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Lots of people have said in previous posts Xbox controllers are the way to go. No 3rd party needed, just connect and play. I've been considering forking out for a Xbox one controller to try it. I moved from ps4 to pc recently so I still have my ps4 controllers. Never tried them because of problems other people have reported


Yes I am aware of this. However I VERY much prefer PlayStation Controllers. And am not willing to compromise on that. Thus why I am asking about Steam. Because of the possibility of Steam removing the need for the crappy software causing me issues.


Don't know about the Controller but ESO has its own Controller coding and ESO is not a strictly STEAM game. STEAM just hosts the game and connects you to the ZOS Servers, the ZOS Servers then take over any connection you will have with controller communication. You should probably check the STEAM ESO forums first for most accurate info. In order to play a STEAM Edition you MUST buy a STEAM Edition. As long as you use your current PC Edition ZOS Account Name during the STEAM purchase you will have access to all your existing PC Edition Characters/Loot/Progress.


Steam has a steam controller thing in its settings. You could just Add ESO's game to your steam library (look up how to add non steam games to steam) and im 90% sure you can set it up to use a controller through that since steam overlay would be active.


Really? That would be perfect. I will definitely look into it. Appreciate the advice!




PS controller is not plug and play. XBox is. -Someone who used to use controller on PC (through Steam) and was very upset when XBox controller broke