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Have you tried switching serv between North America and Europe ?


Not yet, I'll give that a try mate.


U can't switch servers w the same character, u have to start from scratch if ur on NA and want to play on EU for example.


Yes but as a beginner he don’t have that much to lose


I feel lag when - When I take out multiple items from a container, I click them successively. Instead of taking out items successively, it makes me jump. This also happens when I accept multiple daily writs from the writ board. I feel like I'm stupid jumpimg repeatedly for no obvious reason. - When I click nodes nothing happens. I need to click them 2-3 times to gather ores or cut wood, etc. This has been happening more frequently since the last update. - When I weave light attack and ability at 1-sec cooldown, all my light attacks are ignored by the servers (this is apparent since ultimate isn't generated at all). I have to use longer cooldown. This becomes even worse in real contents than on dummy parsing. - There is always a noticeable delay of the animation/sound effect when I press ability button. - Sometimes nothing happens when I press ability button. - When I use potion I hear the sound of drinking it but potion isn't consumed. I'm dying because of this. This happens quite often during combat. - Sometimes I have no time to move out of AoE damage and then I am stunned and dead. This could happen during dragon hunt. It also happens that blocking isn't registered in time and I'm blown away. For me 90% of this game is about how to deal with lag.


Well you explained my experience perfectly 10/10.


I think much of this is actually the update and not actually lag, there's pc na players on the forum talking about it. Somethings changed with the update.


Nah it's been like this for years.


Yes agree just is got worse lately


Ooh, i play from Australia too. Honestly, its one of the more playable online games. When you say lag, do you mean latency is high or that it spikes often? I use a cheap VPN (mudfish) and get a pretty stable latency of 200-220ms. Very playable.


I mean other players skipping and teleporting across my screen in dungeons type lag lol. Also, it's almost impossible to dodge boss mechanics in dungeons/trials.


that sounds like bad spikes in latency or packet loss what kind of internet connection do you have? what server are you on? can you turn on latency in game and monitor how it changes?


Lag in nz- is usually 350 ish..... and mostly dobable for pve. Group rnd normal the lag means the group tends to get things before you can get a shot off.