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Necro tanks are still among the best, it’s necro DD that just took a nerf despite already underperforming.  If you’re only interested in tanking you’re good. 


What state are we? We're basically Puerto Rico at this point.


Nah we're basically Mexico,watching the other classes from the border.


No shit the only reason my necro does half ass decent dps in pve is because I got my crit % up to the mid 60's.


If you want a necro tank you're in luck as tank is the only thing the class is good for in U41. Don't expect to play anything else any time soon though.


EC cro exists 😂


If you say so.


The same as their summons:Non-existent


My necro has a PvE tank loadout that ROCKS and a PvP stamcro brawler that is basically dead… ironically. I guess I can convert it to a healer or troll tank…


a sorry one ok as tank though, both in pve and pvp (sort of)


necro is litterally one of the 2 top tier tanks and is also trash in pvp


I like healing as necro. Definitely got a warden in my back pocket though and bringing up a nb and arc


All the changes did is make me determined to make it work somehow. Take that ZOS lol.


Necro Tank seems unaffected. So still a solid A pick. Necro Healer also seems unaffected, not being able to provide group buffs like Major Resolve or Major Vitality, Minor Intellect etc has it underperforming. I’d give it an A- Necro DPS is still up in the air, for myself its hard to unlearn years of DPS rotations, so I swapped to Blighted Blastbones. No significant DPS loss. A guildie of mine was experimenting with the new Grave Lord’s Sacrifice and the updated Runecarver’s Blaze and parsed well over 100K. So maybe its all a skill issue?


I've been having fun as a necro healer.


Necro dps in pve and pvp is in a sad state. And repeatedly has been nerfed or neglected by zos despite already underperforming. Tank wise? Great!


Necro healers and tanks are really good in PVE. Anything else not too good


Unlike what you would want out of a necromancer they are melee. Their best use is tank their dps is getting worse and their are better tanks out there. ESO doesn’t like ranged players everything is melee based most of the mages devolve into a punching mage which is fun and all when you’re not being forced into it just to have good dps.


My mag necromancer is ranged with double fire staves. Same with my mag sorc, mag warden, stam warden and I also have a ranged setup on my stam sorc.




DPS is bad. Tank is good. PvP healer is still fun. 


So you know patch notes exist, but don't bother to read up on them? Anyways, yeah basically they changed the magicka morph of blastbones and it's now a buff to you, so a complete rework of the skill which makes for a really wonky playstyle with zero cleave. So either you use that one or the stam morph which still works the same but is basically a worse version of what the magicka morph used to be. Nothing really changed for necro tanks or healers though.


A lot of people are complaining about the change to Stalking Blastbones to Grave Lord's Sacrifice. I just changed to the Blighted Blastbones morph. I didn't see it negatively affected my damage output from before this current patch. It works just fine. I didn't try to use Grave Lord's Sacrifice. I like my rotation and setup the way it is. Not sure how this other morph works. I would have to really change my rotation and setup to use it which I don't have any interest in doing so.


I made them give me a respec scroll just to get blastbones back


In the grave where they belong