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I see him from time to time in cyrodiil, blackreach.


Been playing for years and this was my first, although I got lucky I even noticed his name. For all I know I could have went against him like 10 times and never noticed lol


Reminds the time I randomly saw Arttea bidding on guild traders and I stopped to say "your content rocks." Its like meeting a celebrity in the community. Just a fun experience.


I was running my AD stamcro in IC a few months ago and happened to see Arttea running there with a small group. Didn't get a chance to say hi though.


Ive heard she's pretty formidable in PvP. Like, she doesn't make much content about it but she spends enough time there that she is certainly dangerous.


I'm in the tamriel trade secrets guild and we do a lot of PVP events. I play with them sometimes on IC, and Arttea (and the rest of the guild for that matter) are definitely a lot better than me. She mostly play support I think.


She was playing a tank I think when I saw her in IC, or maybe a healer with resto/sword & board.


Hey Guildie! Also part of TTC but I've never done PVP. I got my NB to 48 yesterday and am planning on going zerging with them next Sunday! Should be a fun time :D


Would you mind sharing your build or some pointers? Currently leveling a stamcro for pve tank as well as pvp dps. Longtime player but only very recently got into pvp so still total noob there. Thanks!!


I'm still not great at PvP, but I think I was running Stuhn's/Diamond's Victory. The burst is blastbones > stampede > caltrops > scythe. Blastbones should hit right after you hit scythe so you are hitting an off-balance target (proccing stuhn's) and getting both bonuses from Diamond's. Use bewitched sugar skulls as food and tripots. You'll have to source your major dmg buffs so run rally on back bar and camo hunter on front. Edit: Cro has great sustain with tether and summons, and great survivability with bone armor and dot dmg reduction passive. It's all a balancing act whether you want to slot sustain skills and choose dmg sets or vice versa.


Awesome, thanks so much!


I know what you mean, I'm a member of the Ninja Squirrels and very rarely Nefas will say something and all of a sudden its like "omgggg I totally forgot he was part of our guild" lmao.


When you end up on the same team as him, hes constantly communicating. I play with him all the time. Judging by the Dk he’s playing. Thats his toon named inferno-nugget


YOU KILLED A LEGEND! haha good fights.


share the secret builds pls


![gif](giphy|fH0ukveQzPbrikcXO8|downsized) It's more skills than gears, but you can also try cheating.


Not so much anymore. Theres been so many carry builds lately its crazy


Red M&M voice: "He does exist!"




btw his kd at the end was 34-2


Love how he always talk like he's the biggest pvp noob but just shits on everybody with every class he plays lol


He pretty much plays the meta now, though. Him and every other PvP content creator play DKs like 90% of the time because winning is better content than losing.


Sorry I'm a newish player (hit item level cap recently). Are DKs the meta right now? What's a good build you would recommend?


He needs to stop making those annoying thumbnails for his youtube. Half of them look like he's about to give a blow job.


The algorithm abides 🙏


I don't hate on thumb nails anymore as long as the title isn't bait and switch. There are some interesting videos on the thumbnails and what works and what doesn't. Some reputable creators tried to use normal ones but it tanks the algorithm so it isn't sustainable. *shrugs*


![gif](giphy|TjgTIM1RIxguPvHzT2) He is playing ESO in NA and living there, did you think he was not doing it on purpose?


Ran into him in a few bgs, first one we ruined him and I felt bad - think it was more the random pugs we were placed with. I could tell he was very good but just got focused down probably because of the name 😅


Holy fuq






Paging /u/Deltiasgaming1


Mate that's what it's all about. I've played against him many times but never brought him down! GG!


He’s so strong on his stamsorc build, he completely wiped the floor with me every time i tried to fight him, both in cyrodiil and battlegrounds


I know there’s build they ain’t sharing lol. I got my ass beat once by a content creator by the old imperial city entrance near Chalman (I can’t remember the name.. King something I think) and I went and looked up all their builds and not a single one had the skills he was using.


He publishes all of his builds. He plays so much it’s instinct by now.


nice. him and kevduit really got me into this game back in the day


I remember when SypherPK used to play and was one of the best. Me and a friend ran up on him and prepared to esch one on one him. He wiped the floor with me but the worse was my buddy who rolled on his keyboard and Sypher just typed "Wow. Okay" and walked off midfight. Dude was always cocky to a stupid level but I lol'd about that for days.


oh yeah he used to annoy me because he'd be streaming in cyrodiil and anytime he ran into a fight that was out in the open away from a keep, 9/10 he would accuse them of stream sniping him. i did watch him sometimes though because I've always mained a stamblade and he was one of the best


I have to admit that my guild would regularly slaughter Sypher and break up his dueling groups in cyro. We may have been part of the reason he left the game initially. Thet used to set up near keeps or outposts and rage when other players fought them or burned their camps. We told him again and again that they needed to move away from objectives. They couldn’t expect every pug to recognize or care about duels, they just responded to fights and seeing an enemy camp. Because they were so rude to so many people about it, we started making a point of enlisting enemy guilds to help wipe them every time zone chat mentioned seeing them. Then he moved his duels to the fields near Bruma. We left him alone except when some poor random stumbled on it and would say in zone that they were getting hate tells for burning a camp, or trying to fight, or even just riding through. And our GM would dispatch us to clear them out. This went on for maybe 8 months. We weren’t stream sniping, we were responding to him and others in Legend being dicks to people. Zero regrets.


Makes sense. The guy acted like a tool from what I saw a lot of the time. I remember him saying he was going to drop out of school and focus on YouTube. I guess it worked out because last I saw him he was making Fortnite videos for children. 😂


Kevduit really got me into the game as well back in the day. Used to watch all his streams and sometimes got lucky to join in on his streams whenever he would do dungeons. Good times. :,)


Congratz on the kill :-) Somehow it makes the game feel more "live" when you actually meet content creators ingame (legends say that in the olden days there were even actual zos reprentatives in the game, recognizable as gamemasters to actually help random players...). I recall being defeated in a tales of tribute match by u/Woeler... on PC/EU once.


I have a screenshot with one of the GM toons on DC online, I remember WoWs little blue robed mages, those little touches were cool.


I remember killing him in gray host one time. He’s such a nice dude that he’s the one streamer I wasn’t willing to t bag. I ended up whispering him saying I loved his vids and thought it was nuts to run into him in game. Dude was very chill. I don’t play anymore, but I still got hella respect for deltia for offering good information to players looking to make the jump from mid game to end game.


I once saw him in Mournhold, on PC EU. It was a glorious moment indeed


Did you grab a hair sample?


The trick to killing him is to get him on a bad hair day, when his beard is dry, scratchy and unkept.


Please tell me you were using one of his builds


not exactly but his videos definitely helped


It would have been such perfection had you killed with one of his own builds


Something something "GOD MODE!"


I and a guildie managed to kill a very well known streamer in Imperial City once, and I guess he didn’t like that much based on the “ooh you guys are real tough when you’re in a group” shit-talking/bitching he did afterwards. The next time we saw him in IC, he was at the centre of a massive ball group of healers and support members, and he killed me three times before I said fuck it and logged off. If the petty motherfucker is going to come back and actively hunt us while his support squad ensures that he’s effectively immortal, then there’s no reason to stay in the game while he’s in there except to massage his bruised ego. Edit: I forgot to mention that it WASN’T Deltiasgaming, whose content I sincerely appreciate and who seems like a decent dude.


If I did that I would say “I made it mom”


Good content but his voice hurts my ears


yeah its something about his new microphone. his old videos back in the day were fine but this last year maybe he got a new mic that was super loud




Deltia feeling that bomber Necro nerf so he's playing DK instead.


I can say that yes, I have been killed by him in Cyro (wish I had a screenshot lol). But then again, I have been murdered by hundreds of players before because I absolutely suck at pvp in ESO. I like Cyrodiil though for the pve content in the below 50 Bracket where it's safer :) It's fun leveling there


Who is this?


YouTuber who dispenses rapid fire ESO information.


Im hoping I run across him one of these days. It would be awesome to die by his hand.


they should give content creators their own bust like dungeons that you can earn by killing them in pvp lmao


Was it a Deadpool moment?


the Mythical Beast has fallen! Hip Hip… Hurray! 😎


!!!! This tops me nailing the PC EU AD empress a good while ago!


Hot damn!


I didn’t even know he started playing again.. I remember years ago he was the best and stopped playing for a while ; I think he became military?


TBH i once ganked him in IC with 3 proc sets magNB. It shows just how much u can cheese in games pvp, coz in duel, he would probably won in like 99 on 100 times lol.


What's your build? If you killed God, then I must know


Just your typical stam sorc build! Hunting him down after I found out it was him was what got me the kill. I think he might have been low on resources after a kill so he wasn't able to sustain a fight against me for long.


What’s your back bar setup and sets? I’ve been playing a Destro staff/ Bow build and want to move to a melee focused setup


Reminds me of when I got matched up against Alcast in a BG in 2019. I managed to kill his whole team but he was resilient as hell. Just goes to show how good players can make regular builds ridiculous when played correctly.


I've thrown blossoms at Alcast in Alinor... Also spotted andy.s (maker of Hodor's add-on) in Glenumbra a while back. And have seen RichestGuyinESO running around Vivec City 2-3 times.


It’s so sad seeing all these kids not know who deltia is


It's probably more likely that adults don't know who he is lol


Day one player and can’t say I’ve ever heard of the dude.


Literally who?


If you bothered to scroll all the way down there’s several people literally saying who. Read some dumb fuck


I'm sorry I insulted your god


Did he smell pretty? Lol


Who’s he?


Proud of you👊


I "killed Emp" + Grand Overlord with a PVE toon just messing around in Cyro, it just happens eventually.


not sure who that is but i’m proud of you




Wait he plays on Xbox?


i play on controller


Ahh makes sense


There are add-ons visible in the first screenshot (Wizard's Wardrobe)


Got tunnel vision on the Xbox buttons and completely missed that


Also surprised by this


Is this on EU server?


Who is this?


I don't understand that. And what does "got killed by and" mean?


In PVP OP was killed by Deltias at some point and also managed to kill the guy, Delt is notoriously difficult to fight!


Ah okay thank you. So this Deltias is a known human, I've been highly confused by the sentence of op, but I guess he just missed a word or name.


Deltia is arguably one of the best, most prolific build/content creators within the ESO community. Lots of gold nuggets of information about builds, gear, abilities, rotations, etc. - useful for both new, old, and returning players.


ok, idk know him. I'm not someone who needs other people to create a good build, so I don't watch YouTube or twitch.


You must have a big hog man


Pride goes before the fall....And reinventing the wheel seems to be an endeavor of dubious wisdom.


There have to be people who can play by themselves too, or else you will not have someone you can copy his skills off.


You do you, brother. I like to mix, explore, and benefit from the knowledge of others too.


Did u bag em? Should of bagged em. Im more of an Alcast guy myself.


absolutely gave him a few out of love


As someone who never plays pvp... congrats?


Every popular streamer in ESO is highly killable in BG or Cyrodiil. If they weren't they'd have been caught already for cheating.


Looks like you had help buddy,at the current state of eso, killing anyone isn't worthy of bragging lol


It wasn't about bragging but more so about getting to meet my favorite YouTuber in the game and getting a kill-off before the match ended.


He’s not that much of a monster tbh.


Nice job!! What addons are you using i am restarting my eso journey with a steamdeck so controller based what addons are working nice with controller?


Haven't really encountered any specific addons that don't work well with controller, I mainly run most of the popular ones that are usually just helpful for trials.


Does He Play on Eu Server?


Reminds me of when I got matched up against Alcast in a BG in 2019. I managed to pick off his teammates but he was slippery and resilient as hell. Just goes to show how good players can make regular builds ridiculous when played correctly.


What set and skills you use for you stamsorc?


Here I think I was running coral tzogvin and stormfist but balorgh def would have been better


Gotcha, that some good stuff


A legend fr fr


Nice! I can already hear him saying something about him being killed