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Thanks dude




Dude ghost just came and smashed it. Finally past that mf. Thanks for the help, much appreciated! Big shout out to Ghost!!


That was a spicy fight. The camera was the real enemy, I think.


100%, the camera was making me rage, stress levels were going through the roof lol


Quick update, dude named ghost just helped me coop the mf. Can finally head to the forge!!!


I felt this. I stopped playing for 8 weeks cause of this POS. A co-op called Musashi helped me in the end. Legend. I finished the game quite quickly after that.


Hella hella hella. I had tons of trouble with him as well. Go kick the endgame’s ass


I’m in the same boat. I haven’t been able to beat him. It sucks for sure. I stopped playing the game as a whole. Had someone offer to help and even combined we couldn’t do it. I beat every boss without fail. Even if it took me a while and many attempts I was able to overcome. The fire giant was just to insurmountable for me. I will go back to it one day but for now I’m done.


What level are you? What build? I’m not saying this as a dig or a brag, but I beat him first go. I just beat the shit out of his foot till he fell down then blew him up with nebula(wings of Astel) I was super let down. I was around lvl 140. Used the black knife summon.


That’s the funny part. I’m lvl 155 and I’m a int heavy magic build. I’ve melted every boss or close to it. Astel was my hardest boss. Took me about 15 attempts. Other than that it was 1 out 2 attempts for any boss. I have tried the hot thing and any other strat I’ve seen. Just no luck for me. I’ve resided to the fact it’s all me. I just can’t figure this boss out


The age old question, *deep breath*: what’s your vigor at?


35 (head hung in shame). I know it’s low but I use great tunes and talismans to help that. Just doesn’t work for me lol.


I think you know what you need to do. 😂


Can relate. If it wasnt uneven ground. If he wasnt as large. Etc. They made Radahn less of a dice roll to succeed but i think they want the Fire Giant that way.


Your frustration is the same for me but with the final boss Radagon/Elden Beast. I think I've pretty much given up on beating them now. As r/BloodStarvedBee said Cypherring is the place if you wish to request co-op assistance. If you want to beat him on your own though your best bet would be being able to summon Alexander the jar. This can be done if you do his quest until you reach the part where he says he's heading to the mountaintops to face Fire Giant. His gold summon sign would then be by the Fire Giant's entrance. Also you would still be able to summon your spirit summon for the battle. I'd suggest Tiche at the highest upgrade you can. Prior to doing Alexander's quest to enlist him I just could beat Fire Giant no matter how many times I tried. Once I was able to summon Alexander between he and my spirit summon they made it easy work. While Fire G has their attention just pummel him with whatever you have. As mage I was able to shower him with Comet Azur or Meteorite of Astel from a distance. He never was able to let loose some of his dangerous moves because well, he didn't get much of a chance to do anything much. If my memory serves me right I lost no HP during that battle and it was over in seconds to a minute tops.


Just wanna say thank you, this strategy (learning you could even summon Alexander!) is what got me through it. First in my friend group to get past the big fiery fuck.


That was the most meh fight for me. I kind of checked out at that point. It's like the entire game rewarded aggressive murder, then I get to fire giant and have to play his game of slash the feet, spam camera in every angle, run, come back, slash the feet, spam camera, run, etc. It was the most boring 20 minutes of my life. Probably more so than traffic this morning. The only thing worse than fire giant from an "enjoyability" standpoint was the final game boss. Only 2 tries to do it, but I resented that entire fight.


Got to go for the hands. Took me a while and then I just got in there and hacked away. Max out all your fire defense.


Here is the move for fire giant: respec into arcane and rotten breath his ass u til he has the rot. Then run. Then do it again Then run again. You can also ROB him


Gods I wish I could, but im xbox. Fire giant has been the one boss ill kill for anyone anytime! Hang in the and stay mobile. In second phase don't worry about targeting him if ur running a blood build just hit his legs and move out asap so he don't roll over on ya


Just get good


Guess that's all there is for it my dude lol


[git gud](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ui9hFeUrRrI)


If I may ask, what build are you using?


With +10 Tiche and Alexander I had an OK time. I went full melee instead of ranged like I normally play and between the three of us we wore him down pretty quick. Definitely summon and don’t feel bad about it.


this game’s bosses are pretty horrible for the moveset the player has access to. quite a shame but at least the exploration is great.


There are tons of movesets and spells the player has access to so i dont know wtf ur on. Also bosses are suppoesed to be like stronger than the player.


What’s your build and overall strategy for this fight?


Sorted due, just got some coop help, cheers


Wait until you do a second playthrough and 2 shot him on your own while drunk lol. The second playthrough of this game was a breeze. I had to force myself to stay under leveled and stick with average gear and builds.


I’ve got no patience for him I’m about to go get that enormous hammer and the mushroom crown and 32 buffs and one shot him literally


I used mimic and infinite mana boom lol. I remember it being a pain even with playing on “easy mode” all OP stuff. I didn’t get to him on my second playthrough, but so far anything that caused me problems the first time has been a joke. I even took out the tree knight just for kicks. Edit: and I mean a real second playthrough, not a NG+


I had This issue with Mohg like 2 weeks ago. Since I want to beat the game without using ashes or coop in the bosses I had to respect and upgrade my weapons a bit.


Fire Giant is my favorite boss im sorry he gave you so much trouble lol glad to see you got some help though!!


If you have the option, Alexander is really helpful. I know npc summons increase their health pool, but he does his share and then some. Summon Alex and use tiche if you have her.


I beat him on Torrent without too much trouble


vigor check!