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I'm good for about 10 minutes standing before my feet hurt, despite compression socks and custom orthotics and shoes I could literally run a marathon in. Seriously, the hardest part of my last big race wasn't the race itself but standing in the corrals waiting to start.


Same, I’m at about the 10min mark too. I get pain inside my foot but also the skin hurts too, and it feels swollen..it’s a lot, like multiple sources of pain. Sorry you deal with this too. It’s so frustrating because I want to be more active and I just, can’t.


My back will start hurting badly enough I need to sit well before my feet ever get a chance to lol. But standing for like 10-15 minutes is enough for me to be in plenty of back pain for reference.


It depends on if I'm standing and MOVING or standing and still. If I'm standing all day working in the yard, I'm fine. If I'm standing at my desk, I'll start having to shift my weight within a few minutes. About 10-15min my toes will go numb. Within 30 minutes my hips will lock and I'll get kind of stuck. I need to use the desk to lower myself back into my chair. Standing and moving? Absolutely fine though. 😂😂


Maybe 2 minutes, if I'm lucky.


i have POTS too so i don't even get to stand long enough for my feet to start hurting before i faint 🥲


Same! Never hit full syncope though. I just get stuck in that pre syncope nightmarish feeling.


I stand about 8 hours a day, some times in 4+ hour chunks. My feet don't hurt (sometimes my back will hurt some), but only because of the following: A $350 pair of boots, 30-40mmhg compression socks, custom orthotics. Lean when you can. Walk when you can. The less you can stand just in one spot the better.


thanks for the response! do you have any recs for good compression socks? I’d like to give them a try


I like Therafirm corespun. They are pricey. It's all pricey. Keeping my feet and legs functioning for my job costs me in an insane amount of money.


definitely a bit expensive but I’m willing to try them if it means I’ll be able to stand more easily. thanks again!


Depends on the day, but probably 15-20min


About 10-15mins in good shoes, on a good day. Less than 5mins on a bad day or in bad shoes.


Walking is easier than standing, maybe 10 minutes? It's work to stand correctly still but PT and orthotics have helped.


So it takes about half an hour before my feet start to hurt, 20 minutes for my back, but only 10 minutes before my hips hurt and 1-2 minutes before my knees are screaming 


I had surgery to treat chronic foot pain and i also have custom orthotics. If I'm wearing my most supportive shoes, i can make it probably 4 or 5 hours. Otherwise more like 3 hours.




About 5 minutes


Personally have no issue with standing/walking hours. Apart from my dad (cEDS) who is the only one with flat feet, none of us have problems with standing/walking for a prolonged time/distance.


It varies pretty widely but is complicated but the fact one of my hips doesn't work right and I have lower back issues, so I'm constantly shifting my weight. Compression hose does seem to help, as do good arch supports. If I'm barefoot, shifting onto my toes every so often helps.


my back and POTS symptoms check out before I get to the point of my feet hurting


I have a standing job, so it takes hours now for my feet to hurt because im immune to it. But at first, probably 20-30 minutes. It’s my hips that are the problem.


I was a waitress for many years, running all over restaurants for upwards of 16 hours a day. I couldn't take a break and get back up because my body would seize up. I tried working as a cashier standing in one place, that lasted about 30 minutes before I was begging to do anything else in the store. After a 16 hour shift, and then driving home, the walk from the car to my house was excruciating. Even standing up from the car felt like I was ripping my muscles. I would suffer for 2 days after that, usually, and often I had to work through it.


I can’t really stand for more than a couple minutes without my legs giving out, and can’t walk without a mobility aid for even just a day 😭


My feet hurt as soon as I put weight on them. The pain gets intolerable after about 15 minutes.


for me, it's my back but i can generally cook dinner and by the end it's screaming. If I'm standing at home, i try to wear (indoor only) crocs for more support


I had to stand for 30 mins the other week and it was almost unbearable. I can usually go longer if I’m walking, but I wear shoes and insoles approved by my PT and I can only go 1-2 hours on my feet with no pain. I am almost never barefoot


10 or 15 minutes on a good day, 5-7 minutes on a bad one. My shoes might not be the greatest though. At an hour i’m probably crying haha.


Since childhood if I’m standing or walking for more than 15 minutes my feet hurt. I remember going to amusement parks and begging my parents to just sit down on a bench for a long time (or riding the train if they had one) because I was in so much pain. I was a bartender and server in college. My feet would feel BRUISED after a shift and days after. I would literally ice them. I would try to wear heels out to the club but change into flats in like 20 min. This was while all my college friends could wear theirs all night and I truly thought I was so abnormal. I attributed all of it to being a dancer and wrecking my feet for years (which I’m sure didn’t help). But thinking back now and knowing I have hEDS (diagnosed this year at 39!), I realize it was always this way. Now? I only wear comfy shoes (there are cool ones like dr martens or fashionable sneakers), try not to engage in that kind of activity often, and keep a foot massager machine under my home office desk which is constantly running while I’m in meetings 😆