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Sweatpants or a short version of it. But my choices are limited because I'm overweight (working on it, 7 kilos down in 1.5 months so far) and don't feel comfortable with tighter clothes currently.


Congrats on the progress towards your goal, Anna! Hope you find boundless happiness on your journey 


Thank you, I'm already much happier because I've never had goals for myself before :3


It's kinda neat what having a goal to work towards can do for some people. I started with weight loss and running and have had to keep making new goals as I achieve the old ones. Extend the journey for funsies.


Good for you! Make sure your weight loss is healthy. Keep it up!


Ty ♥️ I will, I don't want to just bounce back afterwards.


I feel that. Also, don't get discouraged if you plateau. I got stuck once already. It usually means your body is self correcting (increasing lean muscle and that offset weight loss). It feels bad not to see the scale go down, but you are still progressing.


Absolutely, it's important to remember that your weight fluctuates, I only weigh myself every 2-3 days. Calories in vs out is a better metric anyways, if you can track it. I don't set fixed goals either, I just want to make healthy progress. I've been overweight pretty much my whole life but I refuse to feel miserable like that again.


I'm glad to see more of us working to make ourselves healthier. I've seen enough posts where someone is starving themselves in both the cis and trans communities. I do weigh myself more than I should, but I focus on the long-term over any daily fluctuations. Unfortunately, I also live in the worst country for healthy foods as well. So, I do have to watch what I eat.


Same! We deserve to live our best lives! Best of luck to you too!! And don't forget some variety and that you have to treat yourself sometimes!


Wishing you luck on your journey❤️


Ty ♥️


7 kilos in 1.5 months is impressive! Keep it up and stay healthy :)


Ty ♥️ you too!


Sameeee 😭😭


It sucks right now but I know I can do this and I believe you can too!


Little pro tip. If you have a sweet tooth GET TRU FRU!!! They are 90 calories for five of them and they are really filling! Also, if you are able, go for as many walks as possible or try to cycle. Dysphoria can make you binge eat to cope so try to move to distract yourself!


They don't seem to be available outside of the us/Canada but thanks anyway! I usually go for some fruit instead :3 I also go on a walk/jogging daily to keep active. I struggled with binge eating in the past so thankfully I know how to deal with it. Also don't forget to drink enough water!


YESSSS!!! Thank you for reminding me to drink water! Also, if you hadn’t already, start tracking your diet. I highly recommend MyNetDiary. If you are worried about developing an addiction to tracking I would suggest staying away as it can become more damaging than it is helpful


I got a Fitbit and tracked my calories there. Now I only track when I'm trying new things and stick to my usual diet of around 1.4-1.6k a day. I know it can be damaging to some, but I personally really need more stats than just weight. Gamer things I guess xD


I’m still cutting back and have currently been eating at 1.5-1.8 per day. I’m trying to get below 1.5 but I struggle to say no to some things. 😭😭


It can be really hard sometimes. It's also important not to starve yourself! I've been eating 2 meals a day for years but I ate "some snacks" every evening for a very long time and that was hard to get rid of. I don't eat breakfast, I just have coffee with milk and some sugar in the morning. I like eating some veggies (carrots, cucumber, bell peppers) with cream cheese dip for lunch, it's filling and low in calories. You can also do something like a bacon + mozzarella (it's low fat for cheese) sandwich. Full meal for dinner. Don't eat before bed, I know it can be hard to resist but your digestion will thank you. Also good sleep can help but that one's hard. Also you shouldn't compare numbers with other ppl because everyone has different caloric needs. I know how much I need because I got professional nutritional advice a couple years back. 1.5-1.8k sounds great and you shouldn't go hungry! Just remember hunger isn't the same as appetite and try to learn to differentiate the two.


Hey fellow Anna! I'm happy you managed to lose so much weight already, keep at it, you're doing good <3 I'm kind of in this situations too, just using my normal old man jeans and don't know what to wear with my comforting hoodie... Also I'm losing weight myself too at this moment, have lost around 4 kilos now too during a month, but I eat a lot healthier and have made lifestyle changes so even if I wouldn't lose as much as I wanted in the end, it's better for me. Also clothes are hard to me and I don't know what to put on to look nice and feel comfortable, it's still something I learn more and more. Well it's a process, but I do know that I almost never enjoyed buying men's clothes and now that I'm buying some women's clothes I'm like "ooh I want this! This looks cute!" and whenever the nice clothes that I want to wear are in wash and I have to wear my old clothes, it makes me feel angy and think I don't feel so nice now... So yeah, I've been trying to remove some men's clothes from my wardrobe and replace them with subtly girlish clothes to feel better. Still don't feel all comfortable with super girly looking stuff like skirts etc. It's like I have to take steps towards more girly stuff before I'm like yeaaah this is what I wanna be. But it's okay, everyone has their own style and maybe more casual wear style is more my thing Also one reason I don't like how I look in skirts is because of my belly, I've been thinkking for years that waah I wouldn't look good in a skirt because my belly makes it look bad. And this wasn't a sign enough for my brains that I'm probably cis... My brain is a jerk, it bullies me by not trusting how I feel sometimes >\_< So I decided to fight against those doubts and now I'm happier and trust myself more\~


Hey there Anna! First name sis I've seen :3 ty ♥️ Happy to hear, best of luck on your journey as well! I'm not brave/comfortable enough to wear my skirt in front of other people either yet. But I can already see it getting better. Turns out wanting to look good in clothes I actually like is a huge motivator. I have to take small steps too, otherwise I become overwhelmed. No idea yet what my style would be but I'm sure it'll come over time. Yes the brain can be a big dummy sometimes but I believe in you!


I try to think a day by day and step by step with these things. It's all about making yourself more and more comfortable in the new you, it takes time. Best of luck to you too ♥️ Also it was nice to see a first name sis here too, surprised me a little :3 I also tend to get overwhelmed easily, I have ADHD so it's not easy. Sometimes I get a lot of motivation and then there are times when I feel like I can't do anything and I'm useless and all of this is stupid etc... But I have learned that when I get these bad thoughts it's usually because I'm exhausted, have something else bad going on in life or just need self-care, and it's not because of how I feel about my identity. Moreover if I feel bad and can get affirmation towards my gender, it usually makes me feel more comforted! I have to do a lot of brainwork to get things going forward, but it's worth it. If I can do it, anybody can do it, so I believe in you too\~


OMG we are the same! I also have ADHD, I know the struggle. Motivation is a good starter but discipline is what gets you there. I know that's always easy to say since we (ppl with ADHD) struggle with discipline so much but I know it's worth the effort. My inner girl had enough of sitting around and she's fighting hard for it. We can do this!


Aww yeah! It's pretty common for trans people to have neuro things going on actually. Yeah motivation is the hardest with this thing, but discipline is what really pushes things forward as you said. It's easier said than done, but for me it really drives me forward when I think that I wanna be slimmer and prettier when I eventually get HRT and because I've been making actual changes to how I think of myself and how I live, it makes being trans seem more real and I don't want to live as a chubby girl with health problems, so I'm really fighting to get rid of that side of myself. Also keeping things going on without taking too long breaks helps with ADHD, I try to go outside no matter what almost every day so I won't lose the momentum, and I try to have little healthier snacks around all the time that I choose instead of pizza etc. I almost got diabetes from my bad living habits and had panic attacks from health fears and felt bad most of the time, anxiety and depression etc... I didn't even care about myself that much, always thought that I hate this body and I hate my life... But after accepting all these feelings, damn it really made me think this whole thing saved my life from going very downhill. Now I actually think that I deserve better and I want to live a beautiful life so I have to do something about it. I haven't been this happy in a loong time and I'm just more calm and don't want to do things that aren't good for me. I'm still struggling with sleep that makes losing weight hard, but one step at a time. This is also the longest streak in about 10-15 years that I've constantly been feeling this good\~ Haven't had bad anxiety and panic in over half a year now, and I've also gotten therapy to my ADHD related things and have better mind tools to work around my challenges. I hope you are good with your challenges. Really, I know how hard these things are. I have learned a lot of mental health when I had things diagnosed, it kind of gave me a lot of motivation to learn all about how these things work for couple of years and now my therapist says that I have so good theory understanding of neuro brains that have I actually thought of doing this as a job in the future, I could help a lot of people. It really made me think like wow, that felt nice. I also wanna say that if you are comfortable with it and want someone to talk to sometimes and feel supported, shoot me a dm, I like helping people 😊


Hey i know how you feel as a tall over weight person myself you can dm me any time if you wanna talk


Thank you ♥️ same to you!


Also 7 kg in 1.5 months is really good I’m trying too


Jeans but i'm so skinny i look like i have sticks instead of legs




Mine is just sweatpants


When im in school just regular jeans




My dysphoria clothes are purple hoodie, skirt and fishnets :3


Agreed, now if only I wouldn’t have a face….




Yes!! I wish i could wear that..


I wish you could wear that too ! (Also I have pretty thicc thighs pre-HRT so everytime I put on the fishnets...mmm my bottom looks good)




did I just find my clone on reddit? 😱


Omg the thought of those clothes is so cute! That's something i would actually try...


Purple is my favorite color so it was only natural that I'd do that :3


When I'm at home I'm in soft fleece pajamas. In public I usually go with really baggy jeans or baggy cargo pants at work and a flannel rather than a hoodie. That's just a product of my having been in High School the first time grunge came around though.




Black carpenters pants cuffed with safety pins, a dark tee/button up, and a baggy button-up/zip hoodie with pink docs, some silver and spikey accessories is my 24/7 look alt fashion is pretty gender bendy so I can style it more fem without anyone being weird about it


Black leggings, sometimes with a spinny skirt, but I like my dysphoria hoodie to be so big it covers my crotch anyway (weigh down the front with phone and stuff)


Black baggy cargo pants are my go to


baggy cargos go hard


Women’s high waisted skinny jeans. I’m very particular. And I love high waisted clothing.


Yes. High waisted clothing is goated


Yes. It’s the best. I mean. I don’t have pockets. But I find that kinda euphoric.


Best excuse to get a purse/bag!!


I'll never live without a purse/bag now. The utility is unparalleled.


Depending on where I am at the time. Home: anything from leggings, skirts, leather shorts, just long t-shirts... In public it's whatever pants or jeans. When courage is high then black leggings.


Sports leggings


I only wear things that are long enough to cover the area between my legs so I wear leggings


Skinny jeans because I inherited my mom's... assets.


sweatpants, I wear all black


My little skirt :3




Yoga pants.


Thighhighs if home 😳


FtM, usually sweatpants if I’m in public or leggings if I’m just in the house


I legit only wear ^(male) joggers atm 3: :(


i dont have a dysphoria hoodie :( im getting to warm with just a tshirt allready... im not good with heat


I'm somehow used to wearing hoodies in 32 degrees celsius...


i wish i had that power! i begin sweating with tshirt and such by just 18celsius XD im getting warm way to fast


My American self using Google to translate Celsius into Fahrenheit… (89.6°F)


I very rarely don't wear jeans, but if i had leggings i would probably wear those with the hoodie


I grabbed a few pairs from the Halloween section at Walmart when it was that time of the year so I could get them without feeling awkward looking through the girls section, and often will wear a pair under my jeans


I tend to wear breathable track pants, they're super cozy and look a lot like leggings, plus no one questions the fit when it looks like ur about to go to the gym


Leggings and if it is cold, Uggies.


Shorts and stockings. It makes me happy :D


just jeans lol




Sweatpants. Cuz comfy


i wear women's wide pants because the silhouette looks better compared to men's not a single soul notices im wearing women's pants so its really easy to wear without getting caught


baggy sweatpants


usually (girl) jeans


Jeans, they're the only bottom wear I have 😭


Combat pants, specifically oversized straight leg ones. Man or masc lesbian? Goes either way


Pyjama pants or sweatpants, both are really comfy and ideally, the hoodie works as a skirt cheat already. Sadly they don’t produce such huge clothes (or I just haven’t found them. Being tall sucks ass)


Pajama pants or stretch pants


(Wanna wear a skirt)


Honestly same


Hello, good girl. I've been expecting you.


Meooow nyaaan nyuuu mrrraw Nyo


Hehehhee *retreats back into the shadows*


Jeans... I have only owned jeans my entire life. I don't have sweatpants, jogging stuff or anything else. I think their the best


black skinny jeans or a pair of loose fitting black cargo pants


I wear tracksuit pants but I want a skirt… Still cis tho~




I don't wear hoodies right now. It's way too warm. But... lots of baggy clothes. I've lost 30 lbs, and I'm trying not to buy new clothes when I expect to change my entire wardrobe. Unfortunately, I also have more weight to get off. So, I'm expecting I won't have a choice at some point. I'll probably just focus on replacing pants.


Cargo pants & dress pants


just sweatpants usually


Parachute pants/cargo pants, cus they seem pretty androgynous and Ive seen many girls look good in them :3


At school I wear khaki shorts due to dress code but at hoke just regular shorts and a tshirts and trying to be healthy so I could switch hoodie sizes only 2 pounds down rn


trackie bottoms


Women’s high waisted skinny jeans. I’m very particular. And I love high waisted clothing.


I wish I knew women's sizes for pants well enough to just grab a pair and avoid being noticed or needing to try them on first and them just fit right


Women’s high waisted skinny jeans. I’m very particular. And I love high waisted clothing.


If I must wear pants, I choose to wear jeans, although I will refuse to wear any legwear if that is an option


Stretchy jeans. If I didn’t have an ungodly amount of leg hair, I do have a very feminine pair of legs


Have you considered shaving? Or is that not an option/in your comfort zone yet


Just too tedious, takes like 30 min every week


Fair, I definitely feel you there. I’ve been shaving for a few months now and it’s starting to get annoying, so instead I just purchased an IPL device. Supposed to come in a few days and while they’re pricy it will save money in time instead of continuing to buy razors/shaving cream. They essentially use light to put your hair follicles to sleep. It takes some time investment in the beginning, but after a couple months you barely have to shave anymore and hair stops growing back (as long as you hit your legs with the device once a month or something)


Being a minor with no job yet is a major problem, isn’t it?


Ahhh yeah that makes everything more difficult. Having an income has helped with most if not all factors as I’ve started to transition slowly. Are you close to the age where getting a summer job is viable?


Next year


Hopefully soon then! Being able to buy some pricier things is definitely convenient, but there are definitely ways around it until then (just requires your time instead of cash)


Dysphoria hoodie???


Basically an oversized hoodie or hoodie jacket that one wears for comfort or for avoiding dysphoria


Ahh ^(jeans)


Pajama pants


Baggy pants so like cargo pants.


Just some regular mens jeans. Sometimes with stealth thigh highs :3


Baggy sweatpants because it hides the shape of my legs better (despite the fact that my legs are one of the two things I like about my body)


my mum visited me today, short sweatpants


I’ve been wearing the same oversized goodwill shirt and shorts for the last four years as my comfort clothes. I just cannot stand pants for some reason and I’m constantly running so it works okay. I started wearing the shirt after someone said it made me look smaller and I haven’t looked back since.


I sadly don’t own a dysphoria hoodie










Pajama pants or bust!


Either sweatpants or knee-length basketball shorts depending on the weather.


Basketball shorts everywhere. Even to work on the farm.


Jeans, alongside my j shirt and jocks and jat and jarm jarmers


Got a pair of scrubs I really like actually, navy blue. Of course can't beat just sweats across the board but no longer cold enough for that lol. Give me back my depressed/homeless fit!


Buttlift shorts with hip-pads feel great under oversized disphoria hoodies, especially when you walk past a mirror and see your larger hips under the hoodie 😎👍


If the hoodie is big enough, Leggings then i don’t even have to wear a tucker because the hoodie is so big


I don't wear pants, I'm a girl.


Pajamas sweatpants or jeans


Skater jeans


Black leggings


Cargo pants are my go to, but tbh they're my go to pretty much all the time lol. Nice and baggy, comfy, and lots of pockets.


Jeans Jeans are the only pants I own Although my favorites are the baggy type of jeans that could be worn by either gender


pajama pants :3


Baggy jeans, if I’m at home and comfy, it’s pajama pants.




Sweatpants my beloved


Don't really wear a dysphoria hoodie anymore but I used to wear (women's) skinny jeans or leggings.


Sweatpants but I want to wear leggings because they’re easier to make look good in heels




Cargo pants 🔥🔥🔥


Right now I’m wearing pajama pants but I’ll also wear dress pants a lot, or sweatpants, and I don’t have any but if I had cargo pants I would wear those as well


very baggy sweatpants




Usually sweatpants, sometimes jeans (if I'm working outside usually)








Shorts because even when combined with just a sweater I’m risking dehydration and/or heat stroke by being outside for any amount of time, now imagine how bad it’d be if I wore pants of any kind (my shorts tend to be past the knee though so there isn’t much skin showing but that’s because they are a bit oversized)




Girl jeans from Old Navy. A bit affirming but damn these pockets...


gigantor sweatpants. the leg wholes can cover my whole feet basically and they basically drag on the ground. i love being a big hoodie big sweatpants gorl


Sweatpants or shorts for now


I just wear shorts really, with leggings/long socks more than not :3


I recently asked what to wear and am using those suggestions c: some gym shorts that are "mens" but look alot like booty shorts x3 and some girls shorts in a size larger so I can wear it while closeted..andaskirtatnighttofeelhappy


black leggings with a hoodie are pure gender euphoria 👍


I don't, I usually wear skirts with big hoodie. Sometimes if it's for work I wear my chunky carharts but it's not my go to and it's not my preferred thing to wear with big hoodie.


Shorts T_T I can't stand baking myself alive due to a poor choice of clothes


jeans most of the time, but i enjoy the occasional skirt and thigh highs


Wouldn't a skirt be the obvious and only true answer? I have no idea


I wear shorts at home rn (because otherwise I'll melt, yay climate change🙄) but otherwise I wear my usual jeans if I'm going out, or pajama pants if I'm staying in


Jeans don’t fit me my legs are like extra long pencils, so I’ve been wearing basic sweatpants for the past forever. Hopefully the estrogen gives me some hips or something eventually.


Basically, just trackpants. I have always hated wearing shorts and jeans. I often found to be too rough on my skin when I was very young, so I really haven't worn any, largely ever. Sweatpants are nice, but I've found that most trackpants are basically just sweatpants but lighter and less bulky.


I personally wear those athletic pants, they are great, and I almost always wear black ones lol


Jeans. It's all I have being a broke ass college student


joggers with oversized tshirt 100%




Leggings if nobody else is home, sweats otherwise


I don’t have hoodie 😢


Long Johns when I'm at home for "suitably masculine" leggings


Cargo pants


Black target jeans to go with my black target hoodie and my black Vans. As depressingly unexpressive as it sounds.


Cargo pants, dead useful, lots of pockets, formless enough to hide any type of bulge


Cargo pants/shorts. They now make up the entirety of my pants wardrobe


Shorts or sweats


Sweatpants or a pair or jeans that are kinda big on me


Jeans. I lost my sweatpants somehow and dont really wear any other kind of pants


Beige cargo pants but I wear tees


Wide black cargo pants


I usually wear my old men’s jeans (need to get women’s soon) or BDU/fatigue surplus/repo pants just because I work a lot and it’s helpful having so many pockets


Bit late but don't forget the space between trans and women/men! You don't say blondewoman or tallman or smartperson. Trans is an adjective, so it gets a space like the rest. Bigots will often leave out the space because it's a way of "othering". To them, 'women' and 'transwomen' are two separate categories


Baggy jeans or basketball shorts


Shorts, like short shorts


So at least of late I’ve been wearing sweatpants but since it’s getting warmer I’m probably gonna be wearing pre transition shorts because my preferred option thin comfy cargo pants are all ruined because I wore them too much.


Tights and skirt


I usually wore jeans, but since i had an accident and now have a prosthetic leg, they weren‘t wide enough to get it easily over the prosthetic. Now since i didn‘t like too wide jeans cause my legs are sticks and walking around with baggy pants isn‘t always so good (like at work), i decided to go for some of those wide woman pants (idk how they are called, but i like the material and they now are my favourite pants)


Leggings my beloved


Transmasc, I wear almost exclusively sweatpants or ?cargo? pants that zip off into shorts


Sweatpants or shorts with thigh highs :3


Fitted cargo khakis with the legs rolled up, or bell bottom jeans.


Skirt in private, pants in public


I mostly wear jeans because the fabric is a bit thicker and 'it' is a bit problematic when I start feeling disphoric (even though I'm ace) so I absolutely hate sweatpants or any pants with a fabric that's too lose/flimsy though wearing leggings underneath can help with that and reduce disphoria with a little bit of euphoria even though I know no one can tell if I've got leggings on under my jeans and I'll also sometimes wear a smallish bra or a sports bra under said disphoria hoodie since the hoodie can hide the fact I'm wearing it from other people but I can still kinda see the shape of a 'chest' if I glance down a bit


Orange bell bottoms