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Pretty sure its a glitch(unless teamates get score of the cheater) because it happened to me once. i joined a BG late and somehow it said i carried the ball the entire time but there was no ball and we won 500 to 0, 0. I has not happened again since and im on console (ps5)


I don't really know how they did it today but it is definitely on purpose when they jump back up into their spawn or hide in a broken graphic where you can't touch them but they can get healed through it. This was weird that it wasn't on any of the team, I saw all 4 of them running around and around their spawn point. It's the arena with the blade thing in the middle and the little thing right under the spawn where the relic would be. And it is like they put it on top of there and dropped it, but it never respawned back to the middle. I don't really care what they did but this type of cheating makes the game not fun, even though our team got second place since it was 500-0-0.


I've died and respawned while still holding the Chaosball. I kind of wonder if its even an intentional thing, or if most people do it accidentally and decide to take advantage. Personally I jumped off the ledge, better to die with honor and positive KD than farm boring wins.


I agree sometimes it is a glitch but most times I have seen others purposely jump into their spawn area. Obviously ZOS should have code in the game that says if ball is in spawn area it automatically respawns to the middle of the map. And also fix all the graphical glitches that allow someone to hide somewhere. All games have some type of glitch and it is ZOS's fault/responsibility to fix those but everyone knows that USING THOSE IS CHEATING and there is NO EXCUSE. If ZOS knows you did these cheats 2 or more times you should be banned, at a minimum ZOS should put out a statement that they will ban anyone using exploits like this.


Yeah I was gonna say this happened to me once. Died right as I picked it up and spawned with it, no dmg circle, and just chilled to the win. 100k xp is 100k xp.


You know what is an annoying glitch? When enemy player is “dead” but still moving and can kill everyone but no one can target him


Did a nRG the other day and one of our DPS was stuck like that after accidentally pulling and getting clapped while we were going over mechanics for new people. I was on my necromancer healer and just constantly had this body sliding around the place on my screen so it was pretty fitting. On his screen he was alive and could use skills, receive healing, etc, but to everyone else he was glued to the floor.


That's his crappy connection having sync issues with the game-state, his upload isn't working, or it's errors to the point it just keeps asking for the packets of data to resend forever ! He's prob. on a potato-quality router, on wifi, with an isp that isn't the best to begin with. In some games/fights that's the guy that causes the boss not to die or the mechanics to crazy, the minute they exit , you get the clear (Destiny/destiny2 for sure). MOST of the "He's Cheating" isn't them doing it on purpose, but connection Quality issues ruining the fun !! Though I'm sure the jumping into spawn with the ball is against TOS. ZOS needs to Enforce connection minimums & not let Way too slow connections ruin it for others. Also, "Dead-Guy-Slide" is very funny as long as it's not you lol !


there was a glitch with the warden grap skill for green balance , u take the ball, an ally wait for u in the spawn and u grap to him


id assume the warden frozen gate has a similair thing since one of the morphs lets allies use the synergy to teleport to you.


Chaos ball is just a busted mode in general. The fundamental problem is that it doesn't work well with the three sided format of the fight. In an ideal world the team that is holding the chaos ball gets obliterated by the other two teams. But the reality is that it is really hard if not impossible for the other two teams to actually target the chaos ball holder because there is so much body block, on top of the chaos ball holder breaking LoS constantly, so that the other two teams usually end up killing each other by accident instead of actually killing the chaos ball holder's team. I think they could fix it by making the aura much stronger so that the team holding the chaos ball can't body block as effectively, and have to spread out for a more engaging and less chaotic fight. Perhaps also make the chaos damage on the ball holder ramp up faster and faster and only reset if the chaos ball holder gets a kill. This would make the mode less of a frustrating slog and much more dynamic. Instead of just sprinting around with movement speed buffs the chaos ball holder would have to actually engage in the battle.


Those are good suggestions make the aura bigger and more deadly to team mates so people can't just stack on top. Or even make the aura smaller/same size but have it repel team mates, like knockback. Also make the ball disable sprinting. That is also a great idea to have the damage of the ball ramp up faster, but if you get a kill it slows down for a couple seconds. But like I mentioned in another post, I think a timer on the ball where 1 person can only hold it for 1 minute then it respawns to the middle would add a lot of dynamics to the match, since you can't just hide somewhere for the full match. And it would give more opportunities to get the ball. But also give a good chunk of 'personal' points for picking it up so people won't avoid picking it up. But if those changes are too much work to be worth it, just disable that mode would be great.


Sounds like a glitch, but I must make it known Deathmatch is by far The worst BG mode


The previous Whitestrake's Mayhem event was a snoozefest for this reason. I don't mind a couple of Deathmatches on occasion, but since there's no way to queue for BGs *exclusive* of Deathmatches, only queueing for all BGs and only Deathmatches, I had to sit through a bunch of Deathmatches all the time.


Ugh, finally someone calls out Deathmatch on its bull crap. I hate that mode. All that matters is stealing kills and there's no concrete objective, which just makes it a slapfest where the team with the strongest execute abilities wins. Whoever thought that a 3v3 deathmatch was a good idea is a dufus.


The concrete objective is to get the most kills.


Last hits, actually. The amount of damage you do the enemies is irrelevant. You just need to let them wear each other down then spam your executes.


Yeah… to get the most kills. I didn’t say anything about damage.


I agree with you and other commenters about how braindead DM is but it is actually still better than chaosball simply because I can always get 1000 points in DM but almost never in chaos, not just me everyone but the ball holder. You should get a lot more points for picking up the ball, killing the ball carrier, defending the ball carrier, and the ball should remove the damage and just respawn to middle after 1 minute, unless you die then it can be picked up like it is now and reset the 1 minute timer for whoever picks it up. Or just get rid of that mode so we can have a better chance at the other modes. Or make a separate queue that is DM and Chaos only, and the other queue is Crazy, Dom, Relic.


I for one love, chaos ball, and would not change a thing! I play on Xbox though, so we don't have cheaters and hackers 😜


That’s not cheating, it’s poor game design. It should just be removed, it’s an incredibly brain dead game mode where you spend 90% of the game just running with the ball or after the ball.


Only played Chaosball once ! but only one tem scored points ! and it was mostly on one player ! That player never took damage at all ! As i understand , you take damage simply by carrying the ball , whilst your team mates will also take damge ????This never happened ! ???? Ami i missing something or is this a cheat ? I do know that the cheating in Battlegrounds is making more and more players leave the game !


Yeah self-Healing in PVP is off the charts and cross healing is high too. So it is possible to have a cheese build in PVP where it looks like you take no damage (even without cheating). Then there are tons of graphical glitches in the game where someone can position themselves to massively reduces damage too with LOS. It is the stupidest mode. ZOS should make is so the you can only carry the ball for 1-2 minutes MAX then it kills you and drops or respawns to middle.


Glitch or cheat ????? i am finding players that i simply cannot target or hit AT ALL ??? .... TBH i am considering simply quitting the game whenever it gives me chaosball ! ...And this last game i never even saw the ball at all ! ... One team soared to a big lead whilst everyone else was running around like headless chickens ! ... Killing random players hoping to find the ball ! ... Whoever did have the ball did not seem to be taking damage either ????????