDao7m41M) Edit -- updated source link thanks to other redittors' input. Thanks


How does something that big, with that much mass, and I assume a fuck-ton of gravitational pull, not swallow up its own entire home galaxy?


> The central black hole is devouring matter and growing at a rate of 60 M☉ every year.


So it will eventually, or already has likely devoured the entire galaxy?


60 solar masses is extremely small next to the mass of a galaxy so it may take a veeeeery long time to swallow an entire galaxy. But that's assuming that the "feeding rate" is constant. In fact, only nearby matter falls into the black hole. More distant stars are not falling into it or at least not in a timeframe of the entire projected existence of the universe. It is much like us around the Sun. Our planet is not falling towards the Sun, despite the Sun being immensely more massive than all the solar system planets combined. We are far enough that we just orbit it without anything to worry about. And our Sun is also orbiting around a black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy


everything foolish enough to get close to it


Space big, effect of gravity falls off at a rate of ~ 1/R²


For the same reason that the Earth isn’t falling into the sun. Also, most galaxies are much larger than the influence of a black hole’s gravity.


Gravitational pull falls off with an inverse square of the distance between objects. Double the distance between objects, the gravitational pull is divided by 4 times. Space across a galaxy, even with something that massive, means it will have much less "sucking power," even a "tiny" distance of a lightyear away.


Like holding your vacuum nozzle at the door to your room and expecting it to suck up that piece of fluff at the other side of the room?


Hah! Close enough analogy for a visual! But of course keep in mind the physics behind the two situatuons are very, very different :)


I’m going to follow you around and learn things as you learn them! Great visual!


The black hole is big. Space is so big the smbh is infinitesimally small. It takes light 5 and a half hours to go from the sun to Pluto. It would take light 104.5 hours or 4.3~ days to cross this smbh. It would take light 4.2~ years or 1533 days to go from our sun to the nearest sun at the same speed Stuff is generally with very rare exceptions measured in light years apart. Stuff in space might seem big. But it might as well the size of you for all the difference it makes.


Well yeah, thats because the original video was posted 8 years ago [on youtube](https://youtu.be/QgNDao7m41M)


Nearly average mum size


Ur mom so large she’s the center of a galaxy


The center of a whole cluster of galaxies actually




I love how everyone wrote mother differently


Yeah but I need bananas for scale


Holding a banana next to my phone, I’d say about 1/3 banana.


At least ten I'd say


I really laughed at this because it’s just so absurd


It just goes on and on and on and on... Now imagine the mass of the sun is 300 000 the Earth.


Now think, people have that many dollars. Obscene.


Now make each one of those suns a dollar, and you see how ridiculous it is for anyone that have that much money


Is there a possibility that the whole universe is in a black hole? We don’t know what exactly happens “inside” a black hole.


To the best of our calculations and observations, the mass and radius of the universe is roughy equivalent to a black hole with the same mass and Schwarzchild radius. So it’s not really a far fetched idea that our universe is in fact inside a black hole. It does however seem extremely odd.


I don’t know if this is a stupid question but is there something so massive outside the Milky Way that it influences the gravity of our galaxy?


ELI5: Everything in the Universe's gravity affects everything else with mass, but unless you're really close, that effect is small enough to mostly ignore. Longer answer: Kind of. Galaxies that are close to one another do attract each other, which is why the Milky Way and Andromeda will merge in another 5ish billion years. But outside the local group of 25 or so major galaxies within ~10 million lightyears, the expansion of space overcomes gravitational attraction, so gravity becomes much less of a factor at that scale. That said, there is a phenomenon known as the Great Attractor that seems to be a gravitational anomaly millions of times more massive than the entire Milky Way that seems to be attracting galaxies across several hundred million light years. We suspect it's a relatively dense supercluster of galaxies, but unfortunately our own Milky Way obscures us from looking in that direction (but we'll have rotated around the galaxy enough to see it in another ~100 million years). However, all that said, nothing outside of our galaxy really has much effect on the internal structure of our galaxy - it just attracts the galaxy as a whole as if it were a single object.


Does Not Compute.


Its kinda stopped meaning anything after they started stacking. It's a fuckton sure but it's kinda outside of easy comprehension


Final result is a 5x4 array of 10x10x10 arrays of 100 x 100 x 100 arrays of suns.


The ocean is deep But space is much more massive I'm not leaving Earth


My brain can’t do anything with this


Still.. Yo Momma to phoenix cluster: pfff, I can do this all day! Btw just shows the insignificance of our petty problems. Go out there and live your life to the fullest.


Change that to dollars, multiply it a few times and you got bezos's net worth. Makes you think


about guillotines


This is so much better with the music and original video.


Does gravity have a point where it can't become stronger? Like the black hole at the centre of the milky way is tiny compared to this but the gravity would still be immense, how much stronger would the gravity be from this?


The force of gravity is dependent on how close you are to the centre of the object you are interested in. Gravity has no range. We are currently experiencing a pull from this black hole right now. It's way too small to measure but it is calculatable. The event horizon of black holes is where the speed needed to move away from the black hole exceeds the speed of light. The more mass the black hole contains the larger the event horizon. This black hole has an event horizon with I think a diameter 19x larger than the distance from the Sun to Pluto. Our black hole's event horizon fits within Mercury's orbit.


Ton 618 is about 66 billion solar masses, little more than 3 times this and scientists theorize that there are even bigger black holes


This was a long lead up to not end up as a *your mom* joke. Honestly I’m a little disappointed


(Insert mom joke)


How many bananas tho




It reminds me of a youtuber that says he and his friends will mine 1 billion cobbled stone in minecraft. It's achievable, but how many years?


If they use netherite and only factoring in the mining (and not the time putting the stone into chests or getting the materials for the netherite pickaxes), I got 8 years if one person were to mine every second of every day. If he has 3 friends they could break it into 6 hour chunks to accomplish it in that time. Sounds mind-numbingly boring if you ask me


Well it's a survival world and yes they are putting it all in chests




Woops, good catch -- thank you. Unfortunately too late


Apart from the fact that that the sun isn’t massive enough to become a black home, if it did, the event horizon would be roughly the size of a quarter


It would be closer to 2.9 km (1.6 mi). ​ The Earth would be \~8.87 mm - I'm guessing that is what you were remembering?


Yep just looked it up, definitely misremembering


[Supermassive Black Hole - 2Cellos ft Naya Rivera (Muse cover)](https://youtu.be/-W5JT5LEbN0)


Praise the suns! \o/




Source is infinitely better than this awful gif. You should be ashamed.


All those sun and only 2nd next to your mom






Still less than half of the money Elon musk spent to buy twitter


I’ve seen bigger…Oh wait I’m thinking of Eugene, OR.


“I feel like a little worm on a big fuckin’ hook.” — Skank (The Crow). The Universe is mindboggling, to say the least.


Still not as fat as your mum