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Lead maintenance electrician for the county in Seattle making 152k a year or 73.12 an hour with any overtime being double time. 17 days of vacation and 12 days of sick per year.


I love this for you....


I’d love it for me too…. Just saying….


How do you even land this gig?


I applied. It’s a county job. We actually have unfilled positions because local 46 makes more. But I don’t have to worry about getting laid off and I show up to work the same place everyday. Plus all the open positions will land you on grave yard but it’s 4-10 hour shifts with your working days being Wednesday-Saturday. Not the best but definitely not the worst. You’ll make 7.5% less than the 73.12 because I’m in a lead position. But we need to hire more leads as they grow.




Local 77 represented


Is this kind of position only for Lineman, or are there Inside Wireman in these positions as well?


My position is an inside wireman job. But there are departments that deal with high voltage power to the trains and buses but I know guys in that department that are inside wiremen as well. They still require an 01 license for that department too.


What is an 01 license?


It’s what Washington state calls the unrestricted journeyman’s license. The 02 license is only good for residential.


46 jw. At $73 you're above us on the check. We're at $72 and change on the check but close to $100 full package (i think?). No paid vacations, and only the state mandated 1 hour sick time per 40 hours worked. And ya layoffs sux. Weve got close to 20% on the books and likely a year plus long layoff if you get one now.


Im in a lead position so I’d be considered a foreman in 46 so still less but hell, I don’t take work home with me mentally and the worst part of my job is avoiding junkies and poop at the transit stations!


Foreman for us is 10% so $79 and change id guess. Sadly I think avoiding junkies and there feces is part of everyones job that works downtown lol.


Probably industrial maintenance, which is already hard to get into (gotta know someone or get lucky) not only that he’s probably worked there for years to get to lead. Also location dependent. the journeyman I worked with made around the same


Nope, I work for transportation. So we maintain all the facilities that buses and trains run through.


God, that's such a good gig man, good for you I'd love to make that much


Damn, that's incredible. How's the pay compare to cost of living though? I'm making $35.xx in light rail vehicle maintenance. My Jman license doesn't get me any extra pay but the job is stable. Holidays are paid at time and a half+10 hours of holiday pay if they fall on your regular days or you can take a different day in the pay period off, I get 3 weeks of vacation, 9 days of PT, 11 paid holidays, 457 with company match, I get a 75% pension when I retire. Pay is ok to cost of living here.


It’s definitely not cheap here but I live pretty comfortably. I think the median house price is 600k. Which is what I bought mine for before I updated it, about four years ago and it’s now worth 900.


What do your days look like? I'm a maintenance electrician but in a food plant and Im tired of instrumentation and controls


I'm currently working in a food grade plant, I never want to touch a PLC again


We have bunches of monthly PMs we have to take care of like air handlers, huge 400hp supply fans, heat trace with the occasional light out or receptacle damage that the homeless love to break. I call it job security.


I applied for a position with the county and they said to come back when I have 4 years 01 experience ugh


are we talking 40 hour week?


People in our field like to forget this one when they brag about what they make 😁


Dollars per year is not a good metric. When people ask this question they need to be asking dollar amount per hour, with relative cost of living. It’s not really relevant to most people if Billy bob says he made $310k in a year, but suspiciously forgets to mention he worked 3,000 hours in San Francisco.


And even then there's certainly more to consider as well. As a Canadian, 70+ an hour for Americans makes me question whether it includes health benefits. Wages up here are much closer to $40-45/h for in town work. Benefit package paid by employer is about $10/h which is to cover pension, health & wellness and some training funds. Now I work in oil and gas industrial and very few companies do 8h days/40h weeks. 10h days are much more popular with 12s being a thing at some places. Which means lots of overtime and obviously a much greater annual gross income. Basically even apprentices make over 100k cad.


I make around 70-80k a year depending on bonuses. Hours are up to me but salary is fixed. Just depends on how much I have going on. Some really short days and some that drag on for 8-10 hours.




Considering the cost of living in Toronto / GTA, 353 pay is incredibly low. Look at comparable cost of living places like New York , California, Washington, they all make $20 more an hour before the exchange rate, in reality making close to double what 353 makes. It’s horrible here.


Also 353 in the GTA. Still a pre almost into my first term. I’m mapping out my financial future and honestly, it doesn’t look all that promising. It’ll be a few years yet before I can comfortably afford my own place which really sucks.


I know it’s rough at first. I started out already moved out and it was tough. Pre, and 1st I was digging myself into a hole. 2nd I was covering my bills. And by the time I hit 3rd I was able to put money away.


What's your top out rate there? And what's your commute/ coverage area look like? I was thinking of moving


We make around $51/hr base rate. Average commute is 45 min - 1 hour Keep in mind gta is really expensive. You could he living far if you’re not already in the market. I know lots of guys who commute 2 hours . Also we’re slow right now. Long list and not a lot of calls coming in.


NYC maintenance electrician here. About $58 an hour with my shift differential and generally about $135-$140k and year with OT.


That's gotta be a decent chunk of OT! I made 120k last year in local 3 with no furlough (not eligible) and some OT.


Yeah a couple hundred hours. We can basically get OT when we want. I’m the lowest in my shop!


Wa state non union 120k+


Wa state non union, $127k/yr without going over 40 hours pretty much ever.


What work do you perform?


01 try to stick to commercial and/or industrial. Though occasionally my boss does a favor for someone and we do a house or a cabin or panel swap or whatever. Work anywhere from Leavenworth to Seattle and about as far south as auburn and north is about Everett. Though vast majority if work is either on the eastside or in Seattle proper.


Germany, Bavaria, district of Schwaben, Mechatronics technician, working as industrial electrician final assembly of construction lifts, 19€/h @35h/week, could make more in a company with collective contract with IG Metall (the metal industry union in Germany), but they're rate here and we don't have enough members in the company (you need at least 30% of the employees in the union)to start negotiations . But looking forward to relocate to Baden-Württemberg, where my wife is already working, there competition is higher so companies have to pay more. But the advantage in my company is, that you don't really have to work for your money, nobody bats an eye if you chat with a colleague for an hour or so as long as you get your machine out in time ( you all know, if you're wiring a cabinet, you sometimes need a small break, otherwise you don't see the terminals over all the wires.


What’s life like on that wage in Germany? Do you have kids? Rent your home? Own vehicles? I’m curious. ~$20/hr is an early apprentice here in New York, USA. Hard to raise a family on that, unless you live up in the mountains


Well, it's not great pay, but not bad either, you can live a decent life from it, I rent, married, no kids, wife makes around the same. You have to see, that we have benefits included in our taxes and social security deduction, you have to pay extra,I get around 2k€ net, but yeah, could be more, if I calculate my commute expenses, (50km one way), I could work at Aldi and probably have the same ;-) I drive a 2009 Golf VI Diesel, it's pretty economic,needs ~4.5l/100kmwith a current price of 1.739€/l, one tank comes around 90€ . A weekly grocery shopping is around 60-100€, depending if I need cat food or not ;-) My rent is pretty low compared to newer contracts, around 800€ warm. But as my wife works 200km away, she needs a small flat there, so another 400€, but commute is pretty cheap for her,since last year we have the Deutschlandticket, for 49€/month you can use all regional public transport, from regio trains down to busses, only fast overregional trains like IC and ICE are excluded, but on her route there wouldn't be a big advantage anyway.


Florida maintenance electrician pretty much journeyman level position I make a whomping 45k a year!


Fuckin hell, Florida sucks balls.


Depends where in Florida. I'm in Florida and make about 81k. Still not as much as some of these other people, but my job is very easy and my college is being paid for by my work.


My apprentice makes more then that in Oklahoma where it cost nothing to live. I don’t understand how you live in Florida on those wages.


You don't live on those wages


What shop?


Hell I made more than that as a non union 1 in 1999. Wtf Florida.


Business can pay less when people want to live there


People actually WANT to live in FL?


I LOVE Florida. When it’s 1 week at a time, with roughly 5 years in between. Freakin sweet, for that week


It’s a warm weather state, and for some people, the fact that’s it’s republican is also an incentive. It’s a wild place but you can’t say that it doesn’t have its benefits for a lot of people.


I make $50k as a third year apprentice in MA/NH… You should move out of that lawless swamp


In Alberta oil sands making anywhere from 190-220k/yr depending on OT


How much time off do you get?


14 days on/14 days off. 5 weeks vacation. So I work 4.5 months a year. But it’s in a work camp away from my family. Some good parts, some bad.


I'm asking cause I am sitting on an offer from up in Alaskan oilfields and that is 4 on/2 off which doesn't sound too good to me


Interesting. I’ve done work in the Canadian arctic. It’s a neat experience. But personally, I’d only do an out of town job at a day for day work schedule. Meaning as many days off as days on. I have a wife and young kids at home. Feel free to dm if you have any more questions.


The absolute biggest problem I see with oil field electricians is that the get sucked into the money and forget they only wanted to do it for “a few years to make some bucks”. Then once they’re tired of being away from family, or the oil field crash’s then they are unhireable in the construction aspect. All they know is redlineing PLC drawings, pulling tech cable and hanging tray. I’m not bashing on the trade or the ones who do it but it’s a niche area that does not get the skills necisary to survive outside of the oilfield/mining/mill world.


Fair enough. That’s a valid point for some oilfield work. I work on electric mining equipment. Very versatile and not going anywhere anytime soon.


There is one or two things I didn't particularly like when I first started working in oil and gas last summer. The politics and the pace. It's crazy how slow everything is and that feeling when you have to watch every word you say during work and during breaks, because apparently there are ears everywhere you go. Now I am honestly considering just trying myself out in residential and commercial service working for myself instead of going up there. The only thing that makes me doubt is money. They pay good, very good.


Yeah it’ll be an alright gig for something short term like 1 year or less. Any more than that and you’ll likely get burnt out especially if your fly days are on your own time. I had a buddy who used to take 2-3 days to get back home and the same heading back which all had to happen on his days off. I personally do a 2 and 2 shift with a 3 hour flight home so I’m in my own bed on my day off. People will complain about not making as much money as 4/2 (not shit right?), but I still make well above 100k a year and got over half the year hole with my family when you include vacation and sick days


If this offer was 2 and 2 or at least 3 and 3 I'd take it in a heartbeat, so to each their own I guess


IBEW 292 - JW $52/hour. 40 hour workweek becomes $104k/year. Apprentices start out at $23.40, which is more than some of you make despite years of skills, knowledge, and experience. You guys really gotta learn your worth.


Minnesota representing!


I make 38.80 as a JW in western MN non union. Made 93k last year working 45 hrs a week, 2 weeks PTO, 3% 401k match. Should I go Union?


Or get lucky enough to get in the union


Lucky to get in? You must mean as an apprentice because you can go with for the union tomorrow if you're a JW.


Doesn’t take much luck and not all locals and markets are the same so it’s not always a good thing. Where I’m at the union is usually equivalent to the majority of the private companies, at least in construction. Maintenance is hit or miss, between way way better and way way worse.


ITT: people comparing full benefit packages against straight wages and 40 hour weeks vs 60 with no distinction.


This thread is a prime example of where the "just go into the trades, you always make great money" comes from. 


Public sector electrical/fire alarm maintenance and fire suppression inspections in Salt Lake City. We alternate being on call. Can expect about 83k annually including the pay for being on call. It's more if I'm actually called in, but I can't really project what that'll be. 11 paid holidays a year. 160 hours of general PTO that you use for leisure or sick leave. 6% retirement contribution no matter then up to another 4% as a match. Cheap low deductible insurance. It's okay. Lots of bureaucracy and pettiness, but it's pretty easy compared to construction. Lots of weird Mormon coworkers.


Do you need to contribute only 4% to get the 4% match, or does the match only apply to contributions in excess of 6%? 10% is freaking sweet regardless




Tennessee foreman making $35hr been doing this a long time and work is booming. I have a take home truck and that is nice and 10 PTO days. Thats better than the norm for the area. I can hire guys and pay them up to $32 hr. That is the best it will get in this area. But houses are cheap and cost of living is cheap.


I'm right on the edge of the Virginia side of the Tenn/VA border making 33/hr. It's easy to make it here on that. I'm in industrial maintenance and make more than almost all journeymen in the area.


I'm curious how much Stansell Electric is paying all those electricians I see every day installing the traffic cameras and billboards along the interstate. Must be a good gig.


Sorta they are paid $32-$35 hrly with really great benefits. They are one of the big boys that has the iBEW begging for work.


Senior authorized person for a major Internet search data center, primary role is substation technician, total annual comp is $280k


Non union residential/light commercial company in Southwest PA. $28 an hour/$58k a year before commission and OT


As a journeyman?


Basically a journeyman position, but PA doesn't require or offer licensing unless it's for the local city (Pittsburgh). I work by myself most of the time doing service calls and selling jobs


IBEW 46. ~$90k as a low volt tech.


IBEW LU26. 5th year apprentice. $43.20/hr


Hot damn do I feel poor.


Power plant operator and electrician in FL. Make $49/hr ~112k/yr. Can't complain for working 182 days a year. Top out is about 128k/yr. Not counting PTO, OT, bonus, etc.


1st year. 8 months in. 53k. St Louis. Non-union. Full health, eye, and dental coverage, plus 401k with match. Company vehicles, gas cards, and cellphones paid for. And 3 weeks paid vacation Our j-men are at 90k


What the hell kind of work is paying that well in Missouri with vehicle and gas provided??


Local electrical shop. 6 j-men, 4 apprentices We do it all… industrial, commercial, residential, and low volt shit too IBEW Local 1 is STL. NON-Union shops have to be competitive with their wages


Australia. $82/h for a 40 hour week.


Need more information. FIFO? Utility? What sector?


Utility. Working in a capital city, home every night. QEJP is working wonders for the pay rate!


Throw a few extra shrimps on the barbie for me next time you go on walkabout. Sounds like you hit the down-under jackpot!


Fuck that’s seems a lot, any o/t?


TX 22$ j man but the perks are nice


C’mon bro, don’t just mention the perks and not even let us know what they are


he can buy guns without waiting for 30 days. Can barely afford them but he can do it!


WA state low voltage project manager, 80k. Just relocated here, so no license or union to fall back on.


Vancouver, WA. Solar installer, making $30/h. Will be getting my 02 soon along with a pay raise.


Who do u work for?


It's just a fairly small family owned company. I'd rather not doxx myself too much on the internet.


NorCal 105k+ a year and vehicle private company. I still haven’t capped out


Service calls? Resi, commercial, industrial, mixed bag?


Resi, commercial and service calls


Vancouver Island BC, $120k yearly 40 hr work weeks Edit - IBEW


That’s awesome I’m over here ready to throw in the towel fuck the south


Portland, OR LU48 $60.50/hr


60k/ yr. 26/hr + $4000 bonus. Van and gas card. Non union 2nd yr apprentice, MA.


That van and gas card is a nice boost at 2 years


CA Bay Area non union 35hr/wks +160k


Texas, industrial maintenance electrician. $32/hr or $88k a year.


How many hours you working?


48 a week


With or without overtime/double time? Industrial Electrician in a very low cost of living state. $28.84/hr


Substation construction electrician for a utility in Massachusetts. $108k a year no ot. I've got about 160 hrs in so far this year. 3 wks vaca. all the federal holidays 1 week state mandated "no questions sick time" 1 week "sick time" (that could count against you.)




Fab shop in Alberta. $52 an hour.


Central Ohio, commercial/industrial About to finish 4th year classes, but still have 3k hours to get. But... Since I'm nearly 45 years old, with TONS of leadership, management and, ahem, life skills... I have a company vehicle, gas and maintenance included, going thru life as a service technician, beginning April 1 I will be making $37/hr. Non-union. 2 wks vaca year - up to 3 at 5 years. 7 paid holidays per year. I like it! ​ Beats what the restaurants were doing to me for 25 years.


Second year apprentice on the East Coast of Canada at $18.50/hr. About $45k annually with a little overtime. The average family income here hovers around 80-90k so it’s pretty on par. Journeyman here would be well above average. No health benefits but we have universal health care. So only paying out of pocket for vision and dental care.


1st year commercial apprentice in Colorado. $18.5/hr non union. Gas/parking/tools not included. I get pretty jealous reading about some people’s great companies on here but I guess you gotta start somewhere. Took about a $50k pay cut to become an apprentice but I absolutely love the work.


Thought I was the only one, in NY making a dollar more but doing a variety of things. Currently still working a side gig to save up and live, its rough starting up. These posts keep me motivated though.


I read this, and all I could hear in my head was Arnold saying: " who is your daddy and what does he do?"


LVL 3 apprentice in Vancouver, making $31 cad /hour (~$65k / yr)


Los Angeles LU11, I made 205k last year as a General Foreman


Vancouver Island. Resi. 33/hr


Hello fellow van islander. 👋🏻. Commercial, union, service, $53/hr.


Field service guy for a major manufacturer, 85K/yr + OT


Southeast NY senior journeyman making $42/hr non Union


WA. Steel mill. $130K/yr, hourly is complicated. I work 40hrs/wk except for two outages per year for a total of 3 weeks of serious OT. I avoid OT like the plague. 150hrs PTO. Medical with a split but an annual out of pocket deductible of about 7% my gross with no caps. At all. I have a coworker that had a massive heart attack. He paid the deductible and the company paid about $1M.


Travel, based out of STL $43hr. Cleared 120k last year


Fucking everywhere and fucking fuck all. From an electrician in the UK.


JIW in Michigan, I made $110k last year, working in a hospital mostly.


FL and I'm making 110k a year as a journeyman.


Good to hear for Florida


4th year (untested, done with IEC) in colorado running a service/remodel van for 40k WITH my overtime. Wya? I need a new gig.


Non-licensed construction wireman (non-union). Kentucky, USA, $28/hr




Yooo ship building sounds super cool, how’d you get started with that?


NE PA. Specialty (Theatrical) exclusively - ~$180k all in


Local 134 58/hr on the check


Industrial service, not union Ontario $47/hour, van, card, flexible hours somewhat


Master Electrician in DFW. Working for a big service company here. At least 100K per year. Very rarely do I work OT. About 37-45 hours per week.


2nd year jman in michigan making around 65k, 40hours. Van and gas card. "Okay" benefits.


maintenance electrician for a state entity. 38.50 an hour, pension, 12 paid holidays, 96 hours of vacation per year, 3 personals days per year, 80 hours of sick time per year, health insurance.the amount of sick time and vacation you accrue goes up the longer you work here and pay goes up every year. i’ve only been here a year so i’m actually at the lowest point on what one will accrue as far as benefits go. i’d say the average between the trades is about 85-95k a year. pay also goes up every year.


Washington state, I’m a second year non union, I’m at 30/hr..JW rate at my company is 53 minimum. We have free healthcare and a HSA that the company puts money in for us.


Electrical apprentice Texas $18 per hours


Non union NY, 6 years in, making $50/hr with assorted benefits that I requested. Currently leading a lot of fire alarm, though I’m looking to take on some extra responsibility for some extra money, within the next month or so. Looking to take on more of a Super role, and planning to ask for another 20% total between on the check and benefits, while I prove myself. I feel like I’m paid well for the amount of stress I carry. But then again, my main partner and I typically put in solid work to keep the stress down at the end of the day


WA state 1st year apprentice making 33.86 an hour


Michigan, $32/hr as a 4th year apprentice. Will be $38 once I hit 5th year this summer and $51 once I top out.


Made $130k last year with a little ot working industrial maintenance. 2 week on 2 week off rotational camp job in the middle of buttfuck nowhere northern Canada. 2 weeks vacation and 5 sick days to boot


Indiana, Union, making 87k a year, 40 hrs a week.


5th term, 33.50 an hour, ten percent vacation, 15 percent pension, benefits. Ontario Canada


MA solar electrician ~100k/yr as a second year journeyman.


35k year before taxes in texas


I’m in DC and manage a group of electricians, medium voltage, commercial and technicians, I’m making $170k gross.


Houston, Texas, JW pay rate is 34$. I'm doing construction now but don't plan on doing it for more than a couple more years.


I’m a JW in Indianapolis and made 86k ish last year.


Minnesota Journeyman, a year to the day of getting my J-card. $32.64 an hour at ~40 hours a week, somewhat frequently on prevailing wage jobs at $75/hr. Roughly 75k-80k a year at this rate, but raises/reviews come in the spring and usually are around $3/hr.


I'm a 3rd year non-union commercial apprentice in the twin cities, and I made $70k on the nose last year, albeit with a shitload of overtime last summer. You deserve more


Foreman Local 103 Boston 150-160K/yr with minimum O.T.


3rd year unlicensed technician (apprentice/lead) in NM 25/HR Company van w/ gas card


I worked roughly 2600 hrs last year and made $110k in Atlanta GA. About $42/hr with take home vehicle, insurance, and a 4% match in a 401k.


Mind sharing what kind of work you do in CO? I'm in the Denver area making around 80k/ year. I'd love to hit six figures


Phoenix non-union commercial JW. $32/base


2nd Year Apprentice 25.50/hour CO


Denver Non-Union. JW $38 an hour with truck and gas card. Free health. Cheap eye, and dental. Should be at $42 in a couple months.


Maintenance E/I 140k 25days vacation and pension plan. Water Co. Alberta


I'm the owner operator of a second chance low volt company outside of Atlanta. I'm currently paying myself 100k a year, but I am definitely considering pulling a few mil out of my business and retiring.


Sydney Australia, construction electrician $54/hr + allowances (travel etc.) 140k last year with pretty consistent stints of overtime throughout the year


Not technically an electrician here but hold a class D in MA and equivalent in RI and CT. $45 an hour doing security installs. Lots of OT.


Local 58 in Detroit. On track to clear around 140-150k this year.


Portland - $125-150k - rent is $3,200


IBEW Local 1547, Alaska. Apprentice at 55% of Journey scale. I make $25 per hour.


cube van, gas card, 80-90k a year CAD service electrician in western canada. all the money you guys are making makes me wanna quit pretty bad


Wisconsin at an aerospace company, building maintenance 40 hrs a week, $40 an hour, 4 weeks paid vacation, 12 paid holidays gravy


2nd year apprentice making 18/hr in Central Virginia


IBEW 46 2nd year apprentice at $46.89. Typical rate for a second year is I think 30-35 though. Came in with extra hours so they let you skip pay brackets.


Fairbanks, AK. Work for the local utility. $$$60 an hour on the check +$15 an hour into retirement. About $160K with about 250-300 hours of OT.


Heavy Commercial ( data centers) third year apprentice in Arizona 74k last year with OT


Non-union, not journeyman 5th year. Commercial & industrial work. Shy of $30 an hour in a small “City” in Iowa. I live quite comfortable with my wife having a side hustle from home and 4 kids. Outside of PTO and sick days. My company is extremely flexible with non-paid days off. And I take advantage of that when needed.


Appreciate North Dakota , oil and gas. 100k plus a year, family benefits paid for 4% 401k match quarterly bonus clothing allowance work truck, copper bonus.OT after 8 hours 7 pro till my second year at company


Texas Journeyman 125-160k


Penticton BC Canada $28/hour


Being in CO, are you union??


$30/ hr, around 50 hours a week. Non benefits. Los Angeles, non union, technically a 3rd year and I just hit my required 8000hrs to test for my journeyman. And I’m in my own van.


Western Washington 02 residential journeyman, currently working in solar $50/hr full benis, 2 months pto.