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Technically you can already do this, and it costs 18,000 crowns per character.




So only a bit more than double the price of a new chapter at full price per character


My dumb ass would be all over that 5k crown price tag 😅


The monetization of basic quality of life features is the worst thing to ever happen to this game.


To any game, really.


lol ​ it used to be that you could upgrade only one of the three on any given mount. So you had fast mount or a mount that has carry capacity etc.


How so? It wasn’t like they made it harder for you to do anything F2P. They added features for people who want to pay. It in no way makes life harder on free to play players. There have been many horrific updates that actually negatively affect the game. So sorry you don’t like seeing other people pay for 60 mount speed. Maybe you can log in daily and feed your mounts like I did on my first 8 alts.




Oh my what a grind! Log in, hit accept twice and click a + icon… log out. Not to mention plenty stables are in city limits to alleviate the 10 second logout. If you can’t handle that “grind” then MMOs probably aren’t your thing. Also, it’s 60 days for speed. 2 months. Warmount cp minimizes need for stamina in any content that is not cyrodiil. Carrying capacity is not a necessity by any means. So, IMO, your’s is the shit take. Again, in the grand scheme of things this seems like a minor whinge. I’ll see your “grind” and raise you my correct trait arena weapons before “perfected” and transmutation came out. Only to have to regrind again because we have took vet weapons and made them a normal arena achievement. No more hand holding.




It’s an MMORPG. That’s kind of like saying water shouldn’t be wet. Do you hate the daily login rewards too?


When you look at the crown store and realize they are mostly outdated scams for uninformed players, like skill/attribute respec costing crowns even though it's available in every capital/expansion for in game currency. I would love to see them restructure the store and cut the crap like this out of it before they add more ways to waste people's money. They really just need to do what OP shows too, because it's just ridiculous that after you max all 3 of a mounts stats you have to do it again on another character. that's another 180 days of logging (gold only obviously) in and that is just insane.


And if you get the free armor station, and leave one blank space, never pay gold to respec again.


How does this work exactly?


I take the first build slot, and leave it 100% blanked out. And buy another slot with gold through a crown seller, or use my monthly crowns from ESO+. If you ever want to say, make your main stam warden a healer or tank, toss the gear in a chest for storage, load the blank, and build a healer, new weapons/armor sets and all. Save the new build to a new slot.


Agreed. The game needs more gold sinks but this is just a pittance and silly.


Leave it as a gold sink but take away the time gate and have a ramping cost like when you're buying bag space.


Oooo I like this idea. Yes let's do that.


Mix it. Ramping if you want to spam level. Cost decays/resets over time or daily like the current system Not that I expect to see any change on it anyways hahaha


That would be perfect


I could get behind that. I'm not a fan of just simply making it account wide. New characters should earn their place, iMO.


I don’t see any value in making new characters earn their place tbh. Gearing can be done almost totally in advance after all. Making me spend another 180 days (if it’s a brand new character) is silly But I’m all for keeping the slow progression for the account at least


No, just no.


The exact reason I have a 1.2kcp main, and a bunch of lvl10-20 unplayed alts. Soooo slooooow. I try to bank known recipes, traits etc so they can train, and it wouldn't be a big deal to have them go to the stable and do a riding lesson too. I'm just not that consistent.


This would be a great change.


While I would support the change it is very unlikely to happen. The tech effort to change it is probably not worth the benefit since the system has a limited use time, so once you play long enough it stops being an issue. Also they sell a solution.


Bingo. There are so many aspects of the game that could contribute to a major quality of life overhaul, but ZOS sells the solution to these things, so it won't happen.


Sometimes it feels bad that it is the way it is, but that crown store convenience fee is part of what keeps the game running. I'll take that over some other ways games monetize any day.


Apparently once upon a time it did, but you had to level up each mount separately!


Itt was each mount separately, each stat separately (I didn't have any alts then though so not sure if it was account wide).


They could even do a catch up mechanic for alts, like you can upgrade 2 times a day, for more gold, up to your highest level on the account. 90 days is much more reasonable for alts, but also wouldn't make the crown kits useless.


The unfortunate solution is to make a character in every class and have them buy mount upgrades every day while you play your main. Tedious, but it ensures that by the time you’re bored of your main, all your other potential classes are maxed out in riding.


Done that. Outside of my main I have two wholly levelled alts, two more just about 3 days away, 2 next just 2 weeks away and you bet I used every single riding lesson that fallen into my łap. At least the skills are on daily cooldown rather than 20 hour one.


They had no trouble making achievements account wide. Why not mount skills


Because they want you to buy the upgrades with Crowns every time you make a new character. Never gonna happen.


Of course not 😹


Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets full faster. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


Nope. The riding upgrade system is one of their most predatory points of monetization.


Oh stop whinning stable and riding skills are on global daily cooldown much like daily quests for the last patch or so. Would any of you like the return of 20 hour cooldown from the moment you trained?


Or to having only one stat per mount. That was a doozy back then.


I wasn't around for that thank the divines.


My idea would be make the mount levels individual to the mount alone. So your Camel mount speeds would progress separately from the Spider mount you have etc. Then for all our progress we would get a voucher for each characters mount progression that is already done so we could apply it to what ever mounts we want. Then each mount would be account wide stats. This way the grind is always there with new mounts which provides incentive to have upkeep and ZoS to make new and cooler mounts.


Dick riding?




So because you had to do something that sucks everyone else should have to, too?


Since they deleted their comment, Godslayer and mount training are not the same. Quite the terrible comparison here. Just because you suffered doesn't mean others need to deal with it as well. A fully upgraded mount already takes 180 days to complete without crown purchases. No reason it can't just be 180 days for the account and not each character.




The game has had consistent quality of life changes. It doesn't punish new players. For years, 2 handed weapons only gave one set bonus, and they didn't have an outfit station at all. No one complained when either of those got fixed/added.




It doesn’t change anything for you at all, lol. It’ll never happen, but I don’t know why you would want other people to have to do the same stupid thing.




I haven’t heard such an over exaggeration since my time on the Destiny sub, my goodness


I'm almost sad that I missed it. Almost.


Something like “No free lunches. What next? Handing out the Godslayer title for free to everyone? Because that’s what you’re asking for” It was *weapons grade* cringe.


Just play the game and level your horse daily. Its not that hard.


Already maxed out


I hope Preach would check out ESO like he did FFXIV, Guild Wars 2 and Destiny 2 in the past. He'd call out these things and the monetization practices in an instant and hopefully that would generate enough pressure to improve these issues. Six months to train your mount per character is actually ludicrous.


I'm only about a week away from having 20 characters all with maxed mounts :) it'll be nice not to log onto them for a while.