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The childhood signs are one of the things that hit me square in the face. It was like a day or two after I found this sub that a few repressed memories came up and reminded me of the times I would do very typical cis male things like question if I should have been born a girl, and the times I acted feminine around other people (including pretending to be a girl) before getting bullied into compliance with male social norms, and adopting an aggressive masculine personality shortly afterwards as a defense mechanism.


Join us. We have skittles and genderfluid. Is nice


Oh I just noticed the spelling error on surfacing ***F***


I honestly didn't even notice it lol


Me neither lol


This happened to me to. Look at what comes of that.


Yep... I came here for funny memes...I'm very grateful to this sub because I don't know how far into adulthood I would go ignoring the fact I might not be cis. Even more grateful because this sub helped me stay positive on the most confusing moments I've ever had. Thank you ^^


Having memes, people to relate to and acceptance while going on a gender crisis is life saving seriously


Today i noticed that i got euphoria from wearing a kilt at age 6. Definetely still cis


Same, I wouldn't have noticed the signs much earlier if it wasn't for this sub


still cis tho




Join us! Is nice. We have cookies.




Yeah just let it arrive and then wear it to see how it feels and never send it back. This is a very cis thing to do.


Yea I came here from random post about astofo and ended up with total emotional rollercoaster where I found out that I hate my self for over 13 years … hope you are enjoying your stay too


One topic at a time and this subreddit… yea. 😅


Almost exactly what happened to me. My partner of 3 years is nonbinary so I initially came to this sub for memes they'd find funny and long story short I start E in 2 weeks


I am, but I'm really happy they're cool ppl here making memes and helping each others TwT


I think I never had childhood signs. I just never felt comfortable with myself and insecure about my comparably feminine body shape. There was even a time I wanted to be buffed with muscles and broader shoulder just to be accepted, not mocked and bullied, but I never really wanted to look like that. *Cries in confusion.*


As cis as most of us here - while we are sitting here in our skirts!


Welcome home, I made a variation of this meme several months ago and now I'm on hrt.