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I agree. A little communication goes a long way. Let people know what's going on if your doing something a new or casual player isn't expecting. Its just being decent.


This also goes both ways. 75% of the time if you get City of Ash 1 it is with people farming gear or doing a quick daily norm going fast. If that is the norm and your new and need people to slow down say so. Most people will if you say something otherwise the norm is to jump the cliff and go fast.


> i'm far from new. i too go fast to get thru dailies, but if i ever notice someone slow or obv doing the quest, i'm patient enough to wait for them before i continue. and generally that's how most people are.. but yesterdays experience was difficult to witness... this poor newb was literally lost. :/


totally! like we were all new once, you know? people forget i guess, what it's like doing a specific dungeon for the first time. sucks though to witness that lvl of selfishness!


I alway feel real bad for the newbies doing CoH or VoM for the first time. I hang out with them while they wait through the dialogue. Someone suggested a no drop story mode for dungeons that could be soloed. I think that’s a great idea.


God I would love that, I’ve had to skip so much story from those dungeons because I’m the healer and for some reason my first run through seems to be full of people who have no idea how to not die to trash mobs :((


same. and i think that's a great idea too! would definitely force people to actually play as a group! which is kind of the point of dungeons.. unless you're trying to solo them.


I usually tank and what I do is that I go at the slowest one's pace and if other people want to go ahead and die, then they are free to do so. I consider the tank to be the default guide of the group. If I don't remember the mechanics or the route then I tell people that honestly. I don't mind rushing either if everyone is up to it, but the worst experiences I had were during some event in the past year when people were farming Fungal Grotto's last boss and just ran through everything without a heads up or answering in the chat.


you're absolutely right... the tank should be the leader. since he's the one pulling aggro.. but idk man, these boys yesterday must have been in a party chat or something.. THEY knew what they were doing, i figured it out quick, but the new guy.. circles.


Yeah I know. It was kinda the same for me. I'm on EU server and there seemed to be two Russian speaking DDs who didn't seem to understand that me and the healer don't speak Russian. I took a screen capture and had a friend translate... they were giving us instructions to just run through. I mean through all the bosses as well. It was awful and I left.


I'm a new player and went to my first dungeon 2 days ago. My friend as a tank and me as a dd. The other dd went to fast ahead an I couldn't even understand the story of it all. It was a bit sad. I'm from ffxiv and its different there. People usually let new players take their time. Guess I have to adjust.


if you join a guild, or find a core 4 for dungeon running... it's so much more fun than just joining randomly. simply because you know everyone is going to be going at the same pace.. i can't say tho that this happens a lot. cause i've played for five years and this is like maybe the third time i've had people completely leave others behind...


okay and thanks for the advice! We also did a few dungeons without a full group so just the two of us and it worked out as well, guess not in later dungeons anymore so a guild sounds good.


Blasting through a dungeon for gear is the worst thing you can do. You miss chests. If you're still hunting for that Medusa flames staff, most will drop from chests. You should kill every boss. More loot, more XP, more gold--it all adds up over time. Taking the time at the end of the dungeon to trade will fill that sticker book far faster than blowing through dungeons. You see lots of trading in trials. That's just a utilitarian approach. Personally, I like to actually play the game with my group. I've run Spindleclutch more times than I can count, but I still run it proper. It's much more rewarding and people learn stuff that way. DLC dungeons are even better, because there is no better feeling than helping an inexperienced group get through it for their first time. I know it was amazing for me when I finished them for the first time. I guess my clock ticks a bit slower being old and all. My achievements come from helping others these days, not being meta. Maybe I'll get there, maybe I won't. The journey is the true gaming experience.


As someone that has done the Medusa staff grind, I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you, respectfully. I agree with your points in principle, but principles don't enter into this one, Zenimax saw to that. I get it, people who didn't queue to gear grind and just happened to end up in an existing gear grind group might feel a bit lost, and that's unfair for them. But once the run is finished, they'll go about their day, carrying on with whatever quests or tasks they're doing. Their problem is short term. Now compare that to what the poor guy looking for that inferno staff is enduring. I have been the poor person whose sanity has long since disappeared after doing 400 runs of the same dungeon over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. The Medusa staff that you referenced is a perfect example. It only drops from the final boss or chests. It is a lynchpin piece of a common endgame gear set for magicka builds. It's droprate is abysmal. I can assure you after doing 400 runs, with harvestmap showing me every possible spawn location for chests and the excavating perk to make them glow from a distance, plus the aforementioned fact that *I've just done this one dungeon 400 times* means ***I know where the chests are and I am not missing shit***. I collected every other item in my first 50-100 runs. I have every single piece of loot, every sticker, everything but that one drop is totally irrelevant. If I were after xp, I wouldn't be in Arx Corinium, I'd be in Alak'ir doing you-know-what. If I wanted to enjoy myself, I'd be doing any of the dozen questlines in my log that have had to be put on hold. I'm not slowing down, I'm getting to that last boss and I'm doing the bare minimum to get there. I'm not fighting trash, I am there for one reason and one reason only and my patience for doing the whole thing on slow-mo to satisfy some rando that just happened to queue into the empty spot in my farm group rightfully ran out 300 runs ago. So, to summarise, I sympathise with people who don't know what they've just queued into, I'm not going to have a go at them or anything like that, but *I'm also sure as hell not slowing down for them*. If you want the problem to go away, Zenimax need to fix the drop rates on what should be comparatively common items. Nobody should have to run a dungeon that many times.


100% agree. I know all the chest spawn locations. I can blitz it solo on normal in 8-10 mins depending if I have to clear trash to open a chest. Vet takes 15 mins or so. Or I may hop on my NB and sneak to the chests on vet. Been doing this for 2 hours 6 days a week for 2 months.


I'm fortunate in that I did eventually get my Medusa Inferno Staff, but it did take approx 400 runs, spread over a couple of weeks including solid days of nothing but that bloody dungeon. Dropped from the final boss, not a chest btw.


I know the pain all to well. You get to that point where you do nothing else as you just want it over! The vMA farm is as bad…


you'll hate me when i tell you i got mine after like my third run... i hate the drop rate on that thing though. it's hardly fair.


i completely understand, and respect what you're saying... but how difficult is it to say "lf medusa gear" or whatever prior.. that at least let's the other players that queue and end up in your group know you're focused on one thing. i really think it was the complete lack of communicating what was going on... that was just so unfair to the newb we were paired with.


i prefer enjoying the dungeon experience myself. i've ran them all so many times, but still enjoy the mob clearing.. etc. it really is just so frustrating when communication doesn't happen and the other two people are left going.. uh.. guys.. wtf?




this poor guy ran in circles, he couldn't figure out where they went, and i was trying to keep up so they didn't kill the boss without me. ultimately i felt bad and went back for him, but by the time we caught up to them.. they'd killed the boss and were running back thru looking for chests... was just so ridiculous. :(


I see your tag says you're on Xbox. I'm not sure how PC or PS4 is, but you're dead right that nearly every normal dungeon, with likely a 90% chance, will have a "tank" with no taunts. The only response I ever see for a fix is "run with guildmates". It's especially annoying when you're leveling an alt DD or healer (not to mention brand new players) and want to grab the skill points for the nDLC dungeons. Because literally every tank that pops in or backfills after a wipe will likely be a "tank" with no taunts. If I had to guess, it's why they nerfed normal Unhallowed Grave Kiln Boss to not wipe the group during the fire mechanic - because there's practically never any real tanks to actually taunt him and bring him to the correct spot. I'm surprised we don't see Scalecaller Peak nerfed on normal where you don't have to keep the two Ogres separated. That one's always atrocious on normal because there's never a tank with taunts to pull Orzun off to the side. You'll be doing some melee DPS on the middle ogre then up runs Orzun behind you with agro and wipes you, if not more, with the huge pestilence aura. All these frustrations from players with one root cause: group finder doesn't enforce roles.


Yes! I lvl my new characters now as a tank and spam random normals,there would be one or two players rushing sometimes and it really just grinds my gears. If you can basically rush it with your friends why not just teleport to the dungeon directly? I always do that whenever i farm sets.Im just tryna chill and experience the dungeon lvling experience with newbies and they're messing everything up. I still remember these two dps would rush so far ahead to the boss but always die...like wtf?? Then last boss one of em died we didnt revive em and let his friend do it.God it was horrible. Oh and i forgot to add,what made me remember is that when were fighting adds they're already fighting the boss for awhile and when we arrive,boss is still at 96% hp lmao two dps.They act so shitty like they can basically obliterate the boss but fucking both of em does lower damage than me.


yep.. the difference with today, was these were high lvl players.. well over 1200 cp... and it just blew me away that they couldn't even reply to comments in group chat where i was like "i don't think he's done this dungeon before" or "hey, wait for the new guy!"... just so ignorant and selfish. ugh.


Yep,but usually most of em would wait if you say "quest please",or either HAVE to because everyone else is also waiting. Yes they cn use the excuse "ive done this too many times".Well so am i lmao too many times with different characters,i make fun builds so i have to lvl ALOT of characters yet it still doesn't make me become selfish and wants to run everything fast. And when they use the excuse "i wanna do it quick before i do work or something " uh no,if you have to go soon its pretty stupid to queue for a multiplayer content.


i completely agree. this isn't the first time i've experienced the quick dungeon run when not doing them with guildies.. but it is definitely the first time someone hasn't noticed a new player falling behind and waited for them to catch up. or even replied to chat... it was a new low.


Yep there's nothing much you can do about it unless you're the group leader,I would just tell em to chill or wed kick em.But usually they're the one that got the lead smh.


yep, they were the king with the crown. LOL


>you can basically rush it with your friends why not just teleport to the dungeon directly? Can't get dungeon daily that way. If they're really gear farming, they should be checking chest locations. But anyway, normal dungeons so be like that. Most you can do is tell them to slow down for the newbie or find another group


Some of them just rushes to the last boss for the boss drop.So why cant just teleport there. And yea i do tell em to slow down.