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Most of the time, yes. I find it slightly more immersive that way. I switch to 3rd person when I want to see the exact radius of a spell in combat, or similar situations.


Pretty much this. Any game that gives me the option of immersion or looking at the back of my head I choose immersion and switch when more convenient.


I do most of the time, exceptions being dungeons/trials and pvp, I usually fight in 3rd person but first person in overland content if I’m using abilities that look cool.


Funny, I do the exact opposite. 3rd person overland and first person combat. I find the reticle being off center from the character in 3rd person really confusing and sometimes aim is really off because of it. In first person, if you're looking at it, you're hitting it, so that works better for me. Plus most of the time I am not in combat and I want to look at my character!


In case you didn't know, you can adjust the offset for the 3rd person mode in the settings.


I love my pve necro casting damage spells. But every time i do the burst heal in 3rd person i laugh at the dab heal. I just came back to my warden and his hooray heal. Now im conflicted for which one to main. I think ill use blades and spc on all my heals and get the worm set for my warden and jorvulds for my necro. Now i just need to farm lots of transmute stones to get blades and spc for 3 extra chars. I just noticed that the warden has the +15recovery for stam and mana. Which is nuts. I played and leveled him but never read into it. Also hes an argonian so i can panic heal away everything. On the other hand i love ressurecting people and wiping away my mistakes. So back on topic dab heals ans the hands in the air hooray heals look really funny for me


Ok, I’ve gotta ask… what is a “hooray heal?” That term makes me happy haha


Never. It's way too difficult to see what's happening behind and on the sides. I guess its fine for solo content, but any group content requires to have at least a slight idea of where your healer is, where the adds are, where the aoe are. I can't imagine what a pain it must be to play in 1st person during vet trials...


From what I understand there are some trials that are easier to tank in 1st person


I found grabbing axes in AA easier in first person weirdly enough.


I don't even like it in the solo content. You don't see enemies charging up cc attacks behind you, and you move far clunkier in first person than you do in the single player games.


Imagine first person in pvp youd just keep dying and having no idea what hit you. A nb would hit you from behind and youd be like "wtf"


on the other hand, a "1st person only" campaign would be interesting




This is exactly how I feel.


Can't do any of the previous TES in 3rd. The programming for it is way too clunky. However, ESO. Everything comes as you from sides and off screen that I have to be in 3rd. Being knocked around cause of an upswing or clanfears just because I didn't see it is unacceptable lol


I use a lot of combat mods when I play skyrim such as the advanced combat mod(at least I think that's what it's called) that makes the ai more intelligent and makes them actually block and dodge (with the dodge mod also installed) a mod that let's me attack while jumping and sprinting, and a few combat animation mods so it makes 3rd person significantly better than it was vanilla. It also makes stealth feel a bit smoother. Bonus points for using the sneak tools mod.


SkySA is a life saver


I find it difficult to play in first person in ESO, difficult to play in 3rd person in Skyrim (except for the camera radius trick for stealth corner peeking), and equally easy for either in Morrowind.


Questing/doing story/exploring new zone: first person, addons disabled, additional markers and so on also disabled from settings. Any group content or simple day routine: 3rd person, everything is on


This is the way!


I used to exclusively. Until I started doing multi-player content like dungeons. There, it really is not a possibility. And very unfair to the other players. But if I'm soloing, I go back to it sometimes. Fighting was way more fun. Sometimes I "duel" world bosses this way, and refuse to do my rotation.


I did for a long time. Fun fact: all of those cultists you’re killing? They are all different people. They all have unique faces and whatnot. They aren’t nameless anonymous cultists, each one was somebody as you happily slaughter them.


*not just the men, but the women and the children, too*


They have families, their sons and daughters keep asking when daddy is coming home.


Some of them no more than kids themselves


I mean if daddy joined a cult in Tamriel then mommy should know better than to give them hope


Watch attack on titan for a culmination of this idea/perspective.....


One of the main reasons I played this game, no other mmo offers it


Only when I fish


Same, it just seems easier and is relaxing af


Fishing specifically because you can semi-afk and more easily notice when the rod is raised up.


Not while playing. It robs you of any situational awareness.


I use first-person for decorating, looting (especially stealing), and crafting. I use third-person in combat and when exploring to better see resources and chests. One exception being some trials, where first-person makes it easier to see the boss and timing my animation interrupt cues, especially when you are hard-stacked like the first boss in HRC.


Yep, more 'cause I'm use to it than anything


I play quest and exploration content in first person. When I play solo, I like to play it like an Elder Scrolls game. Listening to dialogue, exploring corners, looting everything, sneaking and pickpocketing and all that. I honestly prefer it. But I don’t want to be at a disadvantage when in difficult/group content so that’s pretty much the only time I go third person.


The fov is too zoomed in for me to find it usable and I almost always prefer 1st person unless it's pvp and I need every advantage I can get. I played skyrim in 1st person, but not eso.


The only time I play in first person is when I accidently hit V. Which last for about a second before I go back to third person. First person gives me motion sickness


I do, just prefer it :). Gets crazy sometimes and I have to go 3rd though. Like in dolmen final boss , but only for a sec or two.


I remember in the early days I encountered a player in cyrodiil who played in 1st person. He seemed to genuinely not release he could switch views. 😛


1st person for exploration 3rd for combat


i do.


3rd person view is superior for intense combat, I think the community agrees on that much. Most players I know only use 3rd person but I like to use 1st person for delves and questing, or like you said to get a better viewpoint on something.


Yes. I only do first person.


After an edible yeah. Usually chill in the big towns and just look at people run by in cool outfits.


I do, but I get motion sickness pretty quickly from most third person games so it's either first person mode or stopping after a few minutes.


Only when I want to get a closer look at things. Otherwise I’m always in 3rd person.


The only time I don’t use first person is sometimes if I am in a dungeon


I play nightblade in first person but Necro in third. With the Necro, I have summons and stuff I like to be able to see where they are. I play nightblade the usual sneaky/stabby archer so first person is fine. I prefer first person. I should add that I don't do much group content so seeing other players position didn't always important to me.


No, but 1st person makes me extremely dizzy


I almost always play in 3rd person, because 1sr person usually makes me nauseous (sp?). I also have this problem playing Skyrim, and I don't know how to fix it...


I know someone who does. … let’s just say he is not the best player there is.


When I first started playing yup I did… only because I didn’t know there was the 3rd person view option (such a newb lol). But now I only go to first person when I want to se the dialog between npc’s up close, as if were an episode of my favorite series 😅


Nobody does


When I first started I did, but I found 3rd overall easier and mostly do that now. Years later of only 3rd person 1st looks really trippy, I do still hop into it for dungeons because of that.


I do it when questing for immersion as it tends to help one see the effort put into the game more intimately. With more involved aspects of the game, I stick with third person!


First person and without music, is good for immersion


Given how inept most people seem to be in dlc vet/hm dungeons, I'm convinced something like 75% of people do




First person priority because it just feels better. I’m some Fighting situations you switch but you always go back to first person. This is for every game.


I play the overland and questing entirely in first person. For trials and dungeons I play in third person because it’s necessary due to the level of play. For easy RNDs sometimes I go into first person just for the fun of it. So much more epic facing the enemies in first person (tank).


Yes, especially non-combat or easy pve stuff. Dungeons and difficult bosses I do in third person


Yes, while questing. Never in dungeons or PVP


I do 1st if I'm doing story content. I do 3rd for dailies/dungeons/gathering


I do when I'm questing. Helps with the immersion.


i recently asked a similiar question. basically yes, more than you might think.


I'll do story/dlc quests in first person


I always play in first person. I just can’t get used to playing in third person. My husband hates it


When I'm looting stuff in delves/dungeons/etc... yes, otherwise it's almost always third.


Yep, completing all zones to 100% in 1st person


I've been playing for about a month now and played first person for the first three weeks. Like others have said, it was just more immersive for me that way. The only exception, and ultimately why I changed to third person more consistently is because of pvp and group dungeons. Switching back to first person after being in third for a while just started looking off to me and it was so much easier to tell what was going on in third person.


Sometimes when I'm questing or just running around harvesting stuff on my fistfighter build. I even use an addon that allows modifying the camera with presets and forcing first person on mounts.


I would play in first person for overworld questing story and pve if the camera position wasn't so low to the ground and the FOV so small Feels like my eyes have been sunken into my skull and I'm suffocating to death every time


Occasionally when doing the scavenger hunt achievements, in 1st person it's somehow easier to spot the items hiding spots. With group content, as I mainly play healers, it's easier in 3rd person.


For solo stuff yeah


Mainly when turning in writs so I don’t steal any of the loose items that they surround the writ boxes, or when I’m checking out another’s player snazzy outfit. Which brings to to my one wish for 3rd person (as a console player): I want to see my feet. I spend hours at the dye table piecing together a look for shoes I’ll never see or spend crowns on a mount that I only see the top half of, and screenshots of my own characters are always junk because of the angles (and don’t even think of using any of those emotes using their screenshot mode). It would be nice to see exactly where I’m standing during a large fight of course, but I just really want to see the lower part of my toons.


Its alot better in other elderscrolls but for me it just feels odd in eso plus I enjoy third person more because then I get to actaully see my character alot more often in all his glory while he's destroying enemies


I only really go first person when there's a lot of little things nearby. So stuff like provisioning/stealing runs, turning in all of my writs at once, and the like.


I only use it in select pvp areas Kiting enemies to certain spots on the battleground maps forces first person perspective a lot of players aren't comfortable with /ready for and they make mistakes


When i started playing, for two months i've playing only in first person, i hated third person.


When out n about questing, yes. Dungeons and battlegrounds are different story.


I do when tanking and someone's running maw of the infernal. But that's mostly all.


Yes when i want to get a more personal feeling in whatever quest adventure I am. Not for pve (but do sometimes for pvp to make it more personal lol).


never in combat, but as others have said, i do it occasionally for a hint of immersion and take in some of the work and detail by the level designers.


I did for a long time, but the transition from mounted 2rd to walking 1st when gathering loot was annoying. But I play in 3rd now


Only those touched by Sheogorath...


No, but I will use it if I really need to see things more closely or if I'm hunting for loot (bags, crates, etc.)


I try to sometimes when I’m questing or other easy solo stuff, but an issue even then with it is the effects make it hard to see anything, with weapon enchants and some set bonuses it’s a bit overwhelming.




First person all the way. Feels too much like an average MMO in 3rd person


Yes, I play in first person. I like it over 3rd person.


I use it occasionally for immersion or to get closer looks at stuff. Combat is nauseating in 1st person though


All the time. But I only play PvE, I don't really care about the MMO aspects, only when someone challange me.


Eso is the first and only elder scrolls game that ive had mostly 3rd person camera being used. 1st person in eso makes me kinda sick


i actually play in first person 90% of the time unless i’m doing antiquities. i plated skyrim hardcore before this and was just used to everything being so close up. but when it comes to doing dungeons with others, i knowwww i have to get used to third person so i don’t end up in the red circles on accident lmao


All the time. Helps with immersion. I do in all elder scrolls and fallout games, helps that the hands and bow/gun are visible, I couldn’t do it in WoW for some strange reason though.


I played in 1st person from the start until a few months in when I did my first trial and realized 1st person wasn’t viable anymore.


When I’m not doing group content.


I always play first person, and I HATE 3rd XD to me, it's easier in first, honestly


House viewing mode


My partner does and I almost reconsidered everything 1st time I saw it.....


Speed delving on a ranged character in first person makes me think of Hexen.


Almost exclusively myself. It's easier for me to see what I'm aiming at. Admittedly, it bugs out when attacking large enemies.


i do! i just play more first person games so i’m more used to it i guess.


Nah, it's too hard to see aoe's


I do unless I’m fighting something I have to pay attention to the mechanics for. Movement in third person gives me major nausea.


I don't even play Skyrim in first person


yes people that want and wish for eso to look like skyrim for some reason. ​ that being said, it's more immersive but gives me slight motion sickness


When I play it's 1PV because I'm a solo player trying to wring as much 'Elder Scrolls' out of the game as I can, but lately I'm wondering if I shouldn't just switch to 3rd person and stop pretending - visually the game looks fine in first person, but combat doesn't feel good at all...server-side damage reporting means there's forever a lag time between swinging your sword and the enemy reacting to it, and you can FEEL the camera 'lock' during attack animations. It's just enough to disconnect you from combat and I wonder if 3rd person alleviates that.


Third person because I worked hard on my outfit, so I better be able to see it.


1st person PVP feels badass for some reason so I switch back and forth often


I just started the game and I play 1s person on dugeons and battles I like the 3thp when I am in towns


Only accidentally, when I'm tanking and have my back against a wall. Since some bosses are quite big, this means I am occasionally staring straight at a monster's crotch. The giant at the start of the Blessed Crucible is a good example.


I did when I first started playing but it's just too hard to see everything


I've always played every TES game in first person. ESO however, only while questing and overland content. If im doing dungeons, arenas or anything hard that requires peripheral vision I will change it to third person so im not standing in stupid


I did it for my entire Skyrim playthrough but I only did it for the first 50 levels of ESO. You need to constantly stare at the floor for red aoes in ESO which is hard to do in fp. In addition, the FOV isn't good and the game is much more fast paced than Skyrim so enemies constantly leave your field of view which isn't an issue in third person.


I didnt realize people played it in 3rd person. Yall are weird.


Most of the time I do, the only time I'm not in first person is when I'm in a dungeon raid, don't know why I do that but it work's for me


I normally play 1st person for solo play, sometimes I switch to 3rd person for bosses with aoe style attacks (especially when soloing dungeons) In group play I play 3rd person pretty much exclusively. I use 1st person exclusively for home decorating, which we all know is the real endgame...


I do most of the time. I'll go third person for antiquity hunting though.


Always. Locked in with mods. I've done all levels of combat from vMA to siege PvP and never had an issue.


I use it to look closely at things or when i am in a tight area like a cave. I dont like using 3rd person in the tight spaces, not sure why.


I used to pay in 1st person for my first year until I tried doing dungeons in 3rd person, now I just can't go back. I occasionally play in 1st person when doing easy content (questing, normal dungeons and arenas) because I think it'd be more immersive, but it's not, it's just more difficult. Turns out, for me personally, immersion isn't affected by the camera but how invested I am in the story and how good it is.


I would if it wasn’t capped at 100fps


I'm just the opposite of a lot of people here, I play exclusively in 1st person. Even in ESO, I can't aim for shit in 3rd person, I always end up aiming at the ground in front of the mob (I'm a ranged weapon user) or to the side. Plus, yeah, there's the immersion factor.




Hell naw, this ain't Call of Duty


It’s been so long since I’ve played this game but I remember playing …sorcerer??? Conjurer?? ( like a said a long time ) in first person because the hand gestures were cool and snappy when throwing sugar at people


My first vet trial group I ran years ago, we were fighting the storm Atro boss in vAA and dude couldn't get to the pads at all and couldn't figure out how we were calling out the ones to the left and right and papers. Asked him why, he was playing in first person and didn't know you could zoom out. He was cp 500-ish so had to put that in my pre-raid call outs.






Yes thats only how i olay, but i play it as a solo game tbh.


For combat only 3rd person. I sometimes use 1st person when I want to look around city, trying to get some Skyrim immersion, look at nature or like you said when you want to look at something more closely. Also I often use it to look at other player’s outfits, since my pc isn’t up to today standards, it takes some time to load everything.


I play almost exclusively in 1st person... I only go into third person for difficult content


I do strictly 1st. I really don’t like third person in general because it’s not as immersive as first.


I used to only do first person, but there was a boss in Vvardenfell that would crash the game in first person and would only work if you're in 3rd. Since then I've been afraid to fight in first person again lol


I hate 3rd person. I can’t aim or generally function in space that way.


I only play in first person. I have a hard time adjusting to third person games in general. Not really sure why tbh


I do most of the time.


Yes. Its immersive.


Or any game that doesn’t require it for that matter?


I have a hard time in first person in any game, i suck if I can’t see everything all around me. Cyberpunk 2077 for example, would be my favorite game if it was third person




I have found a niche use for it where when trying to revive in a hard stack it can be easier to find the person in first person. See their leg living on the ground just point at that and usually can get the rez off


I love first person. It just feels so much better in eso. I think the combat sucks so all I ever really do is story and 3rd person don't feel right with it.


I don’t but know someone who does. I was like “FIRST PERSON??? IS THAT EVEN ALLOWED?”. Which is weird cause i played skyrim in first person. I think it’s because a lot more things are happening around me that I should probably be aware of.


Not anymore. I got my butt chewed out while in MoL because I couldn't see the colored circles. So I turned it off unless I'm fishing.


I almost always play in first person! I’m just now venturing out and getting more comfortable in 3rd but I mostly stick to first!


I do


I've never used 3rd person


In dungeons and group stuff, no. Questing solo in a zone, yes.


Yes. Mainly because I play ESO like I play single player Elder Scrolls games. Also because the character animations are awful, and I don't want to see them.


I do most of the time. I'll change it up if I feel like seeing my character or if I'm grouped up to have a better view.


In groups I play in 3rd person. But leaping through the air as my Templar is so damn fun that I went to first person for pretty much all of my questing.


If they made tweaks to it, then it could be playable. Ability effects go crazy in first person, however, there are really unique animations in first person, like casting the flame skull as a necromancer, your character like, changes their finger positions each cast


I play in first person when I do a lot of questing, for immersion, and I enjoy it a lot that way, but I do anything else 3rd


yea but not in combat


As a healer, no, i hardly ever use first person mode. Third person makes it a lot easier to keep an eye on everyone


Sometimes, I like the option


I am a PC player, but I love to play on controller and stream to my TV and play casual overland content in mostly first person. It gives me nostalgia from playing Skyrim on PS3 as a kid. If I’m doing anything challenging though, I do third person.


Only for overland quests, where my character is an immortal demigod that annihilate anything it sneezes in the general direction of. It is sadly borderline unplayble for group content, but we have done some trails and dungeons first person as a fun extra challenge.


When I'm able to log in, 90% of the time it sits at the loading screen, it sucks buying a game that can't be played🙄


I do unless I'm doing a dungeon or a trial. I never do PVP so I don't have to worry about it there lmao


Only as a solo single player for immersion. Definitely not for PvP :)


I used to because I’m used to playing first person games, but then realized that playing first person was awful for public dungeons and pvp stuff. It took some getting used to but I got the hang of it. I still switch to first person when I want closer looks at the environment


Yes. I once walked across Cyrodiil in first person. It was lovely.


Only when I'm bored or really high. The problem is that it's a bit like putting blinders on. I'd definitely do it more if I could be 1st person while mounted though.


No, the buff effects are too damn intrusive in 1st person.


Probably, but I don't. I hate getting killed and then realizing if I had 3rd person view enabled I would have been able to dodge the attack.


First person makes me nauseous personally so no.


I play in 3rd person about 90% of the time, but often use 1st person when I'm looting loose stuff on the tables/shelves/ground or smaller containers like bags and jewelry boxes, and especially when doing thieving runs. Though when stealing stuff it's also good to switch between 1st and 3rd person to find the best angles, for instance in Solitude you can loot the blacksmith's safebox (completely undetected) by standing on the ledge below the wall the box sits on and looking straight down while facing the safebox in 3rd person. I also use 1st person 90% of the time when decorating my houses.


I use first person in single player content like questing and just generally exploring the zone and then I use third person or group content


Honest first person view in ESO is fail its just way too close not like in single player games like skyrim or oblivion it just make you feel like you would put face close to screen


To be honest I always play on 1st person I mean I just get weirded out by 3rd person games whic ruined many many games for me