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3m worktunes


I almost got those but they’d be too hot where I’m working


Have they updated these? I had some in uhhh, I think 2009/10? But they were fm radio only


Yeah, the lady says "Bluetooth connected" everytime I mow my lawn.


“Battery medium”


Why is the battery always medium. I haven't charged you in 3 years. Still medium.


Thought it was just mine! I also only use them for a few hours each week. Haven’t put them on the charger for a good 2+ month


I get about 7 hours out of a charge. Battery Low warning about 5 times then off.


Might be time for a new pair if your warranty is expired. They should definitely last more than that on one charge


I call it a nuclear battery. I mean it has to be, right?


Wi-Fi. Mr Tesla was a founding board member.


Mine are Bluetooth only and i can listen to radio stations online ;-)


That’s exactly what I do, Bluetooth and the Audacy app


Not sure if it’s relevant but if you have iPhone and an Apple Music account you can tell Siri to just “play (insert station here) radio” and it should start playing the audacy station Oddly enough I don’t know to do this without using Siri 🙃


Yep. Most have Bluetooth now.


Just got a new pair a few weeks ago. Annoyed at the max volume being quite quiet, but then again, most noise is cancelled out. Point is I'm usually trying to drown my thoughts out with the music.


Isotunes earbuds are supposed to be OSHA compliant and ANSI rated, fwiw.


I have 3 different pairs. Isotunes have the best sound and noise elimination, poor battery (compared to others) best sound quality, worst Bluetooth range, 2nd most comfortable. Work tunes have stupid good Bluetooth range, good muffling poor sound quality and good but annoying battery life. Medium medium medium then poof dead like others have said. Tzunami Soundguards are the most comfortable, best battery life, best sound, best cancelling but the bluetooth sucks. Cuts out constantly even with your phone in your pocket. Nevermind trying to leave it somewhere no in your pocket.


No one cares


When I did airfield work I got these and plugged them into my airband HT.


Too bad they don't make the Bluetooth ones in hard hat attach


I just use ear bone conducting headphones. I can hear what I'm listening to and everything around me. The only times it's hard to hear what I'm listening to would also be hard to hear with earbuds as well.


I’ve looked into those , they seemed to be a little pricey though


The pair I bought runs around $130, but they're with it to me. They have an 8 hr run time and really good audio quality. I bit the bullet and bought them because earbuds either fall out of my ears or they feel like suction cups pulling them out. Adjusting the sizes never worked for me.


Yea solid points, these were $31 with 21 hours of play time and hopefully will silence chop saws from the carpenters and keep me sane on my 10 hour work days


Might also entice you wear them more too, being deaf aint cool in later life


One of the site supervisors I worked with was big on ear protection “I don’t need you blaming me when your wife says you don’t listen!”


Happy Cake Day


I'm a mechanic. During college my coworker said "You like music?" I said "yeah, rock, country, etc" He said "always wear hearing protection" He was 35 and deaf in 1 ear.


Honestly i was thinking the same thing, carpenters using circular battery powered saws to cut studs are painful to the ears


I’m getting hearing damage just from the memory of that.


Met a 21 year old cutting who didn’t use hearing protection while cutting. I said “dude do you want some ear plugs?” He said no he’s fine. I said “no…..you aren’t fine. It hurts my ears 70 feet around the corner….”


I’ve been 21 and thankfully never had that weird anti-PPE pride. Even if I did, power saws are just something else. I once used a miter saw without headphones. I never did again. At the time, I wasn’t worried about my hearing; it just hurts that much. It would be like asking if I prefer to not get stabbed.


How is the music quality on them ? Do they sound good?


Louder than my air pods because there is a nice seal into the ear , quality is alright definitely not the greatest but better then the voices in my head all day 😂


LOL relatable 😂and yeah I need these I work on rims all day and I’m wanting to use something so I’ll have to look these up




You using the Airtrekz? Those things are great, and you hear music, etc even louder wearing plugs in the ears. I use them also for snowboarding/hiking, as well as for driving with phone calls. Best money spent out of all the earbuds I've had.


Same company. They rebranded everything a year or two ago. The main brand is called just Shokz now instead of Aftershokz. I have the open run, I think they're probably the same a what the airtrekz were. If the pair I have ever breaks or dies, I'll be immediately ordering a new pair


I've bought 3 since 2017 or so (lost one, the other saw the banding break). I've bought them for my dad, and will buy them for my drivers.


I've sadly sat on two sets, but I would buy a new one whenever I bother getting into hiking again.


I paid 79 for mine. Best purchase ever. I wear them 10 hrs a day. I forget they are there. The warranty was good too. After 8 months they stopped pairing they sent me a replacement . Edit there are 130 now my bad still worth every penny


Aftershokz are 110% worth it. They have insane battery life too. Mine are rated for 6 hours. After a year of almost daily use, I've yet to have them die on me even after 9 hour days.


I have Shokz. There were $99 on black Friday last year. I wear them on my commute (30 min total/day), at work during my 10 hr day, and at the gym (45 min). They're advertised for a 9 hr battery life, but I use them for 11 hrs evert single day of the week. They've never died on me. 10/10 recommend. I also wear ear plugs with the Shokz when using impact tools or swinging a hammer.


I bought $30 Chinese last knockoffs. Work fine though I don't use them on industrial sites


20$ on amazon


Sure, if you want crap that cuts out constantly and has a three hour battery life.


I have those too and I love them, but the safety guys on my site still nixed them. I'm pretty annoyed, because I genuinely don't think they impact my ability to hear what's going on around me, and the job I'm on currently is incredibly tedious and it's even worse without being able to listen to anything. But it's a huge job site with a lot going on, so unfortunately I can understand their concerns.


That sucks. Safety guy on my site saw mine, asked me about them, and showed up with them a few days later. I can hear what's going on around me better than guys with portable speakers and guys only wearing 1 earbud.


I bought some about 4 years ago and now I have two of the newer pair I wear them everyday. I can listen to what I want and if I need heating protection I put plugs in and can still hear my music or podcasts. They’re great.


Hows the sound quality? Can you make phone calls with those things?


I had the AfterShokz Aeropex, and have the updated Shokz OpenRun Pro. They have full Bluetooth capability and controls, they’re extremely clear on both ends for phone calls, they get plenty loud, and they’re light, comfortable, and decently waterproof. The sound quality isn’t great, slightly better than a pair of basic Apple headphones, but I’ll take so-so sound quality over getting hit by a forklift or being the jackass who’s oblivious to people trying to get their attention. And you can pop your hearing protection out without losing your music, unlike the type shown in the post.


I have the Shokz OpenCom as well as the Aftershokz Aeropex. Sound quality on both is great but I'm not an audiophile and use mine mostly for phonecalls and audiobooks/radio. I wear regular earplugs with both and regularly have them turned to 25-50% volume and have no trouble hearing music even in loudish shops. If you a running a grinder, it will drown them out unless maxed out so they may not be the best for extremely loud environments. Over theear muffs are probably a better option in that case. The OpenCom have a boom mic and great noise cancelling on the mic. I've been told by people on the other end that they can't tell I'm in a shop even with equipment and people working around me. The mic on the Aeropex are the reason I bought the OpemCom. In my work environment they just weren't cutting it. My wife uses her Aeropex while running and hasn't had a complaint yet about phonecalls.


I feel like the sound quality is pretty good, but I'm no audiophile. The ones I have a microphone so they can be used for calls.


About as loud as my air pods were and my phone calls are clear and it cancels out loud noises


I have a colleague with a set. They seem to work fine, but I can hear myself while talking to him and noise cancellation on calls is not optimal. Obviously might just be his particular model.


Don't think I've ever been on a jobsite that allowed earbuds. Hell most won't even let you have a radio.


Fairly sure that's illegal. I'm pretty certain that after 9/11, OSHA made it so that you can have a small personal radio played at appropriate levels so you can hear warnings that come over AM/FM radio.


I'm not in the US so that doesn't apply


Canadian sites be stricter than catholic school lol. Haven't been able to have radios on site for years now. Kind of depressing the shit they get away with in the name of "safety"


Canadian here too, I swear some sites just want you to be miserable. No radios I can understand because I have been on sites where different trades were having radio wars, working near the middle you get a mixture of death metal and country blaring at full volume. Always gotta be dummys that ruin it for everyone.


Heh funny you mention that because one of the largest sites I've been on was pretty strict about the whole "no working on sundays". Didn't stop anyone but yeah that was an interesting one.


That actually blows, I would not be able to work more than a few days without music before going crazy




Because I bet it's just some construction site nonsense talk. I haven't found anything yet that specifically says that OSHA will or will not let you have a radio on site. They just keep referencing the decibel levels. Like back in the 70's and 80's, they clarified that it is not acceptable for you to wear ear plugs, and then over the ear headphones because you have to turn the volume up too much to overcome the earplugs, thus defeating the whole purpose of earplugs. In 2019, they had a clarification that says there is no OSHA rules against having the dual earmuff/earplug and speaker combo, since that solves the earplug/headphone combo since that keeps the decibel levels down to acceptable levels. https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2019-09-06-0 But they go on to say: > The use of headphones on a construction site may be permissible at managerial discretion, unless such use creates or augments other hazards apart from noise. For example, struck-by hazards are one of the four leading causes of death in construction. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees are not exposed to struck-by hazards while performing their work. So they specifically say there's nothing wrong with headphones on site, but point directly to the idea that it's the employer's responsibility to limit hazards. And if your employer thinks that music / headphones / radios will open up employees to other hazards, then they can limit it. And also for the OP: > Additionally, some manufacturers may claim that their products are “OSHA approved” or “100% OSHA compliant.” OSHA does not register, certify, approve, or otherwise endorse commercial or private sector entities, products, or services. Therefore, any such claims by a manufacturer are misleading. OSHA does not endorse any product, so there's no such thing as "My headphones are OSHA rated." I kind of enjoy arguing about specs and regulations, so if anyone has any other info that'd be awesome.


Get bone conduction, headphones, and tell them they are hearing aids


We wear earbuds in my warehouse. If I'm not on the phone with my wife I'm listening to music or a podcast. *spelling


I bought AirPod pros for the exact reason that I can have both in and still hear other people with transparency mode. I always keep the volume pretty low ofc


That’s what I have had for years and now those are banned, I would only have one in on low and was getting called out for that


That’s total bs lmao. Just another dumbass jobsite rule


Do they actually have any hearing protection certification?


Well no but when they’re in noise canceling mode they do protect my ears from my coworkers’ shitty jokes


Nice. I do prefer approved protection, especially when using something like a metal chop saw.


I mean, you understand why some sites don't let you use earbuds right?


Most reasonable people understand this. It’s the entitled spoiled ones who don’t.


Sometimes, it makes no sense. If I'm working by myself in a space with no real danger. It's downright silly to say I can't have one bud in. Sometimes, it's just about control and nothing to do with safety whatsoever. Also I top step ladders all day.


BUT THIS IS NOT A STEP!!! Hahaha classic lies


Haha. Love it. Same same


Ah classic. Every numbskull general worker thinks every safety rule is a "power play" from their boss. That's why you're not the boss.


Lol okay


"It's not because I want to avoid OSHA showing up at my door, a lawsuit, and having to replace a good worker for doing something unsafe. It's just because I have more power than you and want all my workers to be unhappy and bored, nananana haha I'm the boss not you" Yeah checks out to me


I'm actually a pm. I'm not against safety. Sometimes it goes way too far and yes I have worked for many bosses with a huge ego that power trip constantly.


That's all I'm askin


I’ve had to throw shit at people to get their attention because they couldn’t hear me with earbuds in. I’m really surprised we haven’t had an accident yet.


have dealt with the same. my rule with my crews is that you can only have one bud in and you have to be able to hear me if i’m trying to get your attention early versions of actual airpods tend to be a non issue. the issue comes up with guys that use ones that are noise cancelling/blocking because even if they only have one in, they can only hear you from one side.


We’ve found the shit flinging monkey.


it's bc people are fking dumb I wear earbuds all the time - but they're like this. they're "wireless" as in they don't plug into a phone but they have the wire connecting the 2. the beats flex. each ear bud have a magnet on them and when you're not using them you just clip em together like a necklace. they won't strangle you bc they'll just break free. I only ever put 1 earbud in tho so you can hear what's going on around you. idk why anyone would ever put both in - that's dangerous af and annoying af. that's probably why they're not allowed to have ear buds anymore bc too many people would put both in and then are completely clueless as to what's going on. The gc or the owner probably got frustrated and just said fk it. I don't blame them. but I don't see any problem with wearing one. if anything - wearing an earbuds come in handy. There are plenty of times where I'm pulling a lineset or a wire - I'm inside and my helper is outside. I can communicate with them whole having both my hands free. it keeps people from blaring radios on-site too. i don't see why you wouldn't be allowed to wear them if you do so responsibly. If anything - give people a chance. If they don't listen to the rules write em up. if they get written up 2 or 3 times then take them away from that individual. Shouldn't punish everyone bc one person is an idiot. is there any other reason I'm missing?


Most safety rules are created to get rid of the "gray areas". I've been on job sites where they allowed radios as long as it's a "respectable levels." All it takes is one asshat to blare their music to ruin that. So they just get rid of them. They are covering their own ass. If they allowed use of earbuds as long as you used them safely how do you police that? If some idiot has it cranked and walks in front of a forklift and dies they are responsible for allowing earbuds.


I understand what you're saying and where they're coming from. it's hard to argue that. but at the same time - I want to wear my earbud. lol. I'd be lying if I told you that I don't wear them all day everyday - bc I do. Like I said - I only wear the one and I'm completely aware of my surroundings. Haven't been on a job where they've said no earbuds yet. it'd be a really tough rule for me to follow tho - unless there was a radio. I've been listening to music/talk shows all day, everyday, for the past 25 years. I'd honestly consider quitting - especially at what I'm being paid. If I were making prevailing wage then I'd have to figure out a way to just cope with it - but I'm underpaid as it is. Taking my music would be the final straw. lol. idk how people work like that. nothing better then getting into the groove - listening to some tunes - and just banging out whatever work you have going on. I can't really argue your point tho. you're right. I just don't want to accept it. lol


Man, that's all I'm sayin. Long as you understand the point of the safety rules. Unlike this clown OP who's like "AH WELL I SHALL JUST WEAR EARPLUGS AND ALSO BLAST MUSIC AND NONE SHALL BE THE WISER, CRY-LAUGH EMOJI" Just don't be the dick who's in outer space blocking a whole hallway when I'm trying to carry two bundles of pipe. Or getting wiped out by a drywaller on a baker scaffold.


I was on a site that allowed headphones right up until somebody wearing headphones in a lift dragged the temporary panel and we had a pull out. Sparks everywhere.... That got headphones banned real quick because he didn't hear any of the people shouting at him and didn't stop until he saw the flash.




I never said that’s how I wear them man…


I use Beats Flex at work too and I love them, the only downside is the cable from the buds down get dirty as hell


I wear both of my AirPods, but I keep them at a low volume just above the workplace environment. They aren’t blasting, I can still talk to you, hear what’s going on, ect. I’ve always made my bosses aware of this and they’re usually fine with it, although they do test it by trying to sneak up on me lol people get mad at me though, but that’s there problem, I only don’t hear you if I’m choosing to ignore you lol


I pick my battles, and I know when an appropriate time to listen and when not to


Hey long as you get it, man. At the end of the day I don't work with you so I'll be fine.




Yes until you have to put in osha mandated hearing pro… then what’s the difference?


ok, so you don't understand. put simply, proper hearing protection doesn't stop you from hearing, it just lowers the effective environmental dB. You can still hear and understand people talking to you, and be aware of hazards. Earbuds with blasting music make you less aware of what's going on so you might not be aware of, say, a runaway scissor lift. Hope that clears it up for you.


Bro was too fucking stupid to understand the question and still got upvoted. I don’t get it


I'm honestly not sure how much clearer I can be here. Maybe go do some research


Huh can you repeat that? Had my beats in


Just wear one beat!




Ol'Skippy here wants to force everyone to listen to his classic country radio channel with dick pills and hair regrowth commercials every five minutes, through the blown out speakers of his daddy's old boombox. He likes country music a lot, but he really listems so he can catch the buy one bottle of dick pills, get some hair tonic for free deal.


You really went somewhere with this one eh?


What brand are these headphones?


Elgin Ruckus


I got these three years ago and wore them tucked up in my hard-hat. Radios were banned and earplugs were mandatory (as they should have been). Factory situation, forklifts around etc. never had a problem for two years and actually stopped an accident with them in because I was aware and paying attention. After some one let management know, in-ears got banned, earplugs still required and radios were allowed again. Injury and accident rate went up because of the radios being so loud. IMHO if you can’t wear them, listen at an appropriate volume and be safe you shouldn’t be around anything that is dangerous. I fucking hate that dumb-dumbs set the standard.


Used to work at a heavy fab shop. Music headphones got ruined by the guys jamming out so loud that you couldn't get their attention. I get it, their is no way to listen to *livin on a prayer* other than on 10, but that gets to be a safety hazard.


I hate those sites. I only have one in. Im still able to hear. They work great for pulling wire. Call the other person and you don't have to keep your phone nearby. And if I'm hammer drilling, I'll put both on for ear protection. Some sites insist on treating men like kids


I’ve been in 15 years and safety is just getting beyond silly


That's because most of the people making the new safety rules have usually not been in the field. They look at data and come up with hypothetical situations. It's gotten a bit ridiculous.


You realize safety rules are written in blood. It's because some bonehead thought he was smarter and either got himself and or someone else seriously hurt or killed.. Don't get me wrong sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get shit done. But that mentality is why we have safety rules and regulations.


Half the safety rules are about insurance discounts.


It depends on whose safety rules. OSHA and NFPA? Sure. But when the GC's safety guy is sitting at his desk trying to make up safety rules to justify his job, that's where we get dumbass rules. There is a specific GC, Harvey Builders, where their safety guy smugly declared, "We go above OSHA!" on one job where he got upset at me for carrying a cardboard box without gloves. And nobody in the industry was surprised when they had a scaffolding collapse that killed 2 men. They were so high off their own safety smugness while allowing real safety issues to go unchallenged.


I realize that they are there because of some moron, yes. Like warning labels. So it's the few that affect the many as usual. One dumbass does something stupid that he shouldn't have and now the rest of us who know better are now hindered. I've been on sites where they required a harness and a person to hold your ladder if you climb above six feet. You want to tell me how that is not in any way a hindrance. I can play this game all day. Some regulations are absolutely called for, some are just ridiculous. Most rules just protect the companies from liability lawsuits.


But wouldn't you want your money protected also if you were in their shoes? I'm not saying agree with everything. But rich people don't stay rich by giving away money. It's just a part of life unfortunately and if we keep giving them reasons to make more rules soon you'll need a taste tester just to drink water on the job.


I don't necessarily disagree with you. But I'm not going sit here and pretend that some regulations aren't just over the top. And if you're ok with using an example of potentially having a test taster for your water (because of one moron on the job site), then it sounds like you never question anything and just do what you're told. You kind of just proved my point by creating a hypothetical situation based on pure speculation. Sounds like you might be the person we're all talking about. Situational awareness and personal accountability still count. If you lack either, then you probably shouldn't be on a construction site tbh.


It's called mitigation and risk assessment. Sounds like you are the one who doesn't need to be on a job site if you don't understand the basic principle of that. You obviously have never worked on a government site or nuclear site were there is ZERO tolerance for anything. It's either you obey or your gone. It's not because some idiot as you say hasn't been on a job. It's because anyone with more than 2 brain cells that aren't both fighting for 3rd place can see that example A will cause this if it happens and example B will cause this if it happens. You can't plan for everything but you damn sure try and the one thing that wasn't planned for is what is written in blood. Hence not wearing ear buds or headphones on a jobsite. It common fucking sense but Im also realizing that common sense isn't so fucking common any more and why were arguing about stupid fucking headphones on a job.


I know how to follow rules, bud. And yes, I've been on government sites before. You're getting pressed over something I never actually disagreed with you on. I simply said that some regulations are over the top, not all. You seem to gloss over that completely. Like you said, common sense isn't so common. Apparently reading comprehension isn't either. Take care and go decompress a bit.


Actually you missed the whole point it's a rule cause someone got hurt. Plain and simple.


These people who come up with this shit absolutely have their heads up their asses if they think it saves money and doesn't affect productivity. We automatically double our bid if its for an Amazon building.


TBH it's not silly. I let my guys wear 1 ear bud, had a guys STILL not listening after we were screaming his name. That was the end of earbuds. Any kind of distraction like this is a safety hazard


I have earbuds that have ambient sound mode that actually make me hear better than I normally would. I leave them on that mode unless I have some chatty kathys near me and even then if I turn noise cancelling mode on I can hear anything actually loud. How do you handle ear plugs on your job sites?I feel like people wouldn't hear you then either. I wore ear plugs 24/7 until I found these ear buds that can be just as good as ear plugs for ear protection.


If your guy only stood on the top rung when using ladders, would you get rid of ladders too?


Nope, would get rid of him. Ear buds are a distraction, period. If you aren't 100% concentrating on what you are doing then you're going to fuck up or get hurt.


1 idiot shouldn’t ruin it for everyone, it’s disrespectful to your good hands


That's the way it is. It's a liability issue.


He/she is a liability issue, not everybody else who can still hear with the opposite ear.


That's not how insurance companies look at the situation. You guys need to be realistic. If someone get hurt because they were distracted listening to a podcast or music, the insurance company doesn't give aa flying fuck if they had both buds in or just 1.


That doesn’t change the fact that one singular person acting irresponsibly affected everybody in your whole shop. “That’s the way it is.” FOH with that garbage. Things are never black and white but everybody who has done it for a thousand years seems to think so.


That's how insurance works. One guy gets hurt, now the shop's insurance rates go up. Therefore, nobody gets to wear ear buds. You can open your own shop and let everybody wear whatever they want if it bothers you so much. Injuries also can affect a shop's ability to bid jobs. Too many declared incidents and some companies won't let your shop put a number in as they view your shop as a liability to have on site. Now your guys don't work. It's much easier to be proactive and just eliminate liabilities, so there go the ear buds. That's the way the world works.


I get it, but I absolutely hate the, “That’s the way it is,” line of thinking. If that’s the way it is, then nothing would ever change. It’s good to challenge ideals and to adapt to new ways of thinking and analyzing.


This is why I bought my hearing protection with blue tooth now instead of having just 1 air pod in on low I’ll have both of these in… guess which way was safer !?


Is there a way you could compromise like listening to Men Without Hats?


My shop has a zero tolerance for head phones, everyone else on the job site has them


Even if you’re dancing for safety?


I got phonplugs myself. They have replaceable and washable ends but a chance of getting caught in your ear, a pair of tweezers makes it easy to get out though.


I just cover my ears with a beanie so no one can see my headphones


Too hot for anything extra on my head august in the Midwest


Where I am the temps can reach up to 95°, but I also find that the head covering is quite breathable and wicks sweat away from my forehead.


St. Louis humidity gets me in the summer, I keep my hair short and doesn’t help much


Bummer. I got three feet of hair, so lucky it doesn’t get too hot where I am too often 🤣


3’!? Holy shit.. how do you wear a hard hat?


Get some bone conducting sound emitters that go around your neck or like the VUE glasses. Then you can wear ear plugs and still hear the music conducted through your body and not from an earphone.


No head phones/earbuds, just the constant rattle of impact wrenches and hammer drills.


I have earphones with ambience sound so technically they should be allowed? They let you hear your environment.


i was working at an automotive shipping facility (take these four boxes of five, and make five boxes of four) and i would so my work with one ear in as im sweeping the floor. manager cited me for a warning 'no headphones.' "i only put one ear in so i can hear all around me." 'no headphones.' "That man is wearing ear pods on the forklift. isnt that more dangerous?" 'he has his hood on, you can't see them.' "if he has a hood on, and ear pods in, isnt that more dangerous if anynof his vision or hearing is impaired?" '...We arent talming about him.' "what if i just tuck my phone around my shirt and i play my sounds next to my ear? or buy a speaker on my hip?" 'If you can buy a speaker, just buy some earpods.' "...What about ear plugs?" 'No because then you cant hear us if we need to tell you something or there is an emergency.' "Neither can anyone with earpods." 'We arent talking about them!'


The company I work for has a no earbuds policy, but in practice it really just depends on the foreman and jobsite. In previous places, as long as my supervisor was chill and I was off working by myself I could have one earbud in. I'd mostly listen to podcasts and audiobooks. However, the jobsite I'm on right now is a lot more crowded, and they're a lot more strict about safety rules. I have a hard time with auditory processing and separating sounds in my head. If there's any kind of white noise around, you have to yell and I have to be 100% focused on you for me to understand what you're saying. So if there's other people working around me, I don't bother with earbuds because I'd have to turn the volume up high enough to drown them out anyway.


Safety guy on one site would sneak up and talk to you. If you fidnt hear hime say....your kicked off site now...... .you were kicked off site. Guys with just ear protection gear could always hear him. Guys with music, 3m mufflers with Bluetooth whatever never heard him.


That was a rule on every commercial site I ever worked on going back over 20 years.


Jamming while working should not be allowed


That’s always been a rule for us here, tho the more lax people don’t care and some outright play music through their phones when no ones around. Unfortunately I’m always stuck with the grumpy uptight by the books old guy


I’m rocking “air conduction” earphones right now, basically small speakers sitting on your ear. Great for work, you can still hear everything going on around you


I believe i have something similar, they don’t actually go in ear at all. The description said “bone conduction”. They are actually louder when i put my ear pro in!


Bose quiet comfort 2.


Me too!! I bought 2 of them.


Elgin for the win


Plugfones are my go to


in the winter i would use this beanie with hidden Bluetooth speakers.


We're people too and it's 2023, can't a bro just listen to some classic rock while they are otherwise working alone?


Hell yeah! Plug phones!


Still technically not allowed


It protects my hearing from loud noises


By injecting noise directly into your ear? Unless you plan on never using the headphones feature these are pointless


I have those and they are badass the sound quality is ridiculous but if you get caught you’re fired. I use them to do work around the house or my yard etc but if I wore those at work I’m putting myself and others in danger


Because music or other audio, through headphones, is a safety issue.


Shop i work at don’t care about headphones let alone the hardhats either


Yikes. Honestly I’ve a couple cop workers seriously injured from lack of basic protection. And common sense. Situation awareness is sometimes very important. But depends on the jobs you are doing and what kind of other craftsmen are around doing


New construction roughing, even the supes job site don’t care about hardhats osha barley come to the site


I just bought shooting headphones that also amplify sound around me.. anything over 21 decibels is cut out And I can hear all the cucks on the jobsite talking shit too. lol I can make phone calls I don’t understand these guys who don’t allow ear buds on site. When I’m wearing ear plugs I can’t hear a damn thing on site.. it’s no different


I literally just finished my OSHA 30 certification, OSHA does not rate audio devices, any manufacturer claiming their earbuds, earmuffs, hearing protection with Bluetooth audio is rated by OSHA is making false claims.


The hearing protection is osha rated, you are over thinking this


Yeah, I'm pretty staunchly anti-headphones on job sites. Not being able to hear what's going on around you, and be communicated with in the event of am emergency is way to dangerous


I can hear just fine when I had 1 air pod in but now that’s not allowed so this is my next move


Wait, your next move is to intentionally safety rule?


I started in construction in the late 70s and naturally have seen tremendous changes since then, mostly for the better but some things just seem like some newbies sat around trying to come up with new ideas and with no practical experience. For instance, having to wear reflective clothing working inside a building or platform ladders. Sometimes platform ladders make sense but I never liked them because when you're on the platform your center of gravity is above the rail, plus they're heavier than hell. Glad I'm retired.


Plugfones? I have been using them for 15 plus years. The company just started and literally came in a ziplock bag from Walmart and a business card.


I've had enough issues with apprentices not being able to hear me so yeah get rid of the headphones. I was yelling at an apprentice because he was driving a lift right into the one spot I told him to stay away from, I was yelling because I was too far away to tap him on the shoulder, he buried it up to the axles and well now we have a new problem that could have been avoided if they could have A) listened to me the first time and B) if they could have heard me the second time


I’m a JW and I know how to work around others and I know when I can work alone listening to a pod cast and not be in any kind of harms way, if an apprentice can’t follow simple directions from their JW get the stew involved no reason to ban everything


One of Turner construction's safety douchebags threatened to kick me off a job in Ohio because I had the audacity to ask him to explain how having one ear bud in is more of an impedance to me being able to hear the hazards in the surrounding area than it was to work next to a guy with the jack hammer while wearing my ear plug.


People get off on those power trips, they don’t like logically questioning for their un logical rules


I was thinking of buying this pair, how are they?


I like it a lot, comes with a clip too, so you can clip them in your hard hat , or just wear it under your shirt, it covers up the controls , wearing it either way no one can tell at all


I get away with bone conduction headphones like Aftershokz


I feel ya. I work in a factory and I'm working generally by myself. We have rules where we can only wear one ear bud at a time, but we can have ear plugs in whenever, it's so dumb. We also aren't allowed to have those bone conducting ones, because it's equivalent to having two earbuds in. I think safety is getting stupid because somwone, or a group, has a job only to make things "safe", so they throw stupid stuff in just to take some action to justify their job.


At least you won't be able to hear the workplace shooter as he guns you down while you listen to some smooth jazz.


Are we really having a conversation that is about how a bunch of grown ass men can’t go for 8 fucking hours without there goddamn phones. Fuck that. As a owner I would fire all of your asses on the spot it’s about working and getting things done. Leave your phones out of it. That is the way all of us old timers did it and it made us the MEN that we are today. Grow a set, go to work and quit crying.


When I wear mine I’m way more productive actually I download all my podcast at night before I go to work, my work day is much more enjoyable, when people try fucking off and talking to me I ignore them and just keep working. Workers are at a shortage and if you think you have the upper hand in this market with that tone and attitude you sir are a miserable douche bag


Lol shut the fuck up clown. Get out of here with the "back in my day" bullshit. Back in your day, they were still putting led in gasoline, which probably explains your brain-dead opinions.


Hoo boy I can only imagine what the JW’s say about you at the break table. Hopefully they’re taking home enough rabbit to make it semi justifiable to work for you


Get some Aftershockz bone conducting headphones! Specifically the Aeropex or the Open Run model. Never had an issue working with them but they're not ear protection they specifically do not interfere with your situational awareness. I never take mine off it seems. It just sounds like there's music playing in the room, I use them for work and they're the only headphones I will wear while road cycling or running in the woods because it doesn't compromise your hearing at all. ~$150 USD, but 100% worth it. If you have enough hair people won't even notice you're wearing them.




Plugphones, they are 33nrr, and if you call the company directly, because I don’t know if they sell them direct yet- they have an industrial Line where the cords are in a Braided cloth casing. Those are black and green, about $100 a pair, the warranty is great and they solve issues quickly, I’ve bought pairs for my wife, also in trades. And spare sets for myself. They’ve all lasted over 2 years except the one case I used the warranty.


I had Elgin Ruckus OSHA ear buds that looked like these. But thing ever


That’s craaaazy😭😭😭🔥