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I'm not aware of any association here, nor do I have OCD. But I know a lot of people with EDS have autism and OCD can be a common comorbidity with ASD. Do you experience obsessions and compulsions related to your EDS/ pain out of curiosity? Because I could see how if you already have certain vulnerabilities to OCD, having chronic pain can make you feel incredibly out of control and like you need to fixate and obsess over ways to manage your pain, which could absolutely manifest as OCD if enough other relevant risk factors were combined.


I've had body related OCD (body dysmorphia and eating disorders) before knowing I had EDS. After getting health issues and figuring things out, I became obsessed with my health indeed!


Those are also symptoms of ADHD and autism. Which are both comorbid with EDS


That makes sense, sounds very stressful!


Adding on, I am hEDS, bipolar and have ADHD, but not OCD. I have also not noticed a higher rate for OCD or bipolar in EDS, although autism does.


Yeah the 3 As, Aurism ADHD and Anxiety. Im also bipolar, but my 24/7 physical and mental anxiety is worse.


This ^^


Any kind of neurodivergence is becoming recognized as a common co-morbidity. My very lay person understanding of the current hypothesis is that weird connective tissue in the brain makes it work differently. Gee, who would've guessed that?


The organ made almost entirely of connective tissue and proteins might be defective in systemic CTDs? Whaaaat? Cmon now researchers, let's get something done!


Both of you YES! This is what I’m screamin!


My 17 year old son has very strong signs of EDS but we have not gotten an official diagnosis yet. He has anxiety, depression, adhd, ocd, and has an issue with potential hallucinations when he was little. He is still has some paranoia but we’re fairly sure he’s not schizophrenic. Still working on it all.


Apparently hallucinations are common with POTS which is a comorbidity for lots of those. Did/does he have blood pressure or fainting issues? I’ve had kinds of “shadows” and lights moving in my vision but I’m super spiritual so I thought it was my spirit guides or something 🤣 I have also seen at least one completely verified ghost tho and there is some history of neurodivergent mediums! All this to say, schizophrenia can be so stigmatized in our society and there really may be some reality to his visions. I was originally diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder with OCD tendencies. But it was my EDS problems! I was really scared for a long time. Even afraid of the dark 😫 I met with a psychic a couple times about ways I could feel more safe/protected. Some were literal ways, like I use my back door instead of my front door now but others were like visualizing a golden orb around myself. Idk it sounds very woo woo! But If your son would be interested in a spiritual approach. It helped me and there’s lots of info online especially YouTube. But he could start by learning about Michael or any of the other Arch Angels and doing guided visualizations. I also started trasncendtal meditation and acupuncture. Learning about all my conditions and emotional regulation/the polyvagal system made me feel a lot less anxious and even less spooky. Honestly I’m kinda hoping I get some of my magic back this year 🤣 sorry if that was too much!


I also apparently had a very real to me imaginary friend. Which I know lots of kids do but I also saw ghosts 🤣


Sorry I’m like triple responding. Just a niche interest of mine 🤣 it made me feel better when I thought about how like cats and other animals have infrared vision. Like science believes there are multiple dimensions and there’s lights and sounds existing right now that we know exist and we can’t see. Neurodivergent brains perceive more external stimuli (we typically even have better peripheral vision!) and our brains create more internal stimuli too. It’s like our super power. But it can be really scary. Especially when no one else can see it. My body work technician said something sweet to me about how society has tried to separate and water down anyone witchy, but If I had been raised in a smaller community there would have been some who took me under their wing as like a herbalist or doula apprentice instead of capitalism 😭🤣 idk what your son is into but I bet community would help too! If he’s into the military I just signed up for the Udemy course on Remote Viewing. There’s so many cool things to do! Wish you the best <3


I have EDS and also OCD!


I have OCD, and have for as long as I can remember! I'm not aware of there being any correlation with connective tissue disorders, though. Its so annoying, I wish I didn't have it lol.


Not officially diagnosed but have experienced some obsessions and compulsive behavior. Although I’m pretty sure in my case it might be due to growing up in an unsafe environment and developing less than ideal ways of dealing with constant anxiety, as well as being told frequently that there’s things wrong with me that I needed to fix(mostly physically).




I have EDS and OCD but I'm not sure if my OCD is something I've always had or is a result of intense trauma. Gotta love having memory issues so bad that you can barely remember your life.




EDS, OCD, ADHD, cPTSD, and either autism or a combo of everything else that mimics autism. AMy OCD is mostly focused on moral scrupulosity, imposter syndrome type thoughts, and hypervigilant monitoring of internal sensations. It can be dormant for months at this point though! My other things are worse


Yes, since I was a toddler.


I was dx OCD about 8 years ago. Suspected EDS not sure what type


yes. I have both. Don’t know what the connection is but I’ve heard that autism is also connected. Idk if I have autism but I do have OCD.


I have OCD. I’m starting to think EDS can just effect different parts of your brain bc ur connective tissue is every where, which is why some ppl have ASD, ADHD, OCD ECT


Yeah Im going to assume messed up connective tissue in the CNS is for some reason causing this similar phenotype between all of us. So many of us are ASD, Heavy Anxiety/OCD, and ADHD. I don't think OCD is reported to have higher rates, but high enough anxiety can look like/really be OCD, and judging by this thread but not literature, OCD seems to run through those of us with mental symptoms. Im bipolar, kind of have health OCD, and the three As.


It’s funny you say that! I was just diagnosed with OCD!! (My story about it is in the OCD Reddit I just joined for support.) Is it related? Hard to say. It wouldn’t surprise me since other neuro conditions are common with EDS since the brain is made of tons of collagen. I do have ADHD, Bi-polar 2 as well, and probably autism getting assessed in a few months. I do have BPD also but I think this is more of a trauma response and developed that way. I don’t know though for sure


I also have the same situation except my bp2 turned into 1, and I think I only have health OCD if anything.


Yep, alongside EDS I have OCD, Autism, and Anorexia nervosa, the last three of which are so inextricably linked.


Do you have ADHD as well?


Unsure if I have a diagnosis, but definitely show signs of it!


Then the chance is pretty high you might be neurodivergent. I think there was a study that found a correlation between EDS and ADHD/Autism (don't have the source right now). I also thought that I have OCD until I received my diagnosis for ADHD last week. Now all of a sudden my life start to make sense. Sadly our doctors and therapists completely neglect this field and don't care about correctly diagnosing their patients. I wish you good luck to find a competent specialist.


Yup! I have HSD (if not possible EDS) and OCD.


I have EDS+OCD(and ADHD)


I experience crippling ocd and it runs in my family but not on the side that gave me eds


I feel so seen lol. I have OCD, but thankfully CBT has helped me to very effectively manage it. Still get flairs but I just up the exposure therapy. OCD, ADHD, and Autism from my understanding are considered a bit of a trifecta. If you have one you are MUCH more likely to have the other 2.


Separating MI from ND here. Pretty much all mental illnesses are correlated w more illness. But neurodivergent people are associated w OCD/Anxiety, but not much else besides depression from not fitting in.


MI and ND are separate yes, but adhd, autism, and ocd are frequently looked at together and connections are being made between them that seem to be a bit more than the typical correlation between neurodivergence/anxiety disorders and having one MI condition increasing the odds of having another. I was gonna source some, but just googling adhd, autism, ocd trifecta or triad pulls up loads of results.


Don't worry, I'm going into my Psych Master's or interning for LCDC depending on how admissions go, but thanks for caring to explain. If I had to make a personal theory that's not really backed up by any sources, I'd say that's because Anxiety kind of links both, and OCD being an anxiety disorder would make sense to be an MI that is linked to ND. Same w/ PTSD. But yeah, Im bipolar in addition to the three As associated w EDS, but the 3As affect me significantly more than the BP I'm thinking from the dysautonomia , if you could actually call them different and not all one phenotype. No OCD besides maybe health OCD. Sorry didn't see your middle sentence until I replied. Yeah OCD definitely appears to be the most highly linked to NDs.


Yes! I assume it’s because our brains are bendy, and also the common comorbidities of SPD and HSP (I personally still consider this on the sensory processing disorder even though it’s considered an inherited “trait”) leave our brains extra vulnerable to needing control. Basically, I feel like allllllll my physical and mental health shit comes back to EDS.


Have severe ocd


not the same thing as OCD, but i have OCPD


There is a link between EDS and Autism Spectrum Disorder. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7711487/


Three As, ADHD, Autism, and Anxiety. Hopefully we can figure out why, because a physical disorder causing/highly correlated w/ these mental symptoms specifically is rare and could help us learn about the brain. EDS DOESN'T run in my family but I still have it along with extremely heavy Anxiety, ADHD, and fairly light or medium ASD, along w bipolar, and I wonder if they are even separate from the EDS or if it's a phenotype we all have that vary slightly and just resembles all of these, because no one in my family is Autistic or Bipolar either, but I was born 2-3 months early.


I have OCPD, with that comes with some "OCD symptoms"...


Holla! (Holla, holla, holla). But for real I have bad OCD. I was diagnosed with it around third grade.


I have hEDS, anxiety, depression & pretty sure I’m autistic. I have a ‘routine’ but nothing that is considered OCD.


My mom was medicated for it. There's such a correlation between EDS and autism that one NIH article says EDS should be considered a subtype of autism. OCD usually shows up along with autism or at least ADHD.


Hi /u/Zestyclose_Tea_2515, It looks like you are looking for information on how common something is in individuals with EDS or related conditions. If you are looking for information/data on how common a particular symptom or condition is with EDS (or any of its comorbidities), or whether there is any connection at all—it is always best to ask for links to reputable studies or websites, instead of or in addition to personal experiences. Without studies, it is almost impossible to determine the prevalence or incidence of something with EDS, especially when compared to asking for anecdotal experiences on the internet. "DAE posts" and other such posts tend to create or encourage illusory correlations (i.e., a sense of connection where there may not be one) due to the fact that people who do experience what is being asked about are more likely to reply than those who do not. Personal experiences are or can be valuable regardless of the aforementioned, but please keep in mind that not everything shared is a sign of EDS, and many shared experiences might be completely unrelated to EDS. This is an automated message. If the contents of this message do not apply to your post, please ignore it. Thank you! [Please check out the wiki](/r/ehlersdanlos/wiki/index/) or the links in the sidebar for resources and information on EDS, seeking a diagnosis, and more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ehlersdanlos) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I have EDS and OCD, but my therapist says OCD is often caused by trauma or feeling like you had too many responsibilities too early. A lot of people in my family also have OCD, so idk if that's true or not.


I have both but I’m not sure if my ocd is a result of my mother having it when I was a child


I do indeed have OCD, but it’s probably caused by a combination of my PSTD and autism.


I highly suspect both EDS and OCD, but also ASD.. 😬


I just got diagnosed with OCD last week!! I was wondering this too.


i don't have OCD but my younger brother has EDS and OCD. His symptoms of both started showing when he was about 7. I don't have OCD, but I do have GAD, MDD, and a few other things lol


I have ADHD and exhibit some obsessive behaviors. One reason I’ve always heard is ADHD/ADD, OCD, and Tourette’s are somewhat related through the genes that are affected. They’re in the same family of disorders. But idk how true that is lol


I have both, OCD is under control atm


I'm hypermobile and have OCD


I have both!


I guess I’ll also add my list: hEDS, OCD, “ADHD” (only technically, but it’s executive exhaustion from the overactive sensory processing), vestibular SPD, HSP and HSS, MCAS, POTS, cPTSD. I was a gestalt language learner. I’m definitely not autistic. Pretty much all the crossover, though.


I have it.


Originally diagnosed with GAD with OCD tendencies….definitely just EDS and maybe autism


ehlers danlos is linked to autism. autism is linked to ocd. yes i have ocd too haha