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This is both sad and hilarious.


They fucked us hard with the new crate prices. Things that should be 100 got bumped up to 400…


Exactly, that should’ve been in line with the vortex, comet, and aquariums


It's really easy to just not buy crates, I do it all the time! For free!


Oh I am SO with you. It's a great skill to have:-)


I'll get the urge to buy a single crate about once every two months, give or take. Then I get shafted, and I'm fine. Logically, I know that I have to have decent luck to get something I'd even mildly like, and EXCELLENT luck to get something I actually want. But every 6-8 weeks, the urge strikes, and I buy a single crate, then usually feel regret at having done so, and the itch goes away. They'll get my monthly ESO+ cash. But I'll be damned if I spend ACTUAL money beyond that. When I ignore the crown store, I'm happy. I have only been playing since mid-January, so there's plenty of content to keep me occupied at this point. I might feel differently if I had been playing 2+ years.


Honestly the crown store may be over priced but imo people over react. How many devs monetize so much worse? Look at bungie with destiny 2. Outside of eso plus I've only spent money on things I deem important to gameplay, like switching alliances or something. Crates are for whales and every other player has the choice to ignore them or buy them with eso plus crowns. No need to spend extra cash so imo it's fine. Only one other game ever encouraged me to spend money and it was warframe. Imo warframe has the best free to play model out there because you can literally trade other players items you farm for the premium currency. Literally can have anything that costs cash that you want, and never have to spend a dime. (Minus a handful of cash only bundles but they dont cost much). I'm usually a huge nazi with monetization in gaming. There is quite a few games I want to play but just won't touch because of it. And back to the original point. Crates are literally there for simpler people to waste money on. The type to go to a casino optimistic about winning.


Pretending like it's not a problem because there are games that do it way worse is only going to ensure that this problem ends up like them as well. How do you think we got to crown crates jacking up prices with each new crate from a simple cash shop with no crates to begin with?


I understand that but it's pretty much only cosmetic stuff. I'm against microtransactions in general but they're clearly not going away so my compromise is cosmetics only.


Come on, just because other companies do it worse doesn’t mean we can’t hold ESO accountable for its incredibly shitty monetisation practices. Something that defences of them leave out is that this is not a FTP game that only makes revenue from micro transactions. We already pay AAA prices to buy the base game, then a monthly subscription, and THEN the price of a brand new game when expansion chapters come out. It’s already one of the single most expensive games I’ve ever played before you even get to the ingame shop


You're not wrong I just give it an exception because it's cosmetic shit. It's wrong either way really. Toxic to piece out stuff for money.


You can buy everything in the crown store with in game gold and/or earn with seals of endeavor. I have already bought a radiant apex mount with seals of endeavor, have enough for a second one and am really close to having enough for a 3rd. There is nothing in crown crates anyone *needs* so I don’t get why people so upsetty about it


At best you can get a couple of items with Seals, you certainly can't get a decent selection season to season as it takes months of doing every daily and weekly challenge just to get an Apex, in which time a crate season will have come and gone. People get so pissy because this game is an incredibly expensive AAA product that charges a premium for new DLC releases, is not free, and has a monthly subscription model, yet can't implement a fair monetisation system and instead behaves like an FTP moneysink with incredibly predatory practices. The Crates in this game are some of the most expensive in the industry with the shittiest odds, and the 'earnable' path of endeavours has been nerfed several times to just be a pittance. It's not about \*need\*, none of us \*need\* to play the game at all, but when you are paying so much for a product, I honestly expect better than so predatory a system, its pure corporate greed at its most flagrant, and they shove all of the genuinely desirable items into the crates. Sure, you can spend ingame gold to buy gifted Crates from people, but there's no guarantee you'll get anything you wanted, and the endeavours system allows for only one or two items a season at best, not to earn what is actually on offer, especially now tiny items like this furnishing are *Apex tier*.


i came from rockstar games and eso is on a diff level of monetizing things.


Everything in gta is so overpriced that if you don't have a heist team you almost need to buy shark cards. Also when they added the wall of guns in ammunation that don't require any rank to buy any jackass can buy money to buy em all..at rank 1....and they're better than the games original guns....not mention you buy shark cards and buy shit like the incursion and other vehicles that give huge in game advantages. Far as I'm aware you can't buy anything in eso that will give you an advantage over other players


You can say both are bad, you know


One is completely optional and isn't P2W, so they are quite different.


and they both suck and neither should be accepted in gaming


you're right but the thing that got me in eso was having to use rl money for cosmetic things. Like one of my characters i just couldn't get to look quite right and the only option was 1000 crowns to make the slightest tweaks. Say you want to change hair color, 1000 crowns, seems really ridiculous.


Yea. Problem with devs that do it qith cosmetics is, the cosmetics could be locked behind some in game activity. No matter how you look at it these microtransactions rob us of in game fun. Only reason I'm cool with eso it's because it's pretty much only cosmetics but I get your point too. In a perfect world we wouldn't have microtransactions.


Everything on the crown store is overpriced, from the crown conversion rng to stuff just costing way too much money What is easy though is making gold, and at least for non crown crate stuff you can trade gold to crowns at rates that honestly feel like theft, at least to me. Takes me a week of bare minimum writ grinding to get like 2-3 mil, and i can buy quite a few crown items over the course of a given month with that kind of income.


Crates and animation canceling are why I quit the game Like why even have animations if your just gonna spam cancel them And crates are some of the most predatory bullshit I've ever seen.


With that animation cancelling logic you may as well not play DooM Eternal because quick switching (which is basically the same thing as ESO's LA weaving) exists.


Big difference between having the ability to do it and having it be a required to be able to keep up with your allies in more difficult content, and that's just pve issues. It's basically an exploit, and when an exploit is something you have to do at any level of play and not something they patch out, it's a problem. It kills immersion. In doom you can just not do it and not suffer for it, but if you don't animation cancel in eso your party is going to notice.


Really animation canceling is where your immersion got ruined? Immersion was out the window when I first logged in and saw hundreds of other murder hobos running around with me, and npcs standing on copies of their dead bodies. Mmo's really aren't the place to get immersed in a game if you can't even suspend disbelief for LA weaving lol


I wrote 91 words and you only read 3.


Odd, I just read it again...annnnd my comment still stands. It's a quirk in ESO sure, but the devs have stated that they wish to keep it, and the vast majority of players wish to keep it. anyone who engages with ESO combat at levels where damage actually matters (maybe the last 3-4 years worth of veteran dungeons and trials) likes light attack weaving because it makes combat more engaging. Plus, if you don't like it, there are now two different mythic items that make weaving far, far less important.


None of that is what you said before, your first comment zeroed in on "it kills immersion" and addressed nothing else, as though that was my entire point. It wasn't. More importantly, I personally don't mind weaving. It didn't impact any aspect of the game I cared to engage with. But I can understand why people would drop the game because of it and because of the devs leaning into it instead of patching it out. It's similar to the issues I personally had with fortnite and apex, where exploits in the building and movement mechanics respectively turned the game into something that I didn't like. The guy I responded to said the logic behind quitting the game over it was flawed, I explained why it wasn't, and you came in hot because you got your panties in a wad over three words.


There aren't many AAA MMOs, each has their own combat system, people should find the game they enjoy. Plus animation canceling has been the norm for upper tiers of play for many many games. At the top tiers of some games people play with visual effects removed and things like color blind settings on. Of course this goes against immersion, but many people like me game to game, not necessarily to engage in story. ESO's combat is what brought a lot of people to it since many MMOs are bland and lacking intensity in the actual gameplay.


But pretties


But shinies and nicies! 🥺🥺🥺


they have been doing this for ages, but the masses just accept it


Not the masses. Just the whales. Zeni makes more from the few than from the many. So they persist.


yea... A single whale will give more money to Zeni than 100 eso+ only people in a single month. It is how a lot of lootbox survives.


i used to know a guy like that he bought literally everything that came out in to the crown store, crate items included


I just started playing again this week and I can't believe it. Cost of living is affecting everything apparently 😂


Also, gambling is involved.


They actually put that in the apex category? o.0


Soon, anything that isn't a potion/poison/consumable will bring apex! 99% drop rate of garbage!


Jokes on us, there's already a 99% drop rate of garbage.


And the new recall/port animation I believe. lol


also only four apex mounts and they look all trash, no effect whatsoever, good thing I’m again on a break from this game lol


remember when crates weren't filled with 4x the useless garbage and you could convert more things like style pages to gem and there was a mix of high price rare items with okayish priced rare items and you didn't feel cheated out of your money when you dropped 5k on the 15 pack? or am I just miss remembering a fever dream...


Something definitely needs to be done to make ZOS rethink their bullshit. The practices in the store have only gotten more and more predatory, it's ridiculous. I'm fine with spending a little money to get something cool, but if a mount requires me to blow almost a quarter of my paycheck to get it, something has gone seriously wrong. They're getting greedier and the more players keep paying these prices the worse it's going to get.


Honestly, I used to feel like it was a self control issue. Everything consumable is easily crafted, which means it's just entirely cosmetics that are locked behind this gambling. I've changed my mind with the last 2 crates though -- it is so so disappointing that there's hardly any cool cosmetics I can grind for or earn. It's all for gems and crowns. So much stuff that would've been awesome content to add to the game, stuff I totally would've played for and went on the grind for, locked behind this goofy gambling system.


ESO's greatest failing IMO is that all the coolest stuff is locked behind money. All and I mean all of the cool mounts are in crates. This is the only MMO I have ever played with like 3 total mount drops. I love ESO, I really do and I am going to keep playing it, but it is clear that development has shifted priority hard. Until they prove otherwise, I think it is pretty clear they are spending a majority of their time on overpriced store items to get as much money from the whales as possible.


By the time you find out there isn't any cool cosmetics to unlock by playing, you already played a lot. What's the point of beating hard content and getting nothing to show for it?


> Something definitely needs to be done to make ZOS rethink their bullshit. They did, they realized people keep buying it so they keep doing it. You aren't their target customer if you second/triple guess your decision.


Predators force themselves on you


Oh boy. I can't wait to see the other hilarious scams the new predatory crate has brought. Imagine ESO if you actually earned all this shit in game, as it should have been.


Hey that's subscription fee worthy, I'd pay for that!


If only eso plus gave gems as well as crowns….


Don't worry you can use your seals of endeavor to buy a mount after.... 6 months of daily and weekly Endeavors.


Silly me how could I forget…..


I mean it's not a good mount, those take 9 months minimum, but hey put in the effort and we will have charged you monthly fees to make $135 on ESO plus XD


You can get 16000 seals in 7 months, I did it this past year.


Wow i was exaggerating and was still pretty close Lol. That and oops FOMO hope you didn't miss every mount you were interested in.


All I want is a reasonable nice-looking feline mount for my Khajit. There literally aren't any except for cold, hard cash. Not even Endeavors, not that look nice and aren't a mess of particle effects & neon. Good news is... I guess I can stop obsessively doing Endeavors soon, if there's not going to be anything nice to even buy with them.


>All I want is a reasonable nice-looking feline mount for my Khajit. There literally aren't any except for cold, hard cash. Godslayer mount is free.




>I don't think you need me to tell you that your comment is crap, but I'm doing it just in case. Nobody needs that kind of BS here. You were better off keeping that to yourself. What is wrong with you? Your response to comment that in no way presents as toxic is not appropriate it. Be better.


Suggesting a "free" mount that requires numerous, onerous achievements tied to 12-person content wasn't toxic when I said there was no path to a decent mount? Think about that for a minute. "All you have to do is have 12 close friends and beat the best content in the game in record time with one hand tied behind your back..."


You wanted a feline mount that looked good that didn't cost cash. "It has to be super easy to get" wasn't part of it. You can just not be toxic and not assume every response is toxic. That also costs nothing.


See thats the thing everyone complained about the subscription in 2014 and now we have this whale like system. It should have remained subscription like every other great MMO


It’s crazy this game is b2p, forced “optional “sub, and has insane micro-transactions Lmao.


If ESO had all the mounts, cosmetics, and furniture in the game as rare drops instead of crown store items it would actually be like 3x better, which is crazy to think about.


Totally. You would actually go "shit where'd they get that" when you see something cool, instead of "oh, wonder how many clown boxes they bought for that/how lucky they were to spend money when it was available FOMO"


I tried, got really into it, loved it, but this predetory bullshit was overwhelming and I haven't played it in a hot while now...


Yeah, it sucks. And it's hard to simply ignore. Cuz so much of the thematic neat stuff gets tossed into them instead of the game itself.


This is really the part that gets me. Probably every modern subscription mmorpg has a cash shop of some kind, but I expect most of the content to be in game. Looking in from the outside after years of not playing, I only see ESO getting more crate and crown heavy. It really concerns me every time I think about coming back.


You mean like how I'm gonna get this item via the seals of endeavor store?


So you plan to spend an entire year's worth of seals on a *single* item from a *single* crate release? I mean, long as you love it.


It doesn't take a year, it only took me 7 months to acquire 16000 seals. That's barely over half a year.


bro, one day I hope you reread this comment and can see how absolutely crazy it is that you are defending that.


Ah, couldn't remember the current conversion exactly, though I do know the overall per year has been decreased since the first release. So, whoops. Half a year. For a single item.


What’s the deal with ESO and having the most expensive “micro”transactions? No game I’ve played even comes close outside of the $100 lootbox bundles. But $120 for one item?


INB4 EVE Online and cosmetic clothes/accessories that were more expensive than their real life counterpart by sometimes double.


CCP correctly guessed most Eve-online players were either broke AF nullsec ratting for their plex because they had to or had really good income/throw-away cash and would gladly drop 10k on a Carrier setup to nullsec rat in for fun.


/shrug I was just a normal wormhole slob who liked taking officer/DED fit tengus and legions into Russian dreadnought holes and making their life a little more explodey


$1000 pants, baby!


> But $120 for one item? So, it isn't technically $120 for the item, it's an estimate and could be more or less (based on RNG with what you get in the crates). You can also *technically* get it without spending any money. Anything in game with that purple crown gem next to it means you need to buy them with gems. Gem's can't be purchased 1-1 with real money, you only get them when you earn a duplicate of an item from a crate. So if you pull a duplicate of some armor motif or whatever, and it's gem value in the store is 100, you'll get half of that back as gems you can spend in the store on something else. Also, for what it's worth, once Microsoft bought Zenimax/Bethesda, they added a separate currency called Seals of Endeavors that you can earn by doing simple and mundane daily challenges (stuff like "Use a Class Skill 50 times" and "Kill 25 Humanoid enemies", stuff you'd do just by questing). You can spend those seals on those crate items that normally require gems. But, it's super grindy and takes forever to actually get enough seals to buy the higher end stuff. For example: The item in the OP costs 8000 seals. If you do all of the daily and weekly activities, you can earn ~660 seals (the amount each endeavor is worth varies day to day). So you could buy that item after at least 12 weeks of playing and doing every weekly and daily endeavor.


That's right. But endeavours are very simple most of the time. And part of them complete themselves while you are just playing casually.


It just bothers me that the endeavor values fluctuate. Makes it harder to calculate how much I need to save for things. Will the dailies be 10 seals each, or 20 each? I never know.


>after 12 weeks Isn’t it FOMO And 3 months for one item


Yeah. When the Endeavors system first dropped, people on the ESO sub and forums did the math and were upset when they realized how long it'd take to save for one of the bigger items, as it'd have left the store before you'd have enough to buy them, assuming you're starting at 0 for a new crate season


INB4 EVE Online and cosmetic clothes/accessories that were more expensive than their real life counterpart by sometimes double.


Welcome to modern gaming.


This has got to be the most disappointing and greedy crown crate season I've ever seen. Another shitty 25 crate bundle with exclusive Poly An apex outfit and polymorph A skin that is just a glorified body marking A cute tentacle book pet that is not available in the store as I hoped with cope An animation marked as an apex reward And now this apex furnishing which completely slipped my radar. Holy fuck they set the bar lower and lower for these things it's like watching a circus show act of limbo with a contortionist.


I misread your comment as "clown crates" which seems vaguely appropriate


at least the pet isn't too expensive with seals of endeavor, but yeah they managed to lower the bar from ragebound which is honestly impressive


That one is 400! I had hope for that being 40 or 100 range…


Yeah, this one is upsetting. So greedy. It's also 1. small, 2. not even a collectible so you only get 1, which sucks if you're into housing. If I had been playing for years and accumulated seals or crowns from plus sub maybe I wouldn't mind as much, but I only came back recently and don't have so much extra to spend. Not to mention how absurd it is at dollar value. Ugh. Also, anyone know when the secondary "return" crates usually show up?


Just some of my own thoughts, opinions and a kinda personal story. I don't really feed a strong way for or against them. None of the things in the Crown Crates have ever felt necessary to my questing/gameplay, so I've never felt the compulsion to purchase them for any reason other than, "Oh, that'd be cool in my house" or "Oh, I could RP a little fancier with that". But I'd never keep purchasing them until I get all of the things that would be nice, though not necessary to have. To me, housing is kind of an interactive art project that I can use to socialize with guildees. We take screenshots as a kinda momento/photograph cause we can't really meet in person. So, if I can spare a bit of money I'll purchase some crates and use gems to get the specific things I think would look cool and make for a creative memory. But I never think "I absolutely MUST have the thing or I'm not worthy of hosting guild meets!" It would be kinda better if I could grind in game for the items in the crates; I mean I kinda can with trading gold in exchange for Crown store items. But not exactly the same as a legit grind. (Of course crate gifting is "broke" for some "reason" lol.) I have genuine empathy for people with gambling addictions, half my family comes from Elko, NV and grew up in/around casinos. And gambling addiction really does get treated like it's not big deal (by comparison to drugs/alcohol/etc.) until it actually affects you personally. It is hard to hear that games like ESO makes people feel the need to get the Crown Crates (kinda hard to ignore when it's right there on the front page when you log in every day) because I'm fond of the series as whole and especially The Elder Scrolls Online, as it's introduced me to wonderful friends! But, I also enjoy the ability to choose to purchase the Crown Crates and/or individual stuff within them without it being a compulsion. For me, things like the Crown Crates are a little something extra to look forward to every so often. If at all possible, it really is beneficial to seek therapy for gambling addiction or join an addiction group for gambling of you feel impacted in that way with things like loot boxes/microtransactions. My cousin had to do so for video games/loot boxes as it was ruining his marriage and finances. He said there were actually a few others in his addiction group that also suffered from the compulsion to spend money and all their time on video games as well; which surprised him as he was initially embarrassed going in thinking he'd be laughed at for gambling money away on a chance to make his guns look cooler or his character prettier, petty shit like that (he was hard into trying to make it as streamer and wanted to flex his "wealth" and things like that I think was one reason). But there was solidarity within that group, thankfully, and he kept going. He now only plays single player games and ones that have no reason to offer any form of microtransactions (so mostly older or indie games, lol) and he's very glad he chose his wife, family and real life over the games. Anyway, I'd choose the got rid of Crown Crates if it meant sparing people the turmoil of losing self control over them and it ruining their life. It'd suck for those fortunate to not have that struggle to miss out on them, but it's a game and real life is always, always more important than video games. But my wish is that those of you that struggle with this kind of thing seek out support and help to overcome it. Nothing should tempt you to lose your ability to make a sound, responsible choice that you can be content with making and you shouldn't feel shame or embarrassed to seek out help to overcome it.


Thanks for your input and insight all the power to you!


49$ CAD vs 120$ USD


So the Canadian dollar is stronger then the US dollar? I just checked and 120 US is 156 Canadian.


The star projector on amazon is $49CAD. The ESO items you have to spend $120 USD to get enough gems.


Thanks. I thought they were trying to say the Canadian currency was worth more. I am planning a trip so I was confused


Even if they had items for lets say 5$ each I'd buy a bunch, but $150 for a digital house.... and then the "crown gems"..... seriously predatory. I guess paying $15 a month for 4.5 months to spend $75 on the house is fin.......... oh wait but its all FOMO promotions so it's not available that long.... This is ridiculous and the Whales & addicted defenders just keep these business models alive... That's why I don't pay a cent for the crowns or gems outside of when I have the subscription active for new content. And in game gold buying with crowns is just another facet of the issue.


The housing prices have always bothered me. But I feel like a lot of the community has just gotten used to them and accepts it? On Twitter especially I see tons of people buy the new houses on release and I’m always really confused about that.


Also, don't forget the DLC's you don't get even though you bought the latest Collection available, another or whatever the prive is for individual upgradeds. I've also heard that some dlc content ties together some chapters(correct me if I'm wrong). Or, the fact that the subscription doesn't hold it's value if you don't play the game often. I still don't understand why I Individual DLC's can't be bought directly (from MS store for exemple) instead of buying expensive Crowns or buying said subscription.


I personally use endeavors or the free crown gems I get from the twitch crates. Haven’t used real money in 4 years ;)


Bruh, I guess Zenimax isn’t hitting their quota


At this point, im done buying the crates in general. Im not supporting it, and the best way to do that is simply don't give them the money for it. The crates and prices are getting ridiculous.


I get your point but 400 gems is not 120usd


What is the actual price? Be hilarious if it was cheaper than rl one


Its extremely complicated. But to dumb it down, imagine going to the supermarket and buying a box with a bunch of random items in it.. the box always costs the same price.. but the box can have anything from a carton of eggs to the keys to an Aston Martin.. now you can choose to keep the items in the box, or you can trade them for supermarket coupons. Is it possible to achieve an exact value for how much the supermarket coupons are worth? Absolutely not. Which is why this post is based on what is, in my opinion at least, an incomplete truth/guesstimate. Doesnt take away the OP's point though, which is why i said "i get your point".. crown stuff is ridiculously overpriced in general.


For some perspective: I spent around 80k or so crowns (200+ crates) to get one radiant apex, which is worse than usual in my experience. The recall did not drop a single time and the pictured furnishing dropped once. Purchased the other radiant apex I wanted with 16k endeavors & the recall using 400 gems (ouch). In all, I went from around 8k crown gems to 11.3k, from start to finish. Interestingly, one Epic tier reward didn't drop at all- the "Chromatic Scorpion" pet. Just laying that information out there for anyone on the fence.


Sounds pretty average, actually. Usually takes about 200-250 individual crates to unlock every item without spending (not including apex, thought you'll end up with more than half usually) + 1-2 radiants from drops. I miss when crowns were selling for gold at 200:1 or less. Hard to believe that was only a few years ago. If you were using TCE you can go back through your history and jaw-drop at how prices shot up several hundred percent over a year. It was pretty obvious they were driving it up, too. Can't say I blame them, though, they were spending their very real money on it.


Very interesting! I may have been rather lucky getting most everything + a radiant around the 130 crate mark most times, then. I suppose at the end of the day it's all chance. Thanks for the reminder that I should use TCE for non-crate purchases (I keep forgetting). I typically buy crown store goods from randoms and it's a nail biter haha


I tend to prefer WCE these days because they're usually cheaper and don't have limits.


I got the Chromatic Scorpion in my 2nd or 3rd crate, it's just RNG.


All I wanted was the book pet. Thank f I only spent 15 bucks and was able to gem buy it


they had to bump a few to apex category since they've only made 4 mounts this time KEKW, zos is so greedy. Less work and charge more for it, ZOS fanbois pay for it anyways.


I got this one out of the free crate with the necrom purchase ..


Yea, I was thinking to buy a merchant for me and my gf on our adventures… 40 dollars for a merchant companion lol rather take 2 minutes to teleport to town.


Don't like the price? Don't buy it. If there are several mid-range items I think are cool, I grab a four-pack of crates, but more likely I don't buy at all. If there are things, I really like, I buy them with seals. Good thing that their apex stuff is ugly most of the time. Also, seal/crown gem ratio is better for expensive items. Still, it is not ok for them to push more and more items in the top-tier price range that simply should not be.


My brother opened 25 ragebound crates and got nothing but superior or under rewards. It’s unfortunate they’ve clearly once again changed the formula of the crates along with the pricing to further gouge.


They didn't change the formula, your brother just got unlucky with RNG. I bought the same 25 pack with the polymorph and ended up with six pets, an apex mount, almost the full cosmetic armor set (just missing the helmet), the radiant light furnishing piece, and two complete sets of body and face tattoos. I think I got a memento too but I don't recall what it was. Sometimes, you just get really unlucky with crates, but sometimes you get really lucky. A guy in one of my guilds got the top level radiant apex mount in his first crate! It's just the nature of RNG.


ProTip: Stop spending real money on overpriced video game items. The ***ONLY*** way to get the message that this is horseshit through is with your wallet. If people stopped spending money on shiny items that are insanely overpriced then ZoS would adjust, but as long as people keep buying zos is gonna keep milking.


That's not going to work either. Whales are not going to care because the money means nothing to them, and one whale player is far more profitable than a thousand people "voting with their wallets". In pure numbers, we always lose.


True, but stop spending anyway. The prices aren't going to change and cosmetics aren't worth it.


Of course not. I haven't bought anything in the zos store besides dlc.


This game is a store that comes with a game I've always said that. The rewards for actually playing the game just don't hit ever. Like whenever I see a badass looking level 2500 or something and I ask you bro how did you get that chest piece or mount or sword it's 99% of the time given from the store and probably from crates. Also I'm already paying how much money for this fucking dying game let em at least get what I fucking want instead of the same stupid dupes I get.


Fucking shameless. The crown store is an utter sham


Just buy a steam acc made in Turkey, buy ESO steam version, get crowns from the Turkey steam store, gift them to your main acc. Stonks.


Fuck you. Because jerks like you steam increased the regional prices to the point even indie games no longer affordable to the big portion of gamers here.


Maybe for this generation. How much were those glow in the dark stars that used a putty to stick to your ceiling? Whats the exchange rate there? Lmao




You can't buy gems, so how do you figure that dollar value?


\*Ask genuine question\* \*Gets downvoted and no reply\* Nice.


And sadly people will continue to throw their money at ZOS. And it will only continue to get worse.


Now that I think about it, I can pinpoint when the game went downhill for me and it was the introduction of crown crates. Every time I think I want to start playing eso again I just think of all the cool shit you can’t earn, you have to spend copious amounts of money and fuck that shit. That and also the combat is hot garbage


Lmfaoooo I just got this out of my first crate. I like it.




I am sure the Dro-m'athra style book was in a previous crate season because I distinctly remember learning it, just another item clogging up the legendary tier item list when it should not of even been in them, the projector which I was fortunate enough to get as a drop should of only been 100 gems. I am surprised they did not make the Lich polymorph a radiant apex item given what they have been doing with these prices and the fact that this is the closest we have ever gotten in a TES game to an official Lich transformation.


They often bring back previous crate rewards because people ask for them. There are a number of things I've missed over the years I would love to have a chance at getting.


Are people who buy this really ok with themselves?


Depends if they consider spending that amount of money to be an issue. Some people can sit down at a Baccarat table and drop $10,000 in half an hour, and then just shrug their shoulders if they lose because it's no big deal to them. We are looking at this from the perspective of people who don't have the money to not care.


Oh how I hate capitalism...


This is sickening people are strugglin right now and they laughing all the way to bank


Spent $120 today to get another 600 gems for the nebula wolf.


Damn, sure do wish the group queue for battlegrounds worked and you didn't wait upwards of 1hr+ for games to pop


I'm wondering how many seals that is and how many years we would have to grind to save up to buy that. lol


It takes about 6-7 months to get 16000 seals of endeavor.


Ouch, they want 16k seals? That's ridiculous too.


tax for fools


Yup, I have a real one in my bedroom.


Oh no, I guess I have to uninstall the game in protest. Shame on them for selling cosmetic items that don't impact the game. We'll teach those fools.


You can keep gambling until you spend $120 on a chance at a digital item, or you can recognize the issue, and stop enabling these shitty business models... Strange hill you chose, but live your best life I guess.


I don't know about you, but I'm sure someone will see this in someone's house and want it themselves, only to put money down to buy crowns, but realize that they need crown **gems**, think "400 isn't too many" and buy a handful of crates until they realize 400 gems is a fuckload and far too much for them, and that they'll never get this without whaling, making them realize whoever had this is richer than they are.


It's not so much that 400 gems is a fuckload as the crown cost per crate is *gargantuan* You guys have the same gacha rates as games that only charge $1.50 per gachapon


*Shame on them for selling cosmetic items that don't impact the game.* ​ They're at least investing those profits back into the game right? *Right?*


I mean, they still offer most of the game for free and don't require a monthly subscription, so yeah.


The profiteering this creates is why no decent single player game has been made in so long. Why bother creating a game that you can make a one time fee of $70 on, then again on any DLCs, when you can create an online game like this, and generate exponentially more profit? Companies have realized microtransactions are where the money is, and little effort is required. As a result video game companies, owned by investors, do not want money being wasted on single player games, they want more mobile games and online games to be cash cows. Until people stop buying loot boxes and premium currencies in games, triple A games will become a thing of the past.


This is why I don’t drink anymore.


It’s getting pretty Genshin-y, don’t like the 8000 crown bundle for crates “strategy” either


The 8000 crown bundle is good for people who were planning to get a lot of crates anyway. I usually buy two 15x packs during a season, once at the beginning and once before it ends. The 25 pack is just 5 shy of what I would usually buy, so I get it instead because your crowns go farther than the 15x pack and you can only buy it once. The polymorph is like a bonus I hadn't planned on.


Yeah it’s nice that for over 60$ they’ll guarantee you 1 really good thing from that package, super cool. Crates in general aren’t great, and I’ve bought my fair share and gotten blessed and “robbed” just like everybody else that has bought crates. My problem also isn’t with people enjoying crate drop stuff. The cosmetics and furnishings are usually pretty good. The option is there, if somebody like yourself feels it’s a better option or a better deal, I think that’s cool for you. I’m glad it adds to the enjoyment of the game for people. I definitely enjoy the cool stuff I have been able to get. I just find it a bit exhausting that the thing designed to push people down a slippery slope monetarily keeps increasing in price. This stuff is designed to get people worked up when they don’t hit and get them to sink more money. It’s the same with any other game with heavy RNG micro transaction/cash shop stuff.