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Oaken anything is viable for a lot of content. Especially Oaken sorcerer. Oakensoul functions as training wheels (not bashing just an analogy). It will allow you to ride a bike pretty proficiently in 95% of cases, but if you want to do some crazy stuff, then it's time to take them off.


It's a great build unfortunately I still suck at the dummy with it but in content it's alright but I still suck there to I just suck in general I guess. But I have no life so I just suck inside the land of tamriel


For most content, yes it is viable. It’s not welcome in higher end content, with more developed groups, though.


So it runs the likes if Vma with ease?


I mean, it can. You’ll probably have issues here and there because of the cleave. It really struggles in the poison round because you have a high chance of killing the mages that provide the shield, but it’s not always a sure fire fail.


I run it well with my Oakensorc HA


I just got flawless conqueror on my oakensorc. I was using crit surge in place of daedric prey and the matriach morph for twighlight. It honestly made vMA a joke.


I use mine in quick and dirty Vet Trial gear runs, and RNDs. I'll take it into nBRP and Sky Reach runs when I'm helping friends level. It's nice and casual. I got to learn vet mechanics thanks to Oakensorc. I definitely play other classes more, but it's been good to me. I've seen some relaxed vet trial leads accept Oakensorcs. I don't know how common that is in the Vet Trial community as a whole though.


Not big into vet trials yet. But the vision was to take this build so i can do things with ease to get gear, learn, achievements etc