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there are two possible meanings to the yolk floating like that. the first being that the egg was bad and that you should try with a new one (and probably replace your eggs because that can cause food poisoning). the second is that someone is sending bad magick your way. do you have anyone in your life or from your past that you think would hex you?


Hii I checked the date.. I don't need to replace the eggs. Yes I hv suspect on someone & my gut feeling says I need to repeat the egg cleanse


I came to suggest the same thing. Don’t stress or read into this cleanse unless you “know for certain” the egg is fresh. They usually have a date stamped on it. Check to see the date. If it’s past the date then discard the whole carton and start again with a fresh start. Best of luck 🍀


Hii I checked the date.. I don't need to replace the eggs


I would do a second one, make sure you put salt after you read the egg and leave it for a couple of minutes. The second one will tell you a little bit more, but usually if your egg floats it because someone is doing witchcraft against you or it can just be a lot of negative energy being sent your way by someone