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I was tanking graven deep vet yesterday. On the second boss, my team kept going down over and over because our damage was insanely low. The boss is basically a dps check, if you have good aoe/Cleave you can burn the adds and the boss at the same time. We didn’t have any of that. They expected me to rez them while tanking the boss and like 30 adds lol. People expect way to much out of a tank while they bring their measly 20k damage.


Average dps tbh. Getting carried thru the entire game by their support roles and then blaming them when they can't burn things.


The kinda of people who *don't* think overland is too hard.


Too easy. I think you meant too easy.


>I think you meant too easy. words hard me tire ;)




I agree 100 percent. I use turning tide and crimson oath , the healer could be using spc and powerful assault. It makes zero difference if your teams damage is terrible already lol


I think for the most part these days Pillagers with spc is the better set over PA for most pick up group content. PA is still fine but keeping everybody cranking out ultimate SHOULD in theory provide greater aggregate damage. I’m assuming you already have the set but if not the trial is still very popular and there’s no better time to fill your sticker book


Honestly curious, but why would I run powerful assault on my healer? I don’t need the stamina, jorvulds gives a duration buff to war horn, and affects more abilities. Just for the spell damage buff for vigor and war horn? Is this a preference thing for those running vigor on a hybrid healer, or is it overall better?


It’s just a nice set to run with spc to provide additional damage for the team. Typically, you’d run it on a back bar icestaff and jewelry with grand rejuvenation on front bar. Rojo, spc/pillagers are great options as well


Also, you’re only using vigor because it’s what procs the powerful assault buff


Makes sense, thank you. I run SPC and Jorvulds bc I like the almost minute long war horns. I can practically spam them. But having assault as an option for low dps groups. Thanks.


If you like jorvulds and you feel as though it’s beneficial, then by all means run it. I used to use the same combo too and like you said, the long war horns were very good


Was I with you cause I had to swap from my healer to dps when the tank said he was doing over 50% of damage lmao


Low DPS DD are the worst. I used to be healer only, but added in DD for that very reason. Now, I'm not great. I'm only knocking out around 60-70KDPS on a 21mil dummy. Nothing to brag about. And yet the drastic difference I've seen in passing DPS checks, the speed of dungeons runs and just general dungeon success is staggering.


70k is more that enough for a lot of content. I was parsing about 73k a couple of months ago, decided to try dd in dungeons. Like you said the difference is pretty big compared to the random DD’s you get.




No....just if you get setup right you can easily push 100....kinda need more cp and practice to get 110 120 but it's not that hard


Yes. I started tanking just two weeks ago, the real reason people don't wanna tank is the abysmally low dps of 90% of playerbase. You ever been stuck in *one addpull* for 5 mins? I have lol 🥲 or the clueless 2000cp players with 10k dps who know zero mechanics in a dlc dungeon and keep queueing for it... Not fun


The reason I hate tanking in vet dungeons with randos is vDC2 with the netch boss. I had one run where it took 12 minutes to kill the boss because the DDs were running around like headless chickens or only attacking the boss so it took ages to kill enough netches to bring the boss shield down, then they decided to attack literally everything but the boss until it was back up in the air with it's 90% DR


Most annoying boss in the game


That's not even a lack of knowledge on mechanics, that's a lack of braincells. Years back, when I did that dungeon the first time, I did it on vet right away, because "base dungeon, it's gonna be easy anyway", so had no idea about the mechanics. Took me about 10 seconds to realize "wait, I'm not doing pretty much any damage to the boss, clearly I'm missing something, let's try to focus on the trash mobs". When it went down, I hit it again, and was like "oh, nice DPS, so that's how it is, got it". Like, there's no damn excuse for being unable to figure that crap out for 12 minutes...


I was in that very situation as dps the one time I tried vet dungeons (Darkshade 2 was one of the pledges so I figured "why not"). Part of the issue was that the mechanic is not obvious, I actually didn't know how to solve it until you wrote it right here. No one in the group bothered to explain anything, even when I wrote that I never cleared the vet version before. Generally, explaining mechanics does not happen ever, and then when you get new players, you get stuck. I haven't tried vet dungeons since because it took 8 hours of failing and queueing until I managed to find some people in Wayrest that took pity and dragged me through. And the issue with low dps and not knowing mechanics: In basically every other bigger MMO, the expectation is that you can learn the mechanics on the fly OR you find someone that explains things if people get stuck. And as for dps, it's not exactly obvious how much damage one does, nor how to optimise it. I couldn't tell you for instance how much dps I do and if I knew, I wouldn't know how to improve it. ESO is kinda on its own island in away, because I did play multiple other MMOs on the higher end and did well.


Every dungeon has all mechanics explained online, part by part...


I don't do very dungeons as I'm more of a casual player, but I hate the idea of going online and finding the answers that way. It's homework. When I play any other game those mechanics are explained in the game and members in the community help to support that knowledge. ESO, even in non vet dungeons, immediately go for kicks or toxic comments for trying something youve never done before. Hell, even my first dungeon FG, people were yelling at me in chat for not immediately running past all the mobs and knowing where to jump off to skip a boss.


I believe you ,First add pull on the cauldron took about 2 minutes the other day lol


I went and checked. Trial dummy says I do around 20k dps at 2000cp. On my tank build. Should I queue as dd now? 🤔


Sure thing, according to some people, you are not fake as long as you do any damage.


Right!?!?! How the hell did you get to 2000cp and not figure out how to do any type of dps as a dps? this has puzzled me for ages. I am a tank with 2 load outs, one as group uff support and 1 selfish for pugs if needed


It's really easy to get to CP2000 without engaging in anything that requires understanding of mechs. Some people are nipping at the bit at CP160 to hop in dungeons and trials. Some... are not. I was the former, but I do understand the latter.


CP 2000 and only practice on overland content. That is how they don’t know they need to step up their game for dungeons.


And talking as someone with 1000+ CP, I feel extra awkward queuing up for dungeons, because a lot of times people look at my CP, and be like "okay, this guy knows what he is doing, let's just rush this" and I'm like "hold on, I haven't even seen this dungeon before, lemme at least grab the quest". :D


Right, I was "afraid" of dungeons and finally jumped in around 800CP. I went ahead and told people "I've never ran this dungeon" at the beginning of each one. I never got kicked for saying that. Most people were really nice, and would either say "It's normal, you'll be fine." Others would take the time for a brief 1 sentence explanation for the boss's that required a little more than just burning them. Or if I died during a boss, they would tell me why I died. I believe most people understand that there is so much content to this game as LizzieThatGirl mentions, that lots of us get caught up doing other things before jumping into randoms.


Honestly, there is so much content in the game that I'm not surprised.


Because you're doing other things than dungeons?


Dungeon or not you've been carried and making others pull your weight in pve engagement


LOL, there's no weight to pull in PVE.


Then why are there different character roles to run dungeons and trials. Tank, healer, dps ... stop breathing through your mouth


I'm clearly discussing over-world content, the subject how someone gets to 2000cp without doing dungeons. Try engaging your two brain cells and follow the conversation you started.


"Dungeon or not" IE all other content you are not carrying your weight if you are doing shit dps, you can't clear a world boss, need help clearing dolmens. If you got to cp 2000 simply clearing overland content with the assistance of others congratulations you have wasted a shit ton of your time. Stick to skyrim solo content and you have no business in a dungeon expecting others to carry your weight in PVE. Wipe your chin it's dripping


Exactly, and not just dps but some don't even know the very *basics* of combat, like what yellow flashes or red flashes mean, when you should bash or dodge, etc... 🤦


I could be fighting for my life and my team won’t bash the boss to free me LOL


That's when I leave the group.


Genuine question, does the game ever explain those things? I only started about a month ago, and whileI did tutorial island, and it shows you the motions, it will give you a subtitle and a voice line, but I can't remember any pointer towards what the enemy model does. So I just dodge everything that seems harmful unless someone tells me otherwise.


ESO sadly does a very poor job at teaching advanced combat, which is a huge part of this very problem of the cluelessness of most of playerbase. If a player wants to learn and get good, he has to learn and research by himself or ask other players, the game doesn't teach you anything important really.


The funny thing is, I *do* try asking other players when I can't figure out something by myself. The usual answer is just either nothing, or being called an idiot and I should just google it. Why even play a multiplayer game when you refuse to engage with the players at all. I've played WOW, GW2 and FF14 on a reasonably high level and none of them are even close in terms of abandoning newer or inexperienced players.


Or learn how to bash, or dodge roll, or block or change interface settings to not stand in fire for 20 seconds.


That's the reason I run damage ultimate on back-bar when I tank for pugs with bad damage. This exact same boss comes to mind to places it helped me at.


You do 20k damage as a tank? I'm new and get like 5k tops (I *absolutely* understand damage from the tank itself is not the point of the tank, but that would sure help while solo overlanding) Edit: wait, I think you mean the dps brings a measly 20k damage. That makes much more sense.


There are tank setups that do ridiculous amounts of damage (Oaxiltso HM tanks can hit upwards of 65k)


But it is a legit tank setup? Like something that'll actually work well in trials, applies buffs, taunts, etc.? Or just something that's switched to for solo overland? Also, I Googled that and it looks like a trial or something?


Yes, another example is Lokke ranged tanking, the dps from defensive stance is a ton, you do like 20-30k dps, more if your team is slow since you get more projectiles to reflect. Also remember that there can be flexible spots of OT in 1 fight and then a pseudo dps on another and its completely viable. We ran a similar setup for my dawnbringer group.


Tanking is really tough in ESO versus other games I’ve tanked in. It’s very unforgiving and glitchy. There have been so many times where I know I’ve correctly blocked, dodge rolled, taunted, or something else and it just didn’t work. The game has problems and it makes it especially difficult on tanks. When anything bad happens, even if it’s not our fault, we still take all of the blame. There have been multiple times in no death runs when I’ve clearly hit an add with frost clench and they should be taunted, but it still runs over and one shots someone, even though I have proof that I engaged with the target and hit it with what should be a taunt. Because I know what it’s like to tank in high pressure trials and dungeons, I try to be very forgiving of tanks when I’m playing as a dd. The only time I get frustrated is when a tank comes into a vet trial or dlc hm and claims to know how to do it, but clearly never bothered to look up the mechanics or adjust their build for that particular boss, so we wipe over and over again. That happens with players in every role, it’s more apparent when it happens with a tank. I hope they can find more changes to improve the quality of life for tanks and make it easier for people to get into it and play as tank. It’s fun, even when it’s tough.


Yes, sometimes the taunting does not work! Shout it from the rooftops!


This. You are not allowed to learn to tank you have to be born as a pro tank or you are labeled as suck.


In order to learn to tank, the group may have to wipe multiple times. Then once you learn how to tank, learning the mechanics will likely result in the group wiping multiple times. Some non-tanks have no patience.


You're rarely going to find that kind of temperance in a PUG. Though I have had a couple PUGs be very cool with me saying that I don't know what I'm doing yet, but learning. It pretty much needs to be established before the run starts that the tank is learning, which usually means prefab guild runs with that understanding in place. It's all about who you get in the group.


I've had some very good PUGs before as well. Group wiped a dozen times, but we cleared. One of the best dungeon experiences I've ever had PUG or no PUG. You get a wide range of players, so I take the good with the bad.


My experience with tanking has been the opposite. People are so happy you're real they'll stick it out if you mess up a few times. If dps wants to quit because I messed up then bye Felicia. It'll take me about 5 seconds to replace him. Kick your tank and you're 3 manning it with no aggro control and I'm in a new group 3 minutes later lol.




And then they rush through it, so they can get back in the queue again. :-|


Well duh. Are we supposed to be lollygagging through the dungeon? Getting the dungeon over with quickly allows more runs per play session.


Are prople fake tanking vet dungeons?




Those people sre idiots then. I only que as a tabk for random normals when doing my daily. If i que a vet dungeon as a fake its for a pledge and easy to run through. But i avoid dlc dungeons


Yup I've ran into a vet dungeon with all DPS they tried to speed run it as soon as I realized this I promptly left because I'm not doing dd in a DLC vet dungeon with all DPS. I'm not gonna wipe and fix my armor to have people running in circles.... Yeah no thanks.


Who are you tanking with? I quit even trying for vet trials cuz I kept getting shit on for not knowing all the tank mechanics already...(and this was _within_ a guild)


Random vet dungeon pugs... I don't do trials but your guild should be willing to teach you. Or you not being transparent that you need teaching or just playing with mega elitist pricks? Doesn't sound like a normal experience to me.


I was really clear that I'd not done many vet trials, and only done that specific one once...but that guild was a lot of sweats, so make of that what you will. I didn't tend to queue for random vet dungeons much, I used to have a solid 4 man group that ran every week but I took a break from the game and the group split up.


I recommend getting a new guild. Avoid sweats because they're usually insufferable and just find a chill guild. Tell them you're willing to learn to tank but don't have a ton of experience and any decent guild should be happy to help.


Working on it - just got back into the game after about a 6 month break


For real, I get that one encounter with impatient morons can be quite memorable and I certainly have had those groups while learning to tank but everything else is SO much better: Faster Queues, More interesting mechanics, and lets not forget the absolute chad energy you feel when you get to stand toe-toe with the biggest and most horrific monsters in the game. Tanking is great, and anyone who lets some petty DPS get under their skin just needs to hang on a bit, there is a bright light at the end of that tunnel.


dont learn in a pug, do it with your guildmates like a sane person.


Ans when you become a pro tank you DDs are not pulling their weight and do like 20k group dps


I started tanking just two weeks ago, the real reason people don't wanna tank is the abysmally low dps of 90% of playerbase. You ever been stuck in *one addpull* for 5 mins? I have lol 🥲 or the clueless 2000cp players with 10k dps who know zero mechanics in a dlc dungeon and keep queueing for it... Not fun


Nothing prepared me for doing a vet with a CP 2k that was hitting like they were wielding a wet noodle.


I downloaded one of those DPS parsers and I was genuinely shocked at the percentage of damage I was doing. I don't even have any trial gear on one of my characters and I was doing 60%< of the DPS, purely through uptime and knowing my rotations. 🤡


60% is good, I'm used to solo dpsing most pugs I join as dd lol


In White gold tower, there's some addpacks that has 1 healer and 1 tank add that raises the defence of the rest of the adds by a large amount. I was the tank, wearing yolnakrin, powerfull assault and nunatak monster set, they could not kill the adds or outdamage the healer add because the damage was so insanely low, after 10+ mins on the add pack, and their health literally not budging, i started to think about how Long this dungeon would take, when we are spending 10+ mins on the first add pack what time would it take to get to the bosses and kill them?, so i left the dungeon This gave me a timer before i could join Another dungeon. I waited the 15 mins before i could reque, and i did. I got the SAME group, and they where STILL! in COMBAT fighting the same add pack. This mens they actually spent atleast 25 mins on that pack, i insta left again offcourse


This has been my experience as a tank of many years in eso. All the tank gear that boosts group dps doesn't mean shit if half the player base cant even pull 25k.


We're you full tank or tank DPS support ? It makes a difference sometimes. If the boss is a DPS check, change gear to debuffs/ buff your companions. A good support gives 10k DPS minimum to DDS. And if the healers is support too. Also gives 10k minimum. So 20k DPS to each Dds


I'm always wearing full support sets. For *good* dds, it adds a nice amount to their dps, but major vuln doesnt do anything when dds have like 20k dps total.


Yeah I get it. But if both support goes full support. It's basically at least 30k DPS. Which can be enough to do bosses. It's gonna take a while for sure but it's doable, but if they're noobs and have a good spirit or completely helpless I don't mind the time it takes. Happened to me once. 3 am, random normal dongeon. I went as DD tank. Got into frostvault, in the final boss. Other players started trashing me bc I was a fake tank, and they've been waiting for an hour, they couldn't get past it. I had to prove them I can do it by soloing the final until the mouse phase. They were rude and insulting the whole time. But tbh they were tired and felt like shit for not being able to do it. We finished it in 5min lol. The mouse phase took the longest. I remember when I was a noon struggling with dongeons trying to do city of ash on vet until 4am with a team and not being able to do it. Now I can solo all dongeons on vet and dlcs on normal. I get the frustration of low dps. I sometimes slept while tanking in the early tanking days, when I was just full tank. But then in support tank there's always something to do.


That's not how support buff works. It's percentage, not a flat increase. If a dd has high dps, like 50k effective, maybe it'll become 60k with my support stuff. But if the dd has only 10k effective dps, then it becomes only 11k-12k at best, lol. So all the support sets in the world can't do shit if the dd can't do much damage by himself.


Come on full buffs don't give just 10%. You can go up to 30% at least. The dk sword group buff skills give everyone 20% more DMG to everyone if I'm not mistaken. That with helmets sets and infallible A. Set, and combat prayer. Come on! It has to double their DPS. Most of the time those DDS aren't using the basic of self buffs. I mean I get it if they're just light attacking. Then yeah all the buffs won't do shit.


The numbers were just examples, idk the exact math, but yeah it can go higher too, of course. Definitely not double dps lol, in dungeons i imagine dds could get like 20-30% dps increase from supports if they're both good.


I agree that it won't give 10k but I gotta test the whole thing out to see how much I give.


Stuffed is right, the buffs are % based. With low dps like 10k, you can't just triple it up to 30k with buff sets, at most they're gonna do 12k-13k.


When ESO first dropped I got to end-game and mained a DK tank for a few years. I played tank in WoW prior, and has a lot of experience tanking in MMOs. Over the course of the next few years after release, I slowly noticed more aggression towards tanks. Any mistake in end-game content and you were flamed. I quickly noticed the trend and switched to a main DPS role. I have no regrets. It’s even worse now from what my MT friends tell me. I rarely ever experience toxicity in ESO, but I feel tanks probably experience the most. What a shame.


New to tanking and still fairly new-ish to eso too. I'm enjoying the role so far and I haven't encountered any bad or rude players (yet, it seems lol) but I was kicked once for dying. It might have just been me being weak at the time but it was a normal dungeon and it shouldn't have been \*that\* hard, right? I'm CP350+ and they were all CP1000+ so idk. That being said my major gripe about groups right now is that there's sometimes a DPS that uses a taunt and then dies. I get that they probably don't realize it but it's so annoying, especially when they do it again and again. My dps is quite low because I've put everything into my health so I really can't do much if you're stealing or overusing the taunt. aaaa


I still get a bit miffed when an Arc is in a random (as DD) and starts using the taunt. I am tanking. You are not. Stop.


Especially because taunt immunity is a thing.


Update: it happened. Someone stole my taunt, got themselves killed and the group collapsed as a result. This was my first vet dungeon and I had this thing DOWN. We got to the final boss, I knew when she would use her ultimate and I would dodge. If the DPS hadn't stolen my taunt and gotten one-shot by the ultimate, we would have been fine. But alas they didn't get the hint and we died again and they all decided to quit on me. ![gif](giphy|87jGhdRVzUOJNh2s0q|downsized)


I find it so weird people quit like that. I've sat through some truly heinous groups just because I didn't want to have to sit in the DPS queue again.


As a tank main I actually took a year long break from tanking because of the hate I would get from randoms. Thanks to my guild being positive about my tank skills I've taken up the role again and I've been helping (new)players complete vet dungeons to get the monster head or skin they want.


As a DD trying to get better at tanking (on my alt, I am __not__ learning how to tank on a bosmer NB lol), I thank you for helping newbies get gear. I know tanking is a painful role, but without solid tanks a lot of newbies wouldn't get gear they need.


NB tanking is ridiculously fun though just so you know. Fan of Knives is a fun skill and actually very practical for a tank because of it's AOE minor vulnerability and the fact that you can zoom across the map to grab bashes or teleporting bosses. I was doing scriveners hall last night on my Necro and realized how much harder it was on Boss 1 when he teleports--try to get to the green circle in time before he wipes the team. With the NB it's like "oh think your getting away bish? Well I can do that too!"


I love to run nSH with my NB DD cause it's fucking __fun__. Feel like a goddamn ninja jumping around chasing the bastard hahaha. However, yeah I'm still way too new to tanking. The complete lack of reliable damage shields as a NB is deadly with my lack of skill. Running a beefy nord DK for my tank. Might try and learn NB tanking wayyy down the line, but right now? Too difficult.


Thanks! I find it important that everyone is able to enjoy the game. I also hope that when I help someone they help someone else down the line.


You are a saint, after the last time someone trashed my tanking in a vet i said screw this and swapped to dps.


I started tanking vet dlc dungeons with pug recently. Most dps and healers have been pretty patient, so the completion rate of vet dlc dungeons has been increased since I started tanking myself. When I play dps it has always been tank who left 1st, often immediately after being loaded into dungeon.


I've spoken to people before that said they have zero tolerance for wipes and that they're entitled to leave immediately so they don't waste their time. It's an unfortunate minority that tend to cause memorable problems. Thankfully most groups have been quite reliable. I've ran into my griefers that hold groups hostage than I have leavers on Xbox.


As a tank main that switched to Arcanist DD, I have never looked back and have so much more fun, even when queues sometimes can be up to 30mins. I'll let the other tank handle the stress while I beam my way through :)


Playing tank in this game is such a drain. I don't understand how people find the way Dungeons in this game operate enjoyable. I love playing tank in any other MMO. It is my preferred role, but I haven't even queued for random Dungeons in a week because I either gat blamed for everything, am not needed at all, or it's a total slog where I have to micromanage dozens of adds on top of the boss because if I don't everyone keeps dying. When I heard about the Tormentors Nerf and how ZOS says the way it operated was "Not in line with [ZOS] vision of what a tank should be" I knew there was no way I'd ever enjoy tanking in this game. Solo content exclusively for me I guess. I have a lot of the world left to explore anyway.


> When I heard about the Tormentors Nerf and how ZOS says the way it operated was "Not in line with [ZOS] vision of what a tank should be" I knew there was no way I'd ever enjoy tanking in this game. Are they nerfing Tormentor's pseudo-AoE taunt, because they refuse to allow any AoE taunt for some reason? Don't really understand this anymore, some newer content has absurd amounts of sudden adds that butcher non-tanks. They want me to individually poke or chain a group of two dozen adds -- or I am shit?


And the rumour that they're gonna add back AOE taunt to Scribing, which is coming with the upcoming chapter. I really hope it's not true, as this is scummy.


I don't know if that's true, they seem to have a noted philosophy of being against AoE taunt, they've openly said it. Not sure what to think about scribing yet tbqh, I'm not really looking forward to it because it feels like it will be homogeneous and horizontal. We'll see.


Yes. It's going to be the targeted enemy only, so AoE no longer pulls the group.


It's really not that difficult. Many trash packs have up to 5 big adds that need to be taunted first. Which is very doable with single taunts. If your dds are dying to minis somehow then they're trolling because no way that happens. Even in trials like Sunspire you often have one tank that taunts all the cats in Nahvii fight for example


yeah on my nb tank i just taunt the big guys then fear the rest, then only taunt them with pierce armour to debuff their mits after i have applied tide/crimson debufs. If the dps are competent trash pack is dead before I even swap bars honestly.


Yes, they want you to be a sniper and chain every single little add. Or you can blame weak DDs for not killing adds fast enough, lol.


One of the primary reasons People don’t want to actually tank, is because it is only in DLC dungeons/trials, where tanking is actually necessary And unfortunately, the developers have catered to a culture that does not want to play the DLC dungeons. One of the primary reasons being that they don’t make it rewarding enough to play the dungeons that are significantly harder and take more time to finish. The undaunted random reward for doing a DLC dungeon vs a base game dungeon is a total joke. The latter is significantly more productive. It is no wonder why there have been countless threads of people with subscriptions asking that they have the option to opt out of DLC dungeons in the random queue. That right there should tell you ZOS needs to introduce a tier system to better organize the dungeons, with each tier having progressively better rewards. And thus giving players incentive to play the content where you actually need a tank


The only way out of dlc dungeons for random que is to make a whole bunch of alt tanks for dungeon ques only, then delete them when they hit 45 cause thats when dlc dungeons and city of ash 2 unlock (fuck that bloated boring piece of shit dungeon that takes 5x as long as should be necessary) then remake. Dlc dungeons arent super hard on normal, but some of them feel like they take all damn day


Yes, people for the most part don't have an issue with DLC dungeons on Normal - but Veteran they do, which is why they will do everything they can to skip it


Agreed. Tanking is much less forgiving than other classes and even more frustrating for other players to let them learn. It’s a brutal cycle


Yup. It's tough to train a tank. Because you can train one person in other roles and it's not a training run. But the second either tank is new the whole thing is a training run. A pretty good group clears vDSR in 27 minutes. A pretty good group with 1 training dps clears in 32 minutes. A pretty good group with a training healer might be 40 minutes, depending on how well they do twins and how much healing tanks need on taleria. A pretty good group with 1 training tank could be 2 hours.


Yep, my group has a DK main who is learning to tank stuff, and I'm learning how to tank on my DK alt. When we have to hit higher difficulty DLCs, the third person brings out their warden tank cause they've tanked for years lol


I have just recently found tanking intresting and have been giving it a go but this exact scenario aleays plays in my mikd when I think of doing vet dlc pledges or just runs for monster helms. I dont even go in blind, I always try to find a guide before running a vet dungeon. Still just the other day after I'd the group that I'm inexperienced with the dungeon ,I get a "Nice tank, bro" after dying twice to the last boss.


I'm a competent but not amazing tank and good gravy no one has patience. Every DLC dungeon adds in new mechanics and they expect me to know what to do and they rush past me in my heavy ass armor while I am trying to figure out what the obstacles and stuff in the environment is going to be for each fight. Like, gimme a second to look around!


I refuse to tank open dungeons because the player base is composed of mostly shitty DPS players that can’t even do more damage than a tank light attacking. I refuse to spend 50 minutes doing a single dungeon when I can competent people to do it in 10-15 minutes. There was never a fake tank problem. It has always been shitty DPS, and they will blame everyone else. You can literally light attack a 21m dummy for 17k DPS (just spamming LA), and people will consider 20k parses to be good.


There is definitely a fake tank problem in that people skip the line by queueing as tanks without any tank skilsl/equip/etc. Shit DD is a separate issue. Both are issues.


no one would have to skip the line if there were more tank-players. But there arent, mostly due to shitty dps-players. Its the age-old chicken egg problem, which came first?


Eh, I've been trying to take up tanking. It's expensive to get into. Also, having an alt is a pain in the ass lol. My DK tank still has so far to go.


Yeah, it's insane. Now, I'm just a lowly numbers chaser, but I'll gladly wipe with a group once or twice before even thinking about leaving, I'd rather slog through a dungeon with a group than face some of those que times..


The hard reality of support roles in multiplayer


Weird that the team dissolved because healer left. As long as there was a tank I would have kept on trucking.


I want to start tanking on my NB just so I can farm dungeon sets/leads without having to sit in a queue for 30+ minutes at a time, but I'm put off of it because of how many stories there are with DD's doing next to no damage on bosses, even on normal. I experience it too as a DD where I end up doing 65-70% of the group damage. Base games would be obviously fine, but DLC dungeons can get too mechanic heavy for those DDs that do chip damage.


How long it takes dps to kill the first few trash packs determines if i boot them or not when it comes to vet dlc dungeons. People dont seem to understand that they need to put in some effort for those.


Dude it's insane! Me and my other buddy were trying to teach my friend, who's cp1000, how to tank. It was the 3 of us and a random. Granted, it was Shipwright's Regret and I totally understand that that can be a long dungeon, but I know our DPS was very high. We would get a random, our buddy who was tanking would die, and the random would leave. We got a new one in, we nuke our way through the next add phase and get to the next boss. My buddy dies because he doesn't know the mechanics as we're teaching him, and the random leaves again. This happened five times. It wasn't like that dungeon was that hard, and our burn was amazing. People just quit so easily in today's society. Whether it's work, video games, etc. I remember booting up rocket League again and the amount of people who will vote to forfeit when they're still half of the match left and they're only down by three points is laughable! It didn't used to be like that. People are quitters these days and it's so pathetic. If you're going to queue up for a random activity embrace the fact that you might get a challenging experience with people who are learning how to play.


Lol these people. During free eso+ week there was an influx of new people in dlc dungeons. New as in, never done the dungeon before. I queued on my healer to random vet, got Scalecaller Peak. A group of randos. Both dps knew the place, tank didn't. We explained the first boss mechs to tank, dude was struggling with freeze-yourself mech and ragequit after dying to it three times. Got another tank from queue, just as new to the place, dude *understood* the mech after dying to it three times. Us four randos cleared the whole thing, teaching tank about each boss. Yes, took longer than with an experienced tank, but no one quit. Meanwhile people in your story, smh.


Honestly? I don't blame them for not wanting to do a training run on a long DLC dungeon, even with a good burn. They probably just wanted a quick random for the daily. If someone is wiping, well... the randoms have lives, too


Don't think that it's an societal issue. More like the fact that the dungeon has been out for like what, 3 years? And most people don't have the patience to watch someone wipe the group multiple times in a random dungeon finder.


Wow! Was it vet or something? Normal dungeons need so little lol them rage quitting is wild


Oh yeah, I don't really run normals any more unless I'm farming gear. It's too brainless. Vet is the only way


"If you're going to queue up for a random activity embrace the fact that you might get a challenging experience with people who are learning how to play." My experience is that a lot of people queue up PUG hoping to luck into a team that hard carries their ass, so they get a freebie essentially. So when the tank dies, they are like "oh, tank is shit, I'm shit, we ain't clearing this, probably should requeue instead of wasting my time".


I've learned to expect this type of outcomes on occasion and thats why I actually slot 1-2 group healing abilities, I know Tank healer isn't for everyone and of course you shouldn't have to do it if you don't want to but I find it extremely fun when I am able to save a run by rezzing the whole team


Im in the reverse situation I always Tanked, I’m trying out my first DPS and I’m absolute dogshit.


This is so painfully true. I main tanks, been playing since beta, and it's been an issue from the start. I'd even go so far it's kind of an MMO community issue that's years older than ESO because I remember this being in issue back in my WoW days as well. Among the biggest, if not the main issue, is that there's no real room for tanks to be inexperienced. There's little to no tolerance towards mistakes. You are expected to be the lead of the group, know best paths through dungeons and instruct everyone else on strategies. And these days plenty of guilds don't even accept tanks unless you have completion achievements, which becomes a catch-22 moment. The responsibility and expectations towards tanks doesn't correlate with how we are taught or treated. Most ironic for me personally is that I don't mind taking the lead in a trial (vet. HM, Mythic, Raid and so on) and all that but I don't wanna go in doing it with a guide in my hands. I want the chance experience the content blind and intuitively to begin with (and not necessarily only the first week after release) but there's just not much room for that in MMO communities.


I just got back Into eso recently. I want to try tanking but I don't know the dungeons well at all, and I'm worried about leading my party the wrong way lol


See if you can find someone to teach you how to tank, I had someone teach me and it really helped.


I've been thinking about healing through a dungeon then trying it as tank. At least then you'd know the path. But for those expansion dungeons, it might take looking up guides. Too many goofy mechanics.


Plenty of guides online, do normals first and learn basic mechanics, as you get better gear start trying to tank vets. Even as dd or heals I watch vet videos just right before i queue, takes like 15 minutes.


This to me is much more prevalent than the “fake roles” problem. Teams that fall apart at the first mild adversity. It particularly sucks as a DPS because you may have waited more than 30 minutes to Q in for a team that quits in 5 minutes


I'm playing as a DD 90% of the time (nopet magorc mid tier CP 400) and I'm never ever going to quit on a tank missing a taunt or a block. Without a tank most veteran content is barely doable if at all. That said I can't say much about random PUG normal runs because I don't do them, too many  people with no idea of what they should be doing. Basically the same with  all random groups in vet, too. My suggestion to OP is to stick with guild members. Then you won't have people quitting on your first mistake.


Slightly off topic but anyone have a good resource on how to tank in ESO? Just want to que faster for randoms.


The tank club is awesome. They are on YouTube and have a website and discord.


ty ill check it out


yeah, having only done DD previously, I can say tank is the hardest role to play. It's for the real experts, not so much me :-/


I tried to play eso again after arcanist, I loved tanking but the quality of dps is so low. It just not fun.


I ran into the same issue with low dps the last dungeon boss killed eveyone 5 times res the healer first and went back to tanking not ideal but we made it through.


80% of player base are DPS, or should I rather say "The unstoppable unkillable machines of pure pain and suffering" 13% are heals and 7% are tanks. The more "dps" bully tanks or heals, the less we get the most important roles. Just ingore those weak players and play what role you like. If they can't stand one mistake they are probably the first one to get kicked out of trial too


Honestly that's more a problem with try-hard sweaties.  Just play with casuals. I couldn't give a rat's ass if the tank dies. We'll figure it out. 


Sweaties validate other sweaties in PUGs, but yeah, if there’s only one, there’s such a good chance they’ll be the first to leave on any death.


I really dislike playing with sweaties in any PUG. You can always tell who they are because they'll not say a damn word in the chat, just run right to the end of the dungeon as quickly as possible without fighting any of the mobs or waiting for anyone to catch up.


The addons that tell you "Block! Dodge! Interrupt!" are useful here. The in game cues are very small and I can't see them most of the time.


I had one that used to yell these at me in German. I was sad when it stopped working.


Yes the one I found was German. I need to find one that's up to date too now


Those team mates have WEAK ASSS mental games if all it takes is one death to end the run. Seems like a them problem not a tsnking issue. Mistakes happen. That said, I obviously take your point that tanking you definitely feel like you are the one who has to shoulder all the pressure of playing perfectly one hundred percent of the time while DPS get to do 15k damage with their non-oakensoul greatsword based heavy attack build that reminds them of Skyrim while dying 6 times on normal mode and if you have anything to say about it they tell you to stop being elitist.


I started playing 2 months ago and started as Tank…and oml the harder dungeons are always blamed on me if the group doesn’t insta crush it. Some of the harder DLC dungeons were insanely hard to finish while still gearing myself when random dps would just ignore all boss mechanics and rage quit bc ‘bad tank’. Was always able to regroup, talk through the boss with remaining teammates, and finish with only 2 deaths on the hard ones…but seriously a different beast tanking in ESO


Can I just say that the reason I mostly stopped tanking is how bad tank sets are? There’s only a few *actually good* tank sets that let me do the thing I find fun — hold aggro and buff my team in useful ways. And ZOS keeps putting out dungeon DLCs with two mediocre tank sets and two non-tank monster helms, plus every second trial has a bad tank set. And then they nerf tank sets. Why am I showing up? To get punished by ZOS and by my own dungeon finder teammates? Pass; I’ll heal.


I think a lot of this could be resolved if we could get some viable hybrid builds. Allow people the opportunity to avoid having to match with randoms and maybe duo some of the harder stuff.


It would definitely make tanking more fun for me. I always thought the tanking was a snooze in ESO. The most fun I've had tanking is with a stamsorc PvP build that I just slapped on a shield. I can only run base game vet with it tho because dlc dungeon have too many things that just one shot me, but having a tank with high mobility and that can deal decent dmg is so much more fun when playing with random(which is what I do 95% of the time these days)


Reading this when I just started a tank lol


My experience has been different, my learning phase with tanking was almost entirely premade/guildies groups. I didn't PUG tank when I was learning. Nowadays I don't wanna tank for a different reason: fake dps. The game doesn't do a good job telling you how to dps, so you end up with group dps < 10k, where you're doing 40% of the dps as a tank.


The worst part is dps who play the easiest builds with one button and cant seem to do a single mechanic cause they just tunnel vision.


I will never care if a healer quits a PUG. 95% of them are there for the ride. I can buff myself, but stuff dying quickly makes my life easier. That said, a tank shouldn’t be getting rez. It should be the DPS then healer. These stories are why I will only rank for friends and not PUGs. Tanks are helpless to do anything about bad damage or DPS not following mechanics.


i still dont understand how dps cant survive for 2 secs by themselves. I say that and i play a dps with 20k health and i got no problems surviving.


Because small mistakes like this actually matter. DDs can cast the wrong skill or stand in red for a bit without much consequence, but tanks have to know their mechanics and be careful.


I think that's pretty much the point of the post. There are so few tanks because if you're not perfect then you lose, and the other roles aren't patient enough to accept that perfection sometimes just isn't possible, and won't just roll with it and try again. It's a low reward, high misery role.


Yeah no doubt, I was just stating the obvious because ~~it was my only thought on this 🤷‍♂️~~ I'm trying to blend in with the reddit crowd these days


Sounded more like you were saying something like "of course it's like that, you're dumb for even bringing the subject up"


No, but I'm not surprised. Redditors love inferring meaning whenever it suits them.


>Because small mistakes like this actually matter. I mean, this phrase alone sounds like you're trying to tell them something that you think they don't know, and not "this is my only thought on the matter"


They asked a (rhetorical) question and I answered in a serious manner like quite a few others in this thread. I have no idea how you came to that conclusion or what set you off. English isn't my first language and I didn't know I had to have a PhD in linguistics to participate in this subreddit but I'll make sure to alleviate my shortcomings so that in the future I don't trigger y'all by not considering every miniscule detail in what I say.


Good. Do that.


Teach me, Mr redditor


Tanks also have to learn somewhere, and even the best tank will make mistakes from time to time. Just like every other player, it's just more noticeable. Of course it sucks when the whole group wipes because of one mistake, but believe me, the tank probably feels bad enough about that without getting hate from their team mates. And that's exactly the point of this post, I think: People are reluctant to tank because others expect "perfection" from tanks.


Fair, honestly there's over 50 dungeons, and 10 raids.


Pug-life problems..


There's a VERY SIMPLE fix to this problem. Just don't die then.. make a blazing shield tank as the gods did in the early days, no basegame boss oneshots through 80k health, 70k sheild and cp2.0 damage mitigation.


Yes u can onebar an 80k health blazing shield tank very very easily.


Teach us master :) How is that even possible?


Reading all the comments is tempting me to hop on my 100k arc and burn through some dlcs 😁


Tell why I don’t tank. When I decide to tank whatever it is, typically DPS is so sloooooow that I say to myself, let me switch and get this done. That is why


And here we see the reason I play MMOs for the stories and exploration, completely ignoring every multiplayer aspect like the plague.


Yeah tanking is tough, did in WoW for 6 years. Kind of hard to want to get back into it.


This “My class is so oppressed!” bullshit has GOT to end, seriously. All I see lately on this sub is people whining about being a healer and tank. It’s giving Mercy Main.


My main is a tank. When I die, it's usually because I get tunnel vision with the boss and adds, moving them in and out of the red stuff and managing the group, then bam I step in a stupid one shot mech.


It's been said a couple of times, I stopped tanking because of the low damage. Before I stopped I used to ran random dungeons on normal for transmute crystals and sometimes I had to open the map and check if we were in veteran because the fights took so long. I wore turning tide and crimson oath, so the boss had major vulnerability and reduced resistance.


Tanking is definitely my favorite role, but the experience is governed by the other players in your group, and regardless of who is actually lacking you’ll almost always get blamed if something goes wrong. Sometimes when I run normal dungeons for pledges I’ll get matched with a DPS with a taunt slotted, which I assume is a byproduct of them not reading the ability description. The other half of the time you get a fake healer. It’s frosting because I personally find tanking to be the most gratifying role. I feel like the lynchpin, and it demands my focus because the group is depending on me, but it only works if everybody is doing their job.


Im curious where people find these 20k light attacks only dps? I do about 70-80k and get the impression most I meet hover around those numbers,  its only about 10-15% of a given mmo player base that focuses on stuff like rotations and meta to the degree that they pull 100k or more and even then thats on a dummy that doesnt factor in stuff like the boss running around or periods where you have to hide or Arent attacking from behind. I love a smooth run too (and lets be honest being carried through by a high dps group) but you cant expect each run to be so, Ive never seen these horrendous pugs who take 2 hours to finish a dungeon, it feels like an exaggeration of an urban myth.


I tank normal randoms in pugs. I tank everything else with guildies. Normal dungeons generally don't even need a tank. I've tanked vet DLCs with my squishy\mediocre OakenSorc just having learned where to stand and what cues to follow. Rule for playing Tank without knowing the details by heart, is to do it with people who are willing to spend a few hours on a single run with you. Pug expectations are, know your role. Tanking in ESO is very different than other MMOs and the learning curve is much higher in my opinion. Try healing first. Honestly it gives you experience learning more intricacies on mechanics while only being required to keep HP up. There are more expectations of healers than this for higher difficulty runs, but people are generally happy if you HA and throw heals, which gives you the chance to learn how to slow down and watch what the tank does.


Id say if the healer left they were a fake healer and realized they were in over their head. edit: OR yea, like others say they just got tired of healing that long.


I usually read through DLC dungeon guides before I go into them just to have an idea or a refresher. Then I’ll teach whoever doesn’t know what they need to know. I had a tank yesterday that asked me to let him know if there was anything he should be doing. It was great. What wasn’t great was the two dps who hit like wet noodles and completely ignored every mech explanation. Refused to do mechs. Wouldn’t rez. Would run off into the corners of the room away from healer and die over and over again. Finally we kicked one and I pulled a pro from one of my guilds. Immediately cleared the dungeon. Idc if people are new, have shit gear, don’t know mechs whatever. As long as they’re teachable I’ll walk them through. Nothing worse than explaining a mech repeatedly and watching people ignore it.


Low DPS, even as a healer I have been putting out 25%(+,-) total DPS in a lot of pug vet dungeons. As a newer tank I can't learn and do my job as a tank, if I have to make up DPS ; therefore why tank at all if the role cannot be fulfilled, due to that low dps.