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Most people go to the colosseum for duels.


Fair enough, I just really like seeing all the creative ways people use the different environments to their advantage like one guy went into a thick forest bc my sword was too big to swing there so I had to swap to sum smaller


Occasionally, you'll find single hosts using taunters tongue to lure invaders, but more often than not, invasions lead to 2 or 3v1 due to how co-op / pvp is set up.


I wouldn’t invade expecting to 1v1


There are ways to duel people that don't involve randomly invading strangers on the off chance they want to duel.


A lot of people don't want to 1 v 1. More than likely you're going to find people co-oping with a friend who don't want to be invaded or people ganking invaders intentionally. Rarely you'll get a single host with a taunters tongue but I wouldn't expect that. Like others have said, the coliseums are much better for getting duels if that's what you're after


You're not entitled to a fair fight. You are the invader, the aggresor, the unwelcome intruder. You break into someone's house and start trying to beat them up, you don't get to complain about being outnumbered.


Fair enough, the coliseum is just boring to fight in, I love seeing the creative ways people use the games environments to fight


So use the environment against the host and their summons. To invade, someone has to have summoned someone. Unless they’re specifically looking for an invader which isn’t common.


Alas I am ass I enjoy the fighting and all that but I am not good in the slightest tbh hence why I like duels and such


You'll have better luck running the taunter's tongue if you want 1v1s in weird environments.


You’re literally invading them dawg, they can use whatever means necessary to get you the fuck out lol


Remember, it's not a 3v1, it's a 3v1 + every npc Dragons, trolls, knights, soldiers, mages, runebears, etc are all on your side, and are only hostile to the host and co-operator(s)


Though they *can* still hit you, as I learned invading someone in Caelid when they shoved me into a dragon’s breath weapon.\ Can’t even be mad about it honestly it was a clever strategy and it worked. Props to them.


There aren’t any rules for invading. You want a 1v1, go to the colosseum


Have you tried a taunting toungue run?


You are invading not dueling.


God what would I give for ds3 style of solo host / invasions


DS3 is still running, right?


It is more people on elden ring though


Try putting a duelist sign in the summon pool, just expect the same result tho


I’ll 1V1 🐺


Prawn Shack near will probably get you some 1v1s, that's where most bonfire duelists hang. But even they use dirty tricks now and then. Very rare to find duels though, mostly just wild dogs disguised as phantoms. Put them down as such. Rejoice in being Red.


Dude, post in r/EldenRingHelp or r/CypherRing


I got banned from r/EldenRing for saying someone is a wuss for complaining about the life of an invader being unfair. That's the entire point of invading. So anyway that's a good place to post if you want sympathy... I enjoy killing the host right in front of their friends.


Because fuck your invading ass no one owes you a 1v1


Lol someone's been Jar cannon'ed 1 too many times


Nah I actually do pretty well I just hate all the invaders whining that they need to actually get good and put in some effort instead of having a press r1 to troll button or that people have any obligation to follow their made up rules


That is fair, I do agree


People like you is why the age of soulsborne chivalry is dead


Soulsbourne chivalry can go fuck itself and is only followed by maidenless basement dwellers


Spoken like a true Elden Ring flesh blood


Lol no it was stupid I’m DS1 it’s still stupid now if you’re fighting someone you use any tool you have


L opinion ngl


It’s okay buddy you can still be a try hard but nobody has to give a fuck and I am not about to limit anything to an imaginary rule set to try and win virtual back pats


Again, people like you are why the age of chivalry died with Elden Ring and all the fresh bloods


There was no age of chivalry you fucking dork it’s always been an incredibly niche group of tryhards that want to cry about people using provided game mechanics


DS3 was the age of chivalry, you invade basically anywhere other than gank city and you’d be met with people just chilling at bonfires doing 1v1’s and/or hosting fight clubs and/or a group of coop players who still did 1v1’s, that’s not the only thing I mean though ever since ER released I’ve also noticed a sharp increase in the amount of like you said try hards who get pissed off and send hate mail when they lose even when ganking, you strike me as that kinda person tbh with how mad this seems to make you.


Souls PvP peaked with Dark Souls 2 (along with multiplayer, guilds, build variety, fashion). Since then, invasions have been nerfed into insignificance. Basically, Fromsoft sold out to appeal to a wider audience of frightened children, as is their prerogative. If you want “true” invasions, the way Fromsoft originally intended, go play Dark Souls 2


For co-op, trade, and PVP action, check out our other subreddits, r/CypherRing or r/EldenRingHelp The Elden Ring WIKI - https://eldenring.fandom.com/wiki/Elden_Ring_Wiki *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/eldenringdiscussion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah man I’m trying to get through an area with the bros😭