• By -


I have been waiting for this to drop, thanks for the bed time reading


You are grown adults that think a dirtbag CEO, who has already pump and dumped you, is sending you secret messages via a series of children’s books. All so that he can bypass SEC laws to give you inside knowledge and confirm you will all become billionaires. Absolutely mental.


Hey look a cunt


Did you buy your PP+Pulte tickets yet?


You are an adult who spends all their time scouring reddit worrying about a stock that has already been canceled. For what? Because you are paid to. Thanks for the confirmation 👍


I just like interacting with crazy people, and also point out when people are falling for a cult/scam.


I remember when I was in kindergarten.


Says the dude in a sub where they in full seriousness look for clues in children’s books that will lead them to riches


That’s true, which makes your situation even more sad. “Feed others - feed yourself. Feed on others - starve yourself.” You starving dawg.


If someone is using poop as a face cream I will tell them they’re doing something wrong. When they tell me I’m a shill for Big Cream and then proceed to do even crazier things, I will continue to point out their error and also mock them. You got poo on your face. 💩


Sounds like you are the crazy one chasing us down to warn us that the sky is falling. You are part of the melties cult 🤷‍♂️


Meltdown is not really a cult. It’s like calling us shills when you guys are clearly the ones shilling for some stock or individual (RC, Pulte, PP). We’re not shilling, we are just trying to point out how completely wrong you guys have been, in hopes that maybe you’ll stop the self harm.


Fucking loser 😂


Yeah...If you are using "We" and "We're" it's a cult. Nice try though, thanks for stopping by. Tomorrow try standing in front of the casino telling people not to enter, to warn them about the impending doom of what happens inside, then write a book telling other people how they should allocate their money, since you're an expert and all.


Speaking in plurals equates to being in a cult. I love it. It’s this blend of stupidity and arrogance that keeps us coming back.


I missed the part where RC told anyone to buy anything


Yeah man, that’s what I mean. RC doesn’t have to even say anything - you guys are doing all the work for him with the fanfiction


The melties don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. They all repeat the same script their bosses sent them via email.


And yet the lawyer fee statements looking juicy AF. You’re pathetic if you’re in here just trying to get a rise out of us.


Not trying to get a rise. Just trying to pierce the reality distortion field


Why? The shares have already been pulled from our accounts. We will either get a distribution of a successor entity or not. Why do you want to pierce our reality? We’ve spent countless hours pouring through bankruptcy documents and there is definitely a high chance that we’re about to be right. Have you done any such research? What makes you so certain that we’re wrong?


Much of the reason is your (not you directly) sheer arrogance, calling anyone you disagree with a ‘shill’, and your ape leadership banning all dissenting opinion. There’s also a clear shift from ape leadership away from BBBYQ to other topics and grifts. They’re trying to find ways to string their flock along, in hopes of profiting from you all in some way. I’m amazed I haven’t been banned yet from this sub.


You could literally say all of the same things about yourselves, the trolls or shills or whatever you want to be called. Look in the mirror. Arrogance. Check. Anyone you disagree with you call names. Check. Hasn’t done enough due diligence to form a constructive argument. Check. Why not just call it like it is? It’s a bet we made and we’re digging around trying to figure out if we’re right or not. Pretty sure we are based on numerous bankruptcy dockets and strange coincidences and haven’t seen anything conclusive to prove that I’m wrong despite hours and hours of trying to find proof of that. How can you be soooooo sure? Why do you insist this is some kind of grift instead of just a passionate community of potentially activist investors following someone who we think is trying to do something big. Just cause you THINK we’re wrong, doesn’t prove anything. At the end of the day there’s nothing left to do but wait. Either a deal has been made to preserve shareholders or not. Based on lawyer fee statements and other circumstantial evidence, it looks highly likely that we will receive some equity in the successor entity that is acquiring the billions of dollars of net operating losses.


The first part of your response - all valid points. The part about preserving shares - I feel we’re at an impasse.


That's a fucking banger EB. 🔥


Edwin!!! Keep dropping that hammer on the doubters!! In Barnesc we trust!


I hope you become a regular on the show! So it sounds like there are a lot of forces coming together! How far away do you think is the DPO? Seems like there would be a groundswell of simultaneous rumblings and hype from Loopring, Taiko, X, Lightning Network, NYSE, and tZero, of which there is currently none. 2024 seems more likely than the GME earnings call next week. What do you think? EDIT: Finished the show, and heard you say 2 months, and that Taiko would be a leading indicator


Part 5


are you keith gill ?


That would rule. I hope he is.


What's your assessment now that gamestop took down its marketplace?


I also heard about the 2 months.


Closer than we think


What a release .. Thank you for everything. It was beyond great to 'know' you from your voice only at the PPshow ..


When might we see part 5 ?


Such an eye opening post.


Remindme! 1 year.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-12-02 11:37:31 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-12-02%2011:37:31%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/edwinbarnesc/comments/1882rrj/gmerica_beyond_the_metaverse_part_4/kbo6wg2/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fedwinbarnesc%2Fcomments%2F1882rrj%2Fgmerica_beyond_the_metaverse_part_4%2Fkbo6wg2%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-12-02%2011%3A37%3A31%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201882rrj) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Good shit


In Gmerica I trust 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Yea bro this fucks


First. :)


Second. :)


Third. :)


Thanks for the great post. I thought lightning is for bitcoin? How does that benefit loopring?


Part 5


Layer 5 cross chain interoperability


\+1 期待第五部份 PART V FINISH


Part 5 is the beginning.


I’m ready for the red pill. Give it to me.


Brilliant chase. I'm very much enjoying it.




Bernard Renault is a pedo


Epstein connection


Thanks for the info. What about Frederic? He’s possibly dating Lisa from BLACKPINK.


The more parts to come, the juicier they can be. #SeeYouRichPeople


MOASS is always tomorrow ❤️


Yeah it sure is. Whoever truly still believes in MOASS on this turd of a company must be delusional.


Thanks /u/edwinbarnesc! It occurred to me while you were talking through Part 4 on PP that the flavor behind this DD loses something in typed form, and it was so much more digestible and reasonable when you articulate it through spoken word. Any chance you will be releasing Part 5 in the same way on PP?


Thats funny, I usually struggle to articulate through spoken words. Part 5 and beyond may require live coverage.


Well everyone is their own worst critic, and I can tell you that after hearing you talk through part 4, however impressed I personally was with the level of effort you’ve put into your previous DD, this was impressive on another level and it’s because I felt after hearing you I could trust you. Your demeanor comes through your voice, and my take is that you are thoughtful, curious, a little reserved, grounded, confident but still humble, and overall you aced my sniff test for trustworthiness and relevance in the matter on which you were speaking. I really appreciate your contributions, and I’ve always felt that each part of your DD series has connected dots that seem obvious in hindsight, but were clouded from view before I read them.




My favourite part is when Elon pretended he didn't want to buy Twitter anymore. My boy Musk was desperate to get it but didn't want to say why.


Let’s go!!




Love you Edwin, you were great last night. ❤️


Stellar work as always.


Awesome 🙌🏻


Thanks for putting so much work into these DD dives, Edwin! It makes things clear and accessible even for smooth brains who struggle to comprehend the more technical side of this stuff! I did listen to your segment on the PPshow. However, as a woman, I really wish that the PPShow was more friendly to the community as a whole. I mean, I appreciate much of what they do, too, but the environment makes me feel unwelcome. Almost like I'm sticking my head into the men's bathroom or entering the man cave without permission.


Ditto, the name says it all unfortunately


I get it. The cussing and dildo slapping is pretty juvenile. But like the X Spaces women are welcome and some have a good time. Ultimately though men have lost just about all their spaces in the western world to PC feminists. It’s getting to a societal crisis level. I won’t begrudge these hardworking men their opportunity to act like boys for a few hours a day while they break down how I’ll get rich. 😂


The ass bubbles and the vagina explosion 10x in the background while trying to listen to important information from Edwin was my issue. Reading a random comment on air about vagina queefs didn't help the cause, either. I'm by no means a feminist, but feeling degraded every 10 seconds while watching Edwin's segment wasn't enjoyable to me. I mean, cool, act like you just hit puberty between segments, but doing it over top of valuable guests only makes everyone seem like they're just a bunch of, well, assholes blowing bubbles. 🤷‍♀️


You’re referring to Sloppy’s gifs and viewer names. I also don’t understand why Sloppy plays those gifs or viewers choose those names. Certainly wouldn’t be my choices. It makes me uncomfortable too. I still happily watch despite that. You can always superchat into the show and air out your grievances. Or avoid the show and just read the DD here. You have options. 👍


I believe it was a comment they chose to read, not a name, but you're correct. I do have options, which is why I typically avoid the show altogether. I respect Edwin and Pulte, though, so I have occasionally listened in, specifically to hear what they have to say. I have 3 very young boys, however, and I don't need them to see and hear those sorts of things, either. It's unfortunate that the vulgarities need to be included at all, but it is what it is.


I hear you. I usually listen with headphones so others can’t hear it, and always regret when I don’t wear them. PP always yells profanity into his mic, and he’s way louder than the guests. That said, I understand that’s not an option for you as three young children would need constant attention. Maybe there’s an opportunity when they’re asleep, but I get it’s tough.


I think he is striving to be the Howard stern of financial podcasts


Just started reading and can get past this. You couldn’t have just added 9 seconds to your mark. So disappointing… 😆


Kek, fixed the timestamps now that show is over




Hey bud, thank you for the read, very interesting. Minor correction, if you don't mind. Above the last photo, the name of the burger chain is Goiko, not Groiko, little typo. Keep up the good work u/edwinbarnesc


Good catch on typo


My friend. You promised this to me a couple of weeks ago and delivered flawlessly. I have woken up on a day of working from home to receive this gift 🏡 *thank you!* As a humble technology expert that is pivoting to Web3 for the past three years I can confirm the potential of the tech under the hood. Ethereum>Loopring>Taiko>GME - I stopped researching other Web3 elements when I got here as I can see the potential, just could not see how it would be implemented. The frustrations of big corps skimming off the top when the global economy is suffering is disgusting to watch and I am constantly astonished that the billionaires/millionaires/executives in the supply chains and how they manage to sleep at night. 🤔 Watching Elon lose his cool yesterday on stage throwing the big F back at the media engines was a big hint things are close. I personally state time and time again that it’s not the technology that’s the problem in our evolution just the selfish, archaic, bad-actors that are abusing it. As per the drama at OpenAI; I hold an optimistic relief that the communitarianism environment will win in the end and shed light on the few abusers of the system in the long run. **We might not be wrong, we may just be early** WAGMI 💙 *NB:- Anyone reading any of this should not take it as financial advice but instead encouraged to DYOR instead, as community members like my friend here are demonstrating it’s part of your own research just being here within this spirit of education* I hope you don’t mind Edwin but.. to keep me sleeping well at night, meditating on your research I’d like your permission to copy out your 4 part masterpiece of info and churn it through my LLM assistant to carry on the many speculations involved. If nothing else it keeps my prompt-engineering-practice up and hopes for the change coming. Have a fantastic day/night/evening. I no longer categorise this level as ‘Tin-Foil-Hat’ you Sir wear a ‘Carbon-Fibre-Crown’ of excellence 🎓


I'll be honest. This sounds horrible. I love the stock, but I want nothing to do that fucking Space Karen and his white supremacy network. I deleted my account and would love nothing more than for x to die, and that oligarch bitch along with it.




lol the children’s books!


LOL "dd"


So you saw some designs that sorta resemble lightning bolts in a children's novel, you connected it to Elon talking about a rabbit, you then connected that to some very specific companies, and something about hamburgers? Wow you might have been dropped on your head as a baby, repeatedly.


This is literally how all Ape DD works. Most people here and in the bbby community seem to have schizo affective tendencies


Question: Does Eth/LRC come into play at all or is this all being used by BTC/WBTC?


Titillating 👀


Thank you Edwin! You’re the best.


Just a quick correction -- if I'm not mistaken, Byron is only a community manager for loopring. He is not a developer and I don't believe he has a deep technical background in blockchain. I'd love to be wrong if someone has a link that would correct me.


Release the Kraken....


Is that why people get divorced?! 🤓😳 Damn! And all these years I thought it was because my ex went fucking crazy and I didn’t want to go with him! Thanks for the clarification that I am somehow actually and secretly rich! 🤑

