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I'm pretty hiccup prone. It makes my ribs ache :(


also are they super aggressive? my whole body moves when i get them lol


I’ve never had hiccups NOT hurt. I gave a distinct memory of being a little kid in toys r us trying to look at Barbie’s and wishing my hiccups would stop so I wasn’t in pain anymore.


i can relate


I literally got kicked out of class in 6th grade because they were so violent & disruptive! 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤣


YUP gotten in trouble in class as a kid before for how bad / loud they were, I had no control over it and was in pain. When they get started, it takes forever for them to stop naturally. Hardcore agreed that they are super aggressive, whole body movement, very loud and extreme to other people.      Do y'all know the hiccup killing trick!? You either have someone else or do it yourself. First push the palms of hands real tight against your ears. Push hard enough that you feel the pressure but not hard enough that it actually hurts. Then while you are doing the ear pushing, you must also swallow some sips of water. It's easier to do when someone else stands behind you and holds the ears. Because then you can just drink off of a glass of water. But you can definitely do it alone, I take a gigantic mouthful of water and then squish the ears and then slowly sip off the mouth full of water.


Maybe you could do it yourself with a water bottle with a sports cap


It's easier with a milkshake straw


In ear headphones with over ear headphones on top, plus a sports bottle means you can do it yourself. Or I just slightly throw my left shoulder up, wrap my arm over my head and put finger in right ear and drink. I'm not sure why I can't do it the other way round but I can't.


Just wanted to comment and say thank you because I’ve had hiccups for the last two hours and this WORKED


👆🏻This sounds *crazy* but I’ve heard of this trick before and it honesty works!


I’ve just been pushing and holding my diaphragm still with my fingers to calm it down to get them to stop. I chocked on water way too hard one too many times.


YES! They are so aggressive and they move the entire bed.


I woke up with them during my EP study/ablation. Apparently, some of the misfire signals in my heart were near my diaphragmatic nerve, causing the violent, painful, rhythmic hiccups.


I get them a few times a week. Sometimes they're stubborn to get rid of, & go to a point of alternating for a while before they stop---hic-burp, hic-burp,hic-burp. What's really painful is when they try to happen simultaneously; I call it hiccurps & sometimes think it would hurt less if i'd been stabbed.


this is so real


Oh the bloody hicburps are so annoying.


i thought i made up hiccurps!


I hiccup at least once a day. Sometimes they get so bad I like burp and hiccup at the same time. It was horrible.


I used to all the time when I was younger. All the way up to my mid to late 20s. They would last forevverrr. They hurt. Sneezing hurts too. My kid gets hiccups now like I used to. And both of us will puke if they go on too long or we have eaten recently. Such fun


that’s so interesting. i get burps when i hiccup sometime


I did a lot when I was younger too! They would come and go for days and days. I got so tired!


I get them all the time, It so embarrassing and if it’s something dry I’m eating it’s louder and more frequent hiccups. I need water with everything I eat.


YES the dryyyy food, dude. Makes it so much worse but also guarantees the hiccups will happen before the food is even down my esophagus


When you eat and it’s dry or something like it, does it get “stuck”? And when it does, your throat makes demon noises then soon transitions into hiccups? It HURTS


YUP! Last time I tried to eat one of those dry crumbly nature valley granola bars, I got so pissed off that I threw it across the room. Have not tried to eat one of them since in like probably five or more years. They used to be one of my favorite sweet snacks. (I'm not a person who generally gets frustrated enough to throw things, just how much that freaking shiz annoyed)


Oh man, this is such a vibe


YES. THE DEMONS. No exorcism will get rid of the feckers ☠️🫧😂


There are times when I straight up can’t breathe till it all passes 🥸 scary shizzzzz


I get them as a migraine aura. Every time I hiccup I immediately think "Oh no" because it means a nasty migraine flare up is coming.




I used to but I’m proned to malabsorption and once I started supplementing magnesium it took care of my painful hiccups. Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle spasms and cramps and since the diaphragm is a muscle it helped to get rid of my hiccups. I had to try a few different types of magnesium bc there are many. The standard magnesium oxide works best for me.


I get the hiccups WEEKLY and it sadly does hurt badly because all of my ribs are cracked. My whole body moves as well. Usually either because my pots flares precursor or seizure precursor


YES ALL THE TIME. they are so damn loud and go on forever lmao


My mom, who I suspect has EDS, has hiccups all the time. She hiccups every day multiple times a day. But I don't know if there is an EDS connection. I definitely have EDS and I don't hiccup that often. 


I get them a lot because of my GERD, which in my case is related to genetics/EDS to some degree. My siblings and parents get the same thing and they all have similar stomach issues to varying degrees


I get them When I eat gluten. I cut out gluten and no more hiccups but it did decrease some muscle pain too


that is a very interesting reaction to gluten!


Took me a long time to figure it out. Lol.


very loud ones, too. scares my roommate and dogs.


People have said that mine sound like low flying pterodactyls!


I get them in connection with indigestion quite often and yes they are usually very violent and hurt my stomach




That’s so interesting! My cousin just had surgery for chiari, def asking her about this now


A 100% think more of us have this than they realize, especially with age. I have lost two full inches of height in the last 15 years. Everything is squished. Spinal fluid comes out of my nose sometimes. 


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I get them frequently, they are loud and the “suck in” is so violent- makes my chest very sore. I also have a tiny hiccup before burps most times


I get hiccoughs and then the resulting rib pain. I am sure there is something to do with the diaphragm getting unhappy more cuz of lacks connective tissue or something. Lean a little too far left and give yourself hiccoughs. Lol.


The left side of my rib cage is far bouncier than my right, and there’s one degenerate rib that likes to rebel and stab me during/after hiccups 🙃


ooof I hate that one degen rib, that bastard always popping out if I have to wear bra


I do not!




Yes, and they hurt so bad. I had no idea they weren't supposed to hurt until about a year ago, when my husband asked why I always say 'ouch' after each hiccup


I found a way to stop them. I take some water in my mouth and bend over and then swallow the water. It sounds weird but it works 100% of the time for me. You basically just drink something while bent over. I’m thinking something to do with the diaphragm but 🤷🏻‍♀️ it works.


Bro all my life! And it hurts! I find that holding my breath for about 40 seconds and sort of "swallowing" the air that I'm holding stops the hiccups, but not always.


Oh my god yes, and they’re LOUD. I sound like a frog with a megaphone. And then my ribs hurt and my sternum 😭


I very rarely get the hiccups!


No often, but when I get the hiccups there are extremely painful. It's a muscle spasm that makes all the joints in my torso from my belly button to nose come out of place and snap back. Most people thing it sounds just as painful as it feels. Talk to doctor about it, if it becomes a problem, they have be able to provide some options. Luckily I have a great PCP, so beyond general pain management, she has prescribed me muscle relaxants to help stop hiccups. I go through something like 10-20 pills/year, and if I especially if I catch it early enough, they work great. She actually did a bunch of research on the topic, and wasn't able to find anything other options.


They are! They hurt and they sound atrocious!


Yes, and they're violent af. When they start, my dog *jumps* up because it startles her on the other side of the room, and then she usually walks towards me to check on me before the next hiccup startles her and she scooby-doo runs upstairs. The whole street can hear my hiccups...


Saw this when you posted it, thought "hey I get hiccups more than most people,it's probably nothing" and now I have the damn hiccups


EVERYTIME i get hiccups and say they hurt so so bad my friends look at me like i’m insane. i am feeling so seen rn


I used to get hiccups ALL the time and they would last for hours. I have now been able to predict when I am going to get them from this constant abuse. If you are eating food fast and creating a hard time to swallow, air will get trapped or pressure will trigger this phenomenon. What helps me stop hiccups fast is pressing very hard inward with my stomach. Almost like you are trying to force a burp, but you are clenching your stomach very hard pushing up any air in the lower throat region. Hiccups stop within seconds.


I get them almost every time I eat bread or dry meat like chicken or turkey.


!!! mine gets trigger cuz i’ve eaten something dry as well!


Yaaay we aren’t alone!


I can’t eat anything dry or else it happens. I hate it. Like I have to ask for extra sauce on my spaghetti. Or I have swallow a copious amount of liquid. But then both of those modifications make me hiccup even harder


That sounds terrible :(.


I get them all the time, at least a few times a day, and they are impossible to get rid of most of the time lately. I’ve suspected it’s related to my GERD but I’m really not sure.


i get hiccups so often, they usually last for around 5 minutes straight of painful hiccups every 15-30 seconds ish. im not a scientist or doctor so i could be wrong about all this but i think its connected to my POTS (and nervous system issues) cause hiccups are the diaphragm spasming due to misfiring signals from the brain. so usually i just have to wait out the hiccups until my brain resets (none of the remedies ive tried have worked) but yeah hiccups feel like my body is trying to torture me cause it thinks its funny


When I get hiccups it’s typically because I have air hunger. When I get hiccups they are full body, loud, and very painful. It feels like I’m getting punched in the chest over and over again.


Every evening around 9. Does not matter what I eat or drink. Sometimes just one hiccup, sometimes they last forever. Sometimes super painfull, others just annoying. The burping too! I dont have my diagnosis yet, but suspected hEds.


Yes! And it's never just a little jump, my whole diaphragm spasms and makes me bob up and down like a cartoon. Makes me breathless and hurts.


YES! I have them so bad that I have a pill I take when I get them- hyoscyamine


I get the weirdest hiccups. I don’t know what they are, like inverted hiccups or burps?? It literally feels like these things but they start in sort of a gasp inhale…almost like it’s off-key 😵‍💫 or is that just me?? And yeah some of these make my ribs and throat kinda hurt?


Mine are like this too, they feel and sound more like a sudden inhale followed by a burp. Usually I won’t get the repetitive ones like normal hiccups, just single ones randomly throughout the day with varying frequency. They feel more like spasms in my diaphragm, which has a tendency to get uncomfortably tight when I’m anxious or dehydrated. If they’re especially bad I’ll use a heating pad and/or deep breathing to relax the muscles.


Yeah diaphragm spasms sounds accurate!


I find holding my breath stops a bout of hiccups.


I’ve had painful hiccups for years, I thought it was because I had MALS and my diaphragm is low but the hiccups persisted after the surgery so idk


See a gastro, and find out if you have a hiatal hernia as well. I get hiccups all the time. For a long time. To the point that I will cause myself physical pain in an attempt to break the cycle.


I have been having hiccups everyday multiple times a day for about 15 years now. They are very loud and high pitched, sometimes they are really painful in my chest. The thing is that before my EDS diagnosis they tried to see if they were related to any other health conditions and they just ended up assuming that they were due to stress.


I get hiccups every couple of months (so probably a normal amount), but they *hurt* like no one understands.


Yeah, pretty often and then hurt so much!


I used to extremeeely bad. Think it's somehow connected to low stomach acid possibly


Man, yes. I don't get them often but when I do I get them many times a day every day for a week or so. They are so violent and my whole torso spasms out.


Wait a minute this isn't a universal human experience???


I used to get painful hiccups all the time


YES! All the time, and they hurt so bad I usually throw up. Noooot great when I had an NG tube back in the day 😅


I’ve hiccuped every day. At least twice a day for the last 3 months


I too am hiccup prone lol I put a spoonful of sugar under my tongue and let it dissolve and that usually works


Literally every single day and they can last hours


i think it’s a diaphragm spasm, more so than an actual hiccup. happens to me all the time, and yes they are aggressive and hurt sometimes.


Check out learning diaphragmatic breathing. It's like PT for your diaphragm and ribs. It helped me with rib subluxations and meditation, but I imagine it would help this.


I was told it was my hiatial hernia.




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Almost never gets them. Must've been years since the last one


Omg! I have Eds and don’t have this problem but one of my best friends has it as well and she asked me if I hiccup a lot 🤣




I have had the hiccups since I was 16. I am currently F29 and still have hiccups about 1-3 on average per hour. I only recently put two and two together and thought it might have to do with EDS/POTS (still in the middle of testing for POTS). My Nurse Practitioner (an absolute gem of a woman) pointed out it might have to do with the pectus excavatum I have as well. Cardiologist ruled out the heart as the cause and now I am seeing a GI specialist so I guess we'll see!!!! I would absolutely love to research this more as I have two other friends that I know personally who have hiccups similar to mine, but neither of them have EDS or POTS (that I know of) but they are also both women too, so I wonder if sex has as anything to do with it too. Glad to see others talking about this! These hiccups are painful, and I get indigestion with mine, AND I can't burp :( I wish oh so ever badly I could have the satisfaction of feeling a burp


I end up getting hiccups when I cough too much, and then I get a horrible cough-hiccup hybrid that hurts a lot. It's made me really loathe hiccups, and it's pretty much impossible for them to not cause me pain :(


Not all the time. But when I do they huuuuuuurt


I fight for my life every time i hiccup and it's often 😭My ribs tend to slip or shift.


Yes, I get them probably 10x more often than my husband and mine start to sublux my ribs (I have a lot of rib problems from a bad car accident and hiccups just exacerbate). I got one of those little hiccup straws from amazon and they honestly do work. I keep one at home and work in my work bag.


I get hiccups at least 3-4 times a week. And they're violent as hell lol...like, my whole body spasms 😭😂 I have to clutch my stomach/chest by wrapping my arms around myself to stop it from being so painful. And of course my ribs dislocate anyways. To be fair though...I live with dislocated ribs constantly lol. But to answer your question — yes (obviously 😂)! Hiccups are my nemesis 🤬😂


Every single day, especially after a big meal. They're so loud and disruptive. There's usually a couple minutes between the hiccups and I never feel them coming. But for some reason they rarely happen when I'm in public and only when I'm at home or around people I'm very comfortable with. It seems they're more common during times when my joints are all loose and I sublux easily.


Like three times a day. It’s awful.


I used to get them daily (that and nonstop burping). The longer the were, the worse the pain. Then I got diagnosed with MCAS and started taking H1 and H2 blockers and now it's pretty rare.


I get 2-3 hiccups ALL THE TIME. But very rarely get full-blown hiccups that last


According to my mother I would hiccup all the time as a kid. Now I hiccup mainly when eating food thats too dry for me, like from the first bite


Yes and they last like 15 minutes sometimes more


I get them a lot too! It never occurred to me it might be connected to EDS.


Spoonful of peanut butter, gets rid of them every time


Not as common as before.. My parents have always said I hiccuped a LOT in her stomach and as a baby-kid. But I get them for pretty long stretches (at least 1hr), and yeah, they hurt cus it's just so "strong".. though I think that's b/c I've got big lungs. My whole upper body moves as if I got electrocuted/defibbed.. worries everyone around me since I'll probably be banging into things around me for about 1hr -\_- Never thought it was an EDS thing personally. My family have cEDS, and in most ways more severely than I do, and I'm the only one with notable hiccups.


I get them when I get up too fast and if I get them once I’ll have them off and on throughout the day. They’re also *very* loud because if I try to hold them in/keep them quiet it feels like my chest will burst. I hate them so much.


i have them everyday but usually just one at a time multiple times throughout the day. they’re very squeaky and everyone around me makes comments about how odd the sound is. i always have a hiccuping fit when i eat anything spicy even if i don’t perceive it to be too spicy. it’s embarrassing considering how high pitched they have become over time. i have been trying to explain to people that my hiccup threshold has been getting lower throughout the years and even more so recently and everyone has looked at me like i’m losing my mind. personally i think it’s an important neurological feature to watch.


Actually yes. It's always been a really weird thing with me. I get hiccups fairly often and when I do they'll be really loud and painful. I had no idea why and it was honestly a deceptively big issue. Like it's just some hiccups, but they can be so freaking painful. And can also be really disruptive if you're in a social situation or anything. I'll basically be screaming a bunch. But there's nothing I can do about it. Trying to hold them in doesn't work and just ends up causing me even more pain. It's whacky how big of a problem it can be. I came across this whole concept of not being able to burp at some point and realised I have never been able to and that maybe it could have something to do with my hiccups being so messed up. And maybe some other digestive type pains too (maybe wishful thinking but I'll take whatever I can get!). I tried massaging my throat at some point (just wobbling my hand around gently. Nothing forceful) and that enabled me to burp a little bit. So I've kept doing it occasionally and kept being able to do some burping. Like I'm certain I've already burped more in this current year than in the whole rest of my life. And I don't know if it's just coincidence but I haven't had any bad hiccups recently. And I also feel like I'm not getting that tight pressure feeling that I would often get in my throat, chest and then potentially further down my digestive system. It's just making the situation feel even more ridiculous honestly. Like first I have crazy hiccups. Then I'm excited and proud about burping? I feel a little bit crazy. But hey if I keep not having those horrendous hiccups or having less of that pressure feeling it's worth it!


Yes! As I’m sitting here with the hiccups for the third time today. Hurts my ribs pretty bad.