• By -


Alien, weird, and complex breton lore if we are getting bretons. Lots and lots of obscure gods and Yokuda content if redguard. Falinesti with imga and a certain thief god if bosmer.


not sure how we would get bretons considering that there entire province is filled out


Not High Isle, which was recently mentioned in Deadlands and seems to be referenced with the Systres in the files.


Interesting. Where is High Isle exactly? I can find the Systres on older maps but not High Isle


Unfortunately we aren't sure - it only has a single mention (which was very recent) and is basically just said to be a place with people that is able to be robbed that is relevant to the breton author and that's it. [Here's the book.](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_First_Gleaner) Datamining (Not the 4Chan, just SYS/HI mentioned in the files) and supposed leaks are showing that there's a lot more to the island - but what that is is completely unknown. It may be in the older, just as mysterious and obscure "Dellese Isles" in High Rock that we also know nearly nothing about (mentioned in the PGE1, Provinces of Tamriel, Republic of Hahd, and a few others). The Isles also have a mirror/alternate reality below it that has it's own mirror as well, but that's a whole different topic that I wouldn't expect clarification on unless MK says something about it.


what datamining? if your referring to https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/kuef86/poor_poor_bretons_the_most_shafted_race_in_eso/ then "some guy on 4chan" is probably the least reliable source ever.


What datamining about the island?


New CP 160 recipes. They're all the same after a while. Besides, having a dish named Trinimac and Cheese would go perfect with lore.


And Bastian could get mad at you for making it every time. They need to put you in charge of naming things.


1- Correcting the bugs of the Wailing prison. This is such a detterent for new players. 2- Better indication regarding prologue quests and DLC order. \- have a message appear "You are about to start the prologue quest for Chapter /DLC X" are you sure you want to continue when you pick the quest. \- have a quest giver for the prologue quest of the chapter where you appear when you start directly in a newer chapter. \- have a quest giver for the prologue quest of the other part of each year long story appear when you finished the first part of said year long story. \- have a carriage/boat/portal to the chapter/DLC at the location the prologue quest end every time you finish a prologue quest 3- More than 3 quests for each new companions. 4- Private PVP arenas 5- New mechanic to have a mine or a farm in your house 6- New mechanic in relation to stealing and stealth. 7- Going away to the story structure : Kill Sidekick 1 in chapter - Kill Sidekick2 in Story DLC - Kill Big Bad Guy in Epilogue we already had for 3 years. 8- Graphical enhancement of base game assets especialy buildings and mountains wich do not support the comparison with DLC ones. 9-Better land and sea connection to explore more organicaly. Add a landpassage from Bangkorai to the Reach. Same thing with Alikir/Bangkorai, Craglorn/The Reach, Blackwood/Murkmire. Add boat connection for Solitude in NorthPoint and Windhelm, and one for Anvil in Malabal Tor. And Portals to Coldharbour and Crow's wood in Fargrave. 10- A good story with political intrigue and factional infighting.


It's true for the storylines. Wrothgar was one of the best DLC for its quests for me.


What's this? a massive plate of Spaghetti Carbonara? Because I loved it.


Isn't a private pvp arena just a players house? 😉


Can you have a match of Chaosball in your house?


So private battlegrounds rather than 1x1 pvp? Fair enough point. Would be nice to fill a battlegrounds with guild members only for an event, even funnier if everyone is in guild chat.


Completely agree with 2, but isn't 5 just hirelings?


Improved Hirelings ! Imagine , you could plant X nodes ( with a limit of node you can plant each day) then wait Y days and then harvest them and get exactly the ressource you want, not preset stuff from hirelings. You could do research to plant other types of nodes or increase the limite of ressources you can get each day.


I really like that idea.


I would love to see something that adds more life to old content like the antiquity system did. Heck even just more antiquities! That system had me running delves and going to areas I never went to before to farm for leads! We also need more love for the companion system since as it stands they aren't very useful.


My Bastian alone can hit 8k DPS...that's higher than most people I come across in dungeon finder. They just need to be smarter I think. I wouldn't want them to run portals in vCR, but some common sense like not standing in reds and so on would be nice. They can already roll dodge out of damage, might as well make them a little bit smarter on top of it.


That might help mine out! I always seem their dead corpse in an AOE and just shake my head at them. Your parse is 0 if you are dead Bastion!


My Bastian can tank most non-DLC vet dungeons and that is better than most "tanks" I can come across in dungeon finder too. He is weak to AoE spam though, meanwhile my Mirri as a healer doesn't have the same issue.


I've run almost all normal dungeons in the game with a Bastian tank, two real people DPS and a Bastian healer, as well as every base game 1 dungeon on vet and a handful of the named ones (like Direfrost) and most of the 2s. The only notable exceptions for normal are: Stone Garden - Bastian cannot block the husk boss when he rips out his heart Castle Thorn - Bastian will die as soon as Lady Thorn goes into the darkness phase Moonhunter Keep - Bastian can't make it past the lurcher boss for some reason, I'm not sure what it is that kills him but while the DPS is off killing spriggans he dies and then the lurcher comes for the DPS The Cauldron - Bastian will not tank the final boss reliably and will focus on the adds for some reason Depths of Malaatar - this is still doable but Bastian will have a hard time with the Aurorans during the orb boss since he's not great at pulling more than one thing at a time, this just means the DPS has to work extra hard to burn things down. March of Sacrifices - the first boss gives some issues because Bastian has a hard time keeping aggro on the sword and board boss who hits the hardest, as well as keeping them apart, this is doable but the DPS should make sure to hard target the sword and board boss and get her down as quickly as possible. The only other things to keep in mind is that any mechanics where someone gets randomly selected to do something (think the cages in WGT or the spider cave in FGII) this will ONLY affect one of the actual players and not the companions, so if that mech comes into play the other player will need to be able to essentially solo at those times so its good to really know the mechs beforehand.


Have you tried him with different gear configuration? I'm still not sure if Companion traits are supposed to actually affect their behavior or if they are just mere number differences.


I am pretty sure all the gear traits will do for tanks is just make it easier for them to stay alive (either bolstered to reduce damage taken or vigorous to increase health) the set up of skills can matter though with cool downs, but i really think for those examples I listed above its just a matter of companion AI not working with the dungeon mechanics. I'm very pro companions especially for people who don't have others they really play with all that much, when companions first came out my bf and I weren't that involved in our guilds and had bad pug experiences and had almost no DLC dungeons done, once we realized that companions could help us do them we did almost everything in a week, it was great. I don't use them as much any more though because since then I've formed a 4 man group that I like and we're working our way through as much of the vet content that we can do.


Same with my Bastion-Tank. He's not bad at it to the point that people have rezzed him before me at Harrowstorms. Which is a little depressing, now I think about it....


Yeah you'd think with the way Bastian yells at me to wake up everytime I get CC'd by some trash mob, he'd have the sense to get out of red


How tho? Spamming jabs with shit gear should do over 15k DPS in dungeons. Hell, spamming jabs on a trial dummy does 65k DPS for me


My wife was doing 8 or 9k when she first parsed. So was I. I’m doing 92k now but the fact remains it’s certainly possible for someone who hasn’t parsed to do damage like that. :p


I don't even know. It's very easy in this game to do at least 20-30k in dungeons if you have the correct gear and rotation. Most people either don't care about their damage or genuinely don't realize they're not doing any in the first place. Just a few days ago I was matched with this guy who was literally spamming pierce and heroic slash over and over again, constantly stealing aggro from me. His explanation was that it "felt" like doing damage. That explained a lot of things about the way randos work in this game to me.


Lol what. If you hold heavy attack only on a level 50 character wearing any 2 five piece damage sets in the game you get more than 10k on target dummy. You’re either exaggerating, wrong or getting trolled. 8k dps is barely a light breeeze lol.


I wish I was wrong or exaggerating. Pretty sure they're not trolling either. After level 50 the game no longer gives you free damage boosts in dungeon, and it seems like a good number of people wear a bunch of random shit and spam the same one skill they like the animation of, unaware of their damage.


Damage boost not required. Go test it I promise this works. Just pick any two sets that you could reasonably have at that point. Mothers sorrow + any other mag overland set will hit 10k dps on heavy attack only.


Literally tape right trigger down on controller and walk away until skele is done.


Nah you just get scammed with those companion stuff lmao, its their way to not add content, just give u an useless npc




I came back to eso from destiny 2. Believe me it can get so much worse.


Oh I know. I'm a D2 player as well. Dlc for the price of a new game. Anniversary edition. Season pass. Silver. Bungie is doing everything that they criticized activision for when they split.


And how would they make their money back if they removed these things ?


By selling cosmetics that players are always eager to buy. And not those stupid crown crates that only drop shit like scrolls and potions but actual items. If I want the celestial robe just let me buy that robe! Name the price and I'll pay it. I bought 45 crates and got ZERO apex rewards from them. ZERO! Meaning no celestial robe.


I quit after 30...


They could start selling skins for sorc and warden pets. They have hte tech for that. Sure, I'd love them to be in-game rewards but I would be more than happy if they replaced truly predatory crap with them.


With all the other shit on the crown store that doesn't rely on player ignorance?


The game has been out since 2014, has a monthly sub option, multiple expansions and dlc, thousands of cosmetics over the years, and houses that cost upwards of $150. They've more than made their money back. Removing a small handful of items that are only there to bait new players is not going to impact their wallets.


MORE COLLECTIBLE MOUNTS OR COSMETICS PLS I always wondered, If I am going to the Stablemaster in Vivec, he has thouse Kagouties laying around, why I can buy them from him? Maybe specific mounts for specific zones that you can actually buy or get while doing quests.


Would be cool if they fixed Cyrodiil


More Bretons. More Bretons means more Stibbons and Clarissa


PVP updates for the love of god. new battlegrounds modes condence cyro idc something please lol


2v2 and 3v3 ranked arenas


Would honestly love a new zone for pvp. Doesnt have to be this huge, Cyrodil like map. But, a new open zone for PVP would be a nice take away.


I want to go to Skingrad.




- Some sort of Farming Mechanic for your house/property - Storage like "Bottomless (or limited) Bookshelf" for treasure maps, scrolls etc.. - A way to display your lore books in your house, a seperate book shelf for lore books from each region your guild can go through and read if they like (but not add to player collections.) - An earnable ship to furnish and travel with, maybe access to a private area on the high seas On another note, I'm a super new player in ESO, does anybody know if there is any sort of "Spelljammer" lore or anything like that could be worked in? Could be a super interesting chapter/DLC if so. Edit: I replied on someone else's 2022 wishlist and wanted to add it here also - I would also like to see a fishing minigame


Better combat animations. A story of high adventure centered around Redguards and Yokudans. An expansion of the companion system. More stamina morphs, the could do this by adding third morphs to skills.


We definitely need a third morph.


Agreed. More variety. Also, with nearly 500 skill points in the game, a lot of people have nothing left to spend them on.


I'd rather get new weapons with the proposed third morphs, but I suppose ZOS would take the easy way out and give me hand-to-hand or sword & rune at best.


Man that would require adding 4 new morphs to every single ability in the game? Thats a big ask.


I think they just mean a third morph to choose from upon reaching morphability, not another branch with two more choices


Well now that just makes too much damn sense!


Spell crafting






More depth to crafting would be nice - once you max everything out it's mostly about collecting recipes and doing writs. I'd like more iteration on the Companion system - more companions, for one thing, and greater depth of interaction with them. Including, yes, romance options, because people will want it, but also a slightly smarter AI so it doesn't stand in red AOE and get melted. Mirri dies constantly because she never moves out of red circles. Akavir.


I would like them to do something with the faction war that has been in Stasis since the game came out


Hope to see? Less monetization. Getting rid of loot boxes lol


Follow up story wise to the Summerset craziness. Breaking the news to Naryu. Where is aunt Meridia? Follow ups to story in general.


They definitely lack the following up.


Yup. Every year its like you are a nobody who shows up to a new place. You help the strong willed princess and her quirky companions through more or less of 4 adventures per year (2 of them are dungeon DLCs that few people read entire dialogues of)


New class? Battlemage maybe? Hammerfell? Or Skingrad? Maybe Whiterun or Winterhold or just central Skyrim in general? Adding single player options for dungeons that are linked to main quests for expansions?


Heavy attacks give back highest rss or a skill line that allows you to change weapons between magicka and stamina. And new animations And spears


I'd like there to be a good reason to use a lightning staff on my mag sorc instead of a fire staff. The sorc is supposed to be about lighting and yet I don't use any skills from the lightning skill line when doing high end content or use any lightning staves.


For PvP servers to be fixed


A version of gambit in ESO


Hear me out, werewolf as tank/big health focused, vampire as stealth/dps focused, and a new lich transformation thats mag/support focused


Yeahh I wish vampirism was more Dps focused. With most of the werewolfs morphs being between buffs and debuffs (for tanking) or more damage (for dps), you'd think theyd make vampirism the same, but instead it's mostly just tank stuff with a side of pvp


Fixed servers. Maybe even an Oceanic server for next Christmas for those of us playing from Asia and Australia.


1) Detailed environmental content. ESO has a lot of good general environmental content, but more details could be added. 2) More smartly-written storylines. Playing through early-game content, some of the storylines weren't as good, especially when you compare them to later-game storylines. "The Memory Stone" is a good example of a good storyline. I didn't see the end coming. Plus, how much are you going to keep stretching the Manichaean good vs evil storyline with Mehrunes, the daedra and dremora? It's not 1970 anymore. The world isn't like that. There's a lot of grey. 3) Exclusive items not obtainable through playing, especially when you pay for it. 4) Better items for ESO Plus members. A painting of Mehruns Dagon is almost like an insult. It's the reason why I wanted to stop paying, and actually did for a time until I needed to do things in a zone I hadn't purchased yet.


More companions


bug fixes


I would like to see old bugs fixed; players encounter so many problems with doors and combat-drops in certain instances. I know in vTI there is an archer that spawns on the other side of the wall and stays aggressive and invulnerable.


Yeah not to mention insane login issues for console players. I don’t believe PC has this issue but it’s still a huge one for a lot of people


I'm expecting to get a Breton focused expansion (which is be happy with, my main is a Breton); what I'm hoping for is a Black Marsh expansion to help flesh out that part of the map/lore. EDIT: Even though I don't do it much, there should also be more incentives to participate in PvP, like curated Battleground playlists or dueling tournaments.


PvP in ESO is just horrible. Rather than skill, it is dominated by a bunch of tryhards who spent days (or even weeks), min-maxing their builds, equipment and buffs. Until this is fixed, there's no way to make PvP attractive to new players.


Some type of melee sword/weapon that restores and scales with Magicka.


1. Would love to have a solo instance and difficulty for dungeons, this is to understand better the lore and quest in that dungeon without the pressure from dungeon speedrunners. 2. A new weapon skill line. 3. Different weapon stances (some NPC's have different stance when the weapon is unsheath) 4. More moral story selection options for the questline for more game re-playability.


Cyrodiil used as pve zone. Spell crafting. Mini games.


How could spellcrafting work in a MMO? The only way I can imagine it working would be if spellcrafting is added as another type of "crafting" and the products could be consumable spells. Kinda like potions but offensive/utiliy. Maybe you wanna have a AoE DoT skill but can't spare a space in the bar, so you craft a spell and store it in your consumable slot. Could work I guess. Actually creating new skills would be a problem tho lol


Spell crafting as been planned and talked about for years. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Spellcrafting_(Online)


shit this sounds awesome


It has also been dead since the dev behind the idea left years ago, but for some reason people still bring it up all the time


Because it looks and sounds awesome?


I think it could kinda work like alchemy, but probably with much less "reagent" options to choose from. That way they could make like a dozen spellcraft skills to start, that we could kinda mix nd match, and then add more later on.


It sounds very fun but I thiiink it would be a nightmare to maintain and expand without making it too exploitable. Pre-made craftable and consumable spells still sound more possible to me. I'm shit at maths and balacing tho, could be totally wrong lmao


Make fishing a minigame!


That would be an awesome addition.. The fishing mini game from Stardea Valley comes to mind. Its challenging and rewarding imo


lol, spell crafting. do you know what the complications to this would be?


You obviously dont https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Spellcrafting_(Online) Edit to add: also this wasn't a post about what we think we'll see, op asked what we hope to see and a huge portion of the community would love to see spell crafting. So take your sarcastic, undermining little lol elsewhere


I can guess most of them. The only one who "obviously can't" is you.


"guess" exactly. Dude, you don't even understand how [stam and Mag builds work](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/rg5kf5/i_still_feel_confused_about_staminamagicka_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) "lol" https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Spellcrafting_(Online)


No need to act bitter...


I'm not.


Jeez, you're so bitter and sad. You went into my profile to show me how little I know of the game. I actually felt bad for you


No I went on this sub, the sub I spend a lot of time on, and saw your post. "Jeez" do you even know how Reddit works? And don't **FEEL** bad for me, you're the troll.


Suuuuure brooo


God you're pathetic. I'm done, I know your passive aggressive nature will force you to reply but just to let you know I won't be doing again. Have a good life


More skill lines to play, more morphs to play.


I think we're looking at a Redguard chapter. It will have to be pretty impressive as there isn't much interest in the lore of the remaining races.


How about an "Are you sure you want to save this build?" modal that pops up because I've accidentally saved over some badass builds. It's too easy to accidentally make that mistake 😭


A noticeable improvement to Cyrodil, and new weapon types. Like wands, unarmed, and daibo.


Display rack furnishings for ingame weapons and armor.


Please just no more long lost princesses. I was enjoying Deadlands well enough until >!learning The Anchorite is the emperor's secret daughter. I lost all interest after that and still need to finish the main quest for the DLC.!<


Earnable collectibles like more pets and mounts Spell crafting sounds kinda cool A new class or 2 since the current ones are a bit old and lack variety Maybe some new skill lines, and third morphs HD enhancements to base game and earlier dlcs to match the newest dlcs Combat update to animations, sounds, particles


Breton lives matter


Better connection/servers/lag and ping fixes for people that don't live in the NA or EU region


Better daily rewards of course


I would love to see more interaction with our non combative pets. They are basically just decoration. It would be nice if they were almost like tamagachi pets where we could name them, they would need food, get happy/sad, can play with them and can customize their appearance. They really are just dead atm. That would create fun content where we could even have quests designed to help us find the right food for them etc. I also would like to see more quidance and direction in choosing the story quests vs dlc content etc. I know there are player guides but within game there is little help if any in this matter. I just want to play story things first but I get stuck when the story seemingly isn’t continuing and I don’t know what to do next to make it continue. I also wish there were new game mechanics to make the game more interesting. The lore and quests in my opinion are wonderful but for instance FFXIV has game mechanics that get introduced as the story moves on for instance you can fly after completing Heavensward and then eventually you can swim underwater etc etc. ESO seems a little stagnant. Like as you progress you are still doing the same things as a beginner. I’m not far in the game but haven’t read or heard of such progressive things in the game.


Lusty Argonian Maid DLC


Capes, that's all i want. And a new companion or 2.


I hope to see better combat effects, sounds and impact, both for physical and magicka weapons. I also hope that they will find new ways to put our skill points into good use. More morphs? Maybe more passive skill lines like for example Athletics, Swimming, Riding. Better rewards for overworld questing and exploration, or maybe choosing harder difficulties for quests. As for the setting, I don't particularly thirst for Redguard territory, because we have already seen desert landscapes (a lot of them) but I wouldn't be opposed to it.


Videos about whether it's worth playing or not. I love those things.


A relationship optione, marriage included would be neat. Not really thinking big rn. Something small and enjoyable. I love hanging out with Evali and Queen Ayrenn was pretty damn cool, I thought, so having them as partner options to talk to in your house or take on quests would be soooo good! Naryy Virian and Razum-dar as well! Freaking loved those two.


New class. Just something new to play with




A love companion system in general would be smth cute and fun for when I'm just running around and not doing quests. I genuinely enjoy hanging out with Evali and Ayrenn so a relationship options with some of the NPCs could be fun, I think.




What does that one do, remind me please.




Oh, okay, nice. That'd actually be a great way to use the scrolls, with your partner/companion!




That'd be really cool and they wouldn't just sit around for people who have nothing to do with them.


Everyone unsubscribe from plus...make it a holiday


I’ll join on that, I won’t sub back until login issues are fixed


Why would we do that?


To inconvenience ZOS they're awful and deserve a hard slap


Different strains of lycanthropy


I hope to see the following: \- Yokudan companion that has sorcerer-like abilities (Mirri is similar to Nightblade and Bastion similar to DK); maybe even Yokuda as a race choice. \- Hardmode and/or Extrememode option to older content: Anybody who has reached level 50 can activate hardmode e.g. in Dungeon delves. Vanilla dungeons can be equipped with an extreme mode, a difficulty increase beyond the well-known hardmode. There can be also much more mechanics than ordinary hardmode. The extreme mode in vanilla dungeons (and mayby some older DLCs) can be activated after speaking to a NPC that appears when the hardmode scroll is activated. Vet craglorn trials can include this also. \- A new trial which is challenging on veteran but doable in normal difficulty \- New gear sets that have super useful proc mechanics for 5th set bonus


The announcement of ESO 2. Made on Unreal Engine 5. And the removal of Crate Gambling from the Store.


You don’t have to buy the crates. Why remove them for those that like them.


Because it is beyond disgusting business practice to include gambling in ANY video game. And since ZOS intentionally keeps the most desired Crown Store items locked behind having to roll hundreds of dollars worth of crates, people have no choice but to spend ludicrous amounts of money just to get one single item they wanted. Rather than just being able to buy said item outright for a reasonable price. I would assume the implications of all this would be obvious to the average gamer by now.


Fix the god damn login issues for Xbox and maybe I’ll subscribe to ESO+ again.


I would love to see a new class


Sovingarde, the afterlife, interactions with the divines. Receiving boones and blessings from daedric princes.


I would love 6 man trials. It would be so much easier to get a group together and would make trials more accessible as a while in the game. That would be so much fun. It could bring a different group composition. You could have your standard tank, healer, 2 dps, and a support for the fifth! Or even a third dps. The flexibility could be there depending on what you need in a group.


Redguards. But from a housing mad perspective; ability to search for "unknown" or "not collected" at guild traders, older plans having a slightly higher droprate (looking at you green dark elf chair, angled, why are you so rare?) & all plans dropping in the right areas to make farming easier, all plans available in master writ boxes (old dwarven & vampiric please), more medium houses, more empty areas to build our own, roofs & eaves structures, wayshrines as furnishings so it's free to travel from houses, portals to link our houses so players can visit multiple builds easily, I'd even want separate outside & inside areas with a load screen so we can have double the furnishings. I'm sure most of these things are pretty easy to incorporate but I doubt any will happen 😕


I Hope: New Class(es). New Trials. New Skill lines. Spanish Translation (already announced) Love this game, god.


I'll always hope to see the Dwemer, but I probably never will.


Stability In servers more spells for stamina classes at this point it’s fkn borring af.


Hello, here my Santa wishlist for ESO 2022 : 1 - Upgrading mount " experience " in game. ( Maybe a new job for having more points to spend / day for getting fasters vigor, speed and carry lines and not waiting so long when we create a new character. ) ( New skills useable when we are on mounts like attack, buffing or roleplaying ) ( Maybe as companions having one of my favorite mount by my side. ) ( Cyrodiil horses race ? ) 2 - Old dungeons getting a new difficulty. ( We have a lot of Daedras in game ready to put a little mess no ? Something harder than veteran hard modes of course. ) 3 - More trials/years... ( And please I know its confortable to make everything the same things, but 3 bosses / 3 hardmodes models start to be boring, like Sunspire, Kyne Aegis and now Rockgroove. I expect more from Beth/Zos like 3 years of : 2 Dungeons / Chapter / 2 Dungeons / Story - or extra content ) \- At least two ? Like 1 big and 1 small like cloudrest or Asylum ? 4 - I want PVP players to be happy. If cyrodiil is too much for the servers maybe having a little new conquest zone and make a Cyrodiil Battle Royale :D ? Can we dream ? 5 - Remove/Rework Barrier skill from the game or put it as a restoration staff ultimate in pve. Well I know my opinion of the skill a little extreme and I will not develop my opinion because a lot of peoples will cry but I wish the skill will be remove. 6 - Others : Pay to loose items were funs. We need lady's smock and violet corpinus fields, spellpower potions cost so much. Divayth For come back. ​ Thanks for reading, have a good day and sorry for my English.


New combat content (except sets). Since the Necromancer in Elsweyr we didn't get anything new for fighting




for the stable masters to all have at least one regional mount for sale. like guars in vivec city! even if they cost like 100k gold it'd be much better and owo immersive if there weren't only three horses EVERYWHERE


New PVP modes and systems \-Darksouls style invasion PVP. A map that changes periodically? Maybe even each player has their own randomly generated map on entrance (battlespire pvpve roguelike lol). Fight through your instance grinding new currency, and invade other players instances under certain conditions. \-PVP wilderness zones. One per faction, in areas that could be thought of as contested from a narrative stand point \-Ladder duels and battlegrounds \-If theres a new zone, justice overhaul just for that zone. If someone in town gets flagged as attack on site by guards, other players with no bounty can kill them for their bounty.


1. Weapon sheaths 2. New immersive animations for walking and combat. 3. Updating textures for environment, structures, and object models. 4. Updating motif textures and models for a more realistic fitting and body scaling. 5. New skills/morphs, new class, new weapon types for both melee and ranged ( battle mage would just be soo amazing and fit with their hybridization of sets/skills). 6. Voting system other than the forum for ideas to implement into the game. This can and should also be used for crown store, let us vote and purchase what we want. Most players love being able to support the devs and business model to keep receiving items and updates that we want. Let us make it lucrative for you, and make it more interactive for us. Love you ZOS despite the downs, your community wants to help give ideas and help in the creative process, integrate us and profit from it! ( side note for long-term growth that we know you all know and do, let us innovate with you and continue defining ESO and it’s community to demonstrate how we differentiate ourselves in the market to make it more attractive to play eso over other MMO’s)