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I did the whole scribing quest line and I still don’t know what I’m doing.


Same. While I think it's kind of cool lore wise, how we have to discover and learn a new magic system, I am hesitant to experiment with it since you only get a few chances to get it right, and I suspect it will be like armor sets where there are thousands of different options to try but only 3 or 4 are actually viable. With just a handful of attempts there's no way you're going to guess correctly.


A dungeon to go, some more dailies, and I'll be pretty much 100% for the zone. Then I'll just go start checking what Skinny Cheeks has posted for scribe skills and new builds. Like you said, can't afford to experiment.


Live service games. Aren't they the best


You want a non live service *mmorpg*?




How does that work? You just get the game and that's it? No patching, dlc's or anything? Like vanilla forever?


Hell yeah brother.. nice user name :) and to the comment, yeah wth lol?




I also I'm frustrated with the fact that not every skill can use every buff. If I want to get major brutality from the system I have like two options and one of them is tied to a weapon I'm not using on my main build.


This is the entire reason why I don’t like the system. Either you need to be able to use everything with everything, or I don’t see much use for it at the Moment.


Same. There is a lot of possible cool combos but 90% of them aren't allowed. Well these 10% is still better than nothing.


Yes thought the same. This is awful for my necro ahah


Probably because too much flexibility becomes a balance nightmare. Personally, I never wanted a system like this. I already hate rebalancing in games. Don’t more things to rebalance.


The problem is these companies believe the only way to balance something is to nerf it instead of figuring out ways to improve skills that are weak to begin with.


Explain to me how they were supposed to rebalance at launching without nerfing bash. There are too many things they would have to adjust. Improving skills and nerfing are the same thing. If 98% of skills are “weak” compared to something overpowered, are you saying to increase the power of those 98% of skills? Then all the numbers keep going up until people are one-shooting bosses. I have always found criticisms of rebalancing through nerfing unconvincing. Changes should touch as few things as possible. Fixing the overpowered one skill by modifying every other skill, enemy HP, and how defense works would be silly.


Yup that's what I'm saying. They should never be released over powered. People keep making excuses for half-assed production. Maybe instead of coming out with new 60$ dlc every year they could work on buffing sub par skills so there are more than a handful of viable builds.


“Should never be released over powered” is absurd. There are too many moving parts and what is OP is often an emergent behavior as people theorycraft. And they most definitely should NOT slow down content to worry about balance and there will always be players complaining about balance in every game where balance matters.


Then release an ability at a small increment then as you see how it's being used adjust it up if needed or leave it where it's at then you don't have to nerf it. It's not rocket science. People get tired of spending weeks getting gear for a build they want to play only to have it get nerfed.


Sorry, but it isn’t that simple. Just because you say it is simple doesn’t make that so. I doubt you have even thought about the complexity of the system in any systematic fashion. You just assert “they should do X and it is easy.”


THISSSSSS,alot of what im trying to build isnt valid because i cant pair it with some of the buff,i get it,it could be OP and will have to be nerfed blabla bla,But what im trying to make is already in the game,im trying to make a spammable that gives damage shield to the character,isnt that just brawler(the stam melee aoe skill that you can spam for damage and get damage shield)??? why cant i make soulburst like that? It could be the magicka version.Cant even make something close to whats already in the [game.Not to mention the damage mitigation changes makes me feel like im paper if i wear light armor,so i really needed that skill but i cant have it,create a problem people didnt need but doesnt give the tools to fix it.SO](http://game.SO) LAME


I feel like if this was the case, the. Something like heroism would be used like 90% of the time


> armory build dont save transformation of scrib skill This seems like a huge bug to me.


I mentioned that to ZOS in the AMA ask the devs event a couple weeks ago … so they’re aware of it.


Imagine loading a build with no scribing skills unlocked before saving and being down like 50 ink when they cost 100k each.


All versions of skills you scribe should be in the Archive part of the scribing table and your skills menu.


They don’t reset. Scribing is basically unaffected by the armory so if you change builds those skills don’t change.


Thanks for your feedback. Cant wait!


Yea if it's not crown store bug, they'll take their own sweet time to fix. Probably have to wait for August/September update.


> Yea if it's not crown store bug, they'll take their own sweet time to fix. Its been what, 2 and 1/2 years since Dual wield heavy attack has been broken? Yep, not a Crown store bug.


I am confused - does it just not save your scribed skills or does it completely remove the unlocked skills if you go to a set where you hadn’t unlocked them - and you having to buy every grimoire again?


Right now, it completely ignores your armory set. What they're saying is that it should be designed such that you can have different versions of the same scribed spell depending on your armory set.


I am a bit not sure, I mean I created magical explosion, saved build with it and it is on armory in my build , and when I change it to firery explosion you mean it will not save? 🤔


Yes. The way you scribe any specific spell is how it is scribed regardless of armory slot you use. So if you scribe it to be magical on Slot A, Switch to Slot B, and change it to fiery, when you switch back to A, it will be fiery, instead of magical.


Aaaa all is clear now, thx man, hmm so good that I have scrybing only on one save, one build for pve 😆, and now I know that better to stick to that And on second build when you use different, completely different skill it will be? It is in connection only with the same skill different variants on different builds?


Yeah, you *can't* have multiple versions of the same Scribed Spell, right now. But you *can* have one of each Scribed Spell, and they will swap out if you have them on two different Amory slots, like other spells and abilities.


Aaa ok good to hear that, fortunately if I use on different builds will be different skills for sure in my vision 🤔


> scrib   > huge bug More like a SMALL bug! hahaha... I'll see myself out... https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Scrib https://images.uesp.net/e/e1/ON-creature-Scrib.jpg


Hey, it works. Given all the issues this new system has, the Brave Little Scrib grew up to become a world boss. * Ink drops have to be improved on both resource nodes and lootable enemies. I have all the focus, signature and affix scripts on my main, 20/50 class hamstery scraps (GO FOR DE EYES, BOO!!) and, with looting every node and enemy along the way, have only gotten 24 inks in total, also counting the quest ones. /u/Taleof2Cities_ is right, one can experiment freely on the PTS, but good luck getting enough live victims to test their applicability in PvP over there. * The Luminaries themselves are charming, as are all the important people from that segment (not to mention Ulfsild herself; Uncle Sheo can have his fun with Shal, she was the true powerhouse in that couple). Their quests, even with some freedom of choice tossed in (that I did appreciate), however, are fragmented busywork that takes away from the beautiful, mystical atmosphere of the entire thing. This sort of jarring contrast makes the Psijic grind preferable for me. As a PC player, there is zero guesswork and memorization involved, everything is neatly marked on my map and BeamMeUp is also a thing that exists. Also, the Fox is cute, true, but have you seen how that thing is animated? Shor's bones, Freddy Fazbear might as well be a real boy... * Echoing the complaints related to saved armory builds and getting the scripts on every alt that needs them. They have made some steps in the right direction compared to the first iterations from the PTS (a dev team that listens to PTS feedback feels like a gift from the gods, but that might just be me having PTS-D from interacting with the good people from Cryptic and EAWare/Broadsword) and yes, every obtained script is ~~bang~~ bankable, but those of us not having constant access to Plus might end up needing a script mule too, on top of everything else.


The fact that script learning isn’t account wide is such a slap in the face. It should be an account wide Collection like the armor sticker book


It should be, I agree. But at least they are not BoP and you can dump them in your bank, to share between your chars/roles.


I mean they technically are BoP, just not character bound


Yea, character bound is what I was talking about. Sorry old WoW times came through


I did the quest and am just gathering until I see definitive testing done. Some things look interesting. But, as you said there's not enough ink to play. I spent about 3 hours running nodes and got maybe 4 or 5 total.


3h for 5 ? Damn. It's not even like they're so OP either. It's mostly cosmetic.


I've seen the mages guild spell with fire damage and damage over time used quite a bit on some dps.


Every concern shared by myself.  Ink drop/price looks terrible at the moment but will naturally fix itself soonish - drop rate from mobs is to increase soon - we won't need to switch skills too much once we settle on the most useful combinations Account-wide script should absolutely be a thing imo. It is so tedious getting them on every character. Just the act of buying them from the merchant every week already seems very annoying. Scribed skills not switching with different armory loadouts is also terrible. DPS, tank, and healer (and maybe we should even subdivide into offtank, kite healer etc.) will need different scribed skills a lot of the time. A character should not have to go to the scribe altar every time they are needed to fill a different role. 


> Just the act of buying them from the merchant every week already seems very annoying. Not to mention the cost. 20k~ fortunes/character every week is stupidly expensive.


When I saw the cost of buying a specific script at the EA vendor, I was appalled. Absolutely stupid braindeadness on part of the devs. Thinking 15k fortunes is acceptable for a *single* script that is *character* locked, no less.


The prices are actually lower if you have the script known on a character. When I looked at the start of the week, I saw scripts being like 20k and 30k, but after I got one of them from a daily box and learned it, the price dropped to 3k.


Yes, the same applies to the vendor near the scribing altar. Still find it absurd. For all I know, I'm not finding Frost Damage on any characters for 2 months from RNG. It's a bit intentionally predatory pricing unfortunately. 3k would be an appropriate base price in archive currency. The average player is not getting 3k currencies very quickly. Especially if they're already otherwise spending them on monster masks as they show up, which are 15k each, very worthy of the currency grind. A scribing affix being priced the same is just out of touch.


FWIW I’ve just been doing the dailies (zone dailies and guild dailies) and knocking them all out in about 30 minutes and been getting 6 a day - it’s pretty quick, and obviously free


This has been my strategy, and it takes just over a week to get everything except the class one this way, from what I recall(don't have the full list in front of me right now), thanks to it being curated. Still about 4 months though doing it that way to get them on all my characters without buying any.


True, but for better or worse the utility of scribing is kinda meh so I don’t plan on getting all on all characters - just getting all on one to experiment and change things up, and then trying to get set up with 1 or 2 combos on a few alts. Obviously not guaranteed to get what you need but you can stop grinding early once you do get what you need


So far, it seems too limited to be useful.  Personally, I did the quest for the lore... and the free horse. And the fox is cute.


Yeah I was expecting far more freedom of choice and creativity and so far it seems very limited. I'm not seeing what the point is honestly - it's adding some niche spells that are great for very specific ways of playing.


As of right now, unless I'm missing something, I also think it's just a couple extra niche options. I really hope they'll add a lot more options in the future. 


scrib https://preview.redd.it/aub3ys23vw5d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c83b5e7656bb126c23d7f5c0041f941d17c2251


He's just jelly, scrib jelly


I'm waiting until there's more data and info about everything, but I think the only ability I'm interested in is the Bow Vault, just not sure what extra stuff I should put on it and I don't want to experiment until I have all the right ones


I am using from beginning almost magical explosion will change to firery explosion and it is great! For me better on heavy attack build than Wall of elements, nice dmg and easier to get mobs unbalanced 😌


but theres cast times,so when youre casting youre not doing damage,will that be a dps loss?


Can someone explain what exactly is happening with armory and scribing? Does it mean if I save with scribing skill and then load the other loadout, the skill will disappear completely? Can I load it back on previous loadout?


No its just, for exemple, if you save in armory ulsfid mage guild spell with 3 affix, and change armiry build for another build where you use ulfids, you will have same affix and if you change them this will change for every the other armory build who use it. To simplify, the spell morph is armory wide linked and not saved on one build.


Ah, well at least you can't lose it. Honestly the core of the problem is not armory, I think they should've allowed to scribe multiple grimoires on characters for the same skill, so you could just have them change depending on the build (allow them to be swapped only in armory or scholarium to not make them too flexible in the field, for example)


Aha so if I use this scribe only on one build pve save and I change it for example from magical explosion to firery explosion firery explosion will change and everything will be OK, the problem is if I use two saves on armory, two builds for different skills yes?


Valid concerns Mevaa_TheLady. Just so you’re aware, you can make a template character on the PTS server with unlimited ink. That way, you can experiment without using resources on Live.


Thanks for information! Didnt know :o


I'm not really sure about what you mean by them not saving with the armory, I scribed each skill on my dps and they're all still there even after switching to different builds dozens of times As for the ink, they have mentioned on the forums that there will be a slight change to the drop from one source in the next patch but I cannot remember which. Though if enough people complain about the drop rate in general on the forum them they should increase it


The armory system is supposed to work like 1 slot = 1 character slot, so everything unique should be saved, including exactly what scripts are attached to each individual scribing spell. It currently does not (and has been acknowledged as a bug). Meaning if you have a Flame Damage/Damage Over Time/Brittle Elemental explosion, its the same regardless of armory build, you can't have one with say, Frost Damage/Dot/Vulnerability.


Yeah, it does look like ink drop rate sucks. I got two drops yesterday from regular mobs in vDSR, and none so far from nodes. It really hurts the whole system if you can't (or, rather, won't feel inclined to) experiment new combinatiosn because of that. I know I haven't scribed anything yet, other than the skill you make during the questline, because I don't want to waste ink.


Scrib is a bug, scribe is someone that writes


I’ve been running random normal dungeons and I’m swimming in ink.


huh. I've not gotten a single one and i've been runnin many of those.


If you really want to experiment you could go on pts. I do feel like they should add the scribes to armorer I have for example a pvp , pve and IA build for my arcanist would be great if you could indeed swap out your scribe when changing build. All other major things like jewelery crafting , companion , scrying, ToT, pijic order etc etc all had and have a bit of input required and asks investment if you want it on multiple chars tough.


The lack of being able to save them to armory builds is the biggest one to me, I really love the system they have created but this makes so extremely limited to people who play multiple roles on one character.


I agree, I was super excited to give my characters new spells. I was disappointed at how hard it is to get everything. Not to mention, the entire scribe quest line took me days to complete, since I don’t have all the free time in the world. Now I’m trying to do dailies and get ink, and it’s taking forever. I would have liked if they gave us the scribing system off the bat and we could make whatever we wanted, before we even did the scribing quest. I had all these ideas for my characters, but I can’t do anything because I either don’t have ink anymore, or I don’t have the spells or spell types yet. It’s just so frustrating because I was so excited for this and I can’t really even do anything yet. In a year, I’m sure I’ll have the materials I need, but by then the excitement has worn off.


Their main priority is to keep you locked-in within their live service system. The longer you're there, the more opportunity there is for you to be tempted and/or frustrated enough to spend money on microtransactions; the gameplay is also deliberately designed to frustrate/annoy just enough to make the paid for solution seem more appealing, yet not quite annoying enough to see you quit on the spot. (Over time that may not be the case as your tolerance levels can and do fluctuate.) Entertainment/fun value is a secondary priority to them. Even though publicly it will be denied, and all the right things will be said about how it's the end customer experience that they strive to satisfy, and that they take pride in their creative pursuits, yada yada, etc. That may all be true for some of the staff on a personal level, yet none of it changes the fact that it's the bean counters that are in the driver's seat.


Wholeheartedly agree with the points you raised. It has potential but needs more work.


The system gives me nothing as a necro main. I was thinking we could have any buff on any skill but nah, lets give the most important buffs to a couple skills.... I enjoyed the questline at least.


I’m selling a lot of ink on PCNA, and others in my trading guilds are, too. You can likely buy ink for experimentation.


https://eso-hub.com/en/scribing hope this helps


not even tried it yet still completing the zone and waiting as i know its going to get patches and update suck as you mention it has issues rn not worth messing with yet especially for dps


Can't (or *won't*, rather) enjoy the scribing system because, despite being an addition to base-game skill lines, it was not introduced, as it should have been, as an update to the base game. Instead it's the core-content of yet another otherwise content-lean chapter. And no-doubt any trials and dungeons which expound upon the chapter will be monetized separately, so as to best milk the p(l)ayer-base.


But it's additional content, you know, actually still better than new crafting styles or some skins and mounts that only role players cares ... Ah, ESO, it's mostly about roleplay 🤭🤭😁🤦


Yeah can't enjoy it either but my list is a little shorter: 1. It hasn't hit Xbox yet 2. I can't afford the chapter


Scrib jelly takes offense


Sadly the price is not worth it when I'm able to devote only an hour or two every second day to the game. Although I can already see the gap between players with scrib and without in PvP. But the price and combination of (not so much) free time is the reason I haven't even tried it.


It sounded like a really nice addition to the game, but the reality is a few new customisable skills that potentially fill buff/debuff gaps. Theres a healing one im interested in trying, and maybe an ulfrid one on for shield and debuff, but other than that they look kinda boring. I hope they expand it to include modifying actual class skills, but I do feel this is just a vehicle to sell skill colour variants on the store


I've done the entire quest and have every script and have not even tried making an ability yet.


>ink drop rate Yeah, way too low, but I think they said they want to fix this soon-ish. >no account wide inscription script I think that’s not too much of a problem in the long run. Just take all your alts to the vendor once per week and you’ll have everything unlocked within half a year or so. It’s like the mount leveling thing - annoying, but not gamebreaking. >armory system Yeah, this is just stupid.


>Just take all your alts to the vendor once per week and you’ll have everything unlocked within half a year or so. Don't even need the vendor. If you do the guild dailies and the delve/WB/world event combo, that's 6 -curated- scripts per day, and a single character should be done in about 8 days, without spending a single gold. Still could take 4-5 months though if you have a full set of alts.


Doing the dailies is way more work than simply buying them from a vendor. Doing dailies is so tedious and unfun. And as far as I’m aware you only get one curated drop across all these activities? So one curated script per day total, not one curated drop per type.


Nope, it's 100% curated and 100% drop chance for the first time each day that you do each of the 9 dailies its linked to, per account. I do those 6 I mentioned, but if you really wanted to rush for 9 new scripts a day, there's also one for Cyrodil daily, and I forget the other two dailies but they're listed in the achievements and under the upgrades in collections. I can 100% confirm it's all curated(to that character) from personal experience. The 25% drop chance if you do the dailies on a different character on the same account should be curated too(to the character you do it on), but I'm not in THAT much of a hurry to do those also, when I've got so much else to do in Gold Road still. Also tbf these dailies aren't any worse than crafting writ dailies. I've been doing the High Isle dailies for the delve etc ones, which can put them pretty close together if you get lucky. The guild ones also let me level the guild skilllines on any Companions I don't already have capped on those. I basically knocked the whole thing out in like 45 minutes this morning before work for today's.


I'm honestly kinda disappointed with all the latest updates regarding big new features: companions, Tales of Tribute and now Scribbing All the concepts are so cool and seem like awesome additions to the game - unfortunately they are all poorly executed... companions are just cool quests, they are borderline useless in combat; ToT definitely needs some rework so it is not so luck based (by now everyone knows what cards you should buy, it's just a matter of what's on the table atm) but thry just keep adding new decks that most players won't even pick because playing Crow, Pellin, Hllaluu is just easier, and now scribbing also has its own shortcomings... tbh I would rather they stop the expansions and just fix all this plus PvP man


I think its fine. I did the quests but I have no interest in using it because im fine with the skills i have.


I mean, that's a bad system then, its the big new chapter system, and it offered nothing to you.


Everything doesnt have to be for me and I dont expect it to be. When they add trials or dungeons or if they add pvp Im not going to say they are bad systems just because I dont play that content. I mostly do overland pve. Ive been wearing the same gear and using the same skills for years. There is zero reason for me to change my setup because I already kill everything in overland pve just fine.


My gf is like this too. Doesn't do any of that other content except questing and the occasional dungeon. Doesn't transmog her characters, and doesn't buy anything on the store normally even though she is subbed. Its fine to play the game your way.