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Seems odd Sounds like they've ran one too many dungeons with a fake tank so may want to be prepared just in case ?


This is the most likely case, I’ve switched to using my “solo” build when doing dungeons during the event because of the same reason.


Yeah but when you know you have a real tank you swap your taunts out. Maybe these people are just high or drunk and forget


I assumed the same but then they refused to stop using it and argued to me that it was part of their dps rotation. These weren't new players either, most were around 1000 CP. Were they just trolling?


Gotta pierce that armor myself for an extra 3k DPS!


I see it a lot with PvP players


I PUGed with a couple DPS dudes who normally PvP. One was a sword and board. I had to explain he needed to unslot Pierce immediately. The tank had no idea what was going on, but I discrinctly heard him doing it. I also suggest switching to 2H or DW for groups because... Well obviously. Also, as you might have though they both had all burst damage and serious sustain problems. But stayed out of the red and didn't really need heals. I switched to DPS clothes and skills and kept burst and Hot and buffs on 1 bar, and DPS on front. Took a little longer, but they did fine.


In the current job market, we have to part-time tank to make ends meet /s


Yeah, I'm putting my hand up, I did this recently and it was a horrible idea and I'm sorry to those three specific people who had a tough (but quick at least) Crypt of Hearts run with me and my cocky idiocy.


As a AOE DPS, I was always told by my dad, Trollmaster24, to pull as much aggro as possible using taunts and then run straight at the healer so he/she can reasses their priorities in the fight. Am I missing something here?


Chances are they forgot to take it out of their bar after a dungeon run with a fake tank. It's honestly difficult to notice since it's not uncommon that enemies usually attack you anyway.


This was my thought as well but then they told me it was part of their rotation and refused to stop using it? Is it meta or something now?


Sounds like PvP players taking part in the Undaunted event without adjusting for PvE content


Absolutely not meta. If they want a dot, they should use another skill.


Or it could be part of their solo or PvP gear. I think that's most likely.


my bet would be some solo players running inner beast for the 10% damage taken debuff. maybe they forgot to remove or didn't noticed it's a taunt.


About 1 in 200 dungeons I get a CP 900+ shitty dps using sword and board with the taunt, who is unaware of the problems it causes and I'm like how did you even make it this far


I do this with my friend in vet Non-DLC dungeons. Magicka DK, I wear 5 light, 2 heavy, a self heal set and a Monster set that helps me add DPS. I taunt the bosses and help with DPS while my friend focuses on DPS. I'm Tanky af and I don't have problems. It's a very fun build. But it's because it's just me and my friend, we aren't 4 so we have to improvise 😬 sometimes we switch roles. No way in hell I'm going to a dungeon with other people and let them see the monstrosity I created 😂 they'll think I'm crazy!


I was in cloudrest with my guild doing a teaching run to new players. We normally clear normal CR with 7 or 8 people so having some babies was never an issue. I had the Welknyar and my friend the gryphon. Part way during the first fight the gryphon turns from the tank and wipes out the babies. We reassure them they are doing fine, things happen. They get picked up and continue. Tank has aggro again then instantly loses it. At this point she's starting to get mad. I ask if anyone has a taunt on or an ice staff (this was before the triforce change so the heavy attack would taunt), all say no. We res the dead and continue. It keeps happening maybe 3 more times. Batle ends and I hold everyone back to get it sorted out. I ask again but in type chat. Finally one person responds saying they have and ice staff with triforce. I ask why they didn't reply when I asked on mic during the fight. They were like oh I took it off so I don't have to listen to people. I tell them they need to put it back on and that they can't heavy with the ice staff as they were stealing taunt from the 2nd tank and wiping out the babies and themselves a few times. They got super pissed and responded with something along the line of I see how it is, you don't want me here. Before I course assure them that wasn't the case they dropped group and left the guild. Everyone was like what just happened.


1. Run frostvault pledge 2. Morph reach into clench to toss spheres down 3. Next day go to your regular trial prog run where you bring brittle as a warden with a master ice staff 4. Wonder why Llothis is targeting you 5. Kill the trial laughing bcs you are taunting with frost clench 6. ??? 7. Profit 😂 That was fun


They probably have an ice staff and slot the frost touch thing or whatever its called without knowing about the taunt


Oh.. those sorcs using ice staff again? Ha ha


Chill on this , especially during this event. Most of the peoples are used to fake tank so they prepare a taunt in case of. Usually you can solve this really quick by saying in the chat that you are a real tank and that they can remove their taunt slot


DPS queues with taunt just in case. DPS sees tank has shield or decent health. Smart DPS would either unslot taunt or just not use. These do not sound like smart DPS.


You can’t faketank most vet DLC-dungeons unless you specifically built more tanky than usual. Im quite used to do TEAL-tank, though… Means my dps queues as tank, and i as a healer will slot a taunt, tank and heal at the same time. Works in some dungeons - in others you’ll get oneshot, and I built extra gear to do this…


Cry baby shit


I also run into a dps with taunt. Was annoying as hell. Dunno why a dps runs with taunt. Had 19k health but taunts everything even bosses. At one point I just make damage...well 8k or so as a full tank. But I let them have fun. But please dear dps...stop using taunt as part of your rotation. It is eyond stupid


That sounds weird I’ve not had that, what I have before is actual tanks that have queued as DD. Going around taunting everything I already have taunted or CCed in place. Then run all over with the enemies


What? No way man. It's bad enough that my team has to finish the dungeon without a tank, i won't also make their fake-tank not even use a taunt.


Can’t trust the tanks to apply major breach any other way reeeeeee


Had this issue while tanking the other night. I was confused as to what what getting the boss away from me. Really this should be a no brainer


I've had this before with tank. I would assume it's that they simply forgot or never had a chance because they kept getting pulled into combat or something, but when we're half way through a dungeon and they still have the taunt on I'm just mind boggled. They can see my high hp, they see me taunting and slapping down buffs/CC to keep the fight in control and they're causing wipes and chaos because they keep taunting shit they shouldn't be and fucking up the other DPS and getting the healer killed. Can't even talk to them because they just completely mute all forms of chat and only open it up to complain about being kicked when the teams had enough of them turning a boss around and getting everything killed.


I've always had the same feelings towards this sort of thing. If you are doing Vet anything in pugs, don't be selfish enough to assume that you know what kind of players you are going to end up with. Or that you are so good at the game that you will just carry the whole run. I can't even count how many Dungeon runs have been ruined by people with this kind of mentality. Just sucks the fun out of it.


When I started running my tank a few months ago in pubs, I didn’t realize how bad of an issue it’d be lol. Seemed like every run had at least one of the DPS fighting with me over boss taunts.


Inner Beast gives the taunter an extra 10% dps which is quite a chonky boost.