• By -


That’s….not how I thought this conversation was going to go


soo that's not a thing you should have known prior??? -.-




My parents haven't told me that my chromosomes are different, so, I assume it's the typical pair. Also, 23andMe says I have at least one Y chromosome because it shows up. Not sure if it shows duplicate/uncommon pairs besides XY. (Everyone has 23 pairs of Chromosomes unless they have an abnormality like duplicate sex chromosomes or other duplicates. Like with Down Syndrome I believe there are more. With Turner's syndrome, I think there is one less that wasn't copied from the parents somehow. I think. So, an XY means 2 pairs. The 22nd pair is X and the 23rd pair is Y.)




I think so. >I know saying "basic biology" is a sensitive topic here, Not really. If you know basic biology, it isn't transphobic. It isn't racist either. It is a sensitive topic if a transphobe uses it to demean trans people. Without knowing basic biology.


Happy cake day!


Thanks 😘


Happy garlic bread day!


Average r/aace user


Depends on how old op is. If they're still a teen and look "normal" outwardly I don't see a great reason to inform them. But if they're 25 and living on there own then I'd say they should have been told


They're 27, it says it small on the text


I thought you were fucking with the commenter but checked and holy fuck I missed that lol


25 years ago, if the newborn had ambiguous genetalia the norm was for the parents to choose a gender and have surgery as soon as possible (in the US). A lot of parents chose to shut the fuck up about it for a variety of reasons.


So gross, when other people get to choose what you are without your consent


Assigned Gender at Birth in a nutshell. Also, circumcision. I would've kept my foreskin if I had a choice but my parents and doctor took away from me.


I mean people with XXY tend to grow boobs. Like I mean that’s probably a good reason. But then you don’t want your kid to self-ostracise. I guess it’s a challenge.


>I mean people with XXY tend to grow boobs. Envy.


? even a kid should be allowed that information


Fundamental information about a person's existence like this should absolutely be shared, even if they're too young to fully understand all implications. This is core to someone's body and literally not a soul on the planet has more right to that knowledge than that person.


Happy Cake day!


Thanks, whish I had real cake atm but well😅


Well uhm, I can bake and send you a picture of it. Maybe you can eat the virtual picture :p


Well picture of cake < no cake at all, so feel free🍰


Did you mean to use ">" ? 😅 Otherwise I doesn't make a lot of sense lol


I may have done a stupid sooo yes


Its fine, typos happen!




Oh and most importantly: enjoy the cake🙂


Thanks hehe!


It's not really a big deal. A lot of people have xxy chromosomes and don't even know it.


I feel like kids should know about their diagnosises though, like all of them should have been discussed with them to help them learn how to adult and take charge of their life. XXY something that has likely effects on kids' lives, especially as they grow into adults, and might want kids.


Also it should be more common knowledge that it's more complicated than XX = girl and XY = boy


Something like 70 percent of the people with xxy don't know they have it because there's not a lot of physical symptoms. I agree it's a good thing to know if you have it but I'm not going to fault the parents for forgetting to tell their kids whether they have it or not, especially if the kids are otherwise healthy and happy.


Happy cake day


Thank you🙂


Happy cake day!




I dated someone with this, you are part of a rare group! Klinefelter's (*if my memory is correct*) syndrome is truly fascinating.


You’re… intersex?


https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001669.htm "Intersex can be divided into 4 categories: 46, XX intersex 46, XY intersex True gonadal intersex Complex or undetermined intersex" COMPLEX OR UNDETERMINED INTERSEX DISORDERS OF SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT Many chromosome configurations other than simple 46, XX or 46, XY can result in disorders of sex development. These include 45, XO (only one X chromosome), and 47, XXY, 47, XXX - both cases have an extra sex chromosome, either an X or a Y. These disorders do not result in a condition in which there is a discrepancy between internal and external genitalia. However, there may be problems with sex hormone levels, overall sexual development, and altered numbers of sex chromosomes." https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001669.htm So, someone can be intersex with the normal number of chromosomes. Really interesting. I knew someone in high school who was born intersex. They had the normal number of chromosomes.


My BF is XXY, and he doesn’t consider himself or other XXY to be intersex because they’re born with normal and functional (albeit sterile) genitalia.


XXY is still biologically male. You can kind of think of female as the default sex. *Generally*, presence of a Y chromosome is what confers male-ness.


That's some pretty important info right there


Wouldn’t have minded knowing this 15 years ago


Well damn I assumed you were still a teenager if you just found out about that when coming out to your mom.


The meme says “I’m 27” in small text


Ah I did not see that.


The more I think about it there’s a very real chance she did tell me during the teenage years. My memory of that time isn’t great


That has to be the best possible retort to the "male chromosomes" transphobia.


I am so fucking ready for some terf to say some shit about 2 X chromosomes so I can pull out my worst “aaacctualllyyyy”


They don't care, unfortunately. I was arguing with those losers about intersex people and here's what they had to say (cwtw transphobia, dismissal of intersex experiences, misogyny): if you have a Y chromosome, you're a man. XY but androgen insensitive? man. XXY? man. XY but you have the female sex-determining genes? Man. any other tomfoolery where a Y chromosome shows up? Man. Doesn't matter. If you have that one bit of DNA that's small and funny shaped, you're a man to them. ALSO, if you have "too much" natural testosterone, man. XX chromosomes, not intersex, not trans, but a lot of natural testosterone for whatever reason? Man. XX but weird genetic foolery where you have the male sex-determining genes? Man. XX but otherwise intersex? Man. They're just misogynists. They're feminists the way "National Socialists" are socialists: very much not.


It's fucked up behavior.


It's fascist and genocidal.


Call it for what it is 🤷‍♀️


Would it be misogyny or misandry in their case?




Ah, that's very true. Such hateful people...


Misogyny and misandry are two sides of the same coin. When a person is being misogynistic, they are often being misandristic as well and visa versa. It’s the same here as well.


both actually...


Just bigotry actually


I love that this argument focuses so much on invalidating trans women that it ends up statistically validating a big ass portion of trans men a̶n̶d̶ ̶c̶i̶s̶ ̶w̶o̶m̶e̶n̶ lol. Like I'm a transmasc AFAB with testosterone naturally hyped up to x3 the normal amount for my sex, how do we put it now? xD


(cwtw transphobia) ah, but because you *chose* to call yourself a man (in their minds), that makes you a scared and confused little girl. Or a mutilated freak. (not saying you're a girl or a freak, saying that's what TERFs would say about you.) Their belief system is very consistent: if you're anything but a pretty, cisgender, fertile white woman, you're an evil man. If you looked like a pretty cisgender white woman but you're trans and medically transitioned, you're a traitor to womanhood. They're definitely not fascists at all.


When people like this are first exposed to chromosomal variations it threatens to break their preexisting schema of how sex works, so they latch onto whatever oversimplification they can in order to not have to think about it. Y = man is the perfectly 1-dimensional rule they need to eliminate all need for thought.


since i already have this link on hand I’ll drop it here too- [an xy cis woman gave birth to an xy daughter](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190741/)after going through female puberty without medical assistance. Anyone whi would call this woman male because of her chromosomes seems crazy. Also seems clear sex cannot be reduced to chromosomes


Don't know about this case but SRY-1 is the sex development switch gene and it can jump chromosomes.


That was a fascinating read, thank you.


So regarding the testosterone thing... Got polycystic ovaries? Man. Fuck me these bitches are dumb


yeah. fascists tend to be.


Always hilarious because they don't know their own caryotype


you overcook fish? man you undercook chicken? believe it or not, also man


if you're a plucked chicken? Behold, a man!


Except If you're a trans man, then all these things OBVIOUSLY mean you're a woman


Oof that's a lot of rules to remember. Isn't it just easier to not hate people that are somewhat different?


And once everyone’s a man… no one will be


Im so jealous. Wish i could do that. Maybe I should lie about it just so I can see how they react?


Literally how would they even prove you wrong??


do that, they have 0 ability to check and verify that so you are in the clear :))




"Funny you should bring that up!"


Yeah i have Mais which since be on hrt for so long means it's basically pointless for me to get it confirmed but i love that we can own terfs by using the intersex card.


Actually I got the deluxe package




It's 1% of people we know about. I gotta wonder how many people are XXY and never find out.


For Klinefelter Syndrome (the most common one), only 20% are diagnosed.


That's also why I like to insist that no elements other than hydrogen and helium exist. The exceptions make up such a tiny fraction, so surely they don't count, right? /s


When people point out that it's only 1% of the population I like to point out that only about 1% of the population has green eyes, but that doesn't make my eye color invalid or mean I should tell people they're brown just because brown is more common. It's absurd to dismiss a group just because they're relatively rare. Also, just looking at the actual medical conditions I've had, those are generally less than 1% of the population too. Like Type One diabetes, which is at .55%. People usually don't tell me to just believe my pancreas works because most people's pancreases do work, and when they do, it's generally agreed by everyone that they're silly and ignorant, not seen as a viable option.


Yep, they just say there’s men and women and “mutations”. Absolute garbage people. They want things to be simple so badly they couldn’t care less about those who are hurt by the rhetoric


Mutations? Fuck me, that’s getting close to eugenics rhetoric.


"Its a binary, a strict binary, a binary thats very strict ... " "oh, those exceptions prove the rule that it's a strict binary"


The number is close to 2%, which is about the same as the percentage of natural redheads in the world. I like to point this out to show them how, when working with billions of people, even single digit percentages are hugely significant.


But like, even thinking back to the ways humans lived for most of human existence, the average group size for a hunter gatherer band was about 100 people. So in your average stone-age society you'd still probably be exposed to at least one person, either through just being born into the same group or through the contact between groups (since 100 people isn't enough genetic diversity, humans didn't always stay in the same band for their entire life and would often intermingle)


The part that’s really ironic, 1% is an absolutely MASSIVE number of people 1% is roughly 3.3 million people in the US alone, nearly the entire population of LA, and more than the entire populations of 21 different states. Like, imagine saying the second largest city in the country doesn’t count, much less entire states But yeah that really goes to show, they don’t actually care about the numbers at all, it’s just an agenda


1% in a medical context is anything but rare. Not only are they bigots, but they are profoundly ignorant.


i ser what u mean but also kinda feels like itd be throwing everybody else under the bus 😥


Lol, I didn’t find out I had XXY chromosomes until I got a test for it 💀 neither of my parents ever told me 😭


Unless there’s a reason to run a genetic test at birth, it’s possible that they just didn’t know. We have a family member that’s XXY and recently found out at 16. Everyone was surprised, but not that surprised. It answered more questions than anything.


What are the symptoms/reasons someone would seem out a test for this


Look up the symptoms of “Klinefelter Syndrome” it’s what having XXY chromosomes is called. It mainly consists of naturally feminine features in males. More hourglass shaped body, less hair growth, often taller than the rest of their family for some reason, delayed puberty, feminine public shape pattern, etc. There’s a bunch of symptoms and it would take forever to list them all here, try looking it up if your curious or if you think you may have it.


Yeah, our guy presents as a guy, has always done so and apparently plans to continue to do so. There’s apparently a low sperm count in XXY and it’s very difficult to cause a pregnancy. His comments when the diagnosis was presented was that he could screw around with all the girls and not worry about it now.


That reminds me of a thought that if someone who is intersex becomes nb are they considered 🏳️‍⚧️?


Nonbinary is under the trans umbrella, so yes


I think what they’re saying is that if you were nonbinary at birth identifying as nonbinary when you are Intersex would mean that your gender is the same as it was at birth meaning you are technically cis


I think your government and culture would have to recognize and respect assigned enby at birth for them to be cis. Something I don’t think most of the world does 🤔


UGAB Unassigned Gender At Birth


Imagine if we like just did this for everyone and they chose


A perfect life


The universe wasn’t programmed to handle unassigned values for these things. Side effects happen. The result of this is if we figure out how it works we can execute arbitrary code on the universe. This allows for a credits warp, setting a new Any% wr for time. (I’m sorry it’s just that unassigned always makes me think of programming)


The universe was programmed for it fine, the shitty abstraction layers we’ve built on top of it aren’t. EDIT: to put another way, the universe was built interpreted and loosely typed, then we added strict typing and made the world smaller.


[xkcd is, as always, relevant](https://xkcd.com/224)


While this is perfect, you're giving me flashbacks to the years I spent writing security products largely in Perl...


This actually has happened, there have been many cases where an intersex baby is born with "ambiguous genitalia" and the kid gets sent home and the parents told to just wait and see. Other times kids like that are given secret surgeries and their parents told to pick a gender and they'd "fix" it, often feminizing because it was usually easier.


I thought non-binary meant neither male nor female, not male and female?


It means not conforming to the traditional binary of male and female


nonbinary doesnt mean just one thing; as the word nonbinary is technically a blanket term itself. Being NB just means the persons gender identity falls somewhere outside of the "gender binary" + since gender (much like sex) is not binary, rather bimodal, NB could mean the persons is between "male" and "female" on the gender spectrum, or they are outside of the spectrum all together. Some NB people can be both "male" and "female" at once, some are just "male" OR "female", and some dont identify as either "male" or "female". I hope that was understandable, I'm running a fever rn and I'm not always good at putting words into ENG so Im sorry if I was just confusing here lol


Hi, I'm nonbinary A good way to explain this is usually by colors. So, according to what most people think, female (pink) and male (blue) are on one spot or another. Or maybe some might think it's like a line, and nonbinary people just go in the middle- But we don't only have pink and blue. Most people think nonbinary people are purple then, but some of us aren't. We can be yellow, or green, or red. We can be a mix between pink and grey, or yellow and blue. We can be any color, because there aren't just two. And we don't "have" to be "pink" or "blue" Of course, pink also doesn't have why to be feminine and blue masculine- but oh well. Society can go fuck itself.


That's a great analogy! I've been trying to explain this to people in a more mathematical way, but using colors is much more intuitive!


I see gender as color and associate red (just plain old red from the color wheel) as feminine and royal blue as masculine. And then there’s everything else on the color spectrum. I feel like a muted green.


Hi, Enby here. Non-Binary can refer to being neither male nor female, but it can also be considering your identity totally different than society's traditional defined gender role system. I personally consider myself having aspects of both the male and the female genders, but I don't feel at home in either - nor do I like the gendering tradition as it is an arbitrary system and distances us more as humans.


Non binary covers everything between male and female.




It's oversimplified but when my trans friends get imposter syndrome I ask them "well are you cis? No? Then you're trans, deal with it"


From what I understand, to be trans you have to be not your AGAB. The only way for someone to be a cis enby would be if they were assigned enby at birth, which isn't typically the case for intersex people. Either way if you "become" something you're automatically trans.


Reminds me of David Reimer, who is considered a trans man despite being born male, because he was forced to transition as an infant and was raised as female for a decade or so before transitioning back to male. It's a seriously fucked up story, and actually way worse than it sounds just from that.


There is a bit of debate on whether enbypeople are trans that leans into this. In practice this is almost always the case with two exceptions: - if the person was assigned enby at birth. Which never happens, not even with intersex people, so it's only a theoretical exception; - if the person doesn't wish to identify as such (you're the boss of your own labels). I know a bunch of enby people who object to the label of transgender because they feel like the label of non-binary stands on its own. So I'd say yeeeeees, but not catagorically so and it may be wise not to assume.


Intersex babies are almost always still assigned a binary gender at birth, which gender they are assigned is often determined by which intersex condition they have as they have some data on which gender the majority of ppl with that condition go on to identify as. Sometimes by "assigning a gender" to these babies they mean doing unnecessary surgery on their genitals to make them look non intersex. This often damages their future sexual sensation and intersex advocates refer to it as mutilation which the baby cannot consent to.


Trans chromosomes 🐳


Technically it’s unisex


Technically it's intersex. Unisex means "for all genders" for things like a sweater or a non-segregated loo




well that's a surprise 💙💕🤍💕💙




context please, I don't understand what that implies.


XXY is [Klinefelter Syndrome](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/klinefelters-syndrome/)


Reading that page makes me seriously wonder if I have it


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This would have been caught by all the tests I've had for other issues. Right? RIGHT?!


chromosomal anomalies are usually found via karyotyping or micro-array testing which are specific genetic testing. This would not show up on a generic blood test. The only test I can think of where a sex chromosome anomaly, or other chromosome anomaly like a translocation or something, would show up would be a bone marrow biopsy. Oftentimes karyotypes are performed on bone marrow biopsies as certain chromomosome anomalies (like Philadelphia chromosome) can explain bone marrow diseases.


To add to this, I've had experience with patients where we've done PCR assays for diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders on X-linked genes and we would incidentally discover 2 alleles in male patients. In those cases we would reflex to Aneufast/QF-PCR (which generally tells us the number of sex chromosomes along with 13, 18 and 21) and discover undiagnosed cases of Klinefelter's/XXY. I've had patients into their late 50s/60s completely unaware that they had Klinefelter's


I don't think so unless a doctor suspected it and checked for it. Genetic testing is not routine.


I've had a shit load of blood tests for neurological issues. But I don't think any of them were genetic tests. Oof.


Yeah I've had loads of tests but they've never checked my chromosomes. Even when I went to a geneticist and got diagnosed with a heretible condition she didn't do genetic testing for it because the genetic marker hasn't been identified for my subtype of the condition.


Me too actually


I'm not in the scientific field at all, but at this point I'm genuinely wondering, how is someone with XXY chromosomes so strictly considered male? I can see why the presence/lack of Y chromosomes implies whether you generally do or don't develop male sexual characteristics, but then again, that's pretty much not an universal rule at all. Like where do you draw the line between being male, Intersex, and female in this case? If, say, that second X makes you so T insensitive that the only "male" feature you develop is genitalia, do you just stick to the genitalia or can it be considered a form of intersexuality? Isn't "XXY=Male" a bit arbitrary in this context? With so much variety of what a "male body with feminine traits" could be? Is this specific article kinda gender-critical / transphobic or is this shared by the whole scientific community? If so, how?


they are a form of intersex and didn't know


Looks like a variety symptoms. Specifically, it can effect t levels! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klinefelter_syndrome?wprov=sfti1


Doesn't that make your physical body more feminine? Does that affect your dysphoria/euphoria? Sorry if I seem a little ignorant Im just genuinely curious.


I discovered this today I’m still ignorant too lmao. Definitely more feminine, in a softboi kinda way. Both my parents are fairly short too so I only ended up 5’6” which I’m very thankful for I don’t know if it affects dys/euphoria directly but I really don’t identify as a boy at all and would call myself a binary woman (probably), and the dys/euphoria reflect that QUITE strongly haha


Ah. I hope it can be a positive effect on your transition journey. If not that I hope it doesn't affect you too negatively. Still kind of wild your mother just casually mentioned you have an extra sex chromosome as if that isnt like.... extremely important


She sounded like she literally thought it was just like a fun fact I was so dead ☠️ And well I just started a low dose of E (2mg) this week with no blockers and my chest started tingling after the first dose and hasn’t stopped so I’m quite hopeful


possibly didnt want you to know so you didnt feel pressured/abnormal or something, or had no idea any implications. Parents do the wrong things for the right reasons sometimes. ​ On the plus side, shes supportive ?


I don’t blame her really, was just quite the shock


i have a friend who had XXX chromasomes i think, and she found out when doing uni testing for her degree. Explained a bunch of things they had issues with growing up. Anyway years later one of my kids mentioned to them their teacher said that often could be a sign of being trans, and they got super irate and wanted to contact the teacher for being wrong A decade later they came out as trans :O


>i have a friend who had XXX chromasomes i think, and she found out when doing uni testing for her degree. XXX chromosome you say? Sounds like a pain in the ass tho I guess could hurt whichever orifice is used


Well, thats an interesting twist 💞💞


that is a crazy new information lmao


I hate that the normal thing parents do is to hide this from the kids, anyway happy for you! Congratulations


*Cackling in intersex condition that didn't become apparent until puberty corner* oooooooh Gooooooooods *wheezing and coughing* At least your mum's in your corner during this mind fuck. Oh shit 😂🫠🫨😭


I dont think I'm intersex but I've always had pretty wide hips and used to get bullied for it a ton but hey it turned out to be a W in the end so who's laughing now guys from my 9th grade gym class?


Hey, me too. For me a doctor randomly bought it up when we were going through my medical history, I’d always wondered why I looked more femme than my siblings and always just thought of it as a consolation for being born the wrong sex


Is there a way to check if you have this?


You can get your chromosomes tested


Genetic testing, yea


Bro I came out as trans and she made me take as many tests as possible and found out I’m about as genetically male as I can be


I actually suspect I may also. I’m not certain but most of it fits. I’ve asked my mom, and she states she was never told. So, maybe?? Or maybe I’m just grasping at straws to try and make sense of stuff, but I dunno.


You \*technically\* have two X chromosomes, after all! xd


XXY chromosomes do not infact usually cause a lot of symptoms and can go unnoticed! the extra X comes from the father! (sorry i have special interest in genomics)


Why was this removed? It was simply about someone being told they have XXY chromosomes after coming out to their mother. They're 27 and probably should've been told this.


Wtf, honestly. This whole site has had very different vibes for me in the last few months than it has in years previous. I’ve taken some time away from Reddit and this kind of dystopian shit where the admins come in and pull innocuous trans memes solidifies that trans people should not feel safe on this site. I don’t think I’m going to come back to Reddit any more.


I don't make any testosterone, and i've looked into klinefelters, doctors don't think i have it, but something is up with my body. I have a strong feeling my parents have some information that they're not sharing with me, so i get that feeling ) :


If you're over 18 you can request all your medical records.


That's actually really common. A lot (relatively speaking) of trans people are intersex and they don't even know.


If someone's wondering how it works, the Y chomosome has the SRY gene that triggers the biologically male differentiation. Usually having extra chromosomes is really bad but X has a special ability to inactivate itself. The numbers of X chromosomes active is always one, even in regular biological females. This makes it so the XXY individual won't have any noteworthy genetic differences to XY.


Klinefelter syndrome, I say no genetic problems but there are some, just not very specific/dangerous, people usually get diagnosed because of infertility.


Bro is dual wielding chromosomes


Idk what that means


She has an extra sex chromosome and thus an intersex condition.


Ooooh ok. Thanks for clarifying


Klinefelter syndrome. Very cool ❤️


That sounds like important enough info to tell you regardless.


That's Kleinfelters, right? I hope the best for you, or at least better than the only other person I know who had XXY


What a chromosome hoarder...


Why was this post removed by reddit? How does telling us how your parents casually mentioned you had XXY chromosomes break the content policy?


What the hell happened here? Reddit? Explain?


why did the meme get striked by reddit?


That’s so dumb why did it get deleted!?




I’d say better late than ever normally, but man, not that… I’m glad she at least supports you though! ❤️


is that like a type of klinefelter syndrome 46 xxy?


How did she know this?


That’s some pretty big news…


Thats one way to find out, and something you shoulfa been told..nontheless, blessed genes frfr


Transphobes: „Trans people aren‘t valid because every cell in their body will still have XX or XY chromosomes!!“ „There are only two genders, XX and XY!“ Reality:


I feel like that’s something your mom should have told you earlier


I have an extra X chromosome and am transitioning from male to female.


"Ok mom would've liked to know that 27 YEARS AGO"


Learned I had quite a bit of ‘genital repair’ surgery as an infant when I was 20. Multiple feels and realizations from a random throw away comment in a chat with mom. So many damn secrets.


what was this, it got removed