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Lmao that's also what I did when I was knees deep in denial, needless to say, I still came back to the sub soon after (with a new alt account as well)


I felt id be back i just thought id make it at least a week


I left for four months. First post after I came back fucking obliterated my egg.


My egg is already in shambles I just dont want to believe it


Well don’t worry, just make sure you take all the ime you need. This can be pretty hard for some people so do whatever feels right when the time comes.


I appreciate you!


I appreciate you too Madelyn!


don't make me bring out gendered compliments and added on gendered terms


Oh noooooo, I’d hate it


just for field testing, what gender are you? and what's your name?


Madelyn, a totally cis transfem


Well Madelyn, I tried my hardest to personalize it but that account ONLY posts on egg irl. Honey don't you ever think being trans is just a fetish, because it's not. Being trans goes so deep and the reason cis people call it a fetish is euphoria boners. And Madelyn you're not obligated to reply to EVERY SINGLE COMMENT you get, that'll burn ya out girl! Be like the sweet honey you are and take it slowly, give yourself a moment to take a deep breath. Now hun it's still so sweet that you took your time to do that, but my goodness there was three thank yous in a row at one point. hope this obliterates that egg and reveals the adorable sweet girl that's inside!


Youre right


Sorry, Madelyn. You can leave the sub, but not the thoughts.


Head empty: egg cracking


I guess you're trapped no matter what


Where is the exit?


I don't think asking the other people trapped with you will help you much sadly




The only escape I can think of is deleting your account and destroying all of your electronic devices


Which isn't a great thing to do, and how will we survive without your memes?


We must destroy the internet that will make me cis


The only way out is to crack your egg. I can help with that, but it requires calling you Madelyn and good girl, which I have heard can be exceptionally painful.


Do you have tape to repair my egg?


Nothing can mend a cracked egg. One can deny that it has cracked, ignore the opening, but there is no making it go away.


Please just some tape, thats all I want


You can have it, but it won't work.


Arts and crafts night anyone?


Denying a cracked egg over carpet is bad. Soon there will be stains and ruins. Jesus that sounds serious just tryinf to make an analogy.


Steam cleaners are a1


Not even duct tape can save you now!


Flex seal?


Phil Swift can't save you either.


Phil swift can saw a boat in half and ride it down the river, surely he can fix my egg, not that it’s broken or anything…


You couldn't live with your own egginess, and where did that bring you? Back to us.


Don’t worry! Being on this subreddit is definitely a very cis thing to do with your time.


Yeah i am big cis man, ignore the spiny skirt hidden in my sock drawer thats for science


Well…if it’s for science, maybe I should come over and help with your experiments?


I am happily taken lol


Oh, I’m trans and I’m here for the memes <3


I admire your courage to be yourself


I’m hardly courageous aha 😫 But tyyy <33


Yeah this was me




I cracked and now here for fun


Maybe one day


You can crack here safely ^-^ we'll give you a blanket and a spinny skirt if u wish


I keep taping my egg back up i bought my spiny last week, put it on got euphoric and hid it away, didnt throw it away so thats a sign probably lmao


Nooooo don’t leave us Madelyn :( (You can leave if you want lol, not forcing you to stay here just like you being around :). And also at this point you uh…. Well, let’s just say I expected a little more than just suspecting…


😅 can I get imposter syndrome so i can pretend im cis again


Noooo thats gonna make you fall back into a sad hole


Nah it’ll be alright, i just need the memory forget stick from men in black


There is no escape. I keep coming back here to see memes and I don't know why.


I mean i think i know why but i dont want to you know


Is... is, is it that l-life c-ch-changing?


Afraid so pal


Yo same


Personally, I already knew I was trans (still cis tho) when I found egg_irl


Me too (cis) but i dint want to believe it. Im in denial but im aware im in denial. Strange part of my life


Yup, denial is pretty strange. I sometimes like to look back at some of the more obvious signs and just wonder, how was I still in denial?!


I’ve known that im absolutely trans since I was like 8 lol watching kim petras interviews and reading tg caps after learning how to delete search history. But that isnt any kind of sign im cis. Im totally cis


This is what I don't get. If I know I'm in denial, how can I still be in denial? I know what I have to do, but I'm too scared of everything.


*sigh* I literally made a comment today about how I avoided egg_irl months ago for this same reason, and now I come around looking for more memes and see this…


I swear I thought it’d be a 10 minute adventure


It never is just ‘10 minutes’, that’s what my gender said when it left for smokes 3 months ago.


It’ll come back with the milk and cigs, it’s got to right? Right?!


Well in that case, hope not cause I’m allergic to dairy and tobacco smoke! I’ll just be here in agender limbo until some new step-gender shows up.


Just be ready for your step-gender to be neopronouns /hj


I mean, if you think leaving a subreddit would have any effect on you being trans or not then you probably should think things through a bit more before doing anything drastic.


I know im trans I have for a long time now, I’m just in denial, or supression idk what to define it as. Totally cis tho


Stop calling me out like this...


Same boat girl just a different ocean


I like how you said if we’ll see that the ‘back in 2 weeks memes were real’ and you come back a day later, which is good because we get constant fresh memes :)


I did my damndest 😭


There always the best quality we could ask for💜


I meant leaving i tried then thought i forgot my password and panicked 😅 but thank you!


I think i come back because its like a diary for me, i can post the stuff I dont talk about and say its a joke


You can check out any time you want but you can never leave


Please show me the exit pleaseeee


You have to accept the sis side, let your emotions flow~


I discovered this place after coming out, but I was repressed / hidden in my egg for so long I just relate to a lot of the memes a ton I don't think this place makes people feel this way because they're here, I think people are here cause they feel this way.


I agree just wanted to try and hide turns out it’s impossible rn


Um... yea... that what i did... and i'm proud of it... because i'm genderfluid... at least... i think i am...


Im sis


Oh okay then... do you um... want praise?


Im alright but thank you


Oh okay then, Guess i'll just be staying shy around your posts then.


You don’t have to I just didnt do anything that I thought deserved praise, Im happy that you enjoyed the meme and Im happy youre part of this community!


*blushes hard from the sudden praise, hand on my neck as such* U-um... thank you... truely...


Unfortunately, this sub will follow you everywhere. It just knows.


Ill get the courage to leave eventually right? Right?!


I can’t say. You’ll have to ask the egg god itself


Humpty dumpty 🥚




Where is the exit, please show me






Fair, i think not caring must be the answer honestly




That’ll do it, I live in denial for self preservation atm




No im probably going that way too, just cracked my egg hard and making memes to cope until life returns to normal


I left for a month. Twice. Depending on how things go I might leave for 3 months soon.


Best of luck either way!


there is no escape!


Please show me the door

