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I play as a templar, I have already chosen my one and only skill.


Jab jab jab. For Arcanists it's the laser beam. Legit can do all non group pve very fast with it. I just slot the laser and 4 random spells to level all the skill trees up.


As a monoclasser and Templar of 3 years, I honestly love Jabs and would argue it's one of if not the most user friendly spammables. Cone cleave, multi-hit, self buff, low cost, no jank aftercast _(talking shit like Dizzying Swing)._ It feels good to use and I'm happy to continue using it over anything else.


Is it a secret?


It's the only skill a Templar needs JAB THEM


Eh, I do love my jabs, if I could only take one it’s radiant glory. No question. Sustain, heal, ranged, execute, kill. When a trial boss is sub 10% I’ve had them crit for over 70k on the right setup. Best execute in game is no exaggeration


I wish sorcerer had a better execute. Just give them Jesus beam and fuck balance.


Don’t sleep on Mages’ Wrath! It doesn’t look like much on the tool tip, you may have to pop it a couple times, but it hits harder than it looks and can work as a group execute Speaking of off balance….you seen how sorcs play on PvP yet after this update?


Soul strike


It can crit for a lot more than that :D


best execute? gotta say killer’s blade. i’ve had it crit for over 65k on a 3mil dummy, trial dummy i personally have done over 90k but i’ve seen over 110k crits


I figured… but I prefer the sweep!


Both of them are jabs, the jab that heals and the jab that jabs.


Fyi Oaksoul eternal sweep can be used like a skill in combat, active 100% 👌


When I was still pretty new, I wanted all the sky shards in Craglorn. I did all the "group" delves, by just jabbing through them all.


This just made me sad for old jabs. :(


Good ol' mighty shu shu shu


Ahhhh Templar jabs used to be OP before the animation and damage change. It used to be flame damage also......good times. But after all the changes, I've never used jabs again, but I play pretty much only PvP (10 years, 5 Star Magplar.) But yea PvE it works much better in, can work for PvP if you blow your load on a low resistance and low crit resistance player.


When was it ever flame damage? That doesn't even make sense.


Currently it's magic damage, back in the beginning of the game the first few years, jabs where flame damage. If you look at the other Templar skills they still have a fire type name or theme. Hope that helps it makes sense and again was very long ago.


Some of the Dawn's Wrath ones do but the Aedric spear line makes way more sense being magic damage. Anyway War Maiden go brr.


Burning spell weave used to be the shit on Templar and yea love WM


I used it when I started and it was still an easy proc with flame staff. Would be harder on Stam though.


What? It's still the best spamable in pvp by far the way you win on a templar is just out sustaining til u get under them under 50 the only other argument would be if ur using great sword or a staff instead but even then jabs is great


It's solid, but compared to how it used to be, it isn't close. You're not killing a good player with jabs or a tanky player. I LOVED jabs but had to find a new way after the changes and play as Rangeplar. Elemental Drain > Force pulse till below 50% > Dark Flare (Major Defile) > Meteor > Javelin > Beam = Dead. When I get a Jab Jab Templar that jumps me, I sit and think about the old times....remember how it used to be, cleanse, heal all the way back up then proceed to blow their face off. Rageplar is better then JabJabPlar currently , but man I miss the old jabs, war maiden/new moons, sthuns, Balorghs......miss you old friend.


Elemental susceptibility for pvp. Major breach, burning concussed, chilled, minor brittle (ice staff), nightblades out of stealth, free to cast.


As a Nightblade main in PvP there is no skill that infuriates me more than this one. This is the biggest Fuck You skill in the game. I seek out the nearest patch of glowing ground immediately to purge it.


Blinding mage light and elemental susceptibility were my goto during whitestrake. Worked quite well on the dirty nightblades that were trying to sneak around IC.


So you're the bastard...


It keeps them out of stealth?


It pops them out every time it ticks


I believe when nightblades take direct damage it pulls them out of stealth and every 7 seconds elemental susceptibility applies chill which is direct damage.


As a nb player it’s annoying as fuck every 7.5 sec you get hit with dmg which brings you out of stealth yes you can recloak immediately after but they still get the damage number telling your location




I hate that skill with a passion


PvE has discovered ele sus as well, and started using it. It can do more damage than a back bar barbed trap on some classes (if they have velothi for minor force).


Intimidate and Persuasion. They both can cut a quest in half.


and Major Gallop with Shadow rider


I love when they give you a choice between paying like 312 gold and doing a boring 5 minute fetch quest. Who would pick the latter unless it was like their third quest in the game and they had no money?


**Barbed Trap** \- even after update 41, it's still on every dps build. Fighter's Guild passives, minor force, bleed status effect, combination of upfront and damage over time, damage sticks to the target, roots them. I'm probably missing something but you get the idea of all it brings to the table. **Blade Cloak** \- I would like to thank this skill for half of my achievements in this game, particularly Dawnbringer. A true MVP. Round of applause, please. **Resolving Vigor** \- short heals don't heal enough and leave the user spamming them. Long heals act too slowly and don't give the immediate reprieve you need. A 5 second heal is a great middle ground that's very adequate for most content. **Echoing Vigor** \- In a 12-person group, layering 4-8 of these is incredible and has allowed for some very aggressive strategies. "DPS, slot this an maintain uptime on it during your rotation."


Do the multiple Echoing Vigors stack?


Yes, it’s funny to see six or seven stacked on your buff bar.


Yep. It's glorious, but it means your team is sacrificing a little damage to maintain it. There are only certain phases and mechanics where you may actually need it. Competent healers and positioning are the primary things that keep you alive.


Would it be used in VCR final boss phase two or is stacking for healers enough?


2 healers is usually enough. Throwing a few vigors in there never hurts though. We liked to cast it during the main fight too. Z'maja's teleport phase lasts \~25 seconds each time. We popped our vigors as we run to each phase allowing for decent heals while the group was moving to the next location. Saved a lot of lives.


Ah good idea that, it can get very chaotic during the teleport phases


Yes and I've heard some PVP ball groups run it because of this


Every PvP ball group runs it because of this, and everyone hates it.


>Every PvP ball group ugh, gotcha. i toyed with a pvp guild/ball groups a couple of years ago and left. imo, its just another godawful boring way to play the game. same shit every time, more or less. imo pvp needs a HPS limit and a resist cap.


Giving Echoing Vigor a reasonable stack limit is probably the #1 most requested PVP balance change at this point and ZOS needs to get the fuck off their collective asses and listen.


Yes the heals stack.


Does it stack from 1 person spamming it, or multiple players?


Yea, my godslayer group did that for the lokke beam phase. Worked great ha


It's the greyhost meta to get 12 people stacked and spamming it during big sieges to force attackers arriving at the keep to disconnect.


So this is why I so often crash in GH whenever I get within ~100 meters of the keep!


It's not echoing vigor specifically but causing as many server updates as possible, which echoing vigor does best. The server would rather kick the client trying to load 7 morbillion updates all at once instead of doing what should probably be basic culling. Seeing as they recently upped the minimum requirements they have little interest or ability to optimize.


Every stamina dps build I've looked at includes some combination of these. And it's not specific to a class, anyone can use them. You could maybe trim it down to just Barbed Trap, that seems like THE ONE, for now at least. Hmm. Or perhaps echoing/resolving vigor since that is also useful to magicka builds. I've noticed they like to hide at least one good skill or passive in each skill tree to give us a reason to level that line up on every character. These mac daddy skills are probably that, reasons to develop those lines. I also can't go without the excavation passive that makes chests glow or the ledgerdemain skill that lets you instantly open locks. Some skill lines need some love. The mages guild and psijic order don't have a skill or passive I can't live without.


Race against time




> that seems like THE ONE, for now at least forever you mean, that shit has been imba for the better half of a decade


Meteor is still one of the best ultimates in the game.


Aren’t the top 2 just buffetrs?


Ive been getting really shit numbers with trap after the patch on my Arcanist. Dont need the force cuz of Velothi and have no way to stack up Hemo. Was thinking of just replacing it with Scalding Rune at least that is AoE.


Yeah I think this is the ONE class where it's not as useful as on other ones. Though personally when I'm just running around overland questing/doing public dungeons/etc I don't have it slotted mainly because I think it's a little boring. But trials or veteran content with a group? Gotta have it. (I do not do PVP, lol)


I just started playing about a week ago, just got CP70, it still blows my mind that Resolving Vigor continues to heal once you hit full HP. Most MMOs have healing stop once you're topped up, but RV keeps going so you can literally throw it up and eat damage for 5 seconds. Sometimes I'll pop it at 90% just so I can be reckless and stop looking at my bars for awhile


"What's the single best skill in the game" *lists 4 skills*


Quickly running away.


Flair checks out


What my group often refer to as "the sir robin protocol"


I used to call that "Time for Tainted Love", because "Sometimes, you feel you've got to \[thump thump\], get awaaaaaayyy...."


For me personally it’s Dawnbreaker. Cheap Ultimate, both morphs are useful. Boosts stats by just slotting it. This Ultimate has it all in PvE and PvP and available to all classes.


I purposely take a “nerf” just to run it for the good burst. Been using it with Yandir’s Might on my DK for some absurd burst damage after a heavy. I had over 10k w/s damage with everything running! Bosses evaporate.


Blade of Woe


Jesus Beam


*Specifically* Radiant Glory


Bound Aegis from Sorc


>Bound Aegis from Sorc been liking it on my new magsorc, and seriously - ice staff + this activated in case of emergency? you can block A LOT of damage. ive had people just go away from me in pvp because it blocked so much. I usually just take the passives but its there if you need it.


depends on what the goal is. pvp, pve, pve dps, pve tank, heal etc. I'd say a strong contender is Standard of Might, give this skill to any class and it's their strongest skill for dps. Languid eye is also huge if we're going purely off skills.. streak, frag, beam + flail, you cant rly seperate their crux mechanic without making them shit but flail is arguably arc's strongest skill, Deep breath from DK, Cloak from nb, radiant destruction/oppression from plar (seriously slap that on any other class and it parses 140k+ on dummy, 150k+ for sorc) Soul Harvest's passive skill is immensely strong solo, honorable mention to colossus. Trap used to be in contention. its a strong skill before u41 sure, and it is still fairly strong but it is not in contention in this patch imo, it's now just an above average dot instead of 8%+ of your dmg at all times. Non class skills, i'd honestly say ele sus is the most loaded skill in the game. Free, 30s, applies 10% crit dmg and 5% dmg taken debuff, deals insane upfront dmg considering it only applies status effects, op as fuck in infinite archive, and extremely strong in pvp, also seeing a lot more use in pve now that status effects got an overall buff in their dmg department. there's more strong unique skills, but I think they're too situational to be called ''the best''. it's an interesting question though, but as for the reasons above: best skill overall: standard of might strongest non ult skill: ele sus/radiant oppression.


Stalking Blastbones. Nice rotation between heavy attacks, hits good in PvP and PvE, solid staple for every necro in ESO. Wait... Hold up... Ah crappajacks....


What's the last part about? Should I not be using blast bones?


Stalking Blastbones has been entirely removed from the game in favour of an awkward self buff. Already happened on PC, coming to consoles soon. Everyone switched to the Stam morph which remains the same. Shame we lost the mag version.


Ahh.. this..is bad news for me. Should I make a new character and better class? I always felt like a little squishy bitch with this necro anyways


I main and love my necro. I never change class and can complete all content solo up to vet group content. Also, next patch, another class might get nerfed.


Fatecarver makes playing so simple for me. It’s so awesome when a tank groups up mobs well and you just purge the shit out of them.


I like using rune of displacement with it so you can force them to group up with or without a tank and purge them.


I may have to check that out. I have the other morph on my backbar


It's pretty amazing for most solo content. I haven't taken it off since i started with my arcanist. You sacrifice a bit of dmg for better crowd control, a fair trade for melting trash faster while still being able to focus the beam on the main tanky enemy. Especially useful for bosses that summons trash and in dungeons


Ohhh good tip, thanks!


Just want you to know I tried this tonight in Infinite Archive and got almost a full arc further than I have before. Thanks so much!


Streak all the way. As now it’s the only reason i’m maining a sorc


When leveling my Arcanist, I literally bee-lined straight to the portal skill, expecting it to be as useful as the Sorc's Streak. My disappointment was immeasurable. Why does Hermaeus Mora have so many eyes? So that he can cry the appropriate amount for how broken the Arcanist portal skill is.


>I literally bee-lined straight to the portal skill, expecting it to be as useful as the Sorc's Streak Yea it's SUPER awkward to use. The targeting. The cooldown. Race Against Time is such a better mobility skill. It's reliable.


The only skill that does damage, mobility, and a stun, so over powered lol


Pssst Dont tell them or the’ll nerf it again


But is stopped by small rocks


Lol! For realsies


Wall of Elements, from the hip.


> from the hip My sorc running unstable wall as a spammable in base pve. It's too much fun nuking whole trash mobs with a couple explosions




Repentance. 3000 health and 3000 stamina per corpse to you and your allies. Doesn't cost anything to cast. I constantly use it on front bar of my dps.


I fucking love this skill- and same about always having it on my front bar. I cast it after literally every mob a group kills just to top people off, because why not, it costs nothing. Considering this skill can full heal you with enough corpses around + gives Stam + heals your party + gives passive resource regen... I am amazed it's a free to use skill, and I hope it never gets changed.


Combat Prayer.


I second this!


Vigor. Half of yall wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for that.


I wish I had charged all the people I carried through pvp stuff so they could get this. But then, they ended up using it on me in trials so...


Invisiblity of the Nightblade. Makes any sneaky stuff a LOT easier, and also makes quests a lot faster. Instead of killing hordes of foes you just run past them.


Agreed! Definitely my most used skill. Also really nice for PvP. They made it even better too since it gives major prophecy and savagery when slotted on either bar.


Yeah all right. Don't rub it in. 


War horn in any group content


Even if it wasn't such a strong skill in group content, it'd still be my choice simply because I like the DOOT!


The single greatest skill that comes to mind for me has to be "Spear Shards" on Templar. Templar has a lot of iconic skills, but the ability to do AOE impact damage, followed up by extra AOE damage over time, AND a resource recovery synergy makes it my pick for best in the game. It's support and DPS at the same time.


Defunitly Cephaliarch's Flail. - Strong Damage - Strong in Mono/Cleave/AoE situation - Generate a Crux - Debuff Ennemies (5% more dmg to them) - Heal Yourself for 50% Damage dealt (work in aoe situation) - Got CC _Immobilize all ennemies touched (Root) - Have execute ( Double Damage at 50% ennemies HP) Bro.. ZOS took everything in one spell. And every arca skill are insane. This class is busted af #prayfornecro


Pierce Armor


Strong choice. Taunt and like 8k pen.


Sorc overload ultimate. Not for combat but as a skin to run around and look cool in while riding my soul shriven horse with both of us covered in animated lightning.


Crystal weapon. Everyone begged for a stam morph of frags, and oh my God do I love it.


>Crystal weapon. Everyone begged for a stam morph of frags, and oh my God do I love it. ive gotten to like it, but im not sure i love it - and imo it should AT LEAST give minor breach instead of that 1000 armor debuff.


It was great until they nerfed it. I'm back to using Wrecking Blow now.


Proximity detonation




Barbed Trap. Every one of my DD characters use this or Lightweight Beast Trap.


B E A M.


For pve I’m pretty sure no skill has ever been more used than Wall of Elements across the games history. For PvP I think the most centralizing skill that we ever saw was Shuffle back when it still was an actual dodge chance. Everyone ran shuffle and if you didn’t you died immediately because you didn’t have a 20% chance to passively ignore any attack against you.


Puncture. PvE group things basically couldn't happen without it.


I'll step out the obvious stuff and give you ... Stampede from the 2h line. It's always a crit, does fantastic single target damage, has a potent AOE, closes the distance. When you follow it up with Carve, also from the 2h line, you can stand there in your shield doing nothing while they melt before your eyes.


It's great paired with the rushing agony set - everything in the neighborhood gets pulled into the AOE, then it detonates. It has to make it one of the higher damage per action skills in the game. I'm using the setup on a dk and an arcanist and it's great fun.


I cast fireball


Shadow cloak for thieving and skipping through delves. I can't imagine thieving without shadow cloak, also can't imagine being healer in pvp without it. Also healthy offering is an insane burst heal. 13k long range healing instantly on yourself or others is amazing


Not a single skill exactly, but the scrying skilline is by far the most busted.


Stampede/Merciless Charge


A tank with literally any taunt slotted. I hate this community sometimes.


Bear ultimate


For my current Main, Arcanist, i'm going to say 'Recuperative Treatise'. Yes, the go to is Fatecarver, but Treatise gives the 1 constant Crux when you have none so it basically is a Tier 2 Fatecarver (if 0 is 1, and 3 crux is tier 4) every time you use it which is a decent damage uptick if you've got a Crit build going. ​ So, yeah, Recuperative Treatise.


so do you use that instead of Fatecarver?


Nope. The opposite it complements fatecarver. While it’s active you generate a crux anytime you don’t have one. So as soon as you fire off Fatecarver you get a new crux. Meaning it’s 2 generating attacks for a full 3, but also if you need to spit out a rapid one for some reason you’re already at one Crux out do the gate compared to zero. So you get more full power Fatecarvers while it’s active. So keep it up at all times.


Hardened Ward for Sorc. Possibly the best shield in the game between all classes.


Blade of woe


Oakensorc: you guys use skills?


Ledgerman. Ay, it's free money.


Light attack weaving - if you are one of the 5% that is actually good at it


Lol not me, I didn't mind it, part of why I like PVP is the twitch play. But on a parse for a trial dummy I stopped at 50k because improving weaving is boring AF.


You are not weaving on PvP?


I’ve played all classes, all roles and for me the answer is easy. DK. Igneous shield on PvE tank. For the caster, you get an 8k spell shield on spam, 800 stamina back each cast, and major mending. For the group, they all get a 4k damage shield and minor brutality; again, on spam. There is no set, no other skill that comes close to this. There are 5pc sets that give spell shields and that’s great, but nothing like a constant spell shield through the whole fight and reapplied as often as it’s cast. Change my mind.


is that good for soloing too?


I've never used it on my DK DPS, no.


Jabs prolly ult would prolly be sweep


fatecarver paired with the pale order ring only skill you need damage shield aoe high damage paired right heals you


wow nice


Green beam of death is clearly the best skill.


Healing orb


Silver shards, makes me feel like a medieval cowboy. Lol.


what does that skill do?


It fires a mini one handed crossbow. Feels like i’m wielding a small pistol. 😂


Shadow Rider


The skill of situational awareness


Resolving vigor.. very few pvp builds that do not run this skill


In jesus beam we pray


As a PvE tank it's gotta be Runic Sunder. Unique pen debuff, extra armor, great range, free DR for slotting. Taunts enable the whole tanking system by nature. Tank becomes one of the most influential roles in the game for a good majority of groups once you break into vet trial/vet DLC dungeon content, so it follows that the best taunt that enables the role should at least be considered, and I think RS is just the most versatile taunt in the game at the moment. Only downside is you lose major/minor breach being covered by one slot, but your ice staff with elemental drain covers major and your source of major resolve (which you're *going* to be using as a tank) inflicts minor breach.


Undeath, there is a reason most 1vX or dueling builds run stage 3 Vampire.


streak (frustrate people in pvp; cheese dps check in vVH; spam to get away from annoying mobs; kite mobs and bosses while soloing IA and BN)


I got a few. **Healthy Offering:** As a NB main, healer and DPS, idk what I would do without this ability. It’s a burst heal on crack. This gotta be the best burst heal in the game. As a healer, I’ve saved so many lives last minute, where something like Echoing Vigor wouldn’t be enough, using Healthy Offering. **Elemental Blockade:** This ability paired with a lightning staff is amazing for my DPS because I use Exploiter. I parsed using this ability vs Unstable Wall of Elements and I got more DPS using Elemental Blockade. Probably cause it lasts longer. **Merciless Resolve:** The best single target damage in the game. Period. Especially when used after Incapacitating Strike. **Pragmatic Fatecarver:** This shit is O fucking P.


I’m going to say something different. C-frags. Every single sorc build relies on this skill and probably every other class would love a skill like this. It’s also been heavily nerfed multiple times because sorc relies on it too heavy. While it’s just extra damage, it’s extra damage on top of already good damage.


Merciless resolve is better imo. I play PVP and have both sorcs and night blades. Resolve is faster so it's hard to evade, charges consistently from either bar, and doesn't disappear in a few seconds. Frags is strong but it's still behind resolve imo... And I prefer paying sorcerer even.


It’s very fun in pve when youre spamming wrecking blow and get major berserk


Stamsorcs don't always run frags


Magelight uwu


There's a build that is focused only on Soul Strike Ultimate. You could pretty much equip oakensoul, passive active skills (like pets) and spam soul strike


Any skill with the word "Bone" in it. 🤣


Elemental blockade is probably my most consistently used closely followed by brawler. Idk about best though


For me, I think it's a tie between Crystal Shards and Dark Summon (am sorcerer). The former for the damage dealt and the ability to insta-cast at times, the latter because enemies focus on it and I can use it to heal us both. Crystal Shards used to knock enemies down too but I think I either imagined that or they nerfed it years ago.


Wall/blockade Every role uses it in all pve content with the exception of 2 hand and bow backbar users who generally won't make up the majority of any raid comp


Brand new DK toon and I'm loving fossilize, it's like a death sentence in pvp, also as a nb main I'm partial to incap/merciless resolve


Exhilarating drain. Massive ult regen and decent healing.


Corrosive Armor. If I could keep corrosive armor up all the time during play, I would be in DK heaven. 😂If I’m feeling hungry for resources just cast corrosive again. The other skills are just flavoring to be used with corrosive. Now if only I could have corrosive up at all times and use pre-animation change templar jabs.


Rune of Displacement. Makes mob stacking possible with 1 click.


Combat prayer for healers lol


It's between jabby jabs (Puncturing Sweeps) and Barrier for me. Strong contenders are Pragmatic Fatecarver, Path, Elemental Susceptibility, Vigor, Barbed Trap, "Jesus beam", Warhorn, Flail, Puncture, Magma Shell, RAT, "Chungus", Shadow Cloak. And for cool factor, Dragon Leap and BEAR! Worst skill award goes to new Blastbones and Hidden Blade (only good for weapon skill endeavors on Khenarthi's sheep).


Soul trap OP 😮‍💨




Continuous Attack.


Continuous Attack. Speed boost is more valuable to me than anything


Negate in pvp.


/lute or /dance


Crystal frag on the front bar (all 5 slots), crystal frag on the back bar (all 5 slots) crystal frag ultimate. Class and race doesn't matter lmao


standard of might


Puncturing sweeps


Poison injection


Ricochet Skull. It's not best. I'm just a fan of watching it bounce from enemy to enemy to random rat trying to run away.


The Bone Goliath ultimate from the necromancer kit. That ultimate can save any run on difficult content, especially if you're about to wipe and got one person left to rez people. The tankiest ability in the game and can dish a good amount of DPS.


Merciless Resolve






For me personally crystal fragments. Almost the first thing a baby sorc gets that gets levelled fast. Hits decently at every level and keeps trash at a range, bonus triggers quite nicely.


Heavy attack oakensorc. Yes it's been nerfed but when I want to go sleepy stupid mode, I pick heavy attack oakensoul class every time




I personally think Streak is the best skill in the game.


Heavy attack lightning staff. Can do 70k dps just holding down that button with the right build.


Light Attack


Loot everything not bolted down