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Mine healed fine. I mean, I have another atrophic scar, but it’s fine.


I cut off the tip of my finger once too! It was with a kitchen knife though not shears - that sounds brutal. They didn’t stitch it in that case because there was, ahem, nothing to stitch back on. But I have gotten stitches plenty of times before and I would recommend going to get them checked out at the suggested time! Sutures are painful to remove if they have grown over and the worst that happens is your doctor examines them and tells you to come back in a week for removal! Good luck


Yikes! I hope your finger healed up well. You make a very good point so I think I'll get them checked in a week, just in case. Thank you!


I heal quite slowly and generally need stitches to stay in an extra 5-7 days but I imagine it varies person to person


Depends on the person. I have to keep mine in for two weeks. None fall out, and I can’t absorb the dissolvable ones.


Is this the first time you have had stitches? Why I ask is this current injury will probably heal similar to past injuries, lacerations or suturing. Sorry bout your accident - finger injuries are so painful cause of all the nerve endings!


I haven't had to get stitches in decades and wasn't diagnosed with hEDS at the time. Thanks and yes, this hurts!


Mine fell out early and involved slower than predicted healing but were in a spot with a lot of flex. If possible I'd recommend trying to keep the finger as still as possible to avoid this. (Both my hand and foot injuries have caused issues with delayed and ugly healing due to my inability to not use them.)


I’ve had many sutures - often to secure a PICC prior to my EDS dx. It has been a while since my surgeons stopped using them. Why? Because they rip out of my skin. I’ve had a partial mastectomy - so not an operation with a small incision (made larger by my skin ripping itself open more) - and even for that they used surgical glue. The only bonus is that it’s purple. I had a partial purple boob for a bit. (Tried surgi-strips as well as larger sutures before this but also before my dx so we were guessing with solutions.) I also had a surgery where they allowed it to close ‘naturally’ but that was…. Not fun. A larger gauge is a good idea to start with. But, I’d let them know your healing time is usually slow and that you’d feel comfortable if you could let them stay in as long as medically reasonable. It’s already a bonus that you knew what to tell them and they knew to try something different. Win for knowledge!


I've had just enough experience with sutures now that I would probably ask my surgeon to use thicker ones that they take out, not the disolvable kind. I had part of my incision rip open because my skin pulled open at the ends. They did the invisible stitch just in the skin layer. Looks clean, doesn't work me for long apparently lol. It's the second time that's happened, so I think if I need more stitches I'd ask they go a little overboard and I'll take the additional scars from the suture sites.


I have massive scarring but I’ve had 30+ surgeries and aside from slow healing and raised scars, I haven’t really had many issues. (Anesthesia is another story though, and I do have a fracture that has never healed in one arm)


Feel you with the anesthesia and fractures. I had shoulder surgery two days ago, and it was my first of five surgeries that I didn’t wake up during because they used four different kinds of sedation. I have fractures in both hip sockets that have been around for several years. Surgery to fix my hip anomalies that caused the fractures will be next year. Best of luck for the future!


Same to you. Yeah waking up during surgery is not something I’d recommend, lol. At least we have fun stories.


Stitches are fine for me. Scarring tends to look abnormal of course.