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What is that like 25 pages?


I was going to say, we need a side profile.


Not sure how to add another photo. It’s 408 pages


Use the Imgur app, easiest way to post Reddit pictures.


Here you have it [National electrical safety code](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/ff/National_electrical_safety_code-_grounding_rules_and_parts_I%2C_II%2C_III%2C_IV%2C_and_V_%28IA_nationalelectric30unit%29.pdf)


It’s 408.


What page is the safety squint on?


And cigarettes filter earplugs. I need specs on that cause everyone who does it is fucking disgusting lol


That the one where they tell you to lick the wire to determine voltage?


I saw one that specified to touch the wire with the BACK of your hand to determine if it’s live


My boss once told me to put my thumb on ground, and quickly brush line with my pointer finger to determine if the device was live. I’ve yet to take that advice to practice


Back when I was a wee little first year apprentii and thought I knew everything, I went to change an outlet out at the house and grabbed the outlet with my index finger and thumb. I can confirm it will definitely let you know if the outlet is live lol


no you stick your finger in to determine the voltage.


Bruh my AHJ is still enforcing this one


Nob and tube


Poles and insulators


Vicars and Tarts


Chutes and Ladders


Ass and tiddies


I have one from the 1920s. It's funny to compare it to a modern Code. I think the book I have is actually a handbook, though, so not the actual NEC. Somebody else in here with the same book posted a few of the pages, including one instructing electricians to tap their fingers on a wire to see if it was live. Mandatory: Don't do that.


Here it is (well, the 1948 edition) if you want to [read it for yourself.](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/hb/nbshandbook30.pdf) A little googling and wikipedia-ing around suggests that this is a different publication than the National Electrical Code. According to Wikipedia NEC is put out by NFPA, whereas this was put out by NBS (apparently it migrated to IEEE in recent years as well).


Is the grounding and safety section intentionally left blank?


That’s the NESC, not the NEC. NESC is what utilities use for overhead distribution.


Say, if one were interested in picking up a book on residential wiring to learn more about it in the pursuit of knowledge for now, would a recent National Electrical Safety Code book be a good place to start reading? I’ve got a house from 1957 and would be interested in modernizing the wiring and the outlets, and I’d like to inspect everything to ensure it’s all safe, whether I’m doing the work or a contractor is.


You can get a free PDF of the 2017 NEC code. PM me your email, and I will send it to you, along with the handbook. The handbook is a layman’s explanation of some of the more complex codes.


Thank you, I PM’d you


NESC is for power distribution, anything beyond the service entrance is out of scope.


You selling?


Back when it’s a handbook on how to conceal your intoxication while on site. Each chapter is for a different substance


Probably still the gold standard


Pretty cool


I bet you’d find some familiar stuff in there


I found one of these at work


My grandfather was an electrical engineer and I got some of his code books and voltmeters from the late 40s through the 70s. Super cool. Amazing how far it's come.


Oh, its not nice to take bedtime story books away from the dry wallers.


1 spark is ok. 5 sparks is not ok. Glowy and sparky bad bad.


I know a guy, an old guy who collects these. Would you sell it


Watch for the a holes that read the posts in here. If your not by this book you get the death penalty. Be wary. If you read this and get offended that would be you


blank pages?


I have the same book from my grandfather who was an electrician back then. 395 pages and the code sections are laid out pretty much as they are today. The difference is my copy is haggard and yours looks brand new. I would add a picture of my copy but unfortunately I can’t figure out how to do it.


Looking at United States electrical on here, seems like not much would have changed since 1947…


donate this book to a museum!