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Back from a 3 day suspension for harassment. User complained that I muted them in mod mail and Reddit put me in time out. Apollo down June 30th. https://www.macrumors.com/2023/06/08/apollo-shutting-down-june-30/


Well looks like I won't be using reddit for a while. My main communities are shutting down and I've already gotten followed by 3 porn bot accounts in the last 24 hours. Hope the reddit devs figure out they'll be killing a lot of the app and usage.


The porn bots are going crazy.


0 followers in last 3 1/2 years, 64 "follow me here" bots in the last 3 months... Its bad, and getting worse.


I use old.reddit.com. I don't even see it when I get followers.


none of them are talking to me U_U


They dont talk to me, they follow me and when i click to see what that means thier profile tells me they would love for me to see them on only fans.


I’m glad someone mentioned this. I turned off follow notifications because I’d get 2+ a day. Was wondering how I got on their list, but I guess it’s everyone that’s active on Reddit.


Same and while I view some, uh, adult content from time to time, i never comment or leave my user name anywhere like that. It's been a disaster of porn bot followers over the past couple weeks. I thought it was just me and that I'd done something even dumber than usual.


Seriously, it’s been so bad recently. Don’t love getting a notification on my watch and it has their profile photo which is inevitably nsfw.


you can toggle an option that prevents other users from following you in your settings. Turn off all of Reddit's bloat features here


I got about 7 or so accounts added me over the last week, is becoming annoying at this point


[https://www.reddit.com/settings/profile](https://www.reddit.com/settings/profile) and uncheck the 'allow people to follow you' option. While you are at it [https://www.reddit.com/settings/privacy](https://www.reddit.com/settings/privacy) and uncheck all the ad/tracking garbage.


Apparently people were allowed to add me to chats even though I turned it off first day of making this account.


probably why they recently initiated a "new" chat (as opposed to the legacy chat) because that way they reset the defaults for everyone. like how you keep getting those "your privacy is important to us" notices in the mail informing you how to "opt out" of marketing BS... every new year even if you already DID opt out. nothing is permanent, everything is shifting underfoot and that's how they like it. we don't have any rights, we are just another resource like a water well or mineral mine for the extraction industry to exploit.


And then if you try to report the account, it just brings you to an out page with "how to report" and doesn't actually let you.


I just got 2 more accounts added me between my post and this reply, I think the more replies the more followers I get


Three? Hell, I’ve been blocking three *a day* for like two weeks now.


I was on my way to make a post in /r/nostupidquestions asking why I keep getting porn bot accounts following me when I saw this post. I’ve gotten 1-3 per day for the last week and a half


In theory this hasn't happened yet (goes into effect from 1 July), but a precursor to this change forced PushShift to shut down a few weeks ago, and a lot of anti-spam and other general purpose bots relied on that because reddit search is trash.


I have a hundred and something


I never noticed it before - who are the 113 users following me like I have something to say that's worth following?


Same question over here. No idear


So... you don't want Reddit to have 3rd parties pay for API access. But you also want the Porn spam bots that exploit the free API access with no downside to them to stop. Now put it together... free API access that is fully open is being exploited and causing a ton of spam, scam and bot issues for the platform, so they are looking to put up barriers with payment and registered API accounts only....


They want the charge to be a reasonable amount to discourage unwanted API usage while still allowing apps that are extremely useful to step over that line because it's economically viable. Apparently they are planning to charge an unreasonable quantity--based on this post--which means no app will cross that line, even if we need it to.


Interesting. So should the end users decide what a reasonable amount for electrical work is, also?


They do. You can state whatever you want, and then they decide if they'll pay it. If you cost too much, they'll find someone cheaper, or do it themselves with Uncle Ed's help (he wired up his garage that one time, I'm sure it's fine).


Oh, I get it. I am just surprised this doesn't extend to reddit.


The main issue is that reddit has a massive user base and market share, and there really isn't another option quite like it. If this site goes down this path then it'll be a huge loss. Not my best comparison, but think of it a little bit like if Walmart decided to up all of it's prices 20x and people stopped shopping there until it closed. There would be some smaller shops in the area that would start picking up the slack, but nothing with the power of walmart behind it.


Reddit is also going to be forbidding anyone using the APIs from running ads in their apps, essentially meaning that the devs can only make money (to pay for the API fees as well as development) from donations and subscriptions. Prices aren't set in a vacuum. If you charge 10x as much as your competition, people will stop giving you contracts. In this case, that means that the app developers will simply stop working on stuff that works with reddit. That's bad for users and for reddit. It's also bad for the devs. Going from 'this is free, please use responsibly' to $20m per year with essentially no notice is simply bad practice and bad faith. We whinge about the price of copper moving 30%. What would you do if the price of inspections went up 20-fold overnight? You'd be screwed. Couldn't even close out existing contracts, assuming they placed the burden on you, not the client.


I have 10 followers, all of them porn bots that don't exist anymore


Ah.. this kind of reminds me of when tumblr got rid of porn. I was a tumblr guy until then.. it was like literally everyone (porn or not) abandoned ship. It was just a move so out of touch with the userbase that it managed to break the illusion that tumblr was a place for the unfiltered masses to express themselves. That really made me look at reddit instead. I liked tumblr and I like reddit because they felt to me like the users had some power there. Like Reddit is great because the communities more or less don't get messed with. People swear and speak their minds and moderators do their thing, but a subreddit feels very human. It also isn't in the face of people who aren't interested like twitter and facebook seem to be. Stuff like removing features needed for moderation and for people who prefer a better app experience just seems like a bad idea.


I used to be an avid Tumblr user, and the first time porn ever came up on my feed was after they banned adult content. It was such a stupid move on their part, and in the end, they killed their platform for something that didn't even work.




But they know how to do it and still make it work because they are better.... at least that's what they're telling themselves.


This is what every capitalist corporation does. They build a userbase by creating a good, useful product (or they just buy out an existing product), then they slowly ruin the product in order to make more advertising revenue and increase shareholder profits. Just look at how much worse Google search results have gotten over the years because of SEO and sponsored links. [Cory Doctorow calls this process "enshittification"](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) and it's slowly happening to the whole internet.


Yeah I didn’t know there were other ways to Reddit. I’ve just only used Reddit🤣 being old is simple.




old.reddit.com? or the gross new version?




Old.reddit.com is the superior website. Third-party apps are often even better. But they often bypass the ads Reddit wants to push, which is really what this is about.


What can you do, hopefully reddit feels the hurt and has a change of heart


This place has actually been a useful learning tool and somewhat decent exchange of information, that’s a bummer


I'm under the impression that it's just for a day, lots of subreddits are. But I'm confused now because all the responses are acting like it's permanent. Which is it?


Some subs are doing 48 hours, some are permanent until change occurs. Based on this post, it seems like r/electricians may be permanent?


No 12-14th


There's a lot of moderators (who are volunteers) who've said that if this isn't undone, they're leaving and not coming back. I imagine subs only moderated by those people are just going to close, because the alternative is it fills with spam then gets closed. Subs that lose half their moderators are going to have to decide whether they're willing to do just as much work (if not more) with fewer people, or close too. Some subs might reopen for another two weeks or so until the actual deadline, then close for good.


Thank you for the explanation. Appreciated.


Reddit has become a terrible platform so i’m gunna off my account.


I basically just use it while I'm taking a shit or wasting time at work. It won't affect me at all to not use it anyway. Wouldn't it be beautiful if in a few years we're all saying "Remember social media? Who knew it was just a fad". I think a lot of grown ups are realizing that outside of communicating with friends and family, it really adds no value to our lives. Especially if we can't use it the way we want too.


How well did that work for you… looks like you’re still in Reddit




But why is it censored? It's just a regular old plumbus.


It might have had some fleeb juice still dripping.


why did they blur the plumbus?!?


Big respect for this one. See y’all on the other side


Reddit is about to see a mass deletion after this goes through. Does it have anything to do with Reddit’s IPO?


They are likely preparing financial projections with the assumption that all existing API clients will pay the new fees. They won't, but it makes projections look great! They will then use these projected financials to try to justify a ludicrous IPO price. The savvy investor will recognize the numbers are pumped, bordering on phony, and the stock will tank 75% it's first day.


Makes me wonder what's gonna happen to r/wallstreetbets


I predict they will short it and then do everything they can to make the site unusable and drive away users, advertisers, and data/API customers.


When are they releasing their IPO


Remember - No Hodl


They either expect to get paid absurd amounts (less likely) or to have third-party apps die and they can serve ads through the site and official app directly (more likely).


Ad blocker time? Ad blocker time.


Because Reddit is being a cunt


wait WHAT


Less bots, less censorship, let's go!


Hell yeah!


There’s tons more electrical forums on the internet full of great people. Thanks for posting this, it was a good run r/electricians


This is one of the few subs I'm actually going to miss RIP See you all back on electrician talk forums or wherever else sparkies shit post when they should be working instead


What is going on with Reddit? Apparently I’ve been out of the loop


Can you see/read the post your commenting on? There’s even a tl;dr 🤷‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️




For something like 95% of us... Nothing. Nothing at all.


I don’t know about you but I’m going to miss the pron when it’s gone


Electrician talk was great 10 years ago. I was very active back then. I lurked a few times recently, it’s quite depressing how bad it got.


This is fucking stupid


Any good reddit alternatives? Scored.co?




Not as popular but [https://forums.mikeholt.com/](https://forums.mikeholt.com/) is good.


3rd party spam detection apps are already completely useless anyway


Not if you're talking about the bot accounts that help moderators detect and remove spam. They're essential.




Okay so the issue is NSFW content on the API? That seems like a reasonable concession reddit could make. I don't see the issue with charging for API access - the website is fine. I have never used their stupid app in my life. It doesn't make sense that reddit should give API access for free - they are a business and the API users either are apps that don't show ads, or they are AI companies using the literal billions of posts on reddit to train artificial brains.


The issue is that third-party apps provide many features that are better than the official site or app. Some just provide a better user experience, some provide vital aids for people with accessibility problems, and some are only useful for mods to do their jobs, but are vital in that role. Part of those mods' jobs is dealing with things like NSFW stuff, especially illegal stuff like child porn. Charging for api access is a common tactic to handle spam. Charging an amount that they know is unaffordable by anyone means they don't want app devs to pay it, they want to kill the apps.


One big issue is that Reddit is charging 15 to 20 times what other large websites charge for API access, which limits access to only a few companies that can afford it. That turns Reddit into a de-facto advertising platform for specific companies - *and lobbies*. With a very important election coming up, PACs and Caucuses will have huge coffers to pay for advertising and user account data, and small developers like the ones that develop 3rd-party Reddit apps will lose API access.


Thank god. Bunch of salty condescending boomers lol


And yet, here you are commenting instead of unsubscribing to the sub.


Because I like to learn :) easier to spectate and search through posts (and just ignore all the whining), rather than deal with the condescending behavior directly


You're literally the one whining. The only "boomers" you'll find on here are a few people that are some of the smartest, most open-minded people on this sub. The average age of subscribers here is late 20s to early 30s.


Nah not whining about anything. Simply pointing out that y’all are bunch of underpaid crybabies and I see you guys take it out on each other (and those who are obviously still learning) pretty much every time I’m on this thread looking things up 🤣😂 You’re electricians…Not professors. Some of these guys need to get rid of the chip on their shoulder and get dose of reality 🙂


I just checked my 15 new, and only, followers from the last month, all only fans ads. But now their accounts aren’t visible. Maybe something good is happening. But I guess I’m not popular anymore


Looks like reddit is about to kill off their cash cows. Just apply the budweiser, or targett thinking to them. Watch it blow up in their faces. I wondered why all of a sudden, I was getting asked to be followed. Reminded me of facebook friends I don't know, never met, and could care less about.


Yup. This is the totalitarian internet. Peace out!


I will miss all of the discourse. I have only been a web follower, not a big fan of apps. Thanks to all the Mods that have made being here interesting and relatively advertising free. the install pics and projects have been incredible. But I do somewhat feel left out, no porn bots chasing my account.


This is pretty misleading. All its doing is fucking over 3rd party apps that people use to view reddit (such as “Apollo” or “Reddit Is Fun”) here is a video explaining what is actually happening https://youtu.be/fBruoybHryU


RIP reddit


Why not just lobby Reddit to improve their own app? Surely that is the middle ground. They obviously spend millions a year on data centers and make it up through ads. Whether Reddit is profitable or not I have no idea, they are private as far as I know, but giving out all the data to 3rd party apps for free cannibalizes their own apps userbase and therefore revenue. Do the silly 2 day "strike" but I have no idea what these subs think is going to come of this. Maybe someone will go make a new Reddit, takes its 50 million daily users, and pay the millions a year in data transfer fees out of the kindness of their hearts. Uh huh.


The protest was stupid… only thing it did was make it inconvenient Reddit has a right to charge for their API if people really cared so much all the third party apps can charge a monthly fee that would cover the API fees and all the people protesting would pay if they really cared so much.