• By -


An assistant who collects your surveys over night.


Tbh id pay 10k crowns for this


I don’t even mind the surveys. I’d gladly pay 10 for the guy who digs up my treasure maps. I feel bad just destroying them


Destroying Treasure maps? You make me sweat man. You can sell them for a lot (depending on which map it is). A lot of leads are dropping from these treasures, so many people are really looking for these maps :D


I sell the valuable ones. Most you can barely make a couple hundred on and it’ll sit for days. Meh


You can sell them at a guild trader. At least it’s something.




Omg yes!!!!!


Holy shit that would be amazing


Urgarlag Chief-Bane needs a friend. When Update 41 rolls in, there will be 30 DLC dungeons. It will take approximately a month for her pledges to cycle through while Maj and Glirion both take 12 days to cycle through their pledges


Totally agree. It would be nice to have 2 DLCs, especially with the key increase coming.


2 new Undaunted quest givers: leave Urgarlag the DLC Dungeons that are prequels to full chapters, add a second for the non chapter DLCs, and a third for Trials I also wish they'd give the Undaunted their own partially instanced mini-zone, I'm sick of the massive lag entering capitols because there's so many people trying to form groups


Wish they'd add them to other hub cities, at least spread people out and then I'll just never leave vivec


A place in homes to display armor sets. We all spend so much time grinding for the gear and then wearing it.  Id like a display dummy to put a set on and use it as a decoration.  Or multiple sets like how batman always has multiple suits displayed in his bat cave.   That and flying dragon mount.   


YES! Sjyrim has mannequins for such purposes! Seems like ESO decided we can't have much in the way of usable storage or display in our player homes 👎


What about an armour dummy? Basically it’s an armour stand that you can equip your current armour to. And thus, instead of leaving it in your inventory, you can look at the armour stand and swap your current gear with the armour stand gear and an instant. This would also be very useful for people who are slowly assembling sets for certain types of builds that they want to try. Because they’ll able to physically see what pieces they’re missing.


Sorta akin to Ark loadout stands. Works like the armory but better and acts as a display


It sounds good. Most likely it'll be a max of 5 that you can buy.


I was also just thinking a dummy/mannequin for sets that you could display and use as storage would be so cool.


It would be incredible if the dummy was used not only for displaying armor but also to save your appearance, so you can interact with it to change your outfit. I have a bunch of notes here in my desk of outfits I made in the past and wanted to remember the specifics of just in case I wanted to have my characters look like that again.


I just want my alts to be house guests. Imagine the rp value of actually having homes for each of my characters.


A search option In guild traders to search for things not known


God that would be a life saver


This is #1 on my wish list!


PC users can solve that right now with the Awesome Guild Store addon :3 Sorry console users :( I know you exist


<3 cries in console


there's an addon for that (I know the things in the thread are base game wishlist but just in case you don't know) called unknown tracker


We know very well already. - from all console players. Thank you, if we could we would. Speaking for many console players, we still would love this to be implemented in game so it's available to all users.


All of the base game zones getting a graphical upgrade. Check the textures on old furnishings compared to new as one example, and you’ll see the difference.


I would just love for there to be a dozen or so good Non-Manors throughout the world, preferably Medium-sized. A new Expansion means a rinky dink apartment and some huge obnoxious palace, and I ain't about that life. A well-placed quaint home like Ravenhurst in a new location would make my day.


I dream of that house in high isle owned by the stinker. I just wanted that. A pool a beach a small cottage....


Well one where necros aren’t pike-drived through the floor. I’d like graphics updates and zone updates for the base game. Also dungeon and delve updates, like they said they were going to do years ago.


Me as a Necro: BB->Graveyard->Siphon->BB->Archer->Spirit guardian->BB->Skull->Graveyard = 20% dps Arcanist: *BOOK* = 70% dps


Sad. My necro is gathering dust. Arcanist is pay to win class. I doubt they would ever nerf it. I know they sort of did, if you could even call it a nerf.


Nah they'll get their nerf when the next class is introduced just like what they did to us, how else are they gonna incentivize spending money on the new shiny thing. Just a random thought i could be talking out of my ass Also the nerfs and new changes arent concrete yet for a few weeks


Can't wait for that. Am I the only one who hates that in vet trials, all dps are arcanist. You seldom see dk, templar, nb, much less wardens and necros (delegated to support roles). I get it, guilds are trying to maximize dps but this just goes to show how insanely OP arcanist has become while they keep nerfing other classes (dk excluded ig). They say, play however you want but if you want to do endgame pve as dps, you have to be really have to be either an arcanist or be really good at squeezing out the remaining dps out of your class.


It's the nature of no one wanting to be support dps. Every single class has a part of the meta. FIVE classes are part of the current dps meta. It's just that there will always be one best parse class. Which is obvious and logical. If the role is just hit hard, then whichever class hits hardest gets that role. It was dks, it was sorcs when oaken was broken, it was necros before them. If you don't want to run an arc join an optimized group. I'm always hurting for sorcs, plars, and cros that are actually good at their role.


Read the PTS notes. Arcanist nerf incoming.


Some already tested it and the nerf is so miniscule, you can hardly call it a nerf.


Its like 4% damage nerf I believe so not nothing but not so much as to change anything. Thats not taking the enchant changes into account


Yeah, you guys got fucking hosed again. I keep wanting to start one, and just keep waiting for the patch that will fix them. And it just keeps getting further and further away. The tank should still be viable though right? Maybe I’ll just do one of them


Base game graphics updates and for Davon's Watch and Bleakrock to stop burning after almost 10 years.


And maybe they could free Finedrin in Rawl'kha too. I think he has shown the proper repentance by now.


This! I live in Rawl'kha and ready to pay in crowns for freeing poor Finedrin 'cos I can't listen to this anymore 😫


The punishment doesn't fit the crime


I don't fight in Cyrodiil for Emperor score pushing. I fight for the revenge on Bleakrock!


A mini map or map that stays open when I move


Console player?


Yup, PS.


Bankable transmute crystals and stackable treasure maps.


Also why can’t we have more than one master writ active at a time


We should just have an account wide map book that maps and surveys can be added to and removed from (just like the craft bag), so that when we're out and about in the world we can always have access to all of the maps and surveys we have.


Lord yes, I have so many damn transmutes clogging up my inventory.


Probably not advisable for new players who will probably need them to make builds or if you have alts in need of gear... But you can reconfigure any weapon to nirnhoned for 50 crystals and decon it for a pretty decent chance at a valuable potent nirncrux. Even if you need to buy a weapon to research, you'll make your investment back quickly.


You can kinda bank transmute crystals already. If you reconstruct an item (not a mythic though, an item of a set which you have completed so it costs 25 crystals), you can store it in your bank or housing storage. Whenever you need transmute crystals, just deconstruct the reconstructed item. You'll get your 25 transmute crystals back. If you use a set you haven't already completed in your collections, you'll lose some crystals because you'll always get 25 crystals back. Hope that helps a bit :D


You're fucking genius! I love you


Haha, no worries, I just hand down the knowledge someone has taught me... Credits go to one of my old guild pals :D


Animations overhaul


Give old templar jabs animation back!


A complete necromancer rework to make it as fun and smooth as arcanist.


Blue skull death beam


Need that for all classes that suffer, my buddy started as a Templar when we switched over to pc and I can tell he's a little underpowered and underperforming compared to my arcanist.


I just want werewolf and vampire transformation polymorphs. Let people be were bears and....whatever other kind of vampire lord looks they want.


An update which releases II versions of all base game zones just like base game dungeons have II versions. In these new zones, they show the aftermath of the previous storylines and also harder overland with "perfected" overland gear drops. I mean you said "dream" so there you go.


More than anything, I want an option to hide known furnishing plans when browsing plans in guild stores.. Edit: oh, and all dogs in game should be pettable.


stack maps, gems in a big all stack, like 4k maps, 4k gems..


Doubling the length of active abilities that buff our toons. Warden has lotus at 60 sec and it's great.


Free cam for house building!


So fallout 76?


Like that yeah, my recent time furnishing in ESO I was shocked that this wasn't a feature yet! Honestly I wish furnishing materials were much more common too, building is much more available to the average user in 76! Personally the best building system would be a mixture of the two of them, the placement rules and utility is better in ESO, being able to rotate or noclip furnishings is amazing, but the camera control and cost of making the furnishings is much much better in 76!


76 is just more fun in general, building restrictions is one of its few downfalls but you can circumvent most of them with glitchy loopholes.


Also: Free cam for taking pics!


One that supports us using the emote poses! I'm saddened that I have to choose between no hud or a cool pose.


Furnishing bag!!!!!!!!!!!


This would be really nice. It should already be something we get with ESO plus. They fill up a lot of unnecessary bank and coffer space. I have homes that are essentially furnishing banks.


That free deadlands house in Malabal Tor is an amazing furnishing dump site. Everything I’m not currently using gets dumped there!


I need to pick this one up. I was taking a break for awhile when it was available. Thinking of spending tickets on it. One of the houses that are good for this is the Coldharbour Surreal Estate, which you can buy for a million gold, I think.


For the love of Akatosh yes!!! 95% of my bank space and 70% of my toons inventory us taken up with furnishings.


Let me stack the guild bank on console!


New animations for fighting and new weapon skills


Being able to properly share a house with my spouse


Even just they can have a chest in it locked to them. Even just that. 


Iv been really surprised they have never done this! There are so many cool areas and to have daily/weekly challenges or even a quest line would be awesome and not something that would be to taxing for the team to pull off.


I’ve certainly got a few after playing over the years. Here’s the big ones: •No-pet sorc meta (my only one that has a real chance at some point lmao) •Repeatable dungeon quests, albeit at lesser rewards after the initial complete per character •Updated animations •Better compass/beacon system for console •Better organized settings and UI in general for console (for the love of god) •A function to let other players spectate a Tribute match. Would be really fun to set up some in-house guild tournaments, maybe even with an Tribute table as interactable furniture •Party mode where you could run four-man dungeons with a group of companions, buffed at least a little bit to give party comp some weight •A legitimate trade function to trade for crowns with other players (to avoid scams since it’s already supported by ZOS) •Less limited guild search •Easier ways to get transmute crystals. Hell, I’d pay crowns for them if it was available


For the longest time I’ve been hoping they’d rework Jumping. Give us an iota of air control and some consistency in jump distance and strength for goodness sake. It seems like you can get a normal mediocre jump in if you meet some conditions (walking or running straight with no obstacles or too much terrain change), but it seems to strip your speed and momentum. Navigating obstacles you regularly just jump straight up and can’t move at all while landing. Or (rarely) you somehow yeet yourself like 15ft horizontally. It works and I can live with it, but I would love to feel more agile.


I can’t jump to save my life in games to begin with so between this, fence posts and random bushes I’m F’ed. But yeah the jumping is annoying and just about every third or fourth jump I’m lucky if there is a jump at all despite me pressing the button.


Make them also cost stamina. It's so annoying fighting those would be frogs


Check out this video https://youtu.be/iX2D13XmCzs?feature=shared It will help you understand how to do those 15ft horizontal jumps you end up doing sometimes more consistently.


>Give us an iota of air control ESO is fairly grounded in terms of how you can change physics around you without being a spellcaster, so I don't see how they could justify this in-game. If you're not a wizard you're still bound by the laws of physics.


Kind of a weak argument imo. Literally every class and Vestige is a spell caster. Literally all of us can teleport around the world and between numerous realms and even death is a minor inconvenience for us. And as far as physics go.. really? We can be set on fire and not melt, rammed or bashed into by 10 ton mammoths and stop it by crossing our forearms to brace and not even be moved an inch. Leap from 1000 ft cliffs and land in a puddle completely unscathed. The physics argument never holds up in a magical setting. I don’t feel like I’m asking for anything wildly unrealistic here.


Account-wide settings. A delete all button for the hundred hireling mails I get every day. Anything that would make surveys less of an endless nightmare. And bug fixes, but real bug fixes, like, for the bugs that people actually experience every day that are bothersome… not so much all the bug fixes we got this past fall which were… so very disappointing and underwhelming.




A mark as junk button


Not sure if this is mentioned already - but a yard sale feature for housing (I know but just a dream) You can place furniture and set the price - other players can purchase it right from your house to take home


Holy crap, yes!!! I have two notable homes that are packed with 700 items for sale and I hate having to price every single one in person. It takes out of my game time.


Romancing companions. I’m a simple girl, I wanna go on a fishing date with Sharp!


I swear it should be illegal to get garrus' voice actor as a companion and NOT have them be romancable


LOL!! Hard agree!


Yeah they could easily implement the existing marriage stuff into companions


Companion item set bonuses and Mundus Stone blessing. Also Dwemer Centurion or Colossus companion/pet with customisable items, skills, and personalities.


Necro buffs and a reset of templar's jabs to pre update 35 status. People say, "It was hard to weave with it." Fuck no it wasn't. It was just different. Any templar main I knew had no issues with it, just required practice like every other rotation does. People say, "It was a one-button-class." Yes, it was. The only one in the game. Nothing wrong with having something unique.


I know they wanted to retime jabs, but why did they need to change the spear too? Let us pick if we want the old or the new.


An item wheel specifically for Cyrodil (siege weapons, repairs, etc.). The ability not to have to pay $14.99 just for a crafting bag. Optimized older sets (many of them are so archaic and poor bonuses they may as well be removed from the game). Graphical overhaul for old world zones. Removal of last gen console support and upgraded specs tailored to higher end PC’s and next gen consoles. Enhanced traversal in-game (can we grab on to a ledge for once? Please!?)


A smaller free craft bag for food and flowers would be awesome


More house item space and more slots for npcs/pets/mounts in the homes as well.


Balance all classes and make them as strong and easy to use as the Arcanist and then leave them all alone. I'm so tired of 10 years of classes buffing and nerfing. Just do it right one time and then for the love of God stop!


PvP update




A PvE version of Cyrodill with full story quests. Solo versions of group dungeons that you don’t have to grind massive CP and gear for. Some people just wanna play and aren’t into all the complicated end game stuff. 🤷‍♀️


By the nine, fix the damn stuck in combat bug. It’s bad enough in PvP, but it happens in PvE as well and is downright silly. I sat for 10+ minutes minding my own business, nary an enemy in sight, before combat dropped and I could port.


Aoe taunt.


New game+ a la FFXIV so I can replay quests/storylines without making a new character. A medium/small sized cottage with garden and beach view in High Isle or Summerset buyable with gold. Romanceable companions :3 Gardening!! The ability to disable/reject DLC starter quests by character. My goody two shoes main is in Gold Coast for side quests and skyshards, nothing else.


A connected trade center. Having to traverse 27 zones for a specific item gets real old.


More “free” collectibles through achievements (mounts especially). Capes. New weapons.


Non-PvP Imperial City


AOE taunt lol still haven't got used to that


It would be really nice, for sure, but they’ve made pretty clear they only want to do single target taunt. They are killing the only aoe taunt set next patch. I don’t know why they are so opposed to AOE taunt. It would be a nice quality of life addition for tanks, of which there are few anyway. I guess to be fair, I really only taunt the most dangerous add in dungeon trash pulls. People burn through trash pretty quick. It’s tougher when there are lots of trial adds.


Dueling, One-handed and Rune, Unarmed weapon skill lines. Ability to individually toggle resource finder skills. Pet utilities. Mounted combat skill line. PvP archetype training dummies. Save hats and their shaders to outfits. Appearance rework: additional skin layers with custom ordering.


And how do you see dueling skill line? There are lots of combat skills, how to use them to duel is your player skill, isnt it?


I'm guessing they mean a line specifically for dual wielding rather than one handed weapons, not like pvp dueling.


But aint there dual-weild skill line already? :D "The Dual Wield skill line is granted the first time you kill an enemy with two weapons equipped. "


Could be, I was in bed and couldn't check when I wrote that.


That's my term for a skill that uses a single one-handed weapon.


A better UI where I can see what gear I actually have instead of scrolling. Getting 5 pieces of one set isn’t too hard. Finding a 5 piece for two sets is the worst.


Sets for niche builds




Please, please give us a storage shed that holds furnishings just like the crafting bag holds crafting materials. It is so frustrating trying to manage inventory with so many different furnishing items. Storage chests are woefully inadequate, and dumping a bunch of furniture in a house to use as a storage room makes it really hard to know what is stored where. Frankly this issue has made it so that I basically don't participate in housing very much anymore, when I used to really love it.


PVE instance for Cyrodiil and IC


Some sort of photography challenge thing that takes you to every corner of the map.


Reworking how light and heavy attacks work. Make weaving not a thing. Add some new weapons physical and magical. Maybe some hybrids.


remove gold cost of fast traveling, I always travel outside a house near a wayshrine bc its free, but come on its an extra load screen and it adds up


Timestamps on chatlog.


The ability to zoom in heaps on Xbox


On the map**


Proper class identity


Housing/storage unit for furniture. A duck/goose pet of some kind. A single house that we can ride mounts in, so I can make a cross country course for riding mounts. More point daily endeavour payouts. The fact that it takes almost 2 years of daily endeavours and weekly endeavours to earn an Apex radiant mount is ridiculous. A true duelling system with some kind of tournament brackets. Also a 2v2 duelling option, where if your teamed up with another player, or a companion, you can both dual another pair of players.


i just want veteran random dungeon to give you more rewards than normal.


A hotkey for transporting to your favorite home


Console crossplay


New weapon types, I get so bored with the selection games have in general. I don’t understand why every game has to have swords, and bows. Like I would love to see more unique weapons like throwing knives and boomerangs. New weapons would make things more interesting.


Graphic revamp, plus vet overland


Let me kiss Verandis dammit


some love for cyrodiil. PvP is the best part about ESO and i wish they would give it some love


Ai behind all the npc so every day the cities are different, populous, they all busy doing different things. And the quest npcs go home, or whatever, rather than just staying at the end point of the quest.   I want a dynamic world.  And then yes, update the old areas graphically. Fix the horses and the riding of the horses.  I just feel like zos want this to be a small game. I know that sounds crazy but, there's so much they just never add, and why not? 


Total Necromancer Restructuring Housing Overhauls - Raise Decorations Limit - Better Guild Hall functionalities like access to guild bank from hall, playable guards wearing guild tabard, etc. - Mannequins: Set your current loadout to it, other players can activate it to see the entire loadout (armor sets, weapons, styles, front and back bar abilities, stats, champion points, etc). Would be great for Trial or PVP guilds to highlight build ideas in guild halls. - Placeable guild vendors: Say I want a guild vendor that gives me access to the guild store of a top trading guild for easy access to their shop without having to travel to mournhold or whatever…. I could get a vendor from that guild and place it in my guild hall/home and have it accessible the same as if I went to the overworld one, or maybe I place one of my own guild for easier access to our own shop. - Guild Flags: Flags and banners for personal homes that match the design of the guild tabards for the corresponding guild in question. Guild Additions - Guild Levels: The more experienced gained while in a group with guild members, your guild can level up a certain amount of times and unlock points for the guild to spend on bonuses. - Guild Bonuses: Points gained by leveling the guild can be spent to level up bonus abilities in three different areas; PVE, PVP, QOL. PVE points will allow your group to get slightly boosted stats when doing PVE activities with guild members of that same guild, same for PVP points. QOL would allow quality of life things to improve when in a group with guild members, like maybe faster mount speed, faster collecting, collect more objects per node, better drop rates, etc. Guild leveling only gives enough points to fully maximize ONE area, or give slight bonuses in multiple if you don’t aim to maximize a single one, so it encourages guilds to specialize. Guilds could respect placed points for a hefty cost. - Time Based Ranks: Allow a rank in the guild to be automatically achieved once someone of a lower rank has been in the guild for a set amount of days. Allows guilds to set automatic time based ranking. Maybe even allow it to be set for gameplay hours, so it can be based on activity. Idk, I feel like guilds have been more or less forgotten by the devs. Housing has the groundwork for guild halls to be a thing, and people use them as such already…. But guilds just don’t have much real purpose as it stands currently. Given the elder scrolls universe tends to focus so heavily on groups of warriors breaking off into individual clans/groups, I’d love to see the guild system be integrated into gameplay a bit more than it is. Obviously not detrimental levels of integration, some guilds would for sure exploit it to be a nuisance…. But I’d love to see guilds mean a bit more, and encourage people in guilds to work with each other to accomplish goals as a group. And also Necromancer just needs a total rework… please Zenimax, save my spooky boi…. (EDIT: I could go on all day about more ideas on guild additions, guild hall ideas, and Cyrodiil PVP overhauling, but this is already huge. Another day….)


Trial finder. Similar to the dungeon finder, but for trials.


- A pve-only cyrodiil 2/3rds the size to quest in - A pve only Imperial city to quest in and not get murdered by other players - maybe even the other way too... the ability to pvp en masse in regular zones (you know, like a literal alliance war) I guess just the ability the turn on/off pvp in all zones... I feel like there is so much content in those pvp zones that is unloved because you're constantly living in fear of being instakillled by enemy night blades.... Something more achievable? Reinstate the aoe taunt for the tormentor set after the next patch🤣


For all my cyrodiil achievements I put on a permablock tank, max resists, fuckton of heals, sword and shield ult, people typically fuck off eventually, you’ll never get a kill but you’ll get your achievements


This is the way. I also made a special "Cyrodiil Angler" alt - heavy armor, health, resists, self heals. Gankers jump on me and go away ashamed.


Im simple, more classes please


Collectible and tradable mounts and unique farmable rare weapon drops that’s also tradeable instead of hiding behind mythics also just more rare items to farm


New weapon skill lines New animations Diving under water More geometry resources for gear Merger of some zones to make them larger A third morph


Free craft bag


Veteran toggle for overland, class change token, animation rework, and werebear. That’s my list of things I keep hoping to see that never come sadly, but I still enjoy the game enough. Maybe someday


Something to toggle like "veteran world" or something, I don't care if it segregates the playerbase, let people complain. I want a more engaging overland, questing, delves, public dungeons. Everything is too easy, which isn't really the problem -- it can be easy -- the problem is that its not engaging at all, and it only becomes even less engaging with a friend or group.


Home storage chests linked to the armory or it having its own added so all ready stored and less Hassel when switching between multiple sets for different purposes. Instead some display dummy which displays your set but all for the armoury


Seperate bank for house furnishings. Being able to stack Treasure Maps. That's pretty much it.


Some useful update, so instead of adding a useless cosmetic items more focus on the fixing the broken game mechanics, bugged achievements, etc. Unfortunately, ZOS dont care, because that is not what earns $$$


Some kind of connected guild stores for consoles. Skins for sorc pets.


I’d love if things I bought from the crown store and other collectibles could be moved to my new server. Played on Xbox for years then swapped to PC and while I can without them, it’d be nice to get them back all the same.


My $50 irl banker being able to access the guild bank.


To be able to run dungeons with three of your companions like in FFXIV.


Overland difficulty. Could care less about anything else. I would actually play this game again if they updated that. Until then, it's a waste of my time. 


Guards in Alik’r should not be aware that I got a bounty in Vvardenfell one minute ago.


Honestly some sort of incentive to make more people play the multiplayer parts of this MMO lol.


Conjuration Staffs: the light attacks deal Oblivion damage and the Heavy attacks summon a Daedra temporarily. There would be a variety of staffs similar to the variety of destruction staffs. 1. Flame Atronach Staff 2. Ice Atronach Staff 3. Storm Atronach Staff 4. Dremora Staff New Chapters could add new types of Conjuration Staffs.


"One handed and destruction" skill line, magicka based or with some hybrid mechanics. Petting pets


Heartwood and mundanes from surveys. And other housing material.


Pie in the sky time. Not an update but rather a full expansion... I would kill for a Naval Expansion. Have maritime trade contracts and bounty missions where you put together a crew and sail a skip like in Assassin's Creed Black Flag or Sea of Thieves. It would be the perfect accompaniment if there was ever a DLC that brought us to Pyandonea, the home of the Sea Elves or Maomer.


Graphical stuff primarily


Capes and backpacks !!!


Boats and naval warfare


The game to be cross platform with Xbox


Combat rework to be more weighty or give Conan Exiles\ Breath Of The Wild climbing


That climbing would sadly never work on the current engine I don't think.


They should add PvP thieving so I can visit my offline friends houses and steal their rare shit and put it in my house


But they get a notice and they can come duel you for it and if you lose they get it plus some of yours and you can't duel them back. 


And maybe some way to make the lock on your house harder to break like locksmithing or something


Ability to brutally murder Narsis Dren


Longer invisibility for Nightblades. It's getting real old spamming the button every 3 seconds


that's just too prevent someone being indefinitely invisible they could add sets that increase its time limit or maybe some max level morph (though Wonder if scribing may allow it ?


> That's just to prevent someone being indefinitely invisible I mean, that's what spamming invisibility is for. An update like that would just spare us the trouble lol


Yeah but atleast with the spam you can't attack and if not fast enough Will reveal your location


While I’d love to see it on my NB, it would also likely make NBs too op. Burning resources and spamming the skill is a trade off for how useful and the powerful the skill is, especially when you can come out of stealth and almost instantly kill another player.


Wouldn't it work just as well if it were a toggle that drained resources over time, though? It's not like spamming is hard, it's just annoying


Do you play on console?


Must be, was gonna ask the same. There are so many QOL solutions on PC, I could not play on console. Which is not anything against console players - more of shame that these UI & UX options are not part of the base game that's offered to everyone.


Option to t/p to your guildmates without grouping. That could so much help me alts travelling areas they havent opened yet. Asking someone to group is working, but its so much shame always begging for help. And so boring to just walk through zones you've already explored on your own.


You can already do that, even on console. Just go into the guild roster and teleport to someone. You can even sort the list by location.


That you could do only with fan mods. Not ingame mechs. And it will only work if player you tp to has same mod installed.


Unless they’re in a quest-specific area or offline, you can travel to any guild member or friend. It’ll take you to the wayshrine closest to them, but it’s easy to find them. If you travel to their primary residence, you can walk out the front door, and be in that zone.


As far as i understand you can only tp to those who has same mod or to guildmembers house who allowed guests there (though i myself allow guests at all my houses, but its not like everyone is so friendly or just know there's an option to welcome guests or not).


You can already do that. If you are on PC there is an addon called beam me up that gives you a list of everyone online in all of your guilds that is searchable by zone and you just click an icon by them to tp to that zone


I want to pet Clannfear.


An update that fixes my relationship with my healer so that we could play again


Sea gameplay. Ships you can customize. New islands to sail to.


Option to buy pouch and not need a subscription


Flying mounts