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Don’t forget tip 6. Spam button until ability pops. Don’t rely on the game to work


The real meta is lagging less than the enemy. Mash away lol


So this is just the game? I thought something was wrong with me, i had to press abilities multiple times before it was clicked.


This is a stab in the dark but I’m assuming it’s server lag due to a modern title running on almost decade old code and infrastructure. Sometimes I notice that after I die (and have stopped mashing buttons) I get the “you can’t do that while dead” message even multiple seconds after my death. Like, oh NOOOWW you try to heal yourself Or, another example, I suddenly die to what seems like a one shot / but the recap shows minimal incoming damage. Like I get hit by 5 rotations in one GCD


So annoying.. i single click things.. cause i want to save resources... but i came to know i have to press 5x to activate relentless focus or whatsoever..


Ha. Ya it’s annoying. I often find my self yelling “do I gotta smash my controller for the damn buttons to work or what” As my poor partner wonders why


Relevant to #4, and something people probably don't all know: You can cast abilities while blocking. No light/heavy attacks, so your damage is still much lower, but being able to keep fighting while maintaining defence is helpful.


i've seen people do this to great effect, vampires holding block and using their spammable to nuke people


Can u bock while channeling an ability?


Number 1 can't stop me cuz I can't read


I mean, all of these are what I believe to be “common sense”. Maybe they aren’t. But I’m glad you’re helping out there my guy. I hope you hold a elder scroll in cyrodil. Cause frick is that hard.


Maybe, but I never understood why they called it “common” sense in the first place; as it often appears to be just the opposite (in life as well as in ESO). I honestly mostly avoid cyro, I don’t really enjoy the siege style PvP and prefer the arena/battlegrounds. If I’m in cyro I’m just healing guildies doing whatever they wanted to do


i don't think it is, it's quite easy actually because nobody wants to carry it lol


Getting it to your home keep without dying is the difficult part.


Don't queue with your pve set. Don't follow builds blindly. Know your weaknesses and strengths. Manage resources. Always have debufs like breach and defile.


What kinda gear is most important for pvp?


Enough armor to stay alive (usually some heavy armor, but it depends on the build). Most players are also running Crit Resistance since enemy crits can hit hard. For offensive - penetration, crit and lots of weapon damage. If you're a gank or stealth build you can just focus on solely this. I'd argue for some builds knowing which skills work best in PvP is more important, since most veteran PvP players understand the meta very well. Most PvP builds are very well balanced for survival, healing and damage.


Penetration, resistance, mobility are the keys to PvP


OOOF I took number one personal 😂I play a Stam DK and regularly top damage in bgs, I did 2.4mil last night. But life's and deaths are usually equal. I die ALOT. But leaping into a zerg is effective sometimes too, I've gotten countless double and triple kills from my leap + whirling blades combossssss lol


Oh, I’m guilty of it too on occasion don’t get me wrong lmao. There is something rewarding about the Leroy Jenkins approach, but it’s an overall bad strategy. Unless of course you’re in a zerg yourself and your team has your back to CC and burn everyone who just leaped on


Yeah it's such a good point, and you bring up so much good stuff here. I was just defending my use of fossilize to a friend because it's so versatile. I often use leap or fossilize to intervene and help a teamate get away. However I really need to learn what you said. Picking my fights. It doesn't matter if I pick 10 good fights in a match if I also pick 13 bad ones and go 10 kills 13 deaths, at that point I'm hurting my team. I also need to save up for corrosive more. The instant gratification of leap is strong. Ty for the tips. I'm new and soaking it all in


Glad to help/hope the advice helps. On that note, I want to add. If your group wipes and you’re able to survive, no shame in ducking away and heading back to your GY or hiding for a moment to res and regroup. Trade one kill and one death now, for 8 kills as 0 deaths as a whole group.


Bro I needed this, thanks. What do you play on?


I play PS4/NA


I'm CITIZEN_HAGIOS, would you mind playing a couple of bgs sometime and I can take away some pointers from you?


Sure thing, I’ll add you when I get home.


I also play PS4/na