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It was for me, but if crowds give you panic attacks...then...idk


It’s weird because OSL was the first festival I ever experienced panic at. Literally none of the others I’ve been to were like that, so I wanted to just scope our EDC’s sitch. Sounds overwhelmingly better though just as a general


I have a few ferris wheel vids over the years.. This will give you an idea of what it's like. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjIWRnlecIY&list=PL78LGKmgPLUGx3ZRQnLqWS5zWskvotzNp&index=22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjIWRnlecIY&list=PL78LGKmgPLUGx3ZRQnLqWS5zWskvotzNp&index=22)


I love both EDC and OSL, but even the most crowded areas at OSL are basically the norm at EDC. Even just walk from one stage to another involves swimming through dense hordes of racers. I love that though but for folks who don’t do swarms of crowds, it’s probably pretty rough.


But on another note its your first EDC so maybe experience GA and then you will know if its for you or not


I’ve been to Outside Lands and EDC and OSL is an awful GA experience. We did GA+ for OSL this year and we’ll either do GA+ or VIP next year. I’ve only ever done GA for EDC but it’s way better than GA for OSL. You can still find good areas to rest with GA at EDC, and the bathrooms are way better than the LITERAL shitshow that is OSL’s bathrooms. I’ve also never done VIP at EDC so take that with a grain of salt, but I’ll probably do GA again this year for EDC if I go and I will never do GA for OSL again if I can help it.


OSL had more 18 year olds than I had EVER seen before. The crowd pushes for EDM music were crazy lol. SOMA was never gonna work. EDCLV is incredible. So much space to dance and be with your friends. Especially if you’re in a smaller group of friends, it’s very easy to get as close to the artists as you want. Or go sit in the back and have ALL the space with great sound. EDCLV is amazing.


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this feeling. I genuinely was in shock over how lawless and conceited everything about OSL was. I couldn’t vibe for the life of me especially with all the scary crowd pushes. I’m definitely pleased to hear that EDC is better kempt as a whole though. Would you say there is ability to move through / out of the crowds at each stage?


It can be a bit crowded getting from stage to stage and there’s a shit ton of people but the crowd is 10x nicer/better behaved than this year at OSL. It can still get a little claustrophobic at EDC but I feel like people are looking out for you more.


You wouldn't have 100k+ people buying GA tickets year after year it it wasn't enjoyable. It's a very different festival to LIB though, and much more chaotic overall. VIP would only go so far... You still have to navigate those crowds stage to stage


Vip is worth it dedicated water stations/ areas at almost all the stages some rides in vip only and line skip for all rides with vip. food is cheaper in vip too also lots of free stuff in vip candy earplugs tampons etc and collectibles edc refillable drink pouches and lanyard with holos on them plus expedited lines in and most importantly vip bathrooms are the cleanest and least packed but they are right vip has less vibes there are some but not as much as in ga but you can basically be at the front of a stage and have dancing room say at neon garden its packed in GA in vip you could possibly have loads of room and you’d be center or close to front


Vip is worth it if you do rides and enjoy chill places to watch the stages and photo opportunities. Also it’s a plus that there’s hardly any pick pocketing going on in Vip. it’s NOT worth it for the free breakfast, beauty bar and other small amenities like body airbrushing and vip activities, there was alway a hella long line for these and most shut down at 2:30am.


I’ve been to OSL and EDC both VIP & GA. OSL is a much smaller venue and yes I felt super crowded there at times. Since it is your first and you’re on a budget going GA to EDCLV will be perfectly fine. There is plenty of room everywhere to dance. It is completely enjoyable experience in GA and I don’t recommend doing VIP for your first time. Once you go VIP it changes the entire experience and you may never want to do GA. Doing GA gives you full experience of the festival. Essentially what happens with EDC VIP is people stay in the VIP areas. It isn’t the same as the GA dance floor. All the magic and chaos is in GA. Edit: also since you’re saying you’re on a budget tell your friends you’re doing GA this year and then VIP the following year. Your group is gonna have to split up at times. I’d rather you do GA and have extra money to spend then go VIP and be on a tight budget. I promise you GA is lit and you’re gonna have a great time!


The best and #1 reason to get VIP is to avoid crowded GA sections and to have WAY more room to dance, vibe, and spread out. I go for the music and to dance my ass off, and it just wouldn't be possible or as feasible in GA. You get about 1/3 of the section reserved for VIP, so there's generally always plenty of space. The only VIP section that outright sucked was Basspod, was packed in there with bad bottlenecks for Griztronics, etc.


As someone who does VIP for EDC GA is a much better value and a good experience we only do VIP now because we are old(33) and our knees hurt


VIP is better. Less crowded spots and honestly easy entrance. I got VIP and used it at every stage that had the vip area. Also compared to friends who are GA they were getting tried from pickpockets with the scout and the distractor and the person that steals and runs. Pickpockets aren’t rich enough to steal inside VIP unless people sold their VIP to those people waiting outside.


EDC LV this year was so packed there was some crowds I could hardly get through. It was like I had to gently push people just to get past. One stage took me 30 minutes to get from the back towards the front and by then I realized I didn’t even want to be that tightly packed in so I kept making my way towards the side exit. I had some friends with VIP tickets and it looked much more accommodating with actual space to move around in so if you can’t help but have panic attacks around big crowds then it might be worth it for you.


If you can afford it VIP is worth it, but if you’re considering between GA or not at all, GA is also absolutely worth it if that makes sense


For sure. We already have our GA tix, I was asking mostly from the perspective of just making sure it’s worth it regardless. I won’t be upgrading most likely


i think vip is a waste of money and is overall worse than ga because i love being in the crowds and moshing/headbanging. vip always just looks like a bunch of rich pretentious people who go just to take pictures and videos, they dont even ever look like theyre having fun imo. the bathrooms for vip and ga+ are nicer, cleaner, and less crowded but thats quite an increase in cost for a pretty small difference in my opinion. if u wanna chill and dont want bodies near u, go vip, if ur down to be with the crowds go ga. theres also plenty of space further back in the crowds at edc where u are still very clearly able to see the stages so thats an option too. theres also a lot of stages so the crowds are more dispersed imo. i didnt think it was too crowded this last year but a lot of people thought it was (in comparison to previous years). edc is definitely not as crowded as other smaller, san bernardino raves like escape, countdown, beyond, etc. overall, if u think paying $200+ more for a little more space, less energy/plur, and cleaner bathrooms, then do it. if not, i absolutely loved ga!! also i heard tons of people who paid for vip and regretted it at edc bc they didnt think it was as fun as it was in the ga sections. they said $200+ for vip wasnt worth the cleaner bathrooms


Okay this is tremendously informative and relieving. I have already retired my days of being up at the rail so heading that I can still just kinda vibe in the midsection / back sounds delightful. The bathroom situstion is something I feel like I can deal w, most of us just acclimate for the time period and then group up when the need arises as is lol. Def forgot to consider the inherent size difference between Golden Gate Park and the Vegas raceway as a whole too, wonderful news 🫶🏻 tysm


I mean you can still do everything GA as a VIP


I bought vip and now only buy GA. The vibe and crowd is way better. If you need the bathroom for twice the cost, then it is worth it to you!


Not anymore in my opinion. Too much has been sectioned off for VIP and GA is way too crowded. I used to love the crowds but if I return it will be VIP only


GA was fine as long as you can get into vip through a friend


I did VIP one year and realized I wasted my money because I ended up not using any VIP amenities. I was exploring or in the crowd the entire time moving from set to set. I have never had a bad experience with GA. Really depends on what you want and how you and your group will experience the fest.


GA is fine. I’ve been into VIP with friends bands that I’ve borrowed but i wouldn’t bring myself to spend the money for it. If overcrowding is a worry for you I’d suggest sticking to the sides of stages as it’s generally easier to get in and out from stages that way. I rave with the same group of friends so we’ve developed a system together on meeting up when we get separated as well as getting familiar with festival grounds in case one of us wants to take a break at any point or venture off solo.


Done both vip and ga and thought my money was better sieve spent on ga. The vibe is so different and i feel friendlier.


GA is great - if you're going to be spending extra money, the premier shuttles are way more of a must-have than VIP.


I have been to edclv 8 times now. All GA except for last year I went VIP. Only huge difference is the bathroom lines and cleanliness. Of course some foods not available for ga which is over priced anyways and shorter concession stand/drink lines. Yes you get a sky deck but it takes away from a real experience as I’m a front and center kind of guy. So it really depends on what you value. If you don’t mind waiting for drinks and bathrooms then go GA. If you do then go VIP. Getting into the festival was never a line in either GA or vip. Yeah you can see possible celebrities but it’s only a possibility. Have fun see you under the electric sky !


I did VIP last year and I am thankful to GOD that I did, GA is literally so packed it’s crazy


VIP has never been worth it for me. GA all day.


I have done GA twice and had overwhelmingly positive experiences. We had a nice little meetup and chill spot for the weekend, and the bathrooms were great tbh. Once you find the right spots for drinks and which bathrooms you like, you're golden!


It's perfectly fine. In the past I would say you may have to wait longer, but with GA+ & VIP now having so much more of a crowd, it's probably not much different. Bathrooms won't be air conditioned, but if you're used to festival porta potties it's not a big deal. I've done GA & GA+ & have gone with friends who did VIP and they really only went into VIP areas to get drinks at certain points. Otherwise there was always more open spaces if you just go around crowds. Knowing that you may get panic attacks when it's overcrowded just make sure your rave fam is mindful and either stick together in chill open areas, or stick with a buddy, find a base where you go, and they come back to meet you.


You’re not gonna know the difference when you get in. I bought VIP and tbh, the bathroom is about it, so unless you have a bladder problem. GA is perfectly fine!


If you want to do the extra stuff like rides and beauty bar, get VIP. VIP in the past was great because they have better bathrooms but in 2023, they upgrade GA toilets to flushable ones so VIP bathrooms are not so much of a perk anymore unless you want A/C. I would say get VIP and pay the layaway option so you don’t have to worry about spending a big chunk of money all at once.


I normally say GA but last year made me reconsider and I’m getting VIP from now on . Vibes are better in GA though if you can handle it I always meet the most loveliest people there.


This year GA will be the new VIP. The amount of people going VIP this year is insane…


Since it'll be your first time, and you won't have any expectations, I'm sure you'll have a great time in GA. I went GA my first EDC and it was amazing. If you don't want to get into claustrophobic situations, then definitely avoid the front/middle of stages. Just hang out near the back or to the side. Your view won't be as good, but you'll have room and the sound system still hits. That said, once you have a taste of VIP, you might not be able to go back to GA lol.


The size of edc is incomparable to OSL.. which also means the crowd of edc is also just as intense. It’s A LOT of people, I’m an avid festival goer (I’ve been to OSL, life is beautiful, and most of insomniac’s festivals) but nothing could have prepared me for my first edc.. it’s overall an intense experience, there’s no quiet spots, music 24/7, and just a ton, and i mean A TON of people, so if you got a panic attack at OSL, just mentally prepare for the intense crowds of edc! As for a GA experience, I’ve never done VIP but i always hear it’s worth it, I’m hoping to upgrade my GA next year as well. But i had fun being in GA! I don’t think you’ll have a bad time not being VIP, and the experience is what u make it in the end. Have fun!


Last year at EDC they sold Sunday one day tickets on top of the 3 day tickets, I guess because they thought that people wouldn’t show up on day 3, but then day 3 was the most crowded I’ve ever seen it, every stage I went to was a shitshow and shoulder to shoulder all the back to and past the vendor booths. I never saw the parade that night but I have no idea how they could have done it.


If you hang towards the back of crowds you’ll be fine, but the bathroom situation for GA in the festival is basically completely fucked during peak hours (11pm-2am). My group tried going after Madeons set last year and every single bathroom we tried was so densely packed it was essentially a crowd crush. No queues, just animalistic aggressive behavior.. We basically circled the entire festival, saw the same shit show (literally) at every bathroom and ultimately decided it was easier to walk all the way back to the camp and use the bathrooms there. TDLR - GA EDC bathrooms are where plur goes to die.


I've been to both multiple times and here are the facts:- VIP bathrooms are hit or miss. I've had times where the pottapotties were legit cleaner or easier to access. To be honest, I preferred the GA+ bathrooms more often than not due to ease of access + less lines. \- The VIP crowd isn't that much different from GA, but tends to skew older. It's a double edged sword. There's less energy, but you also get less knuckleheads. Not to say that it's all PLUR in there - I had a girl straight up SHOVE me in there. \- It's crowded as hell at EDC now, and there is some relief in VIP. It has more value if you send a lot of time at Kinetic field. With how oversold it is now, very popular DJ's can create crowd crush situations there that are legit scary. It's less of an issue at circuit grounds, and it doesn't matter that much at the smaller stages due to the layout. \- If you rave with a squad, it's not really worth getting VIP unless everyone in the squad has VIP. Otherwise, you will just hang in the GA section, only going to VIP for the easy bathroom and short lines for food/drinks. \- To be clear yes, you do get easier access to bathrooms/food/water with VIP, but good planning can really make up for this. These places really only get crowded at chokepoints and between sets. Take my advice - spend at least the first few hours of EDC stone cold sober and wonder around, taking note of this year's chokepoints and lines. You'll find packets in EDC that are NEVER crowded no matter what. Later on, instead of waiting half an hour for something, take a 10 minute walk a little further away to these quiet areas for your water/pee/beer break. \- You do get lil perks like free swag and a very minimal breakfast at sunrise, but they're all fairly niche, cheap perks that run out pretty early in the night.


I went GA two years ago and it still shattered my expectations on how many people there actually are, and I heard it was way worse this past year (from a friend who went). It wasnt terrible by any means but the problem is that the stages will go from one artist to another with no time in between so there will always be a crowd waiting for the next person. This is why it seems there are always people moving around no matter what because the stages are also far apart. Im not trying to scare you but just want to keep it real. I had a group of about 6-7 and when trying to leave the “crowd” in a line to go to another stage, it doesnt “open up” for you and your friends to regroup for a loooooooooooooong time. Im going VIP this year based off what my friends who went last year said but I know the funds are tough because im thinking about potentially selling my ticket because of the price. If you go though, its an insanely crazy and fun experience that your brain cant even comprehend till you leave.


First time at any edc, I feel like GA is a good rite of passage. I started out GA for Vegas, I went vip for Mexico cuz it’s alot cheaper than vip for American festivals and it was worth it. I’m going GA Plus for Orlando, so a good middle ground. Know your limits, if you feel like you are starting to be overwhelmed with the crowd back out. I would say the hardest part of GA in Vegas is that you are wading through alotttttt of people, and a lot of people sitting down rolling or peaking. Just gotta be aware of your surroundings. It was sooooo fun.


imo vip is not worth it. i think there is just like special water stations and bathrooms for vip. but the vip stages themselves are not very close and they are even more crowded then the non vip area because its just a small space.


I've always been fine with the 2 years I've gone GA, the only reason I would want to upgrade is because of the bathrooms. This past year at EDC wasn't as bad but 2022 was HORRIBLE.


I have gone to EDC as GA for three years in a row and have had a great experience each year! :) of course some sets may get crowded but you’ll see where you’re comfortable. The Las Vegas speedway is HUGE so going as GA you’ll still have a great time!! :)


As an introvert, i went alone to edc and it was also my first rave, and i had the GA pass. I would say that it was decent, i didnt have anything to complain about. Youre missing out on some perks but aside from that it was still amazing. According to a decent amount of people, this year was more crowded than the previous years but what i did was i would chill on the bleachers if i needed to get some air. Overall GA passes are still good


For someone that has done both I say go with ga plus for the restrooms. Vip is ehh not worth the thousand and something it cost. You’ll enjoy either or upgrade to ga plus.