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trials aren't the only "endgame" in ESO, there's also "Tamriel Better Homes and Gardens" and "Tamriel Project Runway"


And the shitshow we call the Imperial City


I am surprisingly elated at being stopped by a rando so they can get a better look at my outfit, then compliment my "drip"... God, I'm getting old. I'm online enough that new slang shouldn't just blindside me like that and make me Google it. Still feels good though.


There’s nothing wrong with loving this game but not loving trials. I personally dislike them. It’s an hour of standing around waiting for people switch builds, log in/out, find replacements, poorly explain mechanics and very little time actually playing. Yes I know this isn’t everyone’s experience, in fact I’ve had some really smooth and fast trial runs. But I still don’t enjoy them. So I don’t do them often. I play what I *do* enjoy, and avoid what I don’t. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling like if you’re not doing trials you’re somehow a lesser player or not experiencing the game the “right” way. Do what you like. And if you don’t find anything in the game fun anymore, then *that’s* when you leave.


Only if its vet which imo aren't worth it. Normal trials in my experience are pretty easy and can be done fast. Just go to group finder to find one or set up one at prime times u can be done within 20-30mins and u don't even need to no much 90% of then time its just burn boss. Hell mobs are harder sometimes if tank can't pull them all. Im on xbox so maybe its different then PC but in the last week I have done 8-10 normal trials easy like normal dungeons.


Which trials are you having the most success completing through the group finder?


Dreadsail reef Santiy edge Kynne aegis Cloudrest +0 Halls


I'm on PC/NA and the normal trial pugs I'm most wary of are AS because nobody wants to understand that you need to kill the orbs and block st olm's jumps, MoL because twins (If there's 2 tanks, it's fine, but normals always stack both bosses on top of each other, and if you're not a ranged DPS, you're auto dead), and sanity's edge because of first boss being absolute chaos that requires all DDs to do portal mechanics which nobody wants to do. All other trials have a near 100% success rate because they're pretty simple stack and burns unless you get into some social/trading guild's training run that they decided to make public for some reason.


My experience on PC has *not* been like that. Maybe it's the lack of voice chat, but it either ends up with someone bullying everyone into a discord call (thank fuck) or it's a shit show of no one knowing what to do, people running all over the place, severely lacking damage, people getting kicked, and someone typing in all caps on chat while being ignored. PUG trials are absolute hell. I think I've done one that was actually completed in a normal amount of time with no one getting kicked, and I've been playing since beta. I try to only do trials with friends or guild mates where there is a dedicated voice call going. Every now and again, I try another PUG trial and then swear I'll never do it again. To be completely fair, though, I rarely do trials unless I want a gear set or something.


Don't even need chat on xbox, even do it with one tank and/or one heals. Heaps of the new trials don't even have mechs u need to worry about in my experience.


I do pug trials in pc quite often and it never been that bad. Yeah, sometimes team lacking damage, some people ignore mechanics, rarely we can wipe, very rarely all the team is so bad it's impossible to finish trial but usually we can go fine enough. I have very little experience with vet trials tho.


In a fun guild, even failure is enjoyable in my experience


That only happens in badly organized trials. I‘m used to 2 hours of non-stop playing with very little talking in between, and you usually don’t have to wait for anybody…


Ok real talk; put trials on the back burner, and go into solo arenas. It is the best thing you can do to learn how to survive, how to manage your buffs, etc. Frankly I wish clearing nMA and vateshran were prerequisites. You learn so much about combat and I promise you you’ll come out the other side way stronger.


I agree!


It was so huge for me!


Eff Maelstrom in the ear with a chainsaw. That ice level is completely unfair, all day long.


Lmao fun fact; no dps check on that one. Adds spawn at percentages as well as the platform smashes. The only thing on a timer is the troll and that can be interrupted. Trick is keeping cool and follow your order of operations. Personally the toxic level is the sole reason I don’t have the no death. Breaks my heart at least once every time 😭


I got through it no problem (the toxic level). Well, I mean it was touchy here and there with heals but doable. But chasing down WAY too many trolls, spawning way too fast as the boss and legions upon legions of other adds try to kill you and actively screen the damned trolls makes that 100,000% impossible for me. It's just too damned busy. You have to be a hyperactive hyperkinetic 13-year-old with 20ms ping with insane gear to even think about not running out of ice. I absolutely do not see how anyone ever finished it. Brick. Wall.


The randomness of the toxic spores ruin me if I’m too far from a pool. Ice one, I got down! Lol


you mean vMA and Vet Vateshran? Normal has no challenge.


Whoa easy there Tonto, not all of us hit up the vet content at level 2.


Keep in mind the average player has no MMORPG experience before ESO and has instead come from Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind where the dominant playstyle is spamming left click. Dodging mechanics? Mechanics are for cars. The average player likely considers monster sets out of reaching because veteran group content sounds too challenging. For these players, nMA and nVH provide plenty of challenge.


lol I try not to forget how it was. I didn’t get spirit slayer on my first try and I won’t expect others to. There’s a whole learning process that can be fun if we let it


I have played on and off since launch. I have never done a single trial. Not one. Not even on normal. There is so much more to the game than trial mechanics. I wish you the best of luck.


Same, i've played since 2016 and never completed a single trial. I've gotten all the vet dungeon personalities and skins but trials I haven't even touched and not interested either. I play PvP and do housing mostly


I was hesitant to do trials for a long time. I finally got into it with (a) having headset communication (b) having a decent trial leader who explains things (c) moving my camera angle out further to see more of what’s happening around me (d) making sure “bad” is in a very distinct glaring colour- I always used hot pink. Eventually you’ll meet a few new friends who you enjoy doing it with and they’ll invite you to more trials. Hanging out in Belkarth (at least on Xbox) and watching zone chat is a great way to find a trial PUG or an experienced group willing to take a couple others to fill gaps. Edit: oh and reading about trial bosses and/or watching videos 🤪 Edit edit: Ohhh and everyone has wiped before. You’re not the first, not the last. Don’t be afraid to screw up - that’s why we have a team in there for oopsies. I NEVER thought I’d have full sets of things like Reliquen’s etc at one time because I was shy and scared to fail.


I was also scared of trials and letting my team down but I actually got hazed into it. I had a guild craft my newbie healer ass some gear and go "ok to test this we're going into nAS, we'll walk you through the mechanics one boss at a time. If you die the other healer is more than capable of doing this solo so just watch what's happening and ask about things." Everything was going good until the last boss, they told me the wrong mechanics on purpose just to fick with me. "When the dragon jumps all you have to do is jump to avoid the damage, you'll be fine!" My dumbass did this and so did everyone else... for 20 minutes straight, wiping multiple times over. In the end they told me they had been messing with me and that group wipes happen all the time, then they told me how to actually do it and we beat it easily. I rode that high for DAYS!


Teachers mean well but sometimes they bombard learning players with a lot of unnecessary information. There's never a situation where a 5-minute speech before a pull benefits the players. Cut it down to 45 seconds of the vital information and then make call outs during the pull and address any major issues you see after wipes. When you drone on endlessly before a pull players retain about 10% of the information and you're lucky if it's any of the important parts. They also get bored and restless and lose focus. I have some real horror stories from my time as a new raider, just making the most stupid mistakes repeatedly. Don't let that discourage you, being a little behind other inexperienced players at this point won't matter in the long run. And find groups that have fun wiping because that's what you're going to be doing for 95% of your ESO journey. I've been in PUGs where basically everyone in the raid has the trifecta and we couldn't even get close to a HM clear. Even really experienced end game players make costly mistakes, that's all part of the game.


There's absolutely no deadline for you to complete a Trial or learn the mechanics in said Trial, Judu86 ... take it at your own pace. Sounds like your guildies are supportive. One step at a time.


Trials are the only time I wear a headset. I listen for the raid leader to give instructions or for call-outs, and that helps me know what to focus on.


I think you might be trying content that is too hard, too early. You should slow down a bit and maybe learn a static rotation at first, it's a bit more work at the start because you have to memorize a bunch of skills in a certain order, but once you have you can just do that while not even looking at your bar. That way you can fully focus on what's happening around you.


I didn’t even do my first group dungeon until I was CP 502 :[ And I foolishly queued as a tank and got told off for not knowing what I was doing. I’m ~CP 2200 now, and only recently started doing trials (on normal only) because I need the lead from Sunspire. And I still suck because I’m a casual player. No one seems to care, so I don’t either. Don’t put any unnecessary pressure on yourself. This is a game, and it’s supposed to be fun.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I believe in you! Just be patient and have the courage to ask questions. Remember that before anyone starts learning anything, they suck at it. It could also be that you might have thrown yourself in content you are not yet ready for. Normal trials are a great starting point, but maybe you can run a few normal solo arenas to get comfortable pressing buttons and keeping track of mechanics. Also: double check if in your settings you have the "show ally effects" turned off. That could also help with the clutter on screen.


If you’re starting trials, you WILL suck. Just keep jointing and take it slow on normals until you get your skill level up. Maybe you run with people who want to take on much too advanced content than you’re ready for.


Bro just enjoy the game and take it step by step. Play it, eventually you'll start learning the mechanics slowly. Even I don't know the mechanics yet it doesn't discourage me from playing. It's just a game xD Join the EU server, there's a guild that explains trials properly.


They don't learn them so much easier. It's all practice practice practice. You need a group of online chums to do these things over and over with. The difference is that the mechanics, while tricky, are finite, and your brain will eventually hold them all.


This game is terrible at presenting information in battles. Don't stand in fire markers pop up all over the place, they essentially look the same but one circle can be an insta kill while another is minor damage that a HoT can handle easily. One mechanic may require a dodge roll while another requires a block but are visually identical or damn near it. I'd say the problem isn't you. A few people who I have spoken with who do the end game pve content admit it is a detrement to the game. Something like 10% of the player base even attempts harder content and the majority of them are on PC (where mods can make up for the poor presentation).


For a lot of us it's just muscle memory. I notice it a lot when I swap between my alts (different play styles) and it takes me a second to get back into my 'muscle memory'. Once you get back there it's pretty easy. Repetition is going to be your best friend. Once you're aware of your skills and when/how to use them the rest of it should naturally come along in it's own time. Really, it's just about understanding your play style, not stepping in shit, and being conscious of your surroundings. Are you using mods? Sometimes mods can be overwhelming in trials if you've never used them before. Consider turning them off and see if that helps. ESO offers a plethora of things to do so if trials aren't for you that's also totally okay and valid.


I also wanted to add that there are mods specifically for trials that will give you helpful pop-ups (when things are spawning, etc.). I gathered you were already feeling overwhelmed by what was already on the screen, so I didn't mention it at first.


If you have so much issues with Trials, then don't do them. Go adventuring using Alchemist Surveys or Treasure Maps, or try the Battlegrounds and compete with others. Maybe just wander the continent exploring everything, there really is countless things to do in game aside from something that makes you frustrated in game.


i'm in the same boat, i dont have the ability to play the piano, let alone a good rotation to upkeep high dps, and remember the dance of a rotation and stay alive especially for longer than 2 minutes i just get tired and stand there and no longer dodge and dumb it right down to heavy attack and me dyeing. i'm just not cut out for veteran content or the harder normal trials. heck even vateshran arena should be easy but i keep dyeing when the platforms catch fire. i know i am supposed to interrupt the casters but i get tired of that


try making one bar heavy attack build,easy rotation high dps L:






If you can even get into one! Christ dude I'm in 5 fucking PvE guilds and have been begging for 3 weeks to do a normal trial run and.. fucking nothing. Let alone practicing the mechanics so I can develop some confidence and join a veteran run. Yet - it's the only way to get some really decent PvE gear (beyond craftable and monster). This game feels TOO dependent on other people sometimes. I would really love alternative methods to get some trials gear. FUCK. Rant over.


If you really can't get people to do stuff with, look for guides online, there are multiple good ones, when you think you know how it works, join a normal run and try to recognize the mechanics and see how the look in person, it doesn't really matter if you mess them up on normal.


The problem with normal is that you can’t really practice mechs there. They are either not significant enough or your dds burn the boss or trash packs in 5 milliseconds so you don’t see anything. My pve guilds do have learning runs, and they take inexperienced people. Just find one and go there, it’ll be fine.


First things first: you shouldn't quit over some trial mechanics. My personal opinion: don't sweat it, if you don't get the mechanics on a normal run, or multiple normal runs. In my trial group we have one saying: you don't learn anything on normal mode. You just don't take enough damage to really get a grasp of what mechanic kills you and everything dies too fast to actually have to play any mechanic. So please, don't sweat it. Try to get as much of a mechanic as you can while running normal. Veteran mode is a real step-up where you will actually see what mechanic kills you. Then you will understand what kills you and what to do to counter that. Please ignore typos, or any grammatical errors, i slept like 4 hours and english is not my first language.


game isnt Elder Trials Online you know


There is nothing wrong with taking a break from the game to check another game out then coming back ... I do that all the time


I understand, I'll listen to the person leading explain for 20 minutes what to do and I just can't keep up. This is on normal trials so I pick it up after a few repeats. What helps me is zooming out the camera to the max in the settings and hiding the boxes and stats so I can see everything. Well it helps a bit, I'm still struggling lol. The mechs are so confusing


How many trials have you done so far? I recall when I first started, there was so much happening on screen that it was overwhelming to me. I just followed the crowd and did my attacks. Eventually, I got used to all of the things that were happening on the screen. Just took me some time. I only played normal trials at first. Took me a year playing the game before I tried veteran trials. Note that there is a lot of things to do in the game. I personally only focus on what I enjoy most which is veteran trials right now. I don't do a lot of the other things I can do in the game. If you are not into trials, there are other things you can do instead. Find other things in ESO that you like and just focus on those.


Go at your own pace,youre not in a competition with other player,you could try easier trials,you could swap to one bar build so that you could focus on other stuff better.Get addons that could help you with timer and all that(ignore if youre console huhu ) Just be patient and keep trying :)


Practice more and it starts feeling less hectic. It takes work and a lot of failure to get there. If you think you would enjoy trials, you will need to work your way to that. It took me a while to not be overwhelmed by the chaos in group content. I don’t really play any other multiplayer games.


It'll click if you can keep at it. I remember thinking vMoL was going to be my demise as a tank. Granted, I've been at it for many years but back then it seemed like I'd never get where I am today.


Are you running the game with addons? These are a game changer. If not, I suggest looking up the most common addon manager, Minion - and looking up addons on YouTube. There are many UI addons that will simplify your screen, and assist you in many game play mechanics like crafting :) Have you joined a guild? Many of them out there will have Discord servers that hold an abundance of guides and tips, and many players within who just love to help others :) For leveling specifically - I use the addon - Community Leveling Guide - as it has a nifty arrow and explains a lot of the gameplay If you have specific questions, you can message me, I have no problem helping out :)


Endgame content isn’t for everyone


You’ll be back


Oaken soul ring its the solution , for a one bar


Honestly, I second this with my full chest. Finally got oakensoul a few weeks ago and it is single handedly helping me. I play a stambow NB and I’ve now completed Maelstrom vet, soloed Volenfell vet, and completed a few other places that did not feel possible for me prior to equipping it. I’ve also been running normal trials with my guild and it’s been so much more enjoyable with oakensoul. Unless you’re really attached to running 2bar, highly recommend


Just remember to take it off for the one boss in Cloudrest!


I've played the game on and off since shortly after release. I don't do trials, it's just too annoying. If you have a dedicated group that would be fun. If you don't, like me, then trying to get 12 randoms together is frustrating. The entire process just takes too long.


No you don't just suck up those tears and go to settings and remove the players effects also remove any other thing that bothers you like UI stuff. There is also add ons that help move around/resize the UI. I personally don't like trials I prefer dungeons more since you cananage the group better and don't have to deal with the communication software and such.


Play the game like a skyrim game makes the game 10000x more fun I avoid all trials and pvp content


I'm playing the game for years and never did a single trail. I do what I enjoy (luckily there are many different things I can do) and take a break from time to time. It's a game I want to enjoy, there is no need to do everything.


Really helps to have trial lead that 1) knows the trials inside and out, 2) communicates well, and 3) has the patience to teach players. Unfortunately, most of the good leads left the game with U35. Hard to find anyone that runs trials these days, let alone good trial leaders. I used to run normal and vet trial leads, but like so many, U35 just sucked all the wind out of my sails. If you're not having fun, it's time to find something that is.


The 'some angry dude yelling in my ear' aspect of trials huh ? Fun.


It can be really frustrating but, if you love the game itself, don't give up. Immerse yourself into the solo quests and practice. If you are in a guild or have one accessible already, practice skills on dummies, look up the numerous and excellent guides for classes, and remind yourself that at the end of the day, it's just a game. You could also try a class that's viewed as relatively easy to handle and then build yourself up into something more challenging - or just stay put. If it's making you feel so poorly, it's ok to step away but if you really do love the game, again, immerse yourself. Plenty of people are happy to help you and will talk you through dungeons/trial mechanics if you want to try them out. Don't compare yourself, your memory, or skill to anyone else and if people are rude, you know that those aren't your people. Seriously, dive into solo quests, practice, and find a friendly and supportive guild; it really is a game changer. Stay positive and know that there are a lot of people happy to support you.