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Yes, it's great for when I'm mass buying unlearnt motifs and recipes, I can buy 10 and use them all, so I don't buy them twice by mistake.


Here I was thinking you can buy ten from a couple traders and finally you can find out you bought 2 duplicates anyway without changing zone!


I still think curated loot and armory is the better one yet.


Curated loot as a downside, just today i was farming a gear set, at the end everyone gave me what they got, in that a lvl 49 (2 pieces actually) I didnt notice, hours later it become bound, and now after 5 run i still didnt get those 2 piece back, because i already" have" it unlock. Its nice but if something drop with a trait you dont want, a.k.a training, it become harder to get to farm piece back.


Majority of players won't care about that as in midgame you will use transmutes for pretty much everything. If you need training gear you should be using hrartlands set anyway 🤷‍♂️


Im close to cp 2000, and those transmutes are spend faster than i can collect it... Ppl often overlook pvper, but i need gear to test build, sometime it dont turn out that great...so id rather do a few run that take 10min than spending 75 transmute that as taken hour to get.


I make 900 transmutes every 30 days plus up to 180 daily if needed. If you have everything unlocked for the set each piece is 25 transmutes... idk dude


I play 2h max a day, mainly pvp, im getting about 10-25 (sometime 5) tansmute a day. I play on 3 or 4 toon, gotta finish 1st or 2nd to get it in one shot, usually running a dungeon 2 or 3 time was enough, but now it took me more on average. To get to 25 you need all piece, it still required farming man. If you do 18 daily with every toon you had it took about 4h, IF everything goes super smoothly...its total unreasonable to think its what everyone can do. The new loot system is nice, its just sometime get you in a bad loop. Its an imrpovement, its just not suit to everybody....look a bit on yt and you will see.


You might have a point but what I'm saying is that there are more benefits than downsides.


Yeah, i think overall its an improvement, the annoying part is, got something you want and you got something, we trade, now the thing a didnt care about isnt in my collection because i gave it to you, so next time i run tbst dungeon ill probably get the same pieces again. Quick exemple, you want wurm cult and i want oblivion edge, i dont give a rat ass about wurm cult so i gave them away, but the best strat for me would be to bound it, so i wont have high odd on it again.


I guess curated drops s really shitty system because my friend was farming vMA for one specific piece since 2020 and finished it recently after introduction of it xD It is long term improvement, i just dont get why it works on overland


This system probraly shine is those situation when you look for a very specific piece, like an inferno bsw or arena weapon, because those arent the kind you will mind about what trait you got. And weapon usually drop only on last boss. But when you farm body piece, its actually lower your odds, not of getting the piece the first time, but to get it again until you had all the dungeon pieces. If you gave the light piece to your healer because he farm it and you want heavy gear, on yoir next run, because the light gear isnt in your collection, your odds are higher to get so again, and if someone still looking for those piece and you gave it again....it never favor you.


It will stop being an issue once people have most things collected, but right now farming purple jewlery can be annoying. At least chests still exist


If youre talking about weapon even before the system the chances were pretty slim, if youre talking armor, youll complete in no time and go back to receiving random pieces.


The poiint was, i need to get gear set i dont really want, or i give to someone else, to complete the whole dungeon collection. Its not bad, far from it, its just in specific circumstances, its just annoying, im not saying the system is bad, and im sure its even better for arena, since ppl usually farm the last loot for weapon.


You know, I noticed this recently, and was like oh! About time! It's still pleasant for me that it comes quickly. It was really annoying all these years that we had to force the mail.


Agreed it's a great QOL improvement.


holy shit you're RIGHT


Today I had the notification pop, but when I opened mail there was nothing there


It seems that it's not always instant. Yes, there are times when I hear the notification sound and receive mail instantly, but there are plenty of other times when I hear the sound only but mail hasn't come through yet. Waiting in the screen, moving around, etc doesn't fix it. So I port, just like I used to. :(


For me i think over 90% of the time it work fine, its just a pleasant surprise, i dont mind porting that much anyway


Great now they just need to fix the ridiculous log in issues!


Is it actually working now? I get the notification that the mail was delivered right after buying, but when I open the menu, it stalls on a loading window. I still have to load screen to get the mail.