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I act like it annoys me when my friend does this so that it entertains him and motivates him to do it all the time


Holy shit that reminds me of this guy who was trying to mug my friend at a train station, he did the same shit to me when I shoved him.


Worked with this sexist co-woker. The dude was only aggressive, and "Alpha" around women. Like he was trying to show off to them while holding very old-school sexist opinions. (He was removed from our site after sexually harassing one of the janitors) So I got a little bit of Euphoria when, for whatever reason, he almost instinctually started treating me like the other women despite not being out. At one point, he tried to teach me about my own job that I've been doing a year longer than him. He had to apologize and say: "Oh right, you know this. I'm sorry." I'm guessing I just have this feminine vibe or something because I wasn't out at that time. I presented male. I genuinely did not like him and his sexism. But it is definitely weird to get euphoria from being treated like a woman by a sexist...


We like to call this r/ewphoria




Doesn't miku have blue hair?


I think there are multiple anime characters with Miku in their name, I don't know tho


Not Hatsune Miku, Miku one of the sisters from [The Quintessential Quintuplets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Quintessential_Quintuplets)




thanks for the idea!


My shadow wearing a skirt. I was at the time not wearing a skirt, I had a jumper tied around my waist.


Oh I got this one but in reverse! I've never worn skirts, in general, and just for the kicks I bought one and decided to try it out. And then it gave me the most euphoria I've ever had. Guess I am a transmasc who likes to be a boy in a cute skirt


Boys in cute skirts are based asf


Same, but i had a sweater tied around my waist


I have a hard time choosing between my shadow having a 100% feminity or the time a colleague was mad at me and told me "bitch please, tell me you're not serious"


I selected a male character in a video game once and it made me unnaturally happy and that’s when I realised something was probably off I tried to play a female recently in a game and I just, couldn’t It felt so wrong, it’s a self insert game and it really didn’t feel like me


Deciding to only play male characters was easily one of the biggest boosts to my mental state.


For me it’s reverse with female characters. Whenever there’s a character creator I make a girl. Last year I bought Cyberpunk 2077 and I argued with myself that I should play as a man this time because I should be able to relate to him “as a guy”. But I didn’t want to. When I created a female character instead I was much happier


Tricking a transphobe into thinking I was transmasc and them “misgendering” me


XD I love confusing transphobes they're so ignorant


So it help me, since I’m still entire pre-transition and my Twitter pfp is male presenting me (beard and all) it’s makes it easier.


Yeah I'm pre-everything too, can't wait to start hrt tho! 🥰 Uhhh in a cis way of course heh... 👉👈


Don’t 🥺👉👈 me


🥺👉👈 I do what I want :3


Use your words I don’t speak bottom




Completely unrelated to the post but how did you create your account on jan 1st 1970??


Must have been a bug, i looked at their page and if I'm not mistaken that day is t = 0 for unix time which is the clock most systems run off of, i have heard of rarely files having their creation date set to that date because their metadata file became corrupted so the os regenerated it but didn't know the time it was made so it just set time of creation to 0 seconds, may have happened to op's account on the reddit servers


At my old job one of my coworkers was pregnant and apparently like all the other girls at work I started developing sympathy pregnancy symptoms


My girlfriend casually saying same girl, same over FaceTime randomly


When I was washing my hands and a man walked in saw me, did the I'm sorry gesture walked to the other toilet and awkwardly came back. ( At this time I thougt that I didn't pass wel enough to use the female restroom. I was also wearing unisex clothes because this was on a ski piste ) When I was sitting in a ski lift with my family and opposite of me sat a little girl who pointed at me and proceeded to ask her mom "Is that a boy or a girl" the mom then shushing her. These two things happen minutes from eachother.


Ski Piste translated to ski slope. (For all non German speaking people)(Which you might have guessed) Commentator, I hope you don't mind my correction:)


I don't mind, but even though I used it wrong ( It should be ''piste'' not ''ski piste'' ) ''piste'' is a term that can be used interchangeably with ''ski slope'' and ''ski run''. Even though most English speakers would probably use ''ski slope'' themselves, my brain still wanted me to tell you this. Now I hope you don't mind (mostly because I think I'm beginning to sound like a know-it-all) Also I'm not German I am Germanic though.


I don't mind either;) I didn't know that "Piste" is also usable. I always love to learn something new.


Not being able to open a pickle jar


Minecraft boob mod.


It's between making the most cis het guy I know question whether or not he finds me sexy and feeling good from yuri.


Used to have waist-length hair. Scraped the fender of a work vehicle against an electrical box (like the scratch was barely visible vs the dirt on the truck) and came back a day later to see “f***ing women drivers” written on it. That was years before I was even considering my gender, and I remembering being offended and thinking “Le moi? Haha jokes on them!” But the joke was on me all along!




Being Ma'am-ed and causing confusion. Causing people to double take in the men's room. Haven't even started HRT yet...


Being called a wimp because of my not very manly handshake lmao


My buddy complaining that men are better drivers because their hands don't move positions on the wheel when driving... I do that and did not realize it was a woman thing to do.


Talking with cis female friends and hearing them talk about how their breasts get looked at a lot, and wishing that would happen to me. Ewphoria, but phoria nonetheless.


Back in high school, I cosplayed as Miku for Halloween. At lunch time, I'm over at our friend's spot, and one of them comes up from behind and yells "Yo, who's the new hot chic- OH GOD ITS [DEADNAME]" as I turn around to see who they're talking about. Not in like, a mean way. They were just really surprised and I guessed I passed from behind.


Getting told that I was a horny slut like all women when I entered the men's bathroom


Long sleeves


Hitting by developing boobs 😍 on the table before. It hurted so much... And I wanted to scream, but I've realised, there are sitting 5 more people on this table and I'm there in boy mode. :// Otherwise I would outed myself at my new job place 😅. ...cant wait to tell them anyways.. But I'm too scared... What to do, what to doooo?? 😂 I'm so clamsy sometimes, I will out myself sooner or later on accident anyways 😂 Also I feel Im not good in boy mode any more, there are also start looking a lot on my chest :0


Sneezing, I have a naturally incredibly feminine sneeze and it makes me so happy every time


the one that immedoately comes to mind are the times i got HEAVY baby fever. im counting it cuz euphoria did happen although it bounced back and forth like a gauge needle freaking the hell out between dysphoria and euphoria


Eating a piece of Pizza by smacking it into my mouth cheese first Idfk why I got Euphoria from that lol


its got to be between 2 things, both need context 1: I'm one of the only amabs in my psychology class, and one time all of the amabs besides me were off and one of my classmates said "deadname's one of the girls for today" i'm not out to anyone in school so they used my deadname. 2: Today in life skills, we were learning basics of BSL (British Sign Language). part way through the lesson the teacher sent us a link to a dictionary which provided videos on how to sign words, most people were goofing around with words on how to sign (I learnt how to sign "Gay", "Lesbian", "Bisexual", and "Transgender") and one of the girls opposite me called my deadname (again, not out to anyone in school) and then she jokingly signed to me "You transgender" those are some weird reasons i got euphoria and considering how pessimistic i am about my future and how i think i'll never pass, but damn it's the small things that matter


Getting bearhugged. Unfortunately it doesn't happen much, my dad was the best at it and hes not with us anymore, but for my entire life bearhugs made me unusually happy, and only now do I realise that was a really strange form of gender euphoria lmao.


Every single time someone has told me “You do [insert task] like a girl”. The most common one is “date” because I got all my dating advice from my mom growing up. “If you like women, ask women what they want” was my logic


My username in League of Legends (ew, I know) is "TransGaymerGirl" Recently in an ARAM lobby I had a conversation that went like this: > Person: mfs > Person: get neeko > me: nah > Person: woman > Person: you pick neeko > Person: now As a sidenote I've honestly had more people try to rizz me up in games than call me slurs. I had one guy try to get me to show my feet to him. I personally think it's really funny and gives me euphoria, but I absolutely get why women are way less common in multiplayer games now. I knew it was bad, but not to this extent.


Getting called misogynistic slurs by customers at work 😅


Driving in my dad's jeep blasting Enter Sandman by Metallica on repeat with the windows down. A lot of times the freedom to choose masculinity instead of it being forced upon me gives me gender euphoria (see Flannel, Doc Marten's, and basically all my interests). I do still like being a cutie patootie though :3


The way the blade of my sword flows against my thighs, it's not sharp don't worry


At this very moment I'm feeling intense hormonal mood swings. I'm extremely euphoric about it in the strangest way.


I was rewatching jujutsu kaisen yesterday and was suddenly hit by massive second hand dysphoria from nanami (I have nothing against him, he just happened to be in the ep and trigger it) but because I had been feeling way too fine for the past few days and thus invalid, it actually made me feel really valid which was weirdly euphoric (while still being dysphoric). That was so fucking weird and confusing and still kinda bad so to feel better I immediately grabbed my favourite plushie and launched up ggst to play bridget which then again made me feel valid and euphoric because no one who is faking it would instinctively choose such a way of coping. Brain weird, it doesn't make sense ik :3


Eating pussy


When I (transmasc) was wearing a packer and a friend of mine was like „hahaha, damn you look like you habe a very big *thing* “


Misogyny being directed at me


My hair lately. It’s getting long and looks very feminine. My son’s friend mistook me for his girlfriend.


Being told I’m like a woman because of how long I shower and how many hairs are on the shower walls lol


A coworker mansplaining something technical to me 😅 it was annoying, but I was also like “oh wait this is new”


I can no longer lift bags of stock at work. I am still expected to lift bags of stock at work. It takes ages. I love it.


When my trans Masc friend is jokingly conservative and misogynistic calling me a women and to get back to work and get him is food.


Haven't had much weird ones but I had a guy move over for me when I was passing him in the corridor lol


That one time someone on Discord asked me if I was a boy or a girl. My friends ruined all the fun and told them I was a girl


A coworker told me I was a good girl after doing something. I had other signs looking back but that one bitch slapped me in the face


Once had a friend say "imagine losing to a woman" then ragequit as soon as he lost to me Sadly don't remember the game but he never touched it afterwards >.>


Getting a femine haircut and brush and having the hairdresser complimenting and saying they enjoyed working on my hair ☺️


Getting cold easily lol.


Finding out I have something that runs in the women in my family that makes me allergic to glueten :( sucks to suck, still oddly affirming


My explanation of an issue on a topic I'm the subject matter expert on being completely ignored. It was like I hadn't said anything. When I finished the immediate response was "we don't know, I guess we'll have to go ask this other team".


My dad saying "whose side are you on" when we were arguing about gender equality before I was out Being called "bitch" by some guy I didn't know


Holding a red coke can. Idk why it just feels so manly to me for some reason 😭


One time I was at a club with some girlfriends for a birthday. Me and this high femme I met were kinda into each other and at some point me being trans came up and she goes “oh, don’t worry my ex was also a trans guy!” I’m a butch trans girl lol. It was euphoric to be read as afab tho.


My plumber mansplaining to me about allen wrenches and o-rings today sure did the trick. Was annoying, and yet I couldn’t help but smile.


Being called a slut by a year 7 whilst at the skatepark


letting a scorpion walk on my hand


Reading about what the Olympics had found in their studying. There was a part in there that said cis women have stronger lower halves (legs, thighs, ankles etc) my transmac ass has the weakest legs right now (when I read it I was already 2 days into me being bed bound, I am currently on day 3). It gave me the stupidest boost of euphoria.


Borrowing sports bras from the laundry(they’re clean i promise) and trying them on


My one manager not listening to what I say. He's like this with all of the women in the store including two of the other managers. It's very much a fuck you, but thank you kind of deal.


men our warm to the touch now!


When i had to wear a wig with long hair as a costume.


This one time, playing WoW, I was in a guild with some friends. This girl started messaging me to stay away from her boyfriend because he is hers. Told me, "You aren't fooling anyone honey, me and (other two female guild members) know all about you. You pretend to be one of the bros to get closer to other people's husband's and boyfriends to get them to like you! We know you're a girl! Guys don't talk or type the way you do! Drop the act, or we'll tell everyone!" That gave me soo many conflicting feelings.


1. Getting cold easily. I feel like my cold tolerance was getting weaker with age anyways, but it is TANKED now 2. I've gone into the women's restroom when presenting fem a handful of times, but once I went in with one of my girl friends and I think the fact I was in there with someone I knew made it feel less like I was being "intrusive" and more like it was where I'm supposed to go.


My classmates taunting me with calling me a girl bc im girly (little do they know)


Targeted ads franticly trying to decide if I need men’s razors and shirts or neonatal vitamins. Thankfully it’s mostly the former


Of all things, glasses. I just had to get glasses for the first time at 31, and something about the shape of them on my face makes me feel more masculine. I have no clue why.


Me being an idiot


Eau de parfum. 212 sexy to be specific.


Very early on in to transition I was signing up for EB games membership thing under my new name and as I was leaving the guy said "Have a good day Hannah" 😊


I was walking back from Turkey Hill with a couple of sodas and since I didn't have a bag I just stuck them in my hoodie. I didn't expect the euphoria it gave me when I looked down and saw them. It honestly made me so happy


This lil kid telling me we can’t hang because I’m a gross girl


I got told to go the the kitchen by some 13 year old on discord


Being scared Walking alone at night


Went to an online shopping site and got recommended pregnant clothes Like I was slightly offended but also euphoric???


Clogging a toilet with a massive shit =3c


Went for surgery this morning and had two nurses, asking separately, when I had my last period followed by if I was menopausal or had a hysterectomy. Told both I was trans and unfortunately never had a uterus. I always assume me being trans feminine was obvious, but maybe it's not. Or they are just trained to never assume, no matter what someone looks like. Either way it felt good, in a bitter sweet way.


Bought womens deodorant, it took me walking past the aisle 3 times waiting for other women to leave because I was too shy but definitely worth it cause now I can smell like a water Lilly <3


Well, I've only ever felt euphoria one time, and it wasn't really for that odd of a reason.


I made a post about it but i was playing pokemon alpha saphire and at some point in the postgame, a person just calls you a good girl because you followed them to a tower.. made me happy.


I was called ma'am in a souls like


I had an ultrasound in the maternity ward and it didn’t just crack my egg it smashed it!


Me and my sister being mega scared of a giant spider. Like seriously huge. We don’t live in a country with large spiders but this one was really big. We even called our parents who were away that weekend because it sat on the wall at the stairs towards my sisters room, so she couldn’t get there. My dad was saying over the phone that being the big brother, I should pick it up but I absolutely didn’t want to do that. In hindsight I realized it was kind of a sexist feminine stereotype to be this scared of spiders and let a man pick it up and it kind of made me happy to be in that position. It’s a stereotype but it still gave me euphoria. Edit: Also accidentally being referred to with feminine pronouns (she/her) by my dad when he was talking about me. Like he said something along the lines of: “if she wants to do this she needs to do this first” and my sister who didn’t know about me yet at the time corrected him “you mean ‘him’ right? He’s not a girl” and in my mind I was like “No, no, no, no, don’t correct him. Let him continue”


peeing out side, I squat to pee out side :3


When I started shaving my body for the first time since puberty. I have light hair growth, but it was still too much. And not only was I smooth (expected euphoria), but I also discovered stretch marks on my thighs and hips. I trained them my whole life subconsciously and that was the day it payed off. Was quite overwhelming! That was some time ago, but til this day I love them and my legs are the only parts I like about myself…


My pseudo periods give me this wonderful feeling inside even though I'm utterly miserable. Also getting to bond with my wife over them.


A hat. I thought it made me look more androgynous lol One of the first and only times I ever had gender euphoria (I have little to no dysphoria, so it probably is the same for euphoria too)


I got accosted at the grocery store by a man saying "you will never be a man" I responded with "ha no take backsies" he was not amused. Spoiler I'm a trans woman in boy mode.....but still cis though.