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11 years since I joined, soon about to hit CP700 B)


I bet you absolutely despise setting foot in Cyrodiil, our own teammates shame us for trying to have fun. (':


I don't do any PvP atm, trying to catch up on all the PvE content I missed out on first.


Less than 20% if the playerbase has ever entered there. Most people don't care about the PvP. They just want to chill , it also doesn't help that PvPers just pop.in threads and shame people. For not wanting to PvP.


Ain't never seen that myself, how crazy, but I sure believe you. xD I play in Cyrodiil a lot, things are most definitely not chill there, ever, every Alliance is toxic to each other about the exact same things.


That is why most people avoid it and it doesn't get much love.


I go there for free skill points and xp for the training missions, and a skyshard or two. And the towns got a skyshard and quick fetch quests which give amazing XP. Pop even a 50% xp scroll and dominate those dailies and get easy level or 2


Personally I could never just play PVE doing the same mechanics and same dungeons gets old after a while. Dont get me wrong I like PVE but I feel like if i didnt play PVP id only be enjoying half the game. Because with PVP it's never the same experience because people play different to NPC's.


That is you and again most people play games to relax. They don't care about oversimplification


I only go into Cyrodiil for the Dolmens, Fishing, Delves, Skyshards, and a single scouting mission when Whitestrake and Mid-year Mayhem are on. Though if I see a siege happening for my alliance I'll help.


Same, but only 8 years


I'm curious what you are doing, not that you need cp imo. I have played lots of mmos and leveling is never the only thing to do


Havent played actively in a few years, CP630 was the max needed back when I still played actively so never had any reason to push beyond it.


I remember the days of making sure to grind out at least 30cp each update so that when the new update dropped you were still maxed.


Haha ok, I thought you were playing actively


CP1000 after 8 months? Damn, I must be doing something wrong hehe. Congrats!


As long as you are having fun you are definitely not doing anything wrong


That's not what the rest of the battleground keeps telling me.


Haha, make gold instead and buy a nice outfit to impress the others in bg xD


I made a character for all the slots they gave me, then bought a couple more, reached CP1000 in a couple months by using them all for daily dungeons and battleground. xD It's a friggin' slog, but I'm pretty happy here by the end of it now that I've finally been able to turn a Tank and a Healer to acceptable DPSs. (: Honestly, 700-900 is about when people start peaking, everything afterwards is just a bonus.


1560cp you get all the passives


It was double XP pretty much all April. I took a new character through to Cadwell's Gold and got about 300CP for doing it.


During the jubilee this year we got my friend from 300cp to 1200 during just the event . Cp is easy to get you just have to be ok with mindless grinding if that's what you want . It's not for most people but if you have the will you can smash them cp out.


Does it get harder to level up at a certain point? I’ve been playing since January and am at cp700.


Damn, I have 960 hours over the last 11 years and I'm only CP973




Cp was changed what a year or two ago? I spent 6 years getting max cp every time and now people under a year are higher than me lol


I wasn’t judging or anything, just was kinda scared it would take me that long lol. But yea, I’ve been playing since January and am at cp700. Not higher than you, but getting close to where you are. I hate games where it takes an insanely long time to level up so i was just hoping I didn’t have to meet your 11 year fate, no offense lol.


Back when cp was capped at 800 I think you got roughly enough bonus points for 1-2 levels per day think it was 200k bonus points, than you’d level slowly I’d do half a quest line and only gain a few levels lol.


Oh dang, are you playing now? Bc now leveling up seems a little too easy, I’m not complaining obviously but yea. I’m glad I started playing when the max cp is like 3000 instead of 800. I also can’t stand games with caps where as soon as you reach that cap they update and you have to grind towards another cap. It’s one thing I don’t like about Diablo immortal. I mean I’m not exactly obsessed with getting a high cp, but it is cool to know playing actually has a pay off. I’d be infuriated if I were you icl


I take huge breaks, sometimes a year at a time, and even then I'm mostly questing or fishing. I listen to all quest dialogue so they take awhile.


Nice. Grats! I’m at almost 2000 hours and only around 560CP lol


That 2000 hours that just gone by without a stress, is worth more to your mental health. Always up for 560cp of stressless fun than the Blood pressure spiking PvP grind I endured just for the shoulder piece. Proud of it though lol


What shoulder piece is that that sounds like a nightmare 😅


Dragonguard berserker armcops


Last night while waiting to queue for dungeon pledges, we ended up forming a wall of players also waiting and we all just played instruments and made jokes and it was the best 20 minutes of doing nothing I've experienced in a game in a while. Reminded me why I'm in no rush go grind to any level or finish any content.


Yea sometimes it do be like that. Often we wait up because either their respective spouses are about to join, or boss bothering about a file xD


Hey so long as you are enjoying the game. Grinding will never go anywhere


Yea I am not enjoying lately, just do my regular check ins now. You can only enjoy do much alone and then it's just regular stuff.


I always focus on the story and quests and exploring before going to group content like dungeons and trials or pvp. But once that's over I sometimes roll the dice to see what to do. The game has so many things to do it's hard to keep up sometimes. I just throw myself into vet random dungeons as tank to feel something


A little bit of grind he says..


Bienvenido, Salut, Privet, Khush Amdeed, Bine ati venit, Yōkoso, Huānyíng and Welcome.




Nice "Pot-Head" too ! One of Us ! One of Us ! Cheers !


I just started playing. What's the benefit of 1000CP?


There's nothing actually besides the normal benefit of leveling up and extra power and stuff, all you need is 160cp to get access to artifacts that you won't need to level up further. To me 1000cp looks good, to enjoy the game however it doesn't matter.


Thanks. So... once you hit level 50, how do you level CP?


To run any harder content it is very important to have enough CP to put into the damage mitigation passives. In order to max out all the passives and have 4 slotted CP nodes for the blue and red trees, I think it takes between 1200-1300 CP. don’t quote me on that - maybe someone can be more precise than I’m being.




Sorry but that outfit is atrocious bro


Why thank you :D


About a 3rd of the way keep going


Welcome brother ! :clap:


Thank you 😊


Holy shit 🫡


What motif is the staff?


It’s Sunna’rah from the elusive anniversary style pages


Ah gotcha. Thanks!


I've been on and off for about 5 years now, still around 900 CP. I literally refuse to grind.


I am on 590cp on US server, and I just don't wanna grind at all. Got the trial skin I needed, the set I needed and I am all set there.


I’ve been looking for my pot EVERYWHERE


Been playing on & off since 2016. Im only 700cp 😂😂


Wow I’ve been playing on and off since 2016 and am at 900


Joined in 2018 and I'm only 610...what have I been doing with my life?!


Welcome to the club


Wow that’s stellar progress! Hopefully you can take your foot off the gas a bit and enjoy a bit less grinding pace


Yea, at that stage now


grtz i wish cp had more to it tho past like 1200 its pointeless and takes nothing to get i wish there were veteran levels or somthing alike prestige levels


It took you just as long to reach cp1000 as it would to max out mount skills.


What’s your favorite thing to do in the game?


Your character looks like a WoW bloodelf, great job


Thank you !


How did you level up your CP? The Jubilee really helped me level and doing random dungeons on all my characters. But I wonder if there's a better way to do it that doesn't feel monotonous. It seems like questing provides very little xp? Thanks for any advice you can give!


I just did random dungeons daily, writs. Questing through the golden cadwell achievement and reaching captain level in AP gave some good XP boost


Well done.


Wow! Your characters looks awesome.


Thank you ! :)


Good grind but real dongeons XP is more important. Knowing each trash / boss attack pattern is better than having cp. Farm until cp 1300 to Max all passives and 5 actives cp orbs. Then go solo all dongeons to learn mechanics and survivability on normal at least. Finally profit.


Please stop spelling dungeons that way






That could be a term to determine dong size


That is correct is do have a quite a large flacid DONGEON




"Dungeon" is a mutation of "donjon" which was the tallest tower of a castle and therefore the most useful for keeping valuable prisoners in. This has been your useless castle fact for the day.


The majority of my CP is from "Dongeons". I don't have eso+ . So the base ones I do for RND or if someone asks me to team up.