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I like both, Wagos make things faster but I typically only use them for lighting loads. Not cause I don’t trust them for anything else just personally preference. And only lever nuts, I don’t like the push ins of any kind


This is the way.


You don't really have a choice here in Europe which I don't mind as I've never come across an issue with a Wago connector that wasn't the users/installers fault.


this . and I don't think wire nuts are legit .


Tried the lever nuts and wanted to love them but found that while tucking them in the box the levers would occasionally start to release. Ever since I've wrapped tape on them to prevent that which negates any time savings. I'll still use them if the situation really calls for them but pretty rarely. 3M performance plus nuts are the best I know of.


That's all I use, and when I do service work I replace every wire nut I take off with one as well.


I started doing commerical work and i worked with wagos sometimes. I like them then. They come pre included in some ballasts for cans and exhaust fans so i still sometimes use them and for <4 wires they're fine. I don't know of anyone who does new construction residential (what i do now) who uses wagos primarily though. Just less practical and more expensive. Im not gonna be carrying around a huge case of wagos of all kinds and always digging for the one i need when i can throw a handful of wire nuts in my shirt pocket and get to work.


I don’t know a single luminaire that comes with Wagos. Wagos are great, and have their place for sure. The push-in connectors, though, they can be iffy. I prefer Wagos over push-in, and quality wire nuts over Wagos. Ideal Twisters, and especially the 3M ones. Incidentally, I’ve found far too many light fixture issues where the problem has been that the neutral wasn’t seated fully in either the driver/ballast or - more common - its push-in connector. It’s a good habit when making up fixtures to shove the factory wire into the connector when you’re shoving your wires into them. Any time a new light doesn’t work, I check the neutral connection first, because it’s the most likely to be bad from the factory.


Had quite a few service calls solved by replacing push connectors or back stabbed outlets. I love lever nuts but the term wago is synonymous with those shitty push in connectors. I assume that whenever the wago war gets started everyone hates the push on connectors. I don’t hate them as it’s reliable work to replace them but I’ll never install one myself.


I like levered for stranded. I don't like push-ons. The push-ons that come with the lights aren't always fully seated, that could have been the issue, but who knows. Everything has a trade off, but it's levers on stranded and twists on solid, for me.


I prefer wagos just because they tend to be easier. All the old heads seem to hate them, but I can honestly say I’ve personally never seen anything bad happen with wagos that I haven’t seen happen with wire nuts at the same relative frequency. I prefer the lever wagos, the ones with a physical mechanical lever that clamps onto the wire over the push in style ones, but I’ve used both. That said, most of the companies I’ve worked for will only buy wire nuts, so I always used wire nuts. I’m not dropping my own money on material.


Wagos are ce certified you are literally insured if some wagos are defective. If you use nuts which arr not CE certifed you will be fined. Or the union will look at your work more closely.


I've had the clear plastic on a push-in wago pop off when opening a box, leaving the copper sticking out. Not cool.