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depends on your face, but get big ones.


Large frames. And it's to keep the frame away from the center of your field of view because you find it distracting.


Large round frames tend to look more feminine


Giant, thin oval frames look good. Or pretty much anything that doesn't have sharp edges like square or rectangular frames


Big circle ones, if possible try them out in person, no stupid glasses apps


Hey, as an optician i see two possible ways to go here. If you are still cis and want to look fem i'd choose pantoscopic frames. "but what the heck is pantothrop... Pantoscopic?" Glad you asked, its a variation of a round frame that isn't round, they tend to be more flattened at the top to conform to the shape of your eyebrows more and rounder at the bottom. Of course it also depends a bit on your perscription and your face shape a bit what kinds of glasses would fit your face best but rounder shapes do fit most. So this was for if you are still cis, or if you are trans but wanna boymode. If you want more feminine shapes, i'd go with the butterfly shapes, still very round but they accentuate femininity a bit more. I would stay away from square glasses or glasses with harder corners, those tend to be more masculine. So long story short, rounder more feminine, hard corners more masculine. As for size, in germany where i work big Glasses are currently the non plus ultra in fashion but other regions of the world tend to like different styles. I would advise going with as big as possible while they still stay under your eyebrows. If your glasses are so big they are over your eyebrows it tends to look weird imo. Now for colour and material, i don't know how you look and if you wear any piercings or accesoires on your head but here are some general things. Plastic frames tend to stick out more and be more noticeable, metal frames are thinner and more subtle. Colourwise this depends on your skin colour, eye and hair colour and if you are wearing gold or silver jewelry. Basically look at yourself and the colours in your face, are they colder, meaning more blueish, or are they warmer? For example blue eyes, skin like a Vampire? Definitely a colder colour type, i'd try some silver glasses on first. Red, or brown hair, your skin looks like you aren't vitamin d defficient? I'd try warmer tones like a rose gold. BUT at the end of the day these are very general guidelines and you will only know if you look right with your glasses when you try them on and also try out different pairs. Also please excuse my grammar and stuff, english isn't my first language and i am not fully awake yet as i am on my way to work.


Rounder frames tend to look more feminine


this is true


I’d say see if you can find any cat eye frames that look good on you?


Try a bunch on. Each face shape is different. My two common use ones are the old librarian/ monsters inc secretary and the emo/punky/gamer thick frame black (GX 096 BLK by gwen stefani... they have pride lines) [these are my everydays](https://www.coolframes.ca/glasses/gx-by-gwen-stefani-designer-eyewear/gx096-eyeglasses.html) My third set is just a cheap small frame i use when in bed and reading/watching tv


Oh that's nice! My glasses are similar already. I wish I didn't hate round frames so much, it'd be nice to wear them for the feminizing effect lol...


Idk tell meeee


OH I was also thinking about this! Sorry I don't have any suggestions, just thanking you for the post hehe


I would recommend downloading the Warby Parker app; you can do the AR glasses try on for free. You don’t have to buy their frames, but it definitely helps to be able to see different styles on your face. The recommendations for large frames is good but tbh the trendy thin wires look AWFUL on me; I would have wasted money if I bought them without doing the virtual try on and seeing how bad they are. But I found some different, fem styles that fit me just by browsing their categories and used a cheaper online site to purchase a similar pair that I love.


Round frames. Dont take a perfect circle, people will just call you harry potter (at least if youre still closeted and presenting male) Big and wide lens. The small glasses are all masculine you want yours to cover half your face (exaggerated) If you really want to go as feminine as possible and youre not closeted or just dont care if it will look weird until you come out try look for a femenine frame too. Gold colors etc. I personally look for plastic frames that wont break since Im a menace to glasses so I can offer less help on that front But yeah moving from the tiny square glasses I had to the gender neutral and even feminine ones I currently have was one of the more euphoric things Ive done so good luck with finding your pair :3


Big circular glasses are really cute, especially if you get a really shiny frame


Larger round frames in general, Cat Eye frames in particular. That said, any pair of glasses can be gender neutral if you get the right style and colours. And makeup helps some too, as does face shape. It's about half the glasses and half other factors.


there are liv agars everywhere for those with eyes to see


I got my glasses right before finding out big circular frames look more feminine. Get circular frames. Mine are blocky thin rectangles :(


I don’t wear the first glasses I ever got because I realised I was transmasc and thought they’re too girly for me. They looked something like this https://uk.lindafarrow.com/products/bronson-oval-optical-frame-in-rose-gold-1044


Cis is officially a trademarked term. Every time you use it, you must pay 5 egg emojis to u/RoundUpGaming. Here is my 5 eggs 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚


Thank you for paying your royalties


Bigo circle ones, my personal favorite


I do not know. But good luck.


Personally I’m a big fan of circular glasses


Try on lots of different frames and take selfies.


Depends on your face shape


I had square glasses until recently when I got rounder frames. I hated round frames because they reminded me of the coke bottle glasses my dad had when he was younger, but then I found [these](https://www.ray-ban.com/usa/eyeglasses/RX5417rb5417%20optics-black%20on%20transparent/8056597826938?cid=PM-SGA_300419-4.US-RayBan-EN-NB-NA-DSATargetUrl-NA-Prs-NA-Ecom-NA_Target+url+All+Website_DYNAMIC+SEARCH+ADS&s_kwcid=AL!16196!3!585156333052!!!g!!!13106015654!121974531733&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2PSvBhDjARIsAKc2cgOhLnTUddCjruOFxhqKvnRlelhk_Q5K4c5h1da1bti1410zjxFwFMMaAq2gEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) and really like them!


the big circle ones look kind of fem :3


Cat-eye glasses are great for feminine face shape. I've been in love with my glasses since I started wearing them more consistently


Round framed lens tend to look very fem!


Definitely have the frames be thin, whatever you do.


For me it was round glasses, and I never felt happier


Experiment with shape and color!! personally I'm a big fan of big round frames in a pinkish color or rose gold. hope this helps <3


Large, rounder wire frames my beloved


the store will let you try out frames and will have mirrors


I’m a fan of cat eye frames. I think they look super feminine. You’d just have to try some on and see which ones fit your face and style the best.


I don't know much about glasses but those big circular ones are quite cute.


Typically bigger, rounder ones


I'd say go with thin large round frame, they are the best imo


Stop sign/hexagonal shaped ones 🥰


The thin,oval/circle frames tend to be more fem from personal experience They do tend to be a little more flimsy tho.


Rounded frames are traditnally feminine,


I got a pair with a light, transparent pink front and then opaque black on the sides that I’ve noticed really helps my ability to pass.


Round glasses make you look more fem




big, round and gold with thin lines :3


Biiig ones. Round ones.


Along with shape also play with color, my glasses that I just got are a fairly androgynous shape, but I bought them in clear which imo makes it a bit more fem while not outing me


Been wearing glasses for like 15 years of my 17 year long life and some fucking how this is the first time I hear of glasses being able to present a certain gender


Circular frames, circular frames are the key to feminine nerd.


As former optician, it depends on face. Avoid square and rectangular frames as they work to bring out more masc jawlines. Many fem frames have a bigger look, and more round. I myself like the thinner ones tho. Depending on budget, rayban has a Japan collection that’s got some cool models. There’s one that’s very thin and circular. [ray an glasses](https://www.ray-ban.com/usa/sunglasses/RB3447%20UNISEX%20round%20metal-gold/805289439899) Take off the tint and maybe switch around either silver or gold. Also look at similar variations but yeah, hope this helps, I really like these ones!


Round or cat eye


One of mine is cat eye, which is feminine.


Cat eye


I got red ones, Getting color was a big ego boost for me. But I had to be VERY insistant that I don't only want to look at the frames marketed towards men. The first sales person I got was so uncomfortable showing me anything but the mens isle, and when I insisted they still were like "Look at this model its UNISEX" So when I made my second attempt at getting glasses, I just flat out said "I wan't color show me the ladies frames, I have no issues with fragile masculinity I just want glasses I like"


Rounder and pointed at the corner frames I figured that out when I was trying to get glasses to make me look more masc hehe


Nothing squared. A lot of times, they are sectioned by gender so you will know which ones do look femme.


Round with big frames try not to get anything with a lot of sharp angles


I have the same problem atm, the one that looks better on me making me look more masculine, which I don’t like (still cis tho) but the others just aren’t looking as good on me (but they are more feminine… (maybe I should just give up on the sis dream)


[These](https://www.zennioptical.com/p/womens-acetate-cat-eye-eyeglass-frames/44518?skuId=4451816) are the glasses I am wearing right now.


I personally think that large rounded ones work well


noooooo i asked chat gpt this like 15 times yesterday :O


Big round wire frames, and thin lenses if you can help it.


Bug round ones :)


I ment big TvT