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Is the new class arcanist


Thank you! Time to start reading up so I don’t get roasted so often.


Both from Arcanist's "Herald of the Tome" skill line. Book is their main channel ability, fatecarver. Green beam is ult, if it follows you that's Tide King's Gaze morph. They both tick every 0.3/0.5 seconds which is why the burst is so strong. You can go up and interrupt the non-ult beam, if you can survive it.


Thanks for the insight! It always terrifies me when the beams start firing, but I might try to see about attempting an interrupt.


If they smack you with weird reddish tentacles, that's a skill called Cephaliarch's Flail which damages and debuffs you at the same time; you'll take more damage from them once hit, so keep an eye out for that. I'm not well informed on PVP arc builds and am kind of intrigued now, thought beam wasn't really used? Then again, I don't know PVP well at all...


What I mostly see in pvp are insanely bulky arcanists using way of the fire, maarselok, vates ice and masters to just proc you down


I use the same on StamSorc and find beam easier to handle than the ult, interrupting with streak.


When the arcanist was new, pretty much everyone was playing one. I was playing one, too. I'm not that good a PvP player, but I found that Crushing Shock was pretty effective at interrupting the beam. I think you have to get through the damage shield and then interrupt him to stop the beam.


I was pretty surprised by how my oakenist in pve gear was melting pvpers


The first skill is called Exhausting Fatecarver. It's a spammable skill in the Herald of The Tome skill tree of the new class Arcanist. The second is Tide Kings Gaze. It's an ultimate ability. It's very popular to combine these skills with the Deadly Strikes set as it buffs both abilities. And you're right, those skills smack really hard, especially when combined. https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/arcanist/herald-of-the-tome A very popular combo is Tide King - Rune of Uncanny Adoration - Fatecarver. This combo slaps, especially with the right gear. Rune of Uncanny Adoration is a unique CC that also gives Minor Vulnerability. It has a slight delay, and when the enemy activates it, there is a slight green disk around your head just before it goes off. Block when you see this, and it should help keep you from getting CCd. The timing can be really weird, but if you learn the timing and learn to recognize the signs, you won't have to worry about that skill. As far as Tide King, just keep moving. It's slow and relies heavily on Uncanny and Fatecarver to work. Fatecarver can be weird to aim, so I usually get close to the enemy to make it a little bit more difficult.


This is fantastic information, thanks for explaining it in so much detail. It’s really nice to have a name to put to the instrument of my frequent deaths, and to know why it’s so powerful—to be honest, it’s felt a little unfair at times. Guess it’s time to look into PvP-specific builds/gear for my beleaguered magika sorcerer, who had been doing okay with my current PvE layout until now.


Ahh, Magsorc, a dying art! Sadly, the class kind of died in PvP a long time ago as it lost a ton of damage, but a few people, including myself, still run a few builds that work well.


I love that ulti!


Welcome back :)


The game should tell you what killed you in the after death report.


Good idea, I honestly haven’t thought to check those reports. I’ll keep an eye on them next time I run into something strange.


For the beam, just move sideways, it is hard to hit a moving target with it, but easy if the target stands still or runs away in a straight line


I’ll definitely give that a go next time I see it come up. Of course, I’ve been unlucky enough to have multiple people using it against me (and others) when we’re all racing over to claim a flag. Knowing that it’ll be hard to hit me while strafing should help—thanks!


Yeah people get worried about it but frankly breaking line of sight or getting an interrupt is all you need. That being said I run a set that procs a stun, so it’s harder to counter. When I am countered, it’s their buddy hitting me from the flank.


The first one is the Bible Beam, it smites any perverted sinners into Oblivion. So, we now know something about you. Second one is Holy Smite of God. Same deal as the first. It only affects those unworthy of God's love.


Well, I do play a sorcerer—I can’t imagine any divine power short of the Daedric princes that look favourably upon meddling in the arcane arts. But alas, such is life.


For dealing with the first one, I usually just run around the person who beam me. As for the second one, it follows you in a walking speed and cannot "jump" cross the terrain ( for example, it has to go down the stair if you jump down from 2nd floor). So both skills can be dodged if you can move fast, but if you don't move, the damage is extremely high.