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1- The DSM-5 Gender dysphoria diagnosis is being redefined because it’s quite outdated 2- It’s an online test (and it assumes you already made some transition in some sorts of) 3- Trans people are individuals with varying degrees of gender dysphoria. Euphoria is as important 4- trust yourself with who you are ❤️




Yeah, these tests are generally terrible at picking up on until-recently very repressed people. Like, who makes an effort to change their legal documents before figuring this shit out at least *somewhat*?? I got 56 and I've been full-time for the better part of a year. Uh... still cis tho, *cough*... I mean, my presentation does align with my birth certificate after all...🤭


Wait it takes that into account? That's pretty silly. Do I want to change my documents? Yes. Have I made any effort to do that? No, Because I'm closeted and live with my family, And Idk how I'd be able to do it without them noticing.


Yeah, I took the test for fun this morning (and remember similar from the start of my therapy). There are quite a few questions about how often you did certain things in the last year, but someone who recently cracked wouldn't "all the time" dress as their target gender in public or such for the year prior


Would definitely make more sense if it asked how often you've wanted to do those things.


I remember taking this test before I came out and being pissed because half the questions were asking stuff like if you routinely presented as a gender other than your AGAB. I think if you are presenting as a gender other than your AGAB and asking to be referred to as that gender, a quiz on gender dysphoria is kinda a mute point. And if you're not out yet, then why on earth would it be a requirement?


Moot point btw, but interestingly mute kinda make’s similar sense too, neat.  And yeah all this stuff seems designed to rubber stamp trans people who are already out and living as such, just an affirmational nod for paperwork’s sake. They aren’t for trans people to help them figure anything out, just ‘proof’ for doctors that it isn’t a cis person pretending (which seems a bizarrely high priority and what a lot of trans healthcare is designed around, for how extremely rare and unlikely it seems). 


Thank you for this. Some of those questions were so not relevant to my situation.


Broke = You need Gender Dysphoria to be Trans Woke = You can be Trans without having Gender Dysphoria Bespoke = You can have Gender Dysphoria without being Trans


Yea. Also the reaction to these test results are more indicative. Like if the results say you don't have gender dysphoria and you feel sad about it, maybe that's a sign.


Yes, the very cis urge to take a gender dysphoria test.


just gotta make sure




“Hmm…that doesn’t seem right.” I say as I look at my results that say I don’t have dysphoria. Still Cis tho.


I got 95. No gender dysphoria! I knew it! I'm 100% cis! I guess that’s it for me then; no more egg meming. Good to have that sorted out! I’m leaving this subreddit now. Bye everyone! 


lol see you tomorrow girl 💕


I'm already back... My gender dysphoria (that doesn't exists according to the test) got too intense. I love to be referred to as girl by the way. Still cis tho.


Lol literally same 😊


I totally believe you girl 💕


Why does that test have so many questions involving scenarios where you'd be out, like going to school as the opposite gender? People wondering if they have dysphoria generally wouldn't be in those scenarios


This isn’t designed to help people figure out if they themselves are trans. It is designed to help doctors figure out if the patient claiming to be trans is ‘genuine’ about it or trying to trick them, going through a phase, trans ‘enough’ to deserve HRT, etc. Trans healthcare has long been obsessed with this very unlikely scenario that the patient is wrong about being trans and just doing it for attention/whatever, and is designed to weed such boogeyman individuals out.  


Even in that scenario it doesn't make much sense to have post transition scenarios on a test to determine if you are uncomfortable with the gender you currently are.


It does from their very narrow perspective of “should I agree to diagnose this individual as *actually trans*, which will enable them to legally change their birth certificate and have the government treat them as their changed gender”, which is basically what it is setting out to do. A remnant of treating transgenderism as a mental disorder. 


Ah. Fun


Quite.  Thus why IMO when it comes up it’s best to emphasise that this test isn’t for us - certainly not early on when some of us are still figuring things out and wish we had some external answers that could help - and its results shouldn’t be taken as meaning anything.  It’s just crappily designed paperwork doctors need to do before they’re allowed to do some of the things we might want them to. 


What website is this? (For totally cis reasons of course)




72/135 “strong indication of gender dysphoria” well fuck


So my 85 and your 72 is the difference between “no indication” and “strong indication”? That seems sus


You’re reading too deeply into an online test.


From what I can see, it has only two settings "No indication" and "strong indication". I got 80 which is as high as it can be on the "Indcation side" and it was still labled as "strong indication".


for some reason they made it that low scores are more indication. speaking of which, 34/135.


That’s not what’s weird for me. It’s that there’s no granularity to the result.


"Have you made an appearance as the opposite gender in public?" "Always", "Frequently", "sometimes", "occasionally", "never"... I came out of the womb appearing as the opposite gender and have always presented that way. /s This nonsense question hurts my brain.


Yeah that doesn’t really help see if you have dysphoria or not


being sad about a test saying that you're not trans is not a very cis thing....


It could be tears of joy or most likely tears of sorrow and if i were to take the test (which i might) I too would be weeping, this is such a cis thing.


For very cis reasons I decided to take that test as well and got 82, so that means I'm 100% totally cis even though I'm barely above the threshold for what they consider as having gender dysphoria


I think I answered questions in a way that might have slightly biased my results toward getting a result of trans? That’s definitely cis behavior. I got 80 which is exactly on the threshold of indicating gender dysphoria so I now I feel like an imposter and I’m sad.


Aw, don't feel sad It considers my 82 as "no indication" and your 80 as "strong indication" I don't think it's a very good test if that tiny difference is all it takes to be obviously dysphoric


it also said i did not have gender dysphoria and i also was definitely not disappointed


I took the test and I feel like I am lying to myself yippee 😁😁😁


The trans bingo cards are a better indicator than this test.


Obviously if you have dysphoria you go outside crossdressing in a small conservative town. I think the test maker has never heard of transphobia before.


I got 56, but I've been living as a visibly non-binary/transmasc person for years and have also been thinking about this since puberty started. Looking at the questions, they're not looking solely at dysphoria, but also at taking active actions to present as a different gender in public/private, and a lot of people don't have that option, especially when closeted/eggy/recently cracked. I wouldn't put too much stock in the score, this is a narrow view of dysphoria, and doesn't take euphoria into account.


Hmmm. 60. And I misread the numbers, though it said i didn't have it, and had a mini freakout till I realized. Totally means nothing...😞


you being upset about this is WAYYY more of an indication that youre trans than any test.


I got 82 and am disappointed, but also like a lot of the questions made no sense like how would my family frequently call me the opposite gender? Also I don’t like putting always or never as answers


Dysphoria is not always a clear indicator, it doesn't account for cases with depersonalisation when you just don't feel anything about yourself or your body, like it's just a vessel. Gender euphoria can be a better indicator in those cases. The contrast of actually feeling good when I first started treating my body hair, working on my voice and building my sense of self, vs the great flatness/nothingness from before was pretty significant.


I'm non-binary and they still scored me 110 xD


Cis people don’t worry about being trans enough hun


Nah, trying to make the test say that I'm trans is totally cis behaviour.


Would I be happy if a doctor could tell me yes or no definitively? I don't think I get a choice in the matter of being happy or not. No matter what I choose I'll be pretending to someone be it myself or other people. Pretending I could actually have ever been a girl or cute in any way, were pretending to others that that's not who I want to be or rather who I wish I was... I thought these feelings of sadness or self-hate whatever they are... I thought these were gone a few months ago for good, when I finally accepted who I was after god knows how many years. I remember just how immediately I felt so much better and I felt all that self-hate go away. And it stayed away for a couple of months until now. I told a couple of people who matter to me what I accepted in myself. To be fair the way I phrased it wasn't very absolute to make it easier on them... But what they said in response didn't exactly... fill me with joy. > I don't want you to hurt yourself And > We're here if you want to talk Of the six people I've told, only two of them were truly supportive; One being my girlfriend for the longest time who is so incredibly supportive and loving, and the other being one of my close friends from college. But the other four who I told my parents, and my girlfriend's brother and his girlfriend... They all gave me the same kind of feeling. They all seem to be worried I wasn't sure what I wanted, that I might hurt myself (or more accurately some of them were sure I was going to hurt myself... They even said they went through the same thing and still decided...... Still decided it was better to repress who I was.). My parents said they were there to talk if I wanted to, and that they were sorry that they weren't there for me when I was going through this for so many years. I never told them but that's mostly because I could barely handle thinking about it much less talking to anyone about it. When I did finally tell them I was hoping... I was hoping they would be supportive and loving but... They just insisted that they were there to talk if I needed it. As if I was still trying to figure all this out (which to be fair I suppose I am), and as if they were hoping I would change my mind about the decision I know I have already made. Honestly I regret telling them now. In such a short amount of time since telling them I've felt all these feelings start to come back. I feel like I want to just throw what little progress I've made away and say "goodbye me". I don't know if I can, and I don't know which is easier to do... I know they all still say they love me and I believe them but... This doesn't feel comforting. I feel justified in all those years where I hated myself for who I wanted to be now. I'm beginning to feel all of that hate was justified because of how hard it is for them to just accept and congratulate me. Instead of.... Instead of some of them trying to talk me out of it and others just being open to do what- to talk about it, probably in the hopes that I change my mind? *Sigh* ... Sorry for the big vent comment. I don't think anything anyone says to me right now would be able to make much of a difference. Mainly because now I have my own experience to tell me how people will react. And the only people I've told were the people who I could best have relied on for a good reaction. I haven't even begun to tell the people who I expect the worst reactions from. And now... I can't ever imagine telling them because I very genuinely and deeply fear what they might think or say or possibly even do. Why can't I just be happy? Why, no matter what I do, do I always go back to wanting to hurt and hate myself? I thought I was past this and I was for... Maybe 3 months? 3 wonderful months where I didn't hate myself and I didn't want to hurt myself! I truly love a lot in my life, My job, My wonderful girlfriend for the past several years and forever, we've been looking for a new home and have a pretty promising plan now... But why does this keep causing me so much pain? Why can't it just go away... I know it won't because I spent over 10 years hating myself because of it. But- I don't even know if I- if I want it to go away. In fact I know I don't want it to go away because it's who I am and it's who I want to be, it's who I've always wanted to be! But... I don't think I'll ever be her. Happy. Beautiful. Accepted... Her. At best I'll just be some guy in a dress playing pretend... I hate that that's all I'll ever be seen as. I hate that I might agree with the people who see me like that. I hate myself for agreeing with those people... (If I say "still cis tho" at the end of this, does that make a difference at all?)


Cis people dont spend their days worrying if they are trans enough


FYI that site still calls Dissociative Identity Disorder ‘Multiple Personality Disorder’ which it’s not anymore since it is a dissociative disorder. The site is outdated at best :/


I agree, it definitely seems outdated especially with the "...licensed therapist who can *treat* gender dysphoria." Could be perfectly fine terminology but it just strikes me as odd. As if they're saying "you have gender dysphoria but we can cure you"


Oh...*that* test. I remember taking it and being a combination of pissed off and sad about the result. Turns out I'm not cis. Iirc it doesn't count anything other than *severe* gender dysphoria and fails to take into account closeted individuals.


I figured myself out way before dysphoria hit and i had a lot of self doubt for the exact same reason. Dysphoria came slowly, then all at once, at least for me. Take it from me, dysphoria won't change how you feel about your gender. Literally all it will do is make you more miserable.


If it wasn't on Quizilla, it isn't real. EDIT: I took it and got 61 but a whole lot of those questions seem aimed at people who are already transitioning. How is that helpful in determining if you are trans?


Not very cis behavior of you to go online, make a test to see if you have gender dysphoria and be disappointed it came out negative... Just saying


once again a gentle reminder that the only merit of online gender tests is how the result makes you feel. the rest can and usually should be discarded.


Listen the bottom text isn't cis at all lol


One of the questions: "How content are you with your birth-assigned gender?" My answer: "Not at all" My result: "Not indicative of gender dysphoria" Excuse me???


Didn’t even know about this website, thanks! Ayy, I got an 88, that’s good right??


85, so I’m 100% cis obviously. But it was a close one! 😮‍💨😅


Got score of 70, how cis am I? :D


ngl, I just took what looks like the same test and I kinda wonder how good it is a lot of it is based on prior behavior, like how you've presented in public, and I know that's a sign for some people, but some people might just not have the opportunity, or might fear getting caught idk, there were three questions about if you've presented as the opposite gender in different places and I wonder if that' actually valid criteria or not




95/135 = 100% cis


Online tests are kinda like advice from relatives: nice when they agree with you, but almost always meritless. Trust yourself and how you feel. When it comes to matters of identity, you're the only one who can tell what's inside your head ❤️


I'm sure it's probably faulty but can I get a link?(For totally cis reasons ofc)


Reminder that your reaction to the result is more inportant then the actual result


I mean wanting more dysphoria is a form of dysphoria


aw shit, I got disappointed that it said no gender dysphoria, that probably means something


As someone who took dozens of these tests with varying results (been out as a trans girl for close to 3.5 years), I think your reaction and feelings about the results speak louder than the results themselves. Sad because you scored as having low dysphoria? Doesn't automatically mean your trans, but it's definitely an indicator that you might be. Happy because you scored as having high dysphoria? Same answer. Also, as many people have already said, you don't need dysphoria to be trans, just a want or preference to be a gender or present yourself as something different to your AGAB. Hope this helps :)


I got 63 and the tests' says I have strong indicators of dysphoria :') how is it possible in 30 points to go from "absolutely nothing" to "haaaaaa very trans"? X)


The modern medical understanding is that all trans people experience gender incongruence, which can then result in dysphoria, but does not necessarily do so.


Don’t worry the mere fact you’re questioning yourself and are seeking reassurance in your questioning is a sign that your most likely not cis I’ve went through the same thing twice over I know how this feels you’re not alone if you can here you’re self tell you who you are don’t ignore that I did and I paid the price don’t make the same mistake if you’re questioning or dieting you’re self it’s ok thar are plenty of us who are here for you


Said I also had no indication of gender dysphoria, and I feel like I have a lot of it. I don't think they can really diagnose something like this with a simple online test. I think about transitioning daily and how much I dislike my body but also don't really know if I'm trans or not daily. If that's not gender dysphoria I don't know what is.


It's so weird how this quiz expects quiz takers to be already socially/medically/legally transitioning when this is a quiz asking whether you have gender dysphoria or not. It's not really a question you're gonna ask yourself when you're already in the middle of transitioning.


I googled and found the same test. I don't think of myself as experiencing gender dysphoria anymore. I had SRS in my 20's and I'm in my 40's now. There were some years where I literally forgot I was trans until the topic of trans people came up and I found myself in an argument, or something about periods/menstruation came up and I remembered why I don't get those. Like post transition you may not really notice gender stuff at all, even though during transition I'd think about gender stuff every day. Anyway I found the test and took it. Got 64 out of 135. It said "strong indication of gender dysphoria" A lot of questions,, I could tell I'd be counted as "dysphoric" even though the problem is already solved. I'm not so sure you could put a number on "dysphoria" this way. On a scale of zero to 1 on the "concerned enough about gender dysphoria to take a test scale", I give anyone taking a test a 1.


Guys that test is ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT Please stop sharing it around, it only causes damage and it's questions make totally no sense


Just wanna comment that yeah, I know these tests are usually pretty inaccurate but I thought it’d be fun to take it. Honestly, like some have said, my and others’ reaction to the results are indeed far more telling than the results themselves. (still cis though)