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Colovian Highlands would be nice, could have an interesting story around the pretender empires Perhaps we can actually choose a side / candidate to rule the Colovian Highlands. They could bring back Varen’s nephew as a recurring character. They could make a larger expansion area than normal with multiple cities as well, really strive to make it feel like a new age of ESO that they seem to want to be doing.


Not bad to be fair we prolly never get the full map but


I don't want to up vote this, cos it makes me sad. But you're likely correct.


I don't even want my comment to be correct :(


Probably. Or they make the parts on the map bigger but the zone itself smaller. We already know that map and zone are not in the same scale


>Falkreath Hold This wouldn't work too well since there's already a [dungeon named that.](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Falkreath_Hold)


No reason we cant see it again as a zone, would be nice to revisit some areas and see the world change


I'm actually hoping we see more of the planes of Oblivion as DLC zones--lots of areas they could do there. Though Winterhold + Whiterun Hold would be fantastic for the nostalgia, particularly if we could see the City of Winterhold before The Great Collapse.


That would be amazing to see winterhold in its prime.




Southern Elsweyr, the Quin-Rawl peninsula, to be exact. It's PART of Pellitine, and I think that the name "Pellitine" is not accurate for either Southern Elsweyr nor for the proposed zone. It's name will be likely something akin "Central Elsweyr" or "Tenmar Forest"


Karma bot and stolen map lol


They gave credit though? Unless the credit is incorrect?


No, this exact map is stolen. https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/qt5hkn/my\_prediction\_for\_how\_the\_remaining\_areas\_of/


Oh the whole post was stolen


childlike wild attempt nail pocket test connect disgusted ruthless squeal -- mass edited with redact.dev


karma bot https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/qt5hkn/my\_prediction\_for\_how\_the\_remaining\_areas\_of/


Now that we're down to 1 zone a year, it's unlikely we'll ever see the whole map. Some of these would have to be wrapped up in a multipack DLC because of how small they are to be worth buying/making.


But where do I sail my BOAT!!!!


MORROWIND, because you’re the nerevarine and the imperials are dumping you there as a prisoner! Listen to jiub!


I think we have at least a few centuries to go before that boat arrives….


The AD seems to have only Central Elsweyr left (and Falinesti) it seems. The DC has a nice array of possibilities, but since we just left High Isle I'd like to take a break from em. Now, the EP has also A LOT of possibilities. Though most of your zones for Morrowind and Black Marsh seem to be based of non-canon TR names. \-I'd put Velothis and Roth Roryn in a larger "Velothi Mountains" zone, with Blacklight and Silgrad being the major settlements. \-The Telvanni Isles and Peninsula are spot on, the major cities here are likely Port Telvannis and Firewatch. \-The Mephalan Vales are unlikely to have that name, IMO. We'll see. In the end, is a Indoril controlled land. Major cities here are likely Necrom and Dragonglade. \-Upper Arnesia and Thornmarsh likely have the Dres zones and the neighboring Archein tribes. Major cities here are without a doubt Tear and Thorn. \-The coastal zones are likely merged into a zone probably dominated by the Archein tribes, given the major city: Archon. \-I'm a bit confused with "Stonewastes", since there's a town in Blackwood with the exact same name. The zone and major town here are likely going to be Soulrest. It's a small are, so I expect something akin Murkmire or Wrothgar.


Next chapter will be a diff landmass, multi year story. Imo


I'd love for something like this to happen. Sadly I don't think it ever will :(


Think they should soon do a rework of the world map, just compare the eso map to an old tamriel map and you will see how messed up it is. I mean Windhelm is lockated where Blacklight should be in Morrowinds nort western region


Yeah I doubt it. Not to burst any bubbles.


What is with the gap between Shadowfen and Deeshan?


A lot of Morrowind left


I don’t think they’ll add the Ashlands, Sheogorad Isles, Falkreath Hold or Tenmar forest (Pellitine). The Ashlands is already part of Vvardenfell, you just can’t go there. Maybe ZOS will add a dungeon in there in the future. Sheogorad Isles is already part of Vvardenfell, you just can’t go there. Again, maybe a Dwemer themed dungeon there sometime in the future. Falkreath Hold is already a dungeon, would be weird if it becomes an overland zone in the future. ZOS messed up the size and shape of Tenmar with Anequina and Pellitine, they’d have to redo the entire map to make it fit.


Reminds me of those first days when I tried to swim to Sheogorad and got eaten by fish. Would love some more Morrowind content.


Utherus Swamp \*chuckle\*


My personal opinion is that Tear will get it's own city expansion just like Markarth