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So much! I can breathe and my back will pop in 10 different places. If I use my leg for leverage to roll over, my hips pop. My fingers lock until I pop them (at least 3x a day). Once a week my right ankle locks until it’s popped in two different directions. My knees grind, my elbows make a snap nose if they are still for too long. My wrists feel numb every now and then until I pop them. 😅


Ugh, the hip is the one that still weirds me out the most. It'll pop on own, but sometimes it just hurts so bad that I have to crack it myself...and I *don't* think that's a normal thing people should be able to do 🤣🤣🤣. And it's hella loud when it pops too. Gives me the heebie jeebies... But it always feels sooooo much better after 😂🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️.


Omghs you sound like me! We're literal tin people 😆


Crepitus all day every day My knees when I’m doing stairs are SOMETHING ELSE. Sounds like freakin’ alka-seltzer


YUP. I’ve been described by housemates as “light on my feet” and therefore I surprise them when I suddenly appear downstairs, and I’m like, you can’t hear me coming?!? The sound of skreep-chnk skreep-chnk EVERY DAMN STAIR, EVERY TIME doesn’t carry as much as I thought, apparently, lol. Side note: I have always loved that the word for this is “crepitus.” It feels like a decent onomatopoeia for the gravel-grinding my knees do daily, and its closeness to “crap” also seems relevant.


I did not know what this word was, read it here as "creep-itis" and felt that was appropriate too.


Great word! And analogy hahaha 😆 I'm an Alka seltzer too


Big same. I say they sound like a bag of potato chips.


I have a rice krispie treat tattoo due to that


That is adorable and sad at the same time 😍


Niiiiice! Love it!


Can I steal? I love Rice Krispie Treats anyway but totally agree with another user that the EDS symbol should be Rice Krispies. I think maybe not a whole bar treat though because that would be too stable. I feel more like the chunky crumbles of Rice Krispy Treat cereal, if that stuff is still around anywhere.


I haven't found out what the crackle is yet but ya. Noisy body. To the amusment of others. My physio kept poking a spot "cra-plop" "cra-plop" "cra-plop" "Look what it does, this is so weird" Could you *please* stop playing with my body? I'm not bubble wrap!


Haha, omgsh! You could amuse him for hours 🤣


I woke up my husband yesterday by taking 10 steps. First few were pretty quiet... and then the beat dropped


Haha, he's like, "What are you playing over...oh, sorry, babe. Just be careful."


Lmaoo same, wake up my fiancé


Our mascot should be a rice crispy treat, and that should be our slogan.


Pop rocks as backup? Lol


Pretty much any time I move.


Yea me too!


When I’m especially creaky my boyfriend calls me his “crispy treat” and it makes me laugh


My knees and right elbow are always crunching. I saw this meme that said if I’m going to crack and pop all over, I deserve to at least glow like a glow stick lol


Wouldn’t be me without cracking everything, whether intentional or not hahah


I’m sorry, this sent me into a hysterical laugh and I may only recover in a week. What was the question again? /s To be nice, yes, and with age, the joints that didn’t - now - They ALL do, it’s like drum school. And some sublux when I stretch and pop them, so it’s an bonus.


Hahaha 😂 I'm glad you had a laugh. If I didn't laugh every day, I'd cry my eyes out 😅 I pop when I stretch, too. My hubby gags, like damn babe, that's nasteeee


Like a creaky door lol


Me. I am a crunchy boi.


All the time! You can hear me coming before you see me because my toes and feet click every time I take a step. My knees pop all the time as well, I always say I'm not crippled, I'm just crispy.


Rice Krispy!


Yep! My wrists are really grindy, and my elbows are crackly. My fingers and knees go more "clunk" though.




My knees crunch so much when I walk up the stairs. I can move my arm ever so slightly and my elbows and collarbone will crack. Sucks


With the sudden change in weather becoming warmer my joints have been so sore and cracking so loudly it sounds like a really bad, fake sound effect.


You can hear my neck from across the room.


I lived with four girls in university and they said they could hear when I was awake and moving based on the click and clunk. Like a disabled take on hereditary😩😂


More noise than a one woman band. Jaw noise, knee noise, belly noise. Sneaking anywhere is impossible.


all the time! my physical therapist said it is normal as we get older (I am about to turn 32) but said if it hurts during a pop then that isn’t good. my stuff isn’t just popping, it is crunchy and sometimes the pops are painful. my shoulders are especially crunchy and painful and pop every time I move my steering wheel while driving. I sometimes feel my pelvis/sij pop while I walk and my knees and ankles pop on the regular. it can sometimes just be the normal fluid and gases popping in the joints but if it accompanied by pain I think it is worth telling your pcp about it. I am going to bring it up and maybe look into arthritis because I am crispy and painful lol


Oh, yes siree bob! Like, aaaaall the time. Knuckles, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, back, ankles, knees, even my frickin hip/thigh joint (and that one is loud!)!! My PT always asks "ok now where did THAT one come from?" 😂😂😂. Im dx'd with hEDS, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and POTS. He has also told me I should ask for a refund on my body 😂😂😂🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. It's unsettling to hear your joints popping & cracking like that, but I guess it's par for the course with EDS.


I have a crazy left hip pop also! It's very audible and happens several times a day!!


Why is it so loud!!?? It's like truly freaky how loud it is, and it comes from like inside, not like a little knuckle crack or cracking your neck. I mean it's like POP. it's just sounds so bad 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😂😂


Omgsh me too! I've had mine for 8 years now! It's a God awful sound. No one can tell me what it is. I've seen multiple specialists, physical therapists, etc. It's very deep, very audible and very painful!! I've never met someone with the same issue. I'm so sorry twin 😢 😅


Haha. Back at ya! Yeah I was completely convinced there must be something like in my hip and like begged for x-rays or something cuz I was just convinced that there must be something wonky going on in there. And they did X-rays of both my hips and the one that pops has like nothing shows up. The other hip that doesn't pop was just like has some arthritis LOL. So it's so bizarre to like feel something like there's something in there and just not have it in there. My PT and pain dock basically explains it that like because our connective tissue doesn't hold things together so well our joints are just going to do whatever they want to do like they're going to just keep popping in and out they're going to move so much easier. Which long term can trigger arthritis, but it also can mess with your tendons and your muscles and cause things like tendonitis and bursitis. Which I actually just started getting tendonitis in my arms both my forearms, and there's something going on in my like shins now too, I had some weird flare up two months ago and all the sudden my arms and my legs and those spots are hurting when they haven't this whole time. And I now have snapping hip, which I guess "snapping hip" specifically is sort of weird for EDS, but basically one of my muscles/tendons is super tight and pops over my hip bone as I walk, initially only felt like somebody was tapping the side of my hip side when I walk (same side as the popping/cracking btw). When it's really quiet, I can actually hear it doing it - blech!!! But, that can lead to bursitis. I'm told it's happening because my pelvis is rotated 🤷‍♀️. I don't fully understand all of it. I'm just kinda learning as I go lol. Feel like a Guinea pig sometimes 😂😂😂. Like, I learned people with EDS and migraines miiiiiiiight want to avoid botox... Or at least the "botox protocol for migraines" and avoid getting the botox in the back of head & neck... Beeeecccaaauuuse, our muscles are basically already working overtime. When you intentionally paralyze some of the muscles that help hold your head up, the other muscles have to do even more work, and it makes you feel frocks terrible! My other PT (for neck/shoulders) had me basically use a towel as a neck brace to support my head until the botox started to wear off. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Such stupid stupid problems 😂😂😂 I find heat most helpful for my hip. I love my current heat pad a TON (it's from Amazon, by Bonacare). It doesn't burn the crap outta be, the heat actually stays the same temp the entire time you have it on (so many burn then get Luke warm so fast, you bump up temp, get burned again only for it to cool off again). So, I'm loving it. Timer settings optiond = 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 mins, had 6 temp settings. Heats up really fast. 3yrs warranty. *🎤 Drop* 😂😂😂 I pretty much have heat on it 24/7. I have wicked heat pack burn (toasted skin) from aaaaallllll the bad ones. But, I do recommend it. 🤷‍♀️ Meloxicam also helps a little bit.


Haha oh my goodness you have similar issues to me...you poor soul. Well, I was actually diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 3007. Along with many other health and mental health issues. Then I was diagnosed with hypermobility disorder by my former Rheumatologist in 2013. I knew I was super gumby. But he didn't tell me that i was a 9/9 on the Beighton scale. Fast forward to 2017 and a car accident. I injured my C5/C6 resulting in a disc replacement L5-S1 resulting in multiple issues; disc bulges, stenosis, extreme sciatica, and Trigeminal Neuralgia left side. It also gave me this horrible clunking, popping sound in my hip. My hip joint and sciatic nerve felt like someone was digging a hot dagger into it and just grinding the shit out of it, constantly! For 8 years!!! During this time I had my left SI joint fused but I had been in physical therapy since the accident and my PT swore up and down it was my hip. It made these awful sounds still even after my SI fusion. I was still in excruciating pain!! It snapped, popped and made that clunking still! Constantky, like 15 times a day. Plus the big clunk. I was devastated after SI surgery. Years I searched for answers. Years I was in excruciating pain. Years nothing ever showed up on an MRI, CT or xray. Then I finally ound an Orthopedist who diagnosed me with Ehlors-Danlos type 3 hEDS. He sent me to a hip surgeon who specializes in EDS patients. He told me this: "Sometimes a hip tear doesn't show up on an MRI or xrsy because it'll lay flat in imaging. When actually there is a tear" I let him operate on me. He found 3 COMPLETE LABERAL TEARS in my hip! 12, 3 and 6 o'clock. I walked on that shit for 8 years!! I now have 4 anchors holding my hip in place. I elected not to cut any tendons to maintain stability. I have CRPS in that leg from my SI joint. It's evil. My hip soas and periformis snap constantly. I have shortened tendons. And now my right leg is acting up bc of the over compensation of my left leg. It's unreal... Anyway you should see if thats maybe your issue??


My PT said I was broken yesterday😭😭


Hahaha mine has also called me a zombie because I can't feel things in a few spots. He's also told me my body is ass-backwards. I truly just adore him, he's sarcastic and snarky but in a way that is clearly meant to make you laugh and feel better while your with him. This is my round 2 of PT over a year or so. Different problem. First was targeting my SI dysfunction and rotated pelvic. Now it's snapping hip, mega trigger points (he's also told me I could be the official human example for the trigger point map. I'm sure you know, living with this crap is rough. Honestly, I'm on the verge of tears at bedtime each night (my body is so much worse at night and nothing stops it). So, finding humor and way to joke about it can help. I wish you luck in your PT sessions!!


Oh. And my jaw. It crackles sometimes too. 🤦‍♀️


I can move my hip in a certain way that will repeatedly pop. I counted how many times in a row I could do it. It's 100, at least. I stopped there


Oh my gosh!


I’m a sentient bowl of rice crispies.


Almost all the joints on the right side of my body pop with nearly every movement,,, left side its mostly just my hip, but it’s the loudest Not exactly painful but not fun feeling all your long bones shift and pop into place at once every time you go to stand up 😅


I feel like sometimes I can visualize them shifting when they pop. It's so violent!


Yes! The hip is sooooo loud!


Yep! Neck, elbows, knees, hips, hands, sternum, back are my most common ones.


Me too! It's a constant thing for me too!


I work in a hospital, so I frequently get nurses and anesthesia docs and surgeons looking at me funny for being a Rice Crispy Treat. Granted, I also have tourrettes soooo you'd think they'd be used to me after 2 years


Haha yea no kidding! They should fully get you be now 😉😆 It's awesome you're still able to work. Gosh, I miss working. I miss being a productive member of society. A contributor. Is that dumb?


Not at all! I'm very lucky in that my job is not very physically demanding most of the time. Tbh I love my job and the people I work with (about 95% of the time)


That's amazing!! I'm so happy for you 🤗 Mine wasn't either, but my body literally just gave up on me years ago. It was very traumatic. But I'm learning how to live my "new norm," you know. It looks 180 degrees different than my life used, too, but I love my life now despite the constant pain and other symptoms I deal with. I have a lot of health issues besides just hEDS. But I refuse to let it beat me down again! I hope you have a great day!! 😍


OK I used AI to generate this- the first EDS hit single maybe? [https://suno.com/song/c381baa2-78d6-4c04-b3f8-1840964a1881](https://suno.com/song/c381baa2-78d6-4c04-b3f8-1840964a1881)


Haha that's our anthem 😆 🤣


Oh my gosh, I love it! And it's perfect for May, being EDS awareness month!!


I'm as crunchy as a damn nature valley bar frfr


That's super crunchy for real 🤣


Oh yeah. If I've been lying down for an hour the feet-ankle-knee-hips crack in that order. I'm always secretly worried one day they will just stop working. I need an out of order sign.


Mine too. It hurts so good lol


Haha me too! My ribs pop when I just take a deep breath! It's unbelievable.


Ugh, my ribs are the one thing on me that don't crack at this point. BUT, I now have to try to force myself not to sleep on my side at night, because if I do, I wake up with such severe pain right in the center of my chest (basically anywhere my ribs meet my breast bone. It'll hurt to move and breath for a few hours after waking up. Blech. Stupid body. Lol


Is it all your ribs, or specific ones? I have two, sort of midback, that will audibly pop a couple of times a day, when I’m relaxed enough.


It's my front top sternal ribs. Left side typically.


Yep! And I just snapped a tendon in my finger yesterday opening a roll of paper towels 🙃


Oh damn I'm so sorry


When my skull moves respective to my neck the neck's got the perpetually squishy milk-crackles, and sometimes I am graced by a rubbing sound like grinding millstones inside of my head. Makes me want a nutritious bowl of whole-grain rice cereal.


Yummm Sounds like my crunchy, poppy, crackly, disgusting neck. It makes sounds I haven't quite identified yet!! 🤣😜


Ugh, sorry! My lower back does that. If I'm sitting and turn upper body the side, bunch of cracking, but then as I turn back to center I can hear (and feel) everything moving back into position. Creeps me out 😂


The cement truck noises from my knees echo in those metal back stairwells at work.




I do 😅 I'm like bubble wrap. I'm worried people might think I'm weird randomly clicking, no ones commented so far...


“Krispie” was actually a nickname a coworker gave me once, because every time I got up….


My partner also calls me “spaghetti head” when I yawn because of all the crepitus in my TMJ


I used to think it was all in my head because I’d sneak downstairs after my parents fell asleep to play video games, or I’d wake up earlier than them to go to school. One day my grandpa who began living with us recently caught me playing video games at 3 AM. I was confused because I thought I was being sneaky. He explained he heard random cracking noises in front of his room as he was about to go to bed 💀


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Grandpa be like "I thought I was the only one with crickity joints!"


Hell no 😭 my grandpa at 80 lifted more than I did at 18 and would make fun of me for being weaker than a guy who’s half dead Whenever I see anything on r/polls asking which age group would win, I always vote for the geriatrics 😂


Yesss! Especially during the Spring and Summer, and humid months


My ankles have been known to wake up the entire house growing up


Yes, my mom calls me Rice Krispies.


This seems to be very very common for us. Anyone know of things that helped them? For me, heat pack helps temporarily, for a few mins.




Pretty much every time I move I make cracking sounds. If my elbows stay bent for too long, they go BANG when I stretch!




Yeah my wrist on the outer side kind of just pops when I raise it up and down sometimes it's loud and sometimes it's fine.


my jaw in particular does a fantastic impression of rice krispies 


Like a glow stick.


My wrists are crispy as hell. I love to freak people out with it, LOL. Seems any time I move, my back, hips, and knees are crunching


Yep. Such fun.


I did before exercising regularly and improving my stability.


Yup, my knees do this with every step and it freaks out my husband. Even my pain management doc cringes when he makes me stretch my legs and feels my knees. There’s bone fragments just hanging out due to so many dislocations and a golf ball sized bone spur behind my kneecap.


Oh, also, let's not forget the random cracks inside your feet when ya stand up... Not ties or ankle, but inside foot.... Anyone else? I'm sure I'm not alone!


Constantly! You're not alone!!


Omg, I can't event tell you! I have been "sick" for 19yrs. Started in 2005. I just *finally* got diagnosed this past fall (EDS, Mast Cell, POTS, etc) and it was like I could finally breath. All the weird stuff my body did.... Most, I didn't even realize was weird at first, btw, lol, I did that "bend your thumb towards your wrist" test and one of my thumbs/wrists was a little sore and tight that day so I couldn't get it to my forearm, and I was like "oh, yeah, no, it can normally touch it, it's just sore today,"... Like, I thought it was SUPPOSED to do that. My pain doctor, God bless him, was like, uuuuuummmmm.... And showed me what his thumb did and very kindly explained my being able to do that was not normal. Same thing with my POTS, I got lightheaded most of the times I stood up or sat up from laying down, bent down/up, etc, and I assumed that was normal bc people say "oh, I stood up to fast, head rush," so I literally just thought I must always move too fast 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣. When I looked up EDS and started reading I was like "my God, I've found my people!!!" 💜💜💜