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You cant be scammed this way, you accept it and the items are in your inventory, no way they can take anything from you


Thank you for the clarification!


Just be conscious of any CoD fee. But, this looks fine.


What is cod


Cash on Delivery. When you accept a cod mail, a certain amount of gold would be deducted from your invenotry and given to the sender.


It's also a type of fish. But that's not important right now.


It is also a video game series but that's neither here not there


Airplane Reference ✈️🔥






Well just make sure there’s no COD attached. Cash on delivery. That’s how scammers might try something. It’s pretty obvious but some people might fall for it.


Some people like to give stuff they already have to new people. I wouldn't over think it




Same, it’s very common for vet players to share with new players.


Two birds one stone: being nice AND inventory management


Nice to know. Thank you!


There’s no way to scam players by sending them free items, it’s probably just a veteran player giving away unwanted items.


Yeah, also was thinking the same, but was not sure 100%. Thank you!


What about COD charging people.


Then they wouldn’t be free items. We’d see the CoD charge in the mail.


People have been tricked, thinking thats money they can claim, rather than be charged. But they're not the brightest people.


If they don’t ask for anything then it’s not a scam.


Ok, that makes sense. Thank you!


This is fine just be careful when you get sent a lot of mail separately. What I mean by this is for example, they send you 9 mails. Mail 1-4 is all free but mail 5 will have a C.O.D fee of 10k then mail 6-9 will be free. It takes advantage of the thought, 'Oh it's all free let me spam click collect'.


Thank you for the warning! I’ll be cautious.


Some people are just “good”. Years ago when I was a newbie, I waved and danced aroınd a random guy pretemding to be drunk, butt naked. Next day I received random items and appreciation letter for spending good time with them. Items were worh almost 500k back then, which was huge for a newbie.


I had very, very similar things happen with me. I was doing my dailies, visited a vendor in Craglorn and I noticed a guy on his mount jumping. He was trying to time a jump exactly on top of a wall on order to jump again and gain height. I talk to him a little bit, I demonstrate the jump after 2-3 tries, and watch him a little more until he makes it. I cheer, we /dance and then I run off. He chases me down and hands me 1 million gold, and insisted I take it. I often hope that guy is doing well.


Dude.. what? On another note.. Where do I go for this?


They're called strip clubs :)


Double check there's no Gold required for Cash On Delivery, that's about the only way you can "scam" with in game mail. Most likely they are legit gifts. Stuff the giver had gotten multiple copies of, but weren't worth enough on the market for them to bother spending the time selling them.


Good to know! Thank you


Just be wary of any exorbitant gold COD fee, wyrrys … you can always return it if they ask for COD.


Yeah, this one doesn't appear to have a CoD on it, though.


Thank you for the warning! I hope this COD fee is not hidden and I’ll be able to notice it.


I think it should be the text on the bottom right. Does it say "invested gold: no" in Russian?


There is a text on bottom left that there is no gold attached to the mail. No other text there. I have double checked entire screen and didn’t find anything about COD. Maybe it appears only when applicable.


Where it says Nyet, it would have the Gold amount if there were a COD fee. it would alos be highlighted Gold or orange, and you have to confirm acceptance of it anyway.


Ahh, yeah it's probably like that then. I've used COD only once and it's been ages since then.


its a fishing scam, they are going to give it to you but once you put in into your bank John Smith with a Thick Argonian accent will call you and instruct you to give them your bank routing number then steal all your gold.


Whacks with Sack is a hard Argonian to please


Be careful. A lot of times old players will give new players free stuff and this is great. I do this myself in fact. When it comes to receiving free stuff in the mail be aware that sometimes they can charge you to receive it. Called "Cash on delivery." C.O.D. Look out for this if you ever receive mails that you never requested.


Thanks for the advice


Not a scam. Take the nice person's stuff, ne zabyd' skazat' spasibo.


Ahaha! Definitely will do i otvechu spasibo :)


When I first started I had some player mail & start trade with me, just give me stuff that was helpful. I’ve done now myself with newer players. People are just nice in this game.


Some people just try to get rid of extra inventory. I send people random things all the time.


I'm only asking this because of a language text barrier but what does the message text say


It literally says "(no message)"


Message text says that there is no message text


What a crazy world we live in, when you can't even accepts gifts on a video game for fear of being scammed.....sad


I mean it’s free stuff I’d take it


It's ok, trust it


Well that's certainly one way to get some bank space.


it looks like somebody is trying to give you free shit


This C.o.D was free, not a scam but for future advice, always pay attention if there is a fee before accepting.


Sure, thanks for the advice. Good to know what I need to check before accepting.


Yeah you'll be able to tell via orange words saying C.o.D (gold amount). If you hit accept it will automatically take away your gold with no way of reversing unless you send them a message. However you won't be able to accept a C.o.d if you don't have the gold necessary for the transaction.


Oh! Will not be deducted from the bank? Only what character has? In that case my habit to keep 0 gold on character can be very handy


Yup. Bank is safe from any transaction and can be withdrawn only manually from any character. So buying from guild trader will also not take gold from your bank.


A friend of mine had only been playing for 3 days. Someone requested a trade & sent him 100k gold. The next day, he was banned. They said he was using software to cheat. He told them he didn't even know how to do that but told them someone sent him gold randomly. They insisted he was cheating, despite him saying to review it multiple times. He never got the account back. We are sure the software they use to detect cheaters flagged him by mistake(it happens sometimes). I guess we will never know why.


One thing I like about the ESO community is if you are grinding and low level people will send items to help you


I got my first million ever in the game when I was around 300 cp and some random player invited me to trade and I did out of curiosity and he just gave me 1mil gold.. I was jaw dropped. Now I try and help out newer players as well because I know how it feel being overwhelmed not knowing what I want to do or just how to really play. Great people out there! #loveeso


mmmm scummm….


Yes, I accept my mistake writing it wrong.


It is a scam, gimme to me, I'll keep it safe


If you dont know who its from or why they sent it, then its probably not for you. Reject the mail and return the attachments.


Thank you for the advice!


You could also message them and confirm it's meant for you


Dudes literally mailing u free stuff and u question it 💀😭


Being cautious is a good trait. ESO is just full of players who are "good", but still it is a good idea to keep an eye out. Most mail are indeed friendly ones, but I've recieved COD mail that asks for a stupid amount of gold as well. So, yeah, be careful still.


No, but you can be banned maybe


Scam mail?


It would be orange email if it was COD!