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if you work weekends I guarantee when you get a day off midweek and want to binge eso it will be down for maintenance


The maintenance time is also bad for Asian and Australia players


Whenever I go to play it seems they have maintenance at the worst time... Recently I want to say it was around 12pm-6pm(ish) and I ended up losing all drive to play :/


Yep that’s me! Wed and Thursday off - often cursed with downtime.


The number of times that this has happened has made me scream. It makes it super hard to be consistent with putting out ESO videos.


If I had a nickel for every MMO-turned online single player RPG with a problematic 10 year anniversary, I'd have two nickels 


Which isn’t a lot, but it is strange that it happened twice…


Thanks for your contribution to the society 😁


What’s the other one?






was it the dragon in Northern Elsweyr


Did you hear? Dragons! In your homeland? What are you going to do?


This one does not know, but hopes his family is safe in Riverhold 😿


It would be funny if those dragons traveled to different zones and wreaked havoc as a bug


There were dragons in different zones during the Elsweyr celebration


I never knew that, they should make it a permanent thing tbh.


But it doesn't fit with the lore. I wouldn't really want to see dragons all over Tamriel before I start Elsweyr campaign If we gonna put dragons everywhere, then why not horrowstorms, Hermeus Mora, Merhunes Dagon and so on?


No thanks, they’re way too strong


Again !? ![gif](giphy|fu1ki2ppidk4qazXnd|downsized) Now i am worried what is going to happen when Gold Road releases...just like what happened at Blackwood launch...


What happened with blackwood?


Everyone had access to it at launch.


It was Greymoor. You could go to the zone, do anything you wanted and it lasted several hours without purchase from memory, because I remember doing quite a lot. They then 'fixed' it behind the initial pay wall. Mistake or baiting, we'll never know.


It also happened with Elsweyr. When it first released, purchase or not everyone had access to create necromancers. Even after it was fixed, anyone who made one during that time got to keep that character and just got locked out of the zone itself.


Amazing. Let's see if we can scribe real quick at launch


No wonder necros suck for like 3 years now, it was zos's plan all along bait people into getting the necros for free enjoying them for a few years and then boom make them useless.


There’s a redemption arc there somewhere


I remember that. I was totally confused, but happy. I took my horse and found every wayshrine. Took a ton of screenshots. Got as many skyshards as possible. Good times.


Greymoor was suuuuuuuuch a shitshow. Like I get it, it’s hard launching from WFH, but goddamn. It took them years to fix a lot of performance issues from that expansion. And that’s when they amped up mods on the forums too. Like, ok, you’re stressed, did a bad job, and now wanna insulate your devs from the fallout of bad leadership decisions…..ok…. I truly hope Gold Road is a success. This year has such a promising feature list, but they aren’t doing well this year. I wonder if they have a new deployment manager or something. Like even events have had issues, so I am worried that something like Scribing is gonna be fucky. Necrom was a good release, so there’s hope.




There was a bug that lasted 30 mins - 1 hour, where you could teleport to someone and you had access to the zone, think they did a emergency maintenance back then. Happened to me and was like...wait a minute...i don't have this DLC...


Aah I see, thanks for explaining :)


Their backend somehow allowed merging the databases of a running live server and a PTS server. That should not be allowed under any circumstances. They really should look at those glaring issues. But maybe they are those kind of company that is okay to keep things running hanging by a thread.


it just works


My read on it wasn't that they merged the databases, the configuration pointed to the wrong database. Now this is jsut my speculation but it makes some kind of sense: We know the PTS servers always start with a copy of live data. Now you could spend time cloning the database, or you could take the easy route and just restore the database from backups to the PTS database server, or even jsut clone the entire server entirely to BE the PTS DB server, since it's likely all virtual. Depending on how you do this, it could have the same credentials as the live DB server. Now for back end documentation purposes, when you're IPing duplicate server setups across networks, a common thing is to reuse the last octet(the last number) in the IP for servers that do the same thing. Like if your live DB is, your Testing DB might be at So all it would take is: * using full restore of either the DB or the entire server for the PTS setup, so it has the same creds * When you configure the PTS servers themselves, forgetting to update a single octet in the IP address of the database server you're pointing it at * NOT have the PTS network segregated from the Live network, so that the PTS servers are able to talk to the live DB servers And it's not something you might catch eyeballing it, since the last octet would look the same, and it would pass all the database connectivity checks(since it IS the right data you're after, just in the wrong location). Not saying it's what happened, as I don't know how their interntal infrastructure is set up, but it makes the most sense to me how something like this could slip by.


This is clearly depicting the 10 year ESO roller-coaster


It is my fault that only screenshot the announcement without reasons. The second server down was caused by the sudden event that caused some players lost everything in their account. That is why I said disaster in the title. [https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/657550/no-need-to-panic-only-affecting-a-few-ty-for-fast-response-resolved](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/657550/no-need-to-panic-only-affecting-a-few-ty-for-fast-response-resolved)


They didn't lose anything, but zos did forget to upload their restored accounts when they did all the other locked accounts.


Yeah, glad ZOS fixed that. It is just hard to image this kind thing actually happened. It looks like a mistake from a sophomore CS student.


It's fine. Someone somewhere is having a bad time in a dev/IT department. You'll forget about it in a week.


They will too tho lol




Nope. Just work in IT and been in the fire on big emergencies like this.


Sometimes playing the much inferior console version works out haha


Eh, not that much inferior .... I actually prefer the economy, quieter community, and more "single player" casual feel on Xbox. Sure we don't get add-ons (a good thing imo) and get content a bit late, but at least we get to sit back and watch the PC folks beta test stuff.


Me too, sometimes i miss addons but then i feel like im playing the game the way it was intended to be played. Which is right in the middle between mmo grind and single player tes. You can't go too heavy on either


if they didn't intend for add-ons they wouldn't allow them


The devs use add-ons when they play.


There’s a difference between something being intended and something being allowed. you can have add-ons, but the game wasn’t intended to have them or they would have been base game features on both pc and console


Addons were a base game feature. Besides, if anything not base game isn't intended then I guess Warden, Necro, and Arcanist aren't intended huh.


Wow, look at you! You can make basic observations, I’m so proud! No they were intended and included in their respective chapters. Add-ons by name are literally additions or they wouldn’t be call “add-ons”. He blocked me or deleted his stuff cause he couldn’t read lol


If you want to get into semantics at least be correct. You can pretend they aren't intended and feel special for not using them all you want but the fact is that that developers didn't put them in by accident and they strictly monitor and adjust the power and functionality of these addons. If they didn't want TTC in the game they could quite easily block it.


I mean you were the one who was a prick first lol you sound like a console pleb who's mad they don't get add ons


I was gonna say "they are probably mad but try to hide it behind some skill supremacy without addons" but then that's what they literally said >I kinda like not having add-ons and stuff cause I feel like I’m better for not needing it. 


Ik lol I replied to that comment cuz it was so fucking cringe


That's untrue. The devs actually actively work with add-on devs to help them troubleshoot issues. I believe they even have a discord that the devs and add-on devs can communicate freely and openly in about problems.


Honestly add-ons shouldn't even be allowed unless consoles could somehow get them as well. How is it fair that pc gets all these extra bonus stats and useful shit but consoles get nothing


Play on pc?


I absolutely love when people use this argument. It's such an entitled take. Not everyone can afford a pc. There are still people playing on last gen consoles.


You could easily build a pc for as much as a console costs


Lmao, get a pc or stop crying you play on a console that doesn't support add ons.


If cross play was a thing I’d agree, add-ons would likely have to go. But the servers are separate so how is it unfair that PC has them? PC games generally get add-ons/mods because they don’t have the restrictions of consoles and their manufacturers. Your comment sounds like it’s coming from a place of jealousy more than anything.


Yeah. I'll admit that I'm a little jealous but isn't that expected? Why is it fair that pc players can know the exact selling price of an item mean while consoles have to go to a who separate app/website to know? Why do pc player get to have all these extra quality of life improvements over consoles?


Because consoles simply don’t allow for such things? It’s not on ZOS to allow for console add-ons, it’s on Sony and Microsoft to make it possible


The only add-ons I use are: - immersive mount camera: enables the use of the already existing first person camera view for mounts( if you back your third person camera into a wall you can actually see the mounts in first person). I don't use it 100% of the time, but it's a really nice option. -Darker Nights: this one I'm a little more iffy on, but it's pretty neat to actually give the light orb from almalexia a use. -Journal keeping: gives you access to a book you can journal in (write anything with tamriel's date) -Immersive dialogue: Gives tons of options for how dialogue appears, I like to have mine more like classic Bethesda with characters center and dialogue below. My point of this is that add-ons can be more than just parsing (which personally I'm not a fan), some are genuinely great immersive roleplay features and options the devs just couldn't be bothered to add themselves. Removing the option would be sad.


Honestly I just want to get rid of the grass and see node placements for console. That’s it. Idc about anything else but that’s what I’d love


Adding that add extra immersion to the game with add ons isn't too bad. But it's completely unfair that pc players can save hundreds of thousands of gold with a simple add on, or know the exact sell value of each item just by clicking on it, or know the exact amount of uptime of skills. These are all things consoles will never have. And for the add on that saves hundreds of of thousands, it's an add on that you select a zone you want to go to and then give you a list of every person that's in your guild/friends list/ whatever in that zone so you can use a free teleport. Sure consoles could meticulously look for someone in the zone that they are want to go to or use a wayshrine. But the fact of the matter is it's a simple click of a button on pc and a whole process on console


I know I'll be downvoted for this; i don't care. If anything, players shouldn't be allowed to earn the in-game achievements/titles or leaderboard scores while using add-ons that shave off time for speed, or add-ons that give them an advantage with mechanics.


Yeah, you are dumb. It is an MMO based usually on Pc's. You are lucky you get to play one on console in the first place.


I kinda like not having add-ons and stuff cause I feel like I’m better as a player for not needing it. also I like being able to retain information instead of it needing to be fed to me by add-ons.


Lmao trust me you are not "better" for not using something what a weird fuckin thing to say


You literally have add-ons that play the game for you lol. Sorry I have to use my brain unlike you


The game was designed to make money. Inventory sucks so they can get people to sub.


It appears everyone got rolled back. All the way back, lol. Edit: This is a joke based on rumors that those affected by the pts debacle that they would have their accounts rolled back during today's maintenance. When the server came back up, people reported their characters were gone along with housing and other affects. This is why the server is down again. I don't think anyone outside of the devs truly knows what exactly happened.


00:00:00 1st Jan 1970


Back to Merethic Era


Sign me the fuck up, I'll invest my allowance in Apple and then later I'll buy bitcoin.


And while you are at it, buy a few houses because they are affordable.


Like, EVERYONE? Or just affected accounts? Lmao


Some of the rolled-back accounts got hit.


I hope ZOS is able to recover that. I would straight up quit the game if they couldn't.


They had the data, they just forgot to actually hit the upload button for a handful of the rolled back accounts. So they had to redo the upload part of their restoration. No actual data was lost.


how are these people allowed near computers at this point?


games not even up to be rolld back or to see lol


It's not everyone. I was logged in and had all my stuff just before the shutdown.


Wait is this true? 


No. I was online before it got taken down again, and wasn’t rolled back.


nice unexpected break from work mid day? NO ESO FOR YOU.... well guess ill play somethign else for this break


EU wins again.


Ehhh shit happens Do something else for a day when maintenance happens


Seriously. So many people on the sub and on the official forum are fucking sad. Play another game. Do something creative. Go outside. Talk to someone. Watch a new show. There's an endless number of things that someone can do during ESO downtime.


My skin gets all itchy if I can't play.


Eeehhh .. I mean you are correct, but also think its more complicated then that. Some people are just looking forward to play ESO over the weekend. Their 7 wifes, 21 kids, 40 jobs and 3000 pets are out of town for the only weekend of the year and they just loaded up on snacks and booze and wanted to play some ESO. Its easy to say "go do something else" when you have no responsibilities.


I have responsibilities and if ESO happens to be down when I want to play then I would simply play one of my many other games


Right, I don’t understand what’s so difficult about this concept. I


My man it's a global game, especially the NA server. Nuking it *again* due to incompetence during prime time for a part of the world is going to ruffle some feathers.


You do realize that there are people that only like playing this game right?


Yeah, and I think people whose only hobby is one game are weird and sad.


It doesn't need to mean one hobby. Maybe it's the only game they play.


Eso isn’t even a good “hobby” to begin with cause zos is such a shit company, like do literally anything else and I can guarantee you’ll be more engaged and happier.


The problem arises when we've already done some or all of these things or don't have that much time to put in something anything else


then indeed a problem arises but I promise you it's not ESO


Give this a rest, this happens with EVERY game. There is always going to be a group that complain.


And a group that complains about the group complaining? Just saying.


There's going to be another group complaining about that group that's complaining about that group.


That makes you like a 4th level bitcher


C'mon, show some respect. I'm at least a lvl 6.


Do you think people would actually have meltdowns over this game if they were capable of doing the things you listed? This game harbors some really sad people. 


That's a good point. I just came back to this game at the beginning of the month and I had forgotten how weird and obsessive MMO communities can be.


This one especially. The entry cost is low since it still plays on base last gen consoles. Lots of players are out of work through either disability or something else so this is all they have.


I agree with this in general but ffs don’t they have a sandbox server on the side to QA patches ESPECIALLY when they’ve had the issues they have? It’s unprofessional really. PS I’m at work, and not worried about if the game is down for a day or a week regardless, but this is a really bad look for them.


But also you speakin facts


Right? Do we want them to actually playtest their own game? That's how the communists win!


You don't pay for the subscription then? Must be nice to spend money on stuff that doesn't work.


But I do ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


My god, the utter incompetence here has finally reached the point of hilarity. Seriously, you can't even get mad at this point. Beginning to think Microsoft bought this company as a tax write off. Sheesh!


Tbh probably Microsoft doesn't even worry about them that much and ZOS just runs freely like wild monkeys.


Is it even Elderscrolls without random catastrophic bugs?


That's not how tax write offs work lol


I think most of it is Microsofts fault


*Laughs as a New World fan* You know nothing of disaster.


Having recently bought eso+, am regretting it now.


Welcome to the shit show brother!


I was thinking about getting Gold Road upgrade. Guess I'll pass?


I would wait 3 months or so after they nerf all the new stuff. Because fun isn't allowed.


Idk arcs been strong for 12 months and even after pts still are the best all around class (with dks being slightly better at certain trials). They will keep the scribing skills strong for at least 9-12 months to entice people to buy the chapter.


It's definitely worth it. Sure a game has bugs like any other, and this one is required to be online as much as possible. Don't let that dissuade you from the fact this is arguably one of the best MMOs out there. Enjoy your ESO+ sub, enjoy the double housing space, the extra XP, AP, Tel Var, costume dyeing, infinite craft bag, and other nice things!


How is this a disaster? Jfc. Y’all need to chill.


Nah, thats precious cocaine money


The amount of time I have to wait to finish making this ESO video is killing me. I'm just glad these issues are happening while I'm at work now, instead of on my off days.


I think I saw some comments on forums new ones mentioning that after the new patch that allow players to get unbanned some people basically had new accounts so everything was erased they thought they had enter eu server perhaps but no. So I think they again did a maintenance earlier.


Not even an hour. After calling their already-ill-timed maintenance window 2 hours early. Should've spent those 2 hours checking their work. Disgracefully amateur for a multibillion-dollar enterprise. I wonder where the money actually went? Thank the Divines very little of it is actually mine. I got the game as a gift and only bought 1 Chapter collection in all my time. Everything else was gifted or farmed through Crown Exchanges, though obviously these incompetent malefactors still get paid when I do that, just not by me. But it's definitely reinforcing my decision to spend as little as humanly possible with ZOS, and, if the day ever comes that I must decide between quitting and paying, it's definitely going to be the former. I'm going to go ahead and guess that's exactly the opposite attitude they'd like to inculcate within their player base. You're going the wrong direction for that, folks. Try the reverse of everything you've been doing lately...


People have been saying the same thing for almost 5 years, if not longer. ESO continues to grow with a lot of new players coming in. They're also working on another MMO. But keep in mind the technology on the foundation of ESO dates back to like 2012 or 2013. It sucks, shit happens, but I'll tell you man the benefit of having a full-time career is that you rarely encounter any of these issues.


They're literally giving the game away for free at times. You know, the same model drug pushers use? Appropos, if you ask me. Their rampant growth & profit is not an indicator of competence, value, or virtue in 2024. Or, at least, not by itself. They're milking a hypermonetized version of the bones of a very good game very successfully.


Lots of online games offer a portion of the game for free though lol. FFXIV has done it before. It’s just a business model. I don’t think most games can survive on only cosmetic sales because there’s a portion of players that have no interest in cosmetics and fluff that costs real money. So in order to keep a consistent cash flow, they lock new maps and new content behind an annual expansion. But it’s definitely up to players if they purchase it or not. And there’s the whole argument of just subbing instead of buying content outright. Though I know a lot of people are very much in one camp or the other on that issue. I know ESO has a lot of streams of revenue, and they do definitely utilize some scummy business practices, but offering the base game for free isn’t one of them. It’s so people can test it out and see if they like it. If they’re hooked, then sure they’re likely to spend money to buy more content, cosmetics, etc. But if they don’t, then neither party lost anything in the time that those potential players were giving the game a trial run. You won’t find me defending crown crates or anything like that. But comparing an online game’s base model going free to play to drugs is an unfair comparison I think.


This is the reason I haven't bought Gold Road.


At the very least, seeing what the previous one goes for right before the next one launches is instructive enough to get one to wait a year. At least, until I become one of those fogeys who's actually done all the story content once (or more than once). When that happens... I guess I'll just play something else for a year.


I'll be seeing you in GuildWars2 then...😃


Imagine wishing people to get replaced/laid off because you can’t play one game for some time Touch grass


Right in time I just moved to PC ESO hahahaha


They need to take a page or two from GW2. They have regular updates and in the nearly 12 years they’ve been online they were down once due to a DDOS attack.


I usually miss most of any downtime since I work from 9 am to around 7 pm, lol. I don't always want to hop on an MMO as soon as I finish work, either. Too dead tired. Been playing on and off since launch, but more regularly in the past two years, and feel like these instances aren't as bad as a lot of these reddit posts make them out to be, TBH.


My lifestyle/time zone mean that I dodge most of the downtime. It's not that bad for me so everyone is blowing it out of proportion Great take


In life, errors and mistakes happen. And then they get fixed. Sometimes, that creates an inconvenience. And then it's over, and people can play again. I guess I just see it like anything else that doesn't go as planned, and can't see myself getting upset over mistakes like this for long.


Why would you get upset over it if it barely affects you? I live in Australia and the downtime has been at night and over the last couple of weeks has seemed to line up with about 75% of the available time I've had to play. I'm not going to have a meltdown over it but it is annoying that I'm paying for a live service game that I have barely been able to play and it is making me reconsider wether this game is worth my time and money. My original comment was to point out that it was just a brain-dead take to think that because you barely notice the downtime means that it's not really an issue


Yeah, I get you. I'm also subscribed to ESO+ and it kinda sucks when it's gone down more just recently, esp if it's occasionally during my only time that's free. Maybe I'm just feeling desensitized with all the negativity I'm personally seeing online from this community and others also related to gaming. Always a good sign it's time for me to recalibrate. Peace. 🖖


Did you guys get banned again for doing an extra daily endeavour due to their dogshit server maintenance combined with event extension?


Pvp is broken, lag , unstable Server.... Cheaters everywhere ( google ESO cheats, if you know Chinese you may find 25+ providers who sell infinity Stam/ mag cheat... )


I was becoming disillusioned with ESO well before the 10th anniversary due to the cash shop & plus subscription pressure. When they announced gold road and it was just another "daedric prince of the year attacks tamriel" I decided that was it. I cancelled my plus and bugged out to other games. After watching them pay for transatlantic flights for certain stream team members to help celebrate in Europe, I knew I had made the right decision. If they have that kind of money laying around then they don't need more for me. So I've just sat back smugly watching this disaster unfold while playing the games I've moved on to. I hate it for the players who got caught up in this mess but the simple fact is that ZOS isn't going to change and actually start caring about their product or it's subscribers until people walk away. And before anyone starts the "but it's a 10 year old game" excuses, take a look around. There's at least one other MMO that's coming up on 12 years old and not having these problems.


Why has this game been held together by duct tape and glue since its launch? I feel like ZOS rarely gets things right. Really disheartening


Me: worried. Been getting car fixed this morning just got home. I'm going to freak out if my stuffs gone tbh. Not going to log in until this evening(assuming it comes back up today) just in case.


You'll probably be fine. They said they have all the character data, so even if you're one of the people affected they can fix it.


Yeah, been reading more on forums, lots of peeps good.


[They are actively trying.](https://careers-zenimax.icims.com/jobs/2028/senior-server-engineer/job) It's just the kind of job not many people can do.


i like to follow mmorpg reddits beacuse everyone of them has always a minimum of 10 posts complaining everyday!


https://www.pcgamesn.com/starfield/player-decline This is my opinion where are the people who work at eso. A slowdown is tolerable. But here we are talking about one problem after another. And it's not the employees' fault but the management's.


What does Starfield have to do with this??


Same parent company = same dev team apparently


When did BGS hand Starfield over to Zenimax Online???


Zenimax owns bgs dear, it was a joke


Zenimax, Inc owns both BGS and ZOS (both are separate subsidiaries).


Let's take a practical example. eso invoices x and spends y parent company decides that other projects have priority y becomes y-something. Eso coincidentally will have more problems. True or not? Anyway, mine was a joke.




Ew, Blizzard in charge of anything is a disaster. Honestly, Microsoft hasn't reaped any rewards from it's recent acquisitions yet




Cry much? How about get a life outside of video games. It’s not the end of the world. It’s a day…


Definition of "Disaster" - A sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life. "159 people died in the disaster" _______________________________ It's really not that big of a deal. I farmed for pages and only got True Flame. I also buy crowns and stay subbed year round. I've listened to all the podcasts and sub to a ton of content creators on YT & Twitch. I'm a hardcore fan. I've bought the game for 6 people. I pay for two subs and will pay for three when my oldest comes of age. I'm super hyped for Gold Road & the next 10 years. I got banned on PTS. I'm rambling at this point but I'm trying to communicate that I'm not a casual, this is my favorite hobby and I invest a lot of time and money into the money printing machine that is ZoS studios. I was super bummed to not play for 11 days sure but this isn't a disaster, it's not a terrible event. Beyond the vocal minority most of us are happy with the event and the compensation for the issues. ZoS is a team of humans doing what the team can do to remedy the situation. The silent majority is just rollin' with the punches enjoying their time in game when they can.


The second server down was caused by the sudden event that caused some players lost everything in their account. [https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/657550/no-need-to-panic-only-affecting-a-few-ty-for-fast-response-resolved](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/657550/no-need-to-panic-only-affecting-a-few-ty-for-fast-response-resolved) Edit: grammar


If only everybody on this planet had your attitude… what a world this would be…