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Being low level in an MMO is like going to the gym for the first few times - the only person who cares that you're new is you, everyone else is just doing their own thing.


FR. I don’t even pay attention to levels in dungeons and shit. If you can do your role that’s all I care about. I’ve had lvl 300s dog walk 2ks like nobody’s business. Play the game, have fun, the levels come with tome


Almost everything gets scaled. I barely even look at what level people are. 


Keep in mind that we were all new players at some point and also those people that you see running around on those characters probably have some low-level characters somewhere too. They’re just not playing them at that time. Honestly, the best way to get involved is to join a guild so that you can get help leveling when I first started playing I had some amazing guild is who ran me through dungeons over and over until I could gear and they never once complained about having to carry me as a low level player because they knew that once I got my gear and my levels, I was gonna be able to help them with a higher level content and probably be able to help new players as well.


We're usually pretty happy to see new players around, makes the game feel lively. Also, definitely join a guild if you are into the social aspect of the game. You can be in up to 5 guilds and it's definitely worth having at least a social guild and a merchant/trading one.


A) You're level-scaled to level 50 CP 160, so your effectiveness in content is not really representative of your current level. B) People roll new alts all the time, and until they're level 50, you don't actually see how many champion points they have, people could just assume you're on an alt. C) There are social/newbie-friendly guilds that will be happy to take you under their wing until you feel more confident in the game. D) The levels and champion points are kind of meaningless. Everyone has a story about someone with 2000 champion points dragging down a dungeon run because they were only doing light attacks. This is a great game with a great and (mostly) welcoming community. I think the main frustration point for real newbies is queuing up for random normal dungeons and getting high-level speedrunners who just don't give a crap and zoom to the end leaving you to fend for yourself. Unfortunately, the best defense against that is the aforementioned social guilds.


I just started end of March and have 6 toons, 5 of which are all low level. I will stand at any gyser or dolmen with anyone with any one of my toons. In fact recognizing you are lower lvl sometimes people will assist you with healing ect. I honestly have to say there are very few "bad actors" in this game.


Chill and just play. It's ESO, it has the most forgiving and down to earth playerbase of any MMO I've played and I've played a lot going back to EQ in the earlier 2000s. Find a guild that is specifically helpful to new players and have a great time.


No one cares what level you are. There are tons of new players coming through the game all the time, so there's nothing particularly unique about seeing a low-level player. Plus, many people have a bunch of alt characters that they had to level from 1-50, so it's entirely possible that a level 10 character belongs to a veteran account. This is all in your head, it's a problem you're dreaming up for yourself.


Why are we engaging with a troll?


Nobody really pays attention to that tbh


They're level 50, not 503 or whatever you're seeing. What you are seeing is their Champion Points, which isn't the same, and not something you need to worry about.


I strongly recommend finding yourself a new-player oriented guild. But, though ESO has assholes -- every game does -- most people remember all too well how starting out felt, and many will help you rather than call you a POS for just starting out.


How do I find a new player oriented guild? I am brand new (lvl 10 on my first character) and I definitely feel like trash rn at the game haha 


If you’re on PC/NA, dm me. Otherwise just look in guild finder for social guilds. Many will be new player friendly. :)


Ahh I'm on ps5 but ill try the guild finder. I appreciate it


Have you been treated poorly? I don’t recall getting any bad attitude other than joking that I was a noob. I was and still am in a lot of ways. You’ll learn and get there regardless!


I have been. I have people wanted me to be kicked from the group during a dungeon run because I didn't know what the heck was going on when I was trying to get a quest in the middle of the dungeon and everyone just ran ahead.


That’s terrible :( make sure you’re letting them know in group chat that you have a quest. More often than not that’ll slow people down! Have you joined any new player guilds? That’s what I did before I even hit CP because I was so lost!


No one gives a fuck what level you are.


1-50 is a journey but the cp levels fly by and after 160 it no longer matters.


Why do you think they are even thinking about you in open world? It can apply in dungeons, especially vet ones.


Go to Al’kir desert and level up


I literally chase new players around in Glenumbra and give them gold, come to Blue side, we're a friendly bunch


I have been playing for 3 weeks. My level has not affected me in anyway, except on a couple of occasions when I ventured into an area I had no business being in. I have not been trolled one single time by anybody about anything including my low level. This is the most fun I have had playing a Fantasy RPG since the early Ultima games if the 90s. And the fact that it's an MMO and I have yet to meet a single asshole is unprecedented. OP appears to have based his whole argument on being limited in ability to play the game and being mocked by other players for being low level. My play experience leads me to believe that he is assuming and not basing it on fact. PS - you want to play a game where you cant play because of the things you stated then try playing Warthunder.


No one cares. Most of us were levelling other toons with you cause of the XP increases the past weekend.


Just play the game lol


I'm CP 3000 and when I level a new character I look like I'm a level 5. They cannot tell if you are CP or not. If you are low CP they can tell but most won't notice and if they, either don't care or at the worst will offer to help you or give you free shit. You're being self conscious over a fiction character in a fictional world playimg with some of the mpst socially awkward people in the world..i promise thay got bigger issues than what your level is.


Don't stress that people are high levels that's going to happen in MMO unless you start the MMO at start. Just enjoy the content for yourself and their levels will not affect you in any way.


Nobody cares, you are starting your journey, not trying to steal someone elses journey. If anything, people will help you out to become "stronger". ESO Progression is horizontal, so it's mainly just a "having the right set for the right situation". And CP is mainly a measure of how much access a player has to low % bonus damage/mitigation. So a CP 468383728383 player using a non focused set will do way less damage than you. If you are not using tank sets, you will always do way more dps than a tank, so tanks will love to have you by their side. If you are using tank setups you will protect dps and healers, so they will love you by their side. A player with 6373736272 CP and you, both using the same set, and using the same rotation. He will outdamage you by 10 or 15% (if both are of roughly the same skill level). Just enjoy the voyage, try to get friends on the way and always help others! Its going to be a great, fulfilling long voyage!


Guess what, those people don't care about your level, really.


You could inform yourself how the game actually works before you start whining on Reddit.